- - This table was developed for english/imperial units based on degree of curvature. - All values extracted from ODOT L&D Manual, - 2002 Edition, Figure 202-8; Ls = Lr (Table) rounded up to the nearest 5 feet - - Note: - Comments in this table starts with the "-" or "$" characters. - The titles delimited by squared brackets are shown in the - horizontal alignment tools as selectable options. - - all values are based on 6.0% emax - [50mph 2 Lanes] --------------------------------------------------------- - D^ M' S" Ls e - --------------------------------------------------------- 0 15 0 0 NC 0 30 0 0 NC 0 45 0 0 NC 1 0 0 50 0.020 1 30 0 70 0.028 2 0 0 85 0.035 2 30 0 100 0.040 3 0 0 110 0.045 3 30 0 120 0.048 4 0 0 125 0.052 4 30 0 130 0.054 5 0 0 135 0.056 5 30 0 140 0.058 6 0 0 145 0.059 6 30 0 145 0.060 6 45 0 145 0.060 [50mph 4 Lanes Undivided] --------------------------------------------------------- - D^ M' S" Ls e - --------------------------------------------------------- 0 15 0 0 NC 0 30 0 0 NC 0 45 0 0 NC 1 0 0 75 0.020 1 30 0 105 0.028 2 0 0 130 0.035 2 30 0 145 0.040 3 0 0 165 0.045 3 30 0 175 0.048 4 0 0 190 0.052 4 30 0 195 0.054 5 0 0 205 0.056 5 30 0 210 0.058 6 0 0 215 0.059 6 30 0 220 0.060 6 45 0 220 0.060 [50mph 4 Lanes Divided] --------------------------------------------------------- - D^ M' S" Ls e - --------------------------------------------------------- 0 15 0 0 NC 0 30 0 0 NC 0 45 0 0 NC 1 0 0 100 0.020 1 30 0 140 0.028 2 0 0 170 0.035 2 30 0 195 0.040 3 0 0 220 0.045 3 30 0 235 0.048 4 0 0 250 0.052 4 30 0 260 0.054 5 0 0 270 0.056 5 30 0 280 0.058 6 0 0 285 0.059 6 30 0 290 0.060 6 45 0 290 0.060 [55mph 2 Lanes] --------------------------------------------------------- - D^ M' S" Ls e - --------------------------------------------------------- 0 15 0 0 NC 0 30 0 0 NC 0 45 0 50 0.018 1 0 0 60 0.023 1 30 0 85 0.032 2 0 0 105 0.040 2 30 0 115 0.045 3 0 0 130 0.050 3 30 0 140 0.054 4 0 0 150 0.057 4 30 0 155 0.059 5 0 0 155 0.060 5 30 0 155 0.060 [55mph 4 Lanes Undivided] --------------------------------------------------------- - D^ M' S" Ls e - --------------------------------------------------------- 0 15 0 0 NC 0 30 0 0 NC 0 45 0 70 0.018 1 0 0 90 0.023 1 30 0 125 0.032 2 0 0 155 0.040 2 30 0 175 0.045 3 0 0 195 0.050 3 30 0 210 0.054 4 0 0 220 0.057 4 30 0 230 0.059 5 0 0 235 0.060 5 30 0 235 0.060 [55mph 4 Lanes Divided] --------------------------------------------------------- - D^ M' S" Ls e - --------------------------------------------------------- 0 15 0 0 NC 0 30 0 0 NC 0 45 0 95 0.018 1 0 0 120 0.023 1 30 0 165 0.032 2 0 0 210 0.040 2 30 0 230 0.045 3 0 0 260 0.050 3 30 0 280 0.054 4 0 0 295 0.057 4 30 0 305 0.059 5 0 0 310 0.060 5 30 0 310 0.060 [60mph 2 Lanes] --------------------------------------------------------- - D^ M' S" Ls e - --------------------------------------------------------- 0 15 0 0 NC 0 30 0 0 NC 0 45 0 60 0.021 1 0 0 75 0.027 1 30 0 100 0.037 2 0 0 120 0.045 2 30 0 140 0.051 3 0 0 150 0.055 3 30 0 155 0.058 4 0 0 160 0.060 4 15 0 160 0.060 [60mph 4 Lanes Undivided] --------------------------------------------------------- - D^ M' S" Ls e - --------------------------------------------------------- 0 15 0 0 NC 0 30 0 0 NC 0 45 0 85 0.021 1 0 0 110 0.027 1 30 0 150 0.037 2 0 0 180 0.045 2 30 0 205 0.051 3 0 0 225 0.055 3 30 0 235 0.058 4 0 0 240 0.060 4 15 0 240 0.060 [60mph 4 Lanes Divided] --------------------------------------------------------- - D^ M' S" Ls e - --------------------------------------------------------- 0 15 0 0 NC 0 30 0 0 NC 0 45 0 115 0.021 1 0 0 145 0.027 1 30 0 200 0.037 2 0 0 240 0.045 2 30 0 275 0.051 3 0 0 295 0.055 3 30 0 310 0.058 4 0 0 320 0.060 4 15 0 320 0.060 [65mph 2 Lanes] --------------------------------------------------------- - D^ M' S" Ls e - --------------------------------------------------------- 0 15 0 0 NC 0 30 0 45 0.016 0 45 0 70 0.024 1 0 0 85 0.030 1 30 0 115 0.041 2 0 0 140 0.050 2 30 0 160 0.056 3 0 0 165 0.059 3 30 0 170 0.060 [65mph 4 Lanes Undivided] --------------------------------------------------------- - D^ M' S" Ls e - --------------------------------------------------------- 0 15 0 0 NC 0 30 0 70 0.016 0 45 0 105 0.024 1 0 0 130 0.030 1 30 0 175 0.041 2 0 0 210 0.050 2 30 0 240 0.056 3 0 0 250 0.059 3 30 0 255 0.060 [65mph 4 Lanes Divided] --------------------------------------------------------- - D^ M' S" Ls e - --------------------------------------------------------- 0 15 0 0 NC 0 30 0 90 0.016 0 45 0 135 0.024 1 0 0 170 0.030 1 30 0 230 0.041 2 0 0 280 0.050 2 30 0 315 0.056 3 0 0 330 0.059 3 30 0 340 0.060 [70mph 2 Lanes] --------------------------------------------------------- - D^ M' S" Ls e - --------------------------------------------------------- 0 15 0 0 NC 0 30 0 50 0.016 0 45 0 80 0.026 1 0 0 100 0.033 1 30 0 140 0.046 2 0 0 165 0.055 2 30 0 180 0.059 2 45 0 180 0.060 [70mph 4 Lanes Undivided] --------------------------------------------------------- - D^ M' S" Ls e - --------------------------------------------------------- 0 15 0 0 NC 0 30 0 75 0.016 0 45 0 120 0.026 1 0 0 150 0.033 1 30 0 210 0.046 2 0 0 250 0.055 2 30 0 270 0.059 2 45 0 270 0.060 [70mph 4 Lanes Divided] --------------------------------------------------------- - D^ M' S" Ls e - --------------------------------------------------------- 0 15 0 0 NC 0 30 0 100 0.016 0 45 0 160 0.026 1 0 0 200 0.033 1 30 0 280 0.046 2 0 0 330 0.055 2 30 0 355 0.059 2 45 0 360 0.060