G101 ROUNDING^^ THE ROUNDING AT SLOPE BREAKPOINTS SHOWN ON THE TYPICAL SECTIONS APPLIES TO ALL CROSS-SECTIONS, EVEN THOUGH OTHERWISE SHOWN.~~ Designer Note: When appropriate, the Typical Sections should show rounding at the slope breakpoints in accordance with the Location and Design Manual, Volume 1. Since rounding is not shown on the cross-sections, the above plan note should be used on all plans where rounding is called for on the Typical Sections.~~ G102A UTILITIES^^ LISTED BELOW ARE ALL UTILITIES LOCATED WITHIN THE PROJECT CONSTRUCTION LIMITS TOGETHER WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS: (List all sanitary, telephone, electric, gas, water, cable TV, etc.) (Name of Owner, Street or P.O. Box, City, State, Zip Code, and Emergency Telephone Number.)~~ Designer Note: Note G102A is used on all plans where utilities presently exist within the construction limits of the project. The second paragraph (G102A1, A2, or A3) is in reference to the location of existing underground utilities. The specific paragraph shall be determined as follows: Note G102A1 is used when all known underground utilities are shown in the plan. Note G102A2 is used when the existing underground utilities will not be adversely affected because of the nature of the proposed work (no excavation, other ground penetration, etc.). Note G102A3 is used only if there are no existing underground utilities within the construction limits. Note G102B is used only if no underground, or overhead, utilities exist within the construction limits.~~ G102A1 UTILITIES^^ THE LOCATION OF THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE AS OBTAINED FROM THE OWNERS AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 153.64 O.R.C.~~ Designer Note: Note G102A is used on all plans where utilities presently exist within the construction limits of the project. The second paragraph (G102A1, A2, or A3) is in reference to the location of existing underground utilities. The specific paragraph shall be determined as follows: Note G102A1 is used when all known underground utilities are shown in the plan. Note G102A2 is used when the existing underground utilities will not be adversely affected because of the nature of the proposed work (no excavation, other ground penetration, etc.). Note G102A3 is used only if there are no existing underground utilities within the construction limits. Note G102B is used only if no underground, or overhead, utilities exist within the construction limits.~~ G102A2 UTILITIES^^ THERE ARE NO UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. THE NATURE OF THE WORK REQUIRED BY THIS PROJECT WILL NOT AFFECT ANY KNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES THAT EXIST UNDER, OR ADJACENT TO, THE WORK AREA.~~ Designer Note: Note G102A is used on all plans where utilities presently exist within the construction limits of the project. The second paragraph (G102A1, A2, or A3) is in reference to the location of existing underground utilities. The specific paragraph shall be determined as follows: Note G102A1 is used when all known underground utilities are shown in the plan. Note G102A2 is used when the existing underground utilities will not be adversely affected because of the nature of the proposed work (no excavation, other ground penetration, etc.). Note G102A3 is used only if there are no existing underground utilities within the construction limits. Note G102B is used only if no underground, or overhead, utilities exist within the construction limits.~~ G102A3 UTILITIES^^ THERE ARE NO KNOWN UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ON THIS PROJECT.~~ Designer Note: Note G102A is used on all plans where utilities presently exist within the construction limits of the project. The second paragraph (G102A1, A2, or A3) is in reference to the location of existing underground utilities. The specific paragraph shall be determined as follows: Note G102A1 is used when all known underground utilities are shown in the plan. Note G102A2 is used when the existing underground utilities will not be adversely affected because of the nature of the proposed work (no excavation, other ground penetration, etc.). Note G102A3 is used only if there are no existing underground utilities within the construction limits. Note G102B is used only if no underground, or overhead, utilities exist within the construction limits.~~ G102B UTILITIES^^ THERE ARE NO KNOWN UNDERGROUND, OR OVERHEAD UTILITIES, WITHIN THE PROJECT CONSTRUCTION LIMITS.~~ Designer Note: Note G102A is used on all plans where utilities presently exist within the construction limits of the project. The second paragraph (G102A1, A2, or A3) is in reference to the location of existing underground utilities. The specific paragraph shall be determined as follows: Note G102A1 is used when all known underground utilities are shown in the plan. Note G102A2 is used when the existing underground utilities will not be adversely affected because of the nature of the proposed work (no excavation, other ground penetration, etc.). Note G102A3 is used only if there are no existing underground utilities within the construction limits. Note G102B is used only if no underground, or overhead, utilities exist within the construction limits.~~ G103 EXISTING PLANS^^ EXISTING PLANS ENTITLED _______________ MAY BE INSPECTED IN THE ODOT DISTRICT __ OFFICE IN _______________.~~ Designer Note: Use this note when existing plans are available.~~ G104 CONSTRUCTION NOISE^^ ACTIVITIES AND LAND USE ADJACENT TO THIS PROJECT MAY BE AFFECTED BY CONSTRUCTION NOISE. IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE ANY ADVERSE CONSTRUCTION NOISE IMPACTS, DO NOT OPERATE POWER-OPERATED CONSTRUCTION-TYPE DEVICES BETWEEN THE HOURS OF ______ AND ______. IN ADDITION, DO NOT OPERATE AT ANY TIME ANY DEVICE IN SUCH A MANNER THAT THE NOISE CREATED SUBSTANTIALLY EXCEEDS THE NOISE CUSTOMARILY AND NECESSARILY ATTENDANT TO THE REASONABLE AND EFFICIENT PERFORMANCE OF SUCH EQUIPMENT.~~ Designer Note: The above note should be used when work is to be accomplished in noise-sensitive areas. Times are usually normal sleeping hours, however, other time periods may be used depending upon the area.~~ G105 SURVEYING PARAMETERS^^ PRIMARY PROJECT CONTROL MONUMENTS GOVERN ALL POSITIONING ON ODOT PROJECTS. SEE SHEET ___ OF THE PLANS FOR A TABLE CONTAINING PROJECT CONTROL INFORMATION. USE THE FOLLOWING PROJECT CONTROL, VERTICAL POSITIONING, AND HORIZONTAL POSITIONING PARAMETERS FOR ALL SURVEYING: PROJECT CONTROL POSITIONING METHOD: __________________ MONUMENT TYPE: __________________ VERTICAL POSITIONING ORTHOMETRIC HEIGHT DATUM: __________________ GEOID: __________________ HORIZONTAL POSITIONING REFERENCE FRAME: __________________ ELLIPSOID: __________________ MAP PROJECTION: __________________ COORDINATE SYSTEM: __________________ COMBINED SCALE FACTOR: __________________ ORIGIN OF COORDINATE SYSTEM: __________________ USE THE POSITIONING METHODS AND MONUMENT TYPE USED IN THE ORIGINAL SURVEY TO RESTORE ALL MONUMENTS RELATED TO PRIMARY PROJECT CONTROL THAT ARE DAMAGED OR DESTROYED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. RESTORE THE DAMAGED OR DESTROYED MONUMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CMS 623. UNITS ARE IN U.S. SURVEY FEET.~~ Designer Note: Use note G105, unless otherwise directed by the District Survey Operations Manager. Projects should have utilized the Department's Survey and Mapping Specifications which can be found on the Office of CADD and Mapping Services' website. Specify primary project control parameters and provide a table in the plans with the following information for primary project control monuments, including azimuth marks and temporary benchmarks: Point Number, Grid Coordinates (Northing, Easting), Scaled Coordinates (Northing, Easting), Elevation, and Description of Monument. At a minimum, the Description of Monument in the table shall indicate the type of monument (i.e. iron pin, concrete monument, etc.) and whether the monument is for project control or traverse purposes. If a Monument, Type B, is used for project control, do not provide an elevation in the Elevation column of the table. Use of a Monument, Type B, establishes horizontal control only. A separate vertical benchmark (i.e. aluminum disc on bridge abutment) will need to be included in the table. Project control is typically established prior to construction. If the designer determines that the location of the monuments associated with project control may be disturbed by the Contractor's construction activities, provide quantities for resetting the monuments in the plans according to the Construction and Material Specifications (C&MS), Item 623, Construction Layout Stakes and Survey Monuments. Standard Construction Drawing RM-1.1 and the Department's Survey and Mapping Specifications provide further information regarding project control.~~ G106 WORK LIMITS^^ THE WORK LIMITS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE FOR PHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION ONLY. PROVIDE THE INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF ALL WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL AND WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES REQUIRED BY THESE PLANS WHETHER INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THESE WORK LIMITS.~~ Designer Note: Use the above note on projects where temporary traffic control devices are located outside normal work limits.~~ G107 PROTECTION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY LANDSCAPING^^ PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK, THE CONTRACTOR, THE PROJECT ENGINEER, AND A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE MAINTAINING AGENCY WILL REVIEW AND RECORD ALL LANDSCAPING ITEMS WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY (BOTH WITHIN AND OUTSIDE THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS). A RECORD OF THIS REVIEW WILL BE KEPT IN THE PROJECT ENGINEER'S FILES. PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE, A FINAL REVIEW OF LANDSCAPING ITEMS WILL BE MADE. CONSTRICT ALL ACTIVITIES, EQUIPMENT STORAGE, AND STAGING TO WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS. UNLESS OTHERWISE IDENTIFIED IN THE PLANS OR PROPOSAL, THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS ARE IDENTIFIED AS 30 FEET FROM THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT. SUBMIT A WRITTEN REQUEST TO THE PROJECT ENGINEER TO USE ANY AREA OUTSIDE THESE LIMITS. THE DOCUMENT SUBMITTED MUST CLEARLY IDENTIFY THE AREA AND EXPLAIN THE PROPOSED USE AND RESTORATION OF THE AREA. EXCEPT AS INDICATED ON SHEET ___, USE OF THESE AREAS FOR DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS, EXCAVATION OF BORROW MATERIAL AND PLACEMENT OF PORTABLE PLANTS IS PROHIBITED. THE REQUEST MUST BE APPROVED, IN WRITING, BEFORE THE CONTRACTOR HAS PERMISSION TO USE THE AREA. ANY ITEMS DAMAGED BEYOND THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS, AS DEFINED ABOVE, WILL BE REPLACED IN KIND OR AS APPROVED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER.~~ Designer Note: This note should be used on all interstate projects. On non-interstate projects, the District will decide if this note should be included in the plan. Edit note to provide locations where disposal of waste material and construction debris, excavation of borrow material and placement of portable plants is permitted.~~ G108A CLEARING AND GRUBBING^^ ALTHOUGH THERE ARE NO TREES OR STUMPS SPECIFICALLY MARKED FOR REMOVAL WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE PROJECT, A LUMP SUM QUANTITY IS INCLUDED IN THE GENERAL SUMMARY FOR ITEM 201, CLEARING AND GRUBBING. ALL PROVISIONS AS SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS UNDER THIS ITEM ARE INCLUDED IN THE LUMP SUM PRICE BID FOR ITEM 201, CLEARING AND GRUBBING.