601.2-1 STANDARD DRAWINGS AND SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS^^ REFER TO THE FOLLOWING STANDARD BRIDGE DRAWING(S): __________ DATED (REVISED) __________ __________ DATED (REVISED) __________ __________ DATED (REVISED) __________ AND TO THE FOLLOWING SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATION(S): __________ DATED __________ __________ DATED __________ __________ DATED __________~~ Designer Note: ~~ 601.3-1 DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS^^ THIS STRUCTURE CONFORMS TO THE "LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS" ADOPTED BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS, ____*, INCLUDING THE ____ (IF ANY)* INTERIM SPECIFICATIONS AND THE ODOT BRIDGE DESIGN MANUAL, 2007.~~ Designer Note: * Designer should fill-in current edition and latest interims. The use of note 601.3-1 stipulates the use of live load distribution and designs based on AASHTO specifications, assumptions and standard beam theory design. For the vast majority of ODOT bridges this criterion is not only adequate but also advantageously conservative. There are structure types which, due to either AASHTO’s own limitations or the type of structure, require specific live load distribution factors or other analysis methods other than classical beam theory to analyze the structure. Some examples may include a highly skewed slab bridge, a curved steel girder bridge, cable stayed bridges, etc. If the structure’s analysis required the use of 2D or 3D models including grillage, finite element, finite strip, classical plate solutions the following note should be added.~~ 601.3-2 SPECIAL DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS^^ THIS BRIDGE REQUIRED THE USE OF A _#_ (# TWO OR THREE) DIMENSIONAL MODEL USING THE __##__ (## GRILLAGE, FINITE ELEMENT, FINITE STRIP, CLASSICAL PLATE THEORY, ETC.) DESIGN METHOD TO ANALYZE THE STRUCTURE. THE COMPUTER PROGRAM USED FOR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS WAS ________. THE BRIDGE COMPONENTS DESIGNED BY THIS METHOD AND THE LIVE LOAD DISTRIBUTION FACTORS USED WERE: DEAD LOAD DISTRIBUTION: (THE DESIGNER IS TO EXPLAIN THE ASSUMPTIONS USED IN HOW THE DEAD LOAD WAS APPLIED AND DISTRIBUTED) LIVE LOAD DISTRIBUTION FACTORS: EXTERIOR MEMBERS - ____ FOR WHEEL (OR AXLE) LOAD & ____ FOR LANE LOAD MOMENTS. - ____ FOR WHEEL (OR AXLE) LOAD & ____ FOR LANE LOAD SHEARS INTERIOR MEMBERS - ____ FOR WHEEL (OR AXLE) LOAD & ____ FOR LANE LOAD MOMENTS. - ____ FOR WHEEL (OR AXLE) LOAD & ____ FOR LANE LOAD SHEARS~~ Designer Note: Modify the wording of the note as necessary. Also amend the Design Specifications note 601.3-1 with the wording "excepted as noted elsewhere in the plans".~~ 602.1-1 REDUNDANCY^^ THE FOLLOWING ITEM(S) WERE CONSIDERED NON-REDUNDANT FOR DESIGN AND INCLUDE A LOAD MODIFIER EQUAL TO 1.05 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AASHTO LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, ARTICLE 1.3.4:~~ Designer Note: Include a list of all items considered non-redundant for design in accordance with BDM Section S1.3.4.~~ 602.1-2 REDUNDANCY^^ THE PILES SUPPORTING THE FOLLOWING SUBSTRUCTURE(S) WERE CONSIDERED NON-REDUNDANT FOR DESIGN AND INCLUDE A MODIFIED RESISTANCE FACTOR EQUAL TO (1) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AASHTO LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, ARTICLE Designer Note: Include a list of all substructures with pile foundations or drilled shafts considered non-redundant for design in accordance with AASHTO LRFD & (1) Provide the modified resistance factor value. This should be equal to 80% of the resistance factor used for design on redundant pile foundations.~~ 602.1-3 REDUNDANCY^^ THE DRILLED SHAFTS SUPPORTING THE FOLLOWING SUBSTRUCTURE(S) WERE CONSIDERED NON-REDUNDANT FOR DESIGN AND INCLUDE A MODIFIED RESISTANCE FACTOR EQUAL TO (1) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AASHTO LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, ARTICLE Designer Note: Include a list of all substructures with pile foundations or drilled shafts considered non-redundant for design in accordance with AASHTO LRFD & (1) Provide the modified resistance factor value. This should be equal to 80% of the resistance factor used for design on redundant pile foundations.~~ 602.1-4 OPERATIONAL IMPORTANCE^^ A LOAD MODIFIER OF ____ HAS BEEN ASSUMED FOR THE DESIGN OF THIS STRUCTURE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AASHTO LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, ARTICLE 1.3.5 AND THE ODOT BRIDGE DESIGN MANUAL, 2007.~~ Designer Note: Refer to BDM Section S1.3.5 for guidance.~~ 602.2-1 DESIGN LOADING^^ DESIGN LOADING: HL-93 FUTURE WEARING SURFACE (FWS) OF 0.060 KIPS/SQ.FT.~~ Designer Note: For bridges designed for highway loads.~~ 602.2-2 DESIGN LOADING^^ DESIGN LOADING: 0.090 KIPS/SQ.FT.~~ Designer Note: For bikeway/pedestrian bridges that will not accommodate vehicular traffic.~~ 602.2-3 DESIGN LOADING^^ DESIGN LOADING: 0.090 KIPS/SQ.FT. AND H15-44 VEHICLE~~ Designer Note: for bikeway/pedestrian bridges subject to vehicular traffic.~~ 602.3-1 DESIGN DATA^^ CONCRETE CLASS _(1)_ -COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH 4.5 KSI (SUPERSTRUCTURE) CONCRETE CLASS _(2)_ -COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH 4.0 KSI (SUBSTRUCTURE) CONCRETE CLASS QC5 -COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH 4.5 KSI (DRILLED SHAFT) REINFORCING STEEL -MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH 60 KSI STRUCTURAL STEEL - ASTM A709 GRADE _(3)_ -YIELD STRENGTH _(3)_ KSI STEEL H-PILES - ASTM A572 - YIELD STRENGTH 50 KSI~~ Designer Note: Modify note [602.3-1] as necessary. Delete references that are not applicable to project. (1) Class QC2 Concrete for superstructure (2) Class QC1 Concrete for substructure (3) Grade 50 - yield strength 50 ksi, or Grade 50W - yield strength 50 ksi, or Grade HPS70W - yield strength 70 ksi, or Grade 36 - yield strength 36 ksi If more than one grade of steel is selected, the description shall clearly indicate where the different grades are used in the structure.~~ 602.3-2 DESIGN DATA^^ CONCRETE FOR PRESTRESSED BEAMS: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (FINAL) - _(1)_ KSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (RELEASE) - _(2)_ KSI WELDED WIRE FABRIC: YIