P101 PAVING AT RAILROAD CROSSING^^ WORK THE CROWN OUT OF THE PROPOSED PAVEMENT ON EACH SIDE OF THE RAILROAD CROSSING, BEGINNING 50 FEET FROM THE NEAREST RAIL, BY RAISING THE EDGES OF THE NEW PAVEMENT TO MEET THE PLATFORM ELEVATION.~~ Designer Note: Use this note on resurfacing projects involving at-grade railroad crossings.~~ P102 PROFILE AND ALIGNMENT^^ PLACE THE PROPOSED PAVEMENT TO FOLLOW THE ALIGNMENT AND PROFILE OF THE EXISTING PAVEMENT. (PREVIOUS CONSTRUCTION PLANS, PROJECT NO.__________, SHOWING THE ORIGINAL ALIGNMENT AND PROFILE, ARE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION AT THE ODOT DISTRICT __ OFFICE). PLACE THE PROPOSED ASPHALT CONCRETE OVERLAY (WITH A UNIFORM THICKNESS OF ____ INCHES (VARYING IN THICKNESS FROM ____ INCHES AT THE CROWN TO ____ INCHES AT THE PAVEMENT EDGE)(AS SHOWN ON THE TYPICAL SECTIONS).~~ Designer Note: Use this note on resurfacing projects where the profile and alignment are not shown on the plan. Eliminate the second sentence if old plans are not available.~~ P103 CONTRACTION AND/OR EXPANSION JOINTS^^ ALTHOUGH SPECIFIC LOCATIONS OF CERTAIN CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION JOINTS HAVE BEEN DETAILED ON THIS PLAN, NO WAIVER OF THE SPECIFICATIONS IS INTENDED. IN ALL CASES, THE PROVISION OF EXPANSION JOINTS AT ALL MAJOR STRUCTURES INCLUDING THE MAXIMUM SPACING BETWEEN CONTRACTION JOINTS IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DRAWING BP-2.2 AND THE SPECIFICATIONS.~~ Designer Note: Use this note with concrete pavement or base.~~ P104A CONTRACTION JOINTS IN CONCRETE PAVEMENT OR BASE WIDENING^^ WHERE NEW CONCRETE IS PLACED ADJACENT TO EXISTING CONCRETE, PROVIDE CONTRACTION JOINTS IN THE NEW CONCRETE TO FORM CONTINUOUS JOINTS WITH THOSE IN THE EXISTING CONCRETE. THE MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN THE JOINTS IN THE NEW CONCRETE ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DRAWING BP-2.2, IF NECESSARY, ADDITIONAL JOINTS MAY BE PROVIDED IN THE NEW CONCRETE AT APPROXIMATELY EQUAL INTERVALS BETWEEN EXISTING JOINTS THAT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM SPACING.~~ Designer Note: Use this note with concrete pavement or concrete base widening that is not tied to the existing concrete.~~ P104B CONTRACTION JOINTS IN CONCRETE PAVEMENT OR BASE WIDENING^^ WHERE NEW CONCRETE IS PLACED ADJACENT TO AND TIED TO EXISTING CONCRETE, THE CONTRACTION JOINT SPACING REQUIRED IN STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DRAWING BP-2.2 WILL BE WAIVED. CONSTRUCT CONTRACTION JOINTS IN THE NEW CONCRETE PAVEMENT TO FORM A CONTINUOUS LINE WITH ALL CONTRACTION JOINTS IN THE EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT. INSTALL EXPANSION JOINTS IN THE NEW CONCRETE PAVEMENT TO FORM A CONTINUOUS LINE WITH ALL EXPANSION JOINTS IN THE EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT.~~ Designer Note: Use this note with concrete pavement or concrete base widening that is tied to the existing concrete. The concrete placed using this note shall be an "As Per Plan" item on the General Summary.~~ P105 PART-WIDTH CONSTRUCTION^^ BECAUSE OF THE NECESSITY TO BUILD THIS PROJECT UNDER TRAFFIC AND TO CONSTRUCT THE FULL PAVEMENT WIDTH IN STAGES, EXERCISE CARE TO PREVENT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BUTT JOINT IN THE BASE COURSES. LAP LONGITUDINAL JOINTS AS SHOWN ON STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DRAWING BP-3.1.~~ Designer Note: Use this note only on projects with flexible pavement requiring part-width construction.~~ P106 MEDIAN AND/OR CURBING ON APPROACH SLABS^^ WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE APPROACH SLAB, TRANSITION THE SHAPE OF THE MEDIAN AND/OR CURBING ON APPROACH SLABS FROM THE STANDARD SECTION ON THE APPROACHES TO THE SECTION USED ON THE BRIDGE.~~ Designer Note: Use this note when the height, width, or shape of a median or curb changes from the approach to the bridge.~~ P107 ITEM 880 - ASPHALT CONCRETE WITH WARRANTY^^ INDIVIDUAL LIFT THICKNESSES AND STEP WIDTHS SHOWN IN THE PLAN ARE THE PLAN LINES AND DIMENSIONS USED FOR QUANTITY CALCULATION. THEY ARE NOT THE REQUIRED LIFTS OR STEPS FOR ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION, BUT NO ADJUSTMENT WILL BE MADE TO THE PLAN QUANTITY DUE TO DIFFERENT LIFT THICKNESSES AND/OR STEP WIDTHS WHEN A UNIFORM THICKNESS IS SPECIFIED.~~ Designer Note: Add this note whenever Item 880, Asphalt Concrete Pavement with Warranty is specified.~~ P108 PAVEMENT RESTORATION FOR PIPE INSTALLATIONS AND/OR REMOVALS^^ THE FOLLOWING QUANTITY HAS BEEN PROVIDED FOR PAVEMENT RESTORATION FOLLOWING INSTALLATION AND/OR REMOVAL OF PIPES. ITEM 301 - ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE, PG64-22 ____ CU. YDS. THE ABOVE QUANTITY IS BASED ON A 301 THICKNESS OF ___ INCHES AND A PAVEMENT RESTORATION WIDTH THAT INCLUDES THE TRENCH WIDTH PLUS TWO FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE TRENCH. PROVIDE ANY MATERIALS USED OUTSIDE THE LIMITS STATED ABOVE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST.~~ Designer Note: Use this note whenever pipe is removed under Item 202 and/or Item 611, 605, or 638 are specified and will require pavement restoration not otherwise covered in the plans. Edit note to call out Item 605 or 638, when these items are included in the plans. Include 301 thickness used in the quantity calculations. Add additional items such as 441 or 609 when they are needed for repairs. Revise note if a different method of calculation was used to determine the pavement restoration quantity (e.g., for very deep pipes an additional width might be needed). For projects with full-depth pavement work, pavement removal associated with pipe installations shall be included under the applicable pay item used for pavement removal or excavation (Item 202 Pavement Removed, Item 202 Pavement Removed, Asphalt or Item 203 Excavation). For projects without other pavement work, the designer shall add a quantity of Item 202 Pavement Removed, Item 202 Pavement Removed, Asphalt, or Item 203 Excavation. Assume a trench width of 1.5 times the span length (1.5 X Span).~~ P109 PAVEMENT RESTORATION FOR DRAINAGE STRUCTURE INSTALLATIONS^^ THE FOLLOWING QUANTITY IS PROVIDED FOR PAVEMENT RESTORATION FOLLOWING INSTALLATION OF ITEM 611, DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. ITEM 301, ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE, PG64-22 _____ CU. YDS. THE ABOVE QUANTITY IS BASED ON A 301 THICKNESS OF ____ INCHES AND A WIDTH OF TWO FEET AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE. PROVIDE ANY MATERIALS USED OUTSIDE THE LIMITS STATED ABOVE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST.~~ Designer Note: Use this note whenever 611 or 638 items are specified and will require pavement restoration not otherwise covered in the plans. Edit note to call out Item 638 when included. Include 301 thickness used in the quantity calculations. Add additional items such as 441 or 609 when they are needed for repairs. Revise note if a different method of calculation was used to determine the pavement restoration quantity.~~ P110 PAVEMENT RESTORATION FOR MONUMENT ASSEMBLY INSTALLATIONS^^ THE FOLLOWING QUANTITY IS PROVIDED FOR PAVEMENT RESTORATION FOLLOWING INSTALLATION OF ITEM 623, MONUMENT ASSEMBLIES. ITEM 301, ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE, PG64-22 _____ CU. YDS. THE ABOVE QUANTITY IS BASED ON A 301 THICKNESS OF ____ INCHES AND A WIDTH OF TWO FEET AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE MONUMENT ASSEMBLIES. PROVIDE ANY MATERIALS USED OUTSIDE THE LIMITS STATED ABOVE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST.~~ Designer Note: Use this note whenever Item 623, Monument Assembly, is specified and will require pavement restoration not otherwise covered in the plans. Include 301 thickness used in the quantity calculations. Add additional items such as 441, or 609 when they are needed for repair. Revise note if a different method of calculation was used to determine the pavement restoration quantity.~~