~~ Designer Note: Note G108A should be used when Item 201, Clearing and Grubbing is in the plan and no trees or stumps have been specifically marked for removal. Note G108B should be used when Item 201, Clearing and Grubbing, is in the plan and individual trees and stumps to be removed are clearly shown on the plan. If there are no trees or stumps to be removed greater than 12 inches in diameter, use note G108A. See Section 201.05 of the Construction and Material Specifications (C&MS) for conversion from actual size to size to be used in the note. Note G108C should be used on heavily wooded projects where an accurate count of trees is not practical. Where feasible, individual trees and stumps should be shown in the plans. In areas where it is difficult to survey the locations of individual trees, the limits of heavily wooded areas should be shown. All trees within the construction limits which are to remain must be shown and labeled as ”Do Not Disturb“ on the Plan and Profile and the Right-of-Way Plan sheets. All projects must list an estimate of the number of trees and stumps to be removed on the Office of Estimating’s Estimated Quantities form (formerly the LD-4 form). In heavily wooded areas, in lieu of actual count on the entire area, a representative area may be counted and the results used to calculate the count for the entire area.~~ G108B CLEARING AND GRUBBING^^ REMOVE ALL TREES AND STUMPS SPECIFICALLY MARKED FOR REMOVAL WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS UNDER THE LUMP SUM BID FOR ITEM 201, CLEARING AND GRUBBING. THE FOLLOWING IS AN APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE OF THE NUMBER OF TREES AND STUMPS TO BE REMOVED. SIZES NO. TREES NO. STUMPS TOTAL 18" _____ _____ _____ 30" _____ _____ _____ 48" _____ _____ _____ 60" _____ _____ _____~~ Designer Note: Note G108A should be used when Item 201, Clearing and Grubbing is in the plan and no trees or stumps have been specifically marked for removal. Note G108B should be used when Item 201, Clearing and Grubbing, is in the plan and individual trees and stumps to be removed are clearly shown on the plan. If there are no trees or stumps to be removed greater than 12 inches in diameter, use note G108A. See Section 201.05 of the Construction and Material Specifications (C&MS) for conversion from actual size to size to be used in the note. Note G108C should be used on heavily wooded projects where an accurate count of trees is not practical. Where feasible, individual trees and stumps should be shown in the plans. In areas where it is difficult to survey the locations of individual trees, the limits of heavily wooded areas should be shown. All trees within the construction limits which are to remain must be shown and labeled as ”Do Not Disturb“ on the Plan and Profile and the Right-of-Way Plan sheets. All projects must list an estimate of the number of trees and stumps to be removed on the Office of Estimating’s Estimated Quantities form (formerly the LD-4 form). In heavily wooded areas, in lieu of actual count on the entire area, a representative area may be counted and the results used to calculate the count for the entire area.~~ G108C CLEARING AND GRUBBING^^ THE DEPARTMENT HAS NOT MARKED INDIVIDUAL TREES AND STUMPS FOR REMOVAL. UNLESS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED AS "DO NOT DISTURB" IN THE PLANS, REMOVE ALL TREES AND STUMPS WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS UNDER THE LUMP SUM BID FOR ITEM 201 CLEARING AND GRUBBING.~~ Designer Note: Note G108A should be used when Item 201, Clearing and Grubbing is in the plan and no trees or stumps have been specifically marked for removal. Note G108B should be used when Item 201, Clearing and Grubbing, is in the plan and individual trees and stumps to be removed are clearly shown on the plan. If there are no trees or stumps to be removed greater than 12 inches in diameter, use note G108A. See Section 201.05 of the Construction and Material Specifications (C&MS) for conversion from actual size to size to be used in the note. Note G108C should be used on heavily wooded projects where an accurate count of trees is not practical. Where feasible, individual trees and stumps should be shown in the plans. In areas where it is difficult to survey the locations of individual trees, the limits of heavily wooded areas should be shown. All trees within the construction limits which are to remain must be shown and labeled as ”Do Not Disturb“ on the Plan and Profile and the Right-of-Way Plan sheets. All projects must list an estimate of the number of trees and stumps to be removed on the Office of Estimating’s Estimated Quantities form (formerly the LD-4 form). In heavily wooded areas, in lieu of actual count on the entire area, a representative area may be counted and the results used to calculate the count for the entire area.~~ G109 BENCHING OF FOUNDATION SLOPES^^ ALTHOUGH CROSS-SECTIONS INDICATE SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS FOR PROPOSED BENCHING OF THE EMBANKMENT FOUNDATIONS IN CERTAIN AREAS, NO WAIVER OF THE SPECIFICATIONS IS INTENDED. BENCH ALL OTHER SLOPED EMBANKMENT AREAS AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 203.05 OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS (C&MS). NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR BENCHING REQUIRED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 203.05.~~ Designer Note: Use this note in conjunction with special embankment slope foundation benching.~~ G110 MONUMENT ASSEMBLIES^^ CONSTRUCT MONUMENT ASSEMBLIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DETAILS SHOWN ON THE STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND AT THE LOCATIONS SHOWN ON SHEET NO. ___.~~ Designer Note: This note should be used when monument assembly construction is included in the plan.~~ G111 ITEM 204 - PROOF ROLLING^^ THE FOLLOWING QUANTITY IS PROVIDED IN THE GENERAL SUMMARY TO ADDRESS LOCATIONS REQUIRING PROOF ROLLING. SEE PLAN SHEET NO. ___ FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. ITEM 204 - PROOF ROLLING ______ HOUR.~~ Designer Note: The estimate should be based on one hour of roller time for each 2000 Sq. Yd. of Item 204, Subgrade Compaction for reconstruction projects and 3000 Sq. Yd. of Item 204, Subgrade Compaction for new construction. Proof Rolling is recommended on all projects where subgrade compaction is required, except very short projects such as bridge approaches.~~ G112 ITEM 601 - DUMPED ROCK FILL, TYPE ___, AS PER PLAN/ ITEM 203 - GRANULAR MATERIAL, TYPE ___, AS PER PLAN^^ IN THE AREA BETWEEN STATIONS ________ AND ________, DUMPED ROCK FILL, TYPE ____ / GRANULAR MATERIAL, TYPE ____, AS SHOWN ON THE CROSS-SECTIONS, MAY BE PLACED BY THE METHOD OF END DUMPING IF SURFACE WATER IS PRESENT AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. END DUMPING METHODS MAY BE USED UP TO AN ELEVATION 2 FEET ABOVE THE WATER LEVEL. ABOVE THIS ELEVATION, EMBANKMENT CONSTRUCTION METHODS WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS 203.05 TO 203.07 OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS (C&MS), INCLUSIVELY. DURING NORMAL CLEARING AND GRUBBING, WHERE END DUMPING IS PERMITTED, THE REQUIREMENTS OF C&MS 201.04 FOR SCALPING SHALL BE WAIVED.~~ Designer Note: Use this note for placement of embankment through standing water. Granular Materials Type C, D, or E may be used where water depth is less than 5.0 feet and displacement of soft soils is not anticipated. Dumped Rock may be used where water depths are greater than 5.0 feet and/or soft soil displacement is anticipated. Larger sizes are to be used for greater depths.~~ G113 ITEM 203 - EMBANKMENT USING NO. 8 AGGREGATE^^ FURNISH DURABLE, NATURAL AGGREGATE NO. 8 SIZE. PLACE THE AGGREGATE AT THE THICKNESS AND SLOPE AS SHOWN ON THE CROSS-SECTIONS.~~ Designer Note: This note is used where a drainage blanket is placed on the slope before placing embankment.~~ G114 NOT USED^^ ~~ Designer Note: ~~ G115 CHANNEL EMBANKMENTS^^ FILL AND SLOPE PORTIONS OF THE EXISTING CHANNEL TO DRAIN AS SHOWN IN THESE PLANS. IN CHANNEL EMBANKMENT AREAS WHICH WILL NOT SUPPORT ANY PORTION OF THE NEW ROAD BED OR STRUCTURAL EMBANKMENTS, THE CONTRACTOR MAY UTILIZE EMBANKMENT METHODS MEETING THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: CLEAR ALL WEEDS AND BRUSH IN AREAS WHERE CHANNEL EMBANKMENTS ARE TO BE PLACED. THE REQUIREMENTS FOR MOISTURE, DENSITY CONTROL, BENCHING AND SUITABLE MATERIALS IS WAIVED. PLACE THE MATERIAL IN 8-INCH LOOSE LIFTS. THE ENGINEER MAY INCREASE THE LIFT THICKNESS IN ORDER TO BRIDGE THE SOFT OR WET FOUNDATIONS DEPENDING ON THE STABILITY OF THE FOUNDATION. THE ENGINEER MAY INCREASE THE LIFT THICKNESS UP TO 24 INCHES TO OBTAIN STABILITY AT THE TOP OF THE LIFT. PAYMENT FOR ALL OF THE ABOVE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT PRICE FOR ITEM 203, EMBANKMENT.~~ Designer Note: This note should be used whenever there is considerable channel embankment outside roadway or structure earthwork areas.~~ G116 BORROW MATERIAL^^ IDENTIFICATION OF BORROW AREAS ON THE PLANS DOES NOT INDICATE THAT THE MATERIAL AVAILABLE FROM THESE AREAS MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF C&MS 203.~~ Designer Note: Use this note when borrow areas are indicated on the plans.~~ G117 ITEM 607 - FENCE REBUILT, TYPE (___)^^ CAREFULLY RECONDITION AND RE-ERECT FENCE AND COMPONENT PARTS AS DETAILED ON THE PLANS. DO NOT DAMAGE THE FENCE OR COMPONENT PARTS. ANY NEW PARTS WHICH ARE NEEDED, AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER, WILL BE SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE STATE. THE AMOUNT OF REBUILT FENCE TO BE PAID FOR WILL BE THE NUMBER OF FEET REBUILT, COMPLETE IN PLACE, AND MEASURED AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 607.09 OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS (C&MS). PAYMENT FOR THE ABOVE WILL BE PAID FOR AT THE CONTRACT PRICE PER FOOT FOR ITEM 607, FENCE REBUILT, TYPE ___.~~ Designer Note: Fence which is to be rebuilt shall be removed under Item 202, Fence Removed for Reuse. The length removed for reuse should equal the length rebuilt.~~ G118A AIRWAY/HIGHWAY CLEARANCE FOR AIRPORTS AND HELIPORTS^^ THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AS BEING WITHIN THE INFLUENCE AREA OF A PUBLIC USE AIRPORT OR HELIPORT. NO TEMPORARY STRUCTURES OR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AT MAXIMUM OPERATING HEIGHT SHALL EXCEED A HEIGHT OF ___ FT. IF ANY TEMPORARY STRUCTURES OR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT WILL EXCEED THIS HEIGHT, FURTHER COORDINATION WITH THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA), AND THE ODOT OFFICE OF AVIATION, WILL BE NECESSARY PRIOR TO ERECTING SUCH TEMPORARY STRUCTURES OR OPERATING SUCH EQUIPMENT ON THE PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO FILE A NEW FAA FORM 7460-1, ADVISING THE FAA THAT AERONAUTICAL STUDY NUMBER ___ IS BEING RESUBMITTED AND THAT AN ALTERATION TO THE ORIGINAL SUBMISSION IS REQUESTED. NOTIFY THE ODOT OFFICE OF AVIATION WHEN RESUBMITTING FAA FORM 7460-1. NO TEMPORARY STRUCTURES OR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SHALL EXCEED THE PERMISSIBLE HEIGHT, UNTIL A COPY OF THE FAA APPROVAL AND THE ODOT OFFICE OF AVIATION PERMIT HAS BEEN FURNISHED TO THE PROJECT ENGINEER. FAA APPROVAL MAY TAKE UP TO 45 DAYS. ALL SUBMISSIONS SHALL BE DIRECTED TO THESE OFFICES: FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION SOUTHWEST REGIONAL OFFICE OBSTRUCTION EVALUATION GROUP 10101 HILLWOOD PARKWAY FORT WORTH, TX 76177 FAX: (817) 222-5920 HTTP://CEAAA.FAA.GOV OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF AVIATION 2829 WEST DUBLIN-GRANVILLE ROAD COLUMBUS, OHIO 43235~~ Designer Note: Use note G118A when the construction equipment penetrates the notification surface of a public-use airport or heliport. The omitted height shall be that which is determined by the FAA in its letter of response, or approval to Form 7460-1, regarding the elevations that were submitted. If the FAA approves the original submission, then the maximum height included in the original submission shall be entered in the note. However, if the FAA approves contingent upon a lesser elevation, then that elevation shall be entered. The Aeronautical Study Number is assigned by the FAA when the Form 7460-1 is originally submitted.