E101 SEEDING AND MULCHING^^ THE FOLLOWING QUANTITIES ARE PROVIDED TO PROMOTE GROWTH AND CARE OF PERMANENT SEEDED AREAS: 659, SOIL ANALYSIS TEST ____ EACH 659, TOPSOIL ____ CU. YD. 659, SEEDING AND MULCHING ____ SQ. YD. 659, REPAIR SEEDING AND MULCHING ____ SQ. YD. 659, INTER-SEEDING ____ SQ. YD. 659, COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER ____ TON 659, LIME ____ ACRES 659, WATER ____ M. GAL. 659, MOWING ____ M. SQ.FT. SEEDING AND MULCHING SHALL BE APPLIED TO ALL AREAS OF EXPOSED SOIL BETWEEN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES, AND WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS FOR AREAS OUTSIDE THE RIGHT- OF-WAY LINES COVERED BY WORK AGREEMENT OR SLOPE EASEMENT. QUANTITY CALCULATIONS FOR SEEDING AND MULCHING ARE BASED ON THESE LIMITS.~~ Designer Note: The above quantities should be used on all projects that require grading work. The following is a basic guideline for estimating quantities for the above items. These quantities may be omitted from the note if they are itemized elsewhere in the plan. Calculations for all items should be shown in the plans. 659, Soil Analysis Test (Each) Soil Analysis Tests are used to field adjust the rate of Lime based on soil conditions. A. Soil Analysis Test is not specified. 1. The standard rate for Lime will be used without adjustment. B. Soil Analysis Test is specified. If specified, minimum of two tests. 1. If no Topsoil to be placed - One test per 10 Acres (one test per 48400 Sq. Yd.) of permanent seeded area and sodded area. 2. If placing Topsoil - One test per 10000 Cu. Yds. of Topsoil. 659, Topsoil (Cu. Yd.) 111 Cu. Yds. per 1000 Sq. Yd. of permanent seeded area. Topsoil is optional. However, it is recommended, especially for projects involving A4 silty materials, granular embankment or granular materials due to severe erosion problems. 659, Seeding and Mulching (Sq. Yd.) This quantity is usually calculated by the end width method using the cross sections. On short projects, seeding quantities may be determined by other methods. For example, the area for seeding may be estimated by calculating an area per Plan and Profile sheet determined by multiplying an average width (based on construction limits or right-of-way lines) by the distance on each sheet, and then deducting for paved surface areas. A deduction should be taken for 660 and 670 items. 659, Repair Seeding and Mulching (Sq. Yd.) 5% of the permanent seeding and mulching area. 659, Inter-seeding (Sq. Yd.) 5% of the permanent seeding and mulching area. 659, Commercial Fertilizer (Ton) 30 pounds per 1000 Sq. Ft. (one Ton per 7410 Sq. Yd.) of permanent seeded area. This rate includes 20 pounds per 1000 Sq. Ft. for the first application and 10 pounds per 1000 Sq. Ft. for the second application. If Inter-seeding is provided, use an additional 20 pounds per 1000 Sq. Ft. of commercial fertilizer for the Inter-seeding area. 659, Lime (Acre) Apply over permanent seeded area. 659, Water (M. Gal.) Two applications each at 300 Gallons per 1000 Sq. Ft. (0.0027 M Gallons per Sq. Yd.) of permanent seeded area. The above rate is for a single application. If Inter-seeding is provided, use an additional 300 Gallons per 1000 Sq. Ft. of water for the Inter-seeded area. 659, Mowing (M. Sq. Ft.) 25% of the permanent seeded area for projects expected to last more than one construction season.~~ E102 SODDING^^ THE FOLLOWING QUANTITIES ARE PROVIDED TO PROMOTE GROWTH AND CARE OF PERMANENT SODDED AREAS. 659, SOIL ANALYSIS TEST ____ EACH 659, TOPSOIL ____ CU. YD. 659, COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER ____ TON 659, LIME ____ ACRE 659, WATER ____ M. GAL. 660, SODDING, UNSTAKED, STAKED, REINFORCED ____ SQ. YD.~~ Designer Note: The above quantities should be used on all projects that have pay item(s) for permanent sodding. The following is a basic guideline for estimating quantities for the above items. These quantities may be omitted from the note if they are itemized elsewhere in the plan. Calculations for all items should be shown in the plans. 659, Soil Analysis Test (Each) Soil Analysis Tests are used to field adjust the rate of Lime based on soil conditions. C. Soil Analysis Test is not specified. 1. The standard rate for Lime will be used without adjustment. D. Soil Analysis Test is specified. If specified, minimum of two tests. 1. If no Topsoil to be placed - One test per 10 Acres (one test per 48400 Sq. Yd.) of permanent sodded area. 2. If placing Topsoil - One test per 10000 Cu. Yds. of Topsoil. 659, Topsoil (Cu. Yd.) 111 Cu. Yds. per 1000 Sq. Yd. of permanent sodded area. Topsoil is optional. However, it is recommended, especially for projects involving A4 silty materials, granular embankment or granular materials due to severe erosion problems. 659, Commercial Fertilizer (Ton) 30 pounds per 1000 Sq. Ft. (one Ton per 7410 Sq. Yd.) of permanent sodded area. This rate includes 20 pounds per 1000 Sq. Ft. for the first application and 10 pounds per 1000 Sq. Ft. for the second application. 659, Lime (Acre) Apply over permanent sodded area. 659, Water (M. Gal.) 1 application every 7 days for an additional 2 months beyond the requirements of 660.09. The rate shall be 300 gallons per 1000 Sq. Ft. (0.0027 M. Gallons per Sq. Yd.) of permanent sodded area. 660, Sodding (Sq. Yd.) This is the actual number of Sq. Yds. of permanent sodded area.~~