~~ G118B AIRWAY/HIGHWAY CLEARANCE FOR AIRPORTS AND HELIPORTS^^ THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AS BEING WITHIN THE INFLUENCE AREA OF A PUBLIC USE AIRPORT OR HELIPORT. NO TEMPORARY STRUCTURES OR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AT MAXIMUM OPERATING HEIGHT SHALL EXCEED A HEIGHT OF ___ FT. IF ANY TEMPORARY STRUCTURES OR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT WILL EXCEED THIS HEIGHT, FURTHER COORDINATION WITH THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA), AND ODOT OFFICE OF AVIATION, WILL BE NECESSARY PRIOR TO ERECTING SUCH TEMPORARY STRUCTURES OR OPERATING SUCH EQUIPMENT ON THE PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT FORM 7460-1 TO THE FAA. NOTIFY THE ODOT OFFICE OF AVIATION WHEN SUBMITTING FAA FORM 7460-1. NO TEMPORARY STRUCTURES OR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SHALL EXCEED THE PERMISSIBLE HEIGHT, UNTIL A COPY OF THE FAA APPROVAL AND THE ODOT OFFICE OF AVIATION PERMIT HAS BEEN FURNISHED TO THE PROJECT ENGINEER. FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION SOUTHWEST REGIONAL OFFICE OBSTRUCTION EVALUATION GROUP 10101 HILLWOOD PARKWAY FORT WORTH, TX 76177 FAX: (817) 222-5920 HTTP://CEAAA.FAA.GOV OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF AVIATION 2829 WEST DUBLIN-GRANVILLE ROAD COLUMBUS, OHIO 43235 OHIO.AIRPORT.PROTECTION@DOT.OHIO.GOV~~ Designer Note: Use note G118B when the construction equipment does not penetrate the notification surface of a public airport, or heliport. The omitted height shall be the available clearance below the notification surface.~~ G118C AIRWAY/HIGHWAY CLEARANCE FOR AIRPORTS AND HELIPORTS^^ THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AS BEING WITHIN THE INFLUENCE AREA OF A PRIVATE-USE AIRPORT OR HELIPORT. NO TEMPORARY STRUCTURES OR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, AT MAXIMUM OPERATING HEIGHT, SHALL EXCEED A HEIGHT OF ___ FT. IF ANY TEMPORARY STRUCTURES OR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT WILL EXCEED THIS HEIGHT, COORDINATION WITH THE AIRPORT OWNER AND THE ODOT OFFICE OF AVIATION WILL BE NECESSARY PRIOR TO ERECTING SUCH TEMPORARY STRUCTURES OR OPERATING SUCH EQUIPMENT ON THE PROJECT. FOR PRIVATE USE AIRPORTS OR HELIPORTS, COORDINATE WITH THE AIRPORT OWNER AND THE ODOT OFFICE OF AVIATION. NO TEMPORARY STRUCTURES OR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SHALL EXCEED THE PERMISSIBLE HEIGHT, UNTIL COORDINATION IS MET AND DOCUMENTATION HAS BEEN FURNISHED TO THE PROJECT ENGINEER. IF COORDINATION IS NOT OBTAINED, THEN THE PROJECT ENGINEER WILL HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO PROVIDE RESTRICTIONS AS REQUIRED. The Private Airport The Private Airport Owner Address of Airport City, State, Zip Code (Area Code) - Phone Number~~ Designer Note: Use note G118C when the construction equipment penetrates the notification surface of a private-use airport or heliport. The omitted height shall be the available clearance below the notification surface.~~ G119 FENCE LENGTHS^^ THE LENGTHS OF FENCE SHOWN IN THE PLANS ARE HORIZONTAL DIMENSIONS. MEASUREMENTS OF THE FINAL QUANTITIES WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITEM 607.~~ Designer Note: This note should be used on every project that includes fence quantities.~~ G120 ITEM SPECIAL - SOIL STERILANT^^ USE ONE OF THE SOIL STERILANT PRODUCTS LISTED BELOW, OR AN APPROVED EQUAL. APPLY THE SOIL STERILANT TO LOCATION(S) WHERE IN-ROAD VEGETATION EXISTS AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER. THIS SHOULD BE DONE IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO PLACING THE PROPOSED (ROAD SURFACE). PRAMITOL 25E MCINTOSH, ALABAMA 36553 ROUNDUP PRO L MONSANTO COMPANY 800 N. LINDBERGH BLVD. ST. LOUIS, MO. 63167 HYVAR XL DUPONT CORPORATION 1007 MARKET STREET WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19898 COMPACT THE SITE FOLLOWING PLOWING OR DISKING. APPLY THE SOIL STERILANT AT THE SUGGESTED MANUFACTURER'S RATE. THE PREFERRED TIME FRAME TO APPLY THE SOIL STERILANT IS BETWEEN JUNE 15 AND OCTOBER 15. VERY DRY SOIL CONDITIONS MAY RESULT IN POOR WEED CONTROL. DO NOT APPLY THE SOIL STERILANT TO SOIL OR BALLAST MATERIAL WHICH IS SATURATED WITH WATER. CONSULT WITH MANUFACTURER IN REGARD TO THE HANDLING AND PHYSICAL CHEMICAL HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH THE SOIL STERILANT. PAYMENT FOR THE ABOVE REFERENCED ITEM IS INCLUDED IN THE PRICE PER SQUARE YARD OF ITEM SPECIAL, SOIL STERILANT. A QUANTITY OF ____ SQUARE YARDS IS INCLUDED IN THE GENERAL SUMMARY TO BE USED AT LOCATIONS AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER. EACH SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST BE LICENSED BY THE STATE OF OHIO, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AS A COMMERCIAL APPLICATOR. IN ADDITION, ALL PERSONS INVOLVED IN THE ACTUAL SPRAYING OF HERBICIDE WILL BE LICENSED AS COMMERCIAL OPERATORS IN THE APPROPRIATE SPRAY CATEGORY. SUBMIT APPROPRIATE LICENSES TO THE PROJECT ENGINEER, PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK, FOR VERIFICATION.~~ Designer Note: This note should be used on all projects using soil sterilant.~~ G121 ITEM 204 - SUBGRADE COMPACTION AND PROOF ROLLING^^ CONSTRUCT THE SUBGRADE AS FOLLOWS AND IN THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE: 1. SHAPE THE SUBGRADE TO WITHIN 0.2 FEET OF THE PLAN SUBGRADE ELEVATION. 2. EXCAVATE AND REPLACE UNSUITABLE SUBGRADE BEFORE PROOF ROLLING. THE EXCAVATION LIMITS ARE SHOWN AND LABELED ON THE CROSS SECTIONS AS UNSUITABLE SUBGRADE. UNSUITABLE SUBGRADE INCLUDES UNSUITABLE SOIL (A-4B, A-2-5, A-5, A-7-5, AND SOIL WITH A LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 65) AND ANY COAL, SHALE, OR ROCK WHICH NEEDS TO BE REMOVED ACCORDING TO SECTION 204.05 OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS (C&MS). IF THERE IS UNSUITABLE SUBGRADE IN A SHALLOW FILL LOCATION, EXCAVATE AND REPLACE THE UNSUITABLE SUBGRADE BEFORE CONSTRUCTING THE SHALLOW FILL AND SHAPING THE SUBGRADE. 3. COMPACT THE SUBGRADE ACCORDING TO C&MS 204.03. 4. APPROXIMATE LIMITS FOR EXCAVATION OF UNSTABLE SUBGRADE ARE SHOWN AND LABELED ON THE CROSS SECTIONS AS UNSTABLE SUBGRADE. THE ENGINEER WILL IDENTIFY THE ACTUAL LIMITS OF EXCAVATION FOR UNSTABLE SUBGRADE BASED ON THE PROOF ROLLING RESULTS AND VISUAL OBSERVATIONS. PROOF ROLL THE COMPACTED SUBGRADE ACCORDING TO C&MS 204.06. 5. EXCAVATE UNSTABLE SUBGRADE AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER AND STABILIZE BY REPLACING WITH THE SPECIFIED MATERIALS ACCORDING TO C&MS 204.07. EXCAVATIONS WILL EXTEND 18 INCHES BEYOND THE EDGE OF THE SURFACE OF THE PAVEMENT, PAVED SHOULDERS, OR PAVED MEDIANS. 6. PROOF ROLL THE STABILIZED AREAS ACCORDING TO C&MS 204.06 TO VERIFY STABILITY. 7. FINE GRADE THE SUBGRADE TO THE SPECIFIED GRADE. THE QUANTITIES FOR EXCAVATING THE UNSUITABLE SUBGRADE AND UNSTABLE SUBGRADE ARE BOTH PAID UNDER ITEM 204, EXCAVATION OF SUBGRADE.~~ Designer Note: Use this note when subgrade stabilization by excavating and replacing is required. Label the unsuitable subgrade and/or unstable subgrade on the cross sections. Add the two quantities, unsuitable subgrade and unstable subgrade, together and have one pay item as Excavation of Subgrade. In shallow fills, unsuitable soils must be removed to a depth of three feet below proposed subgrade (refer to C&MS 203.03). Coal, shale and rock must be removed to a depth of two feet below bottom of pavement (refer to C&MS 204.05). Base the subgrade compaction quantity on the total subgrade area, plus the area that will require stabilization, estimated according to Geotechnical Bulletin 1 (GB1). Base the proof rolling quantity on the total quantity of subgrade compaction, converted to hours, according to GB1, Section E. Provide quantities and types of replacement materials according to GB1.~~ G122 NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY (NGS) BENCHMARKS^^ NOTIFY THE DISTRICT SURVEYOR, BY PHONE AT _______ AT LEAST THREE (3) WEEKS PRIOR TO REMOVAL OF THE STRUCTURE THAT THE NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY (NGS) DISK WILL BE REMOVED. REMOVE THE NGS DISK WITHOUT DAMAGING THE FACE AND SUBMIT IT TO THE DISTRICT SURVEYOR. ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE REMOVAL AND SALVAGE OF THE NGS DISK ARE INCLUDED IN THE PAYMENT FOR ITEM 202 STRUCTURE REMOVED, OR ITEM 202, PORTIONS OF STRUCTURE REMOVED.~~ Designer Note: Use this note if the structure being replaced contains a Federal government (NGS or USGS) benchmark disk.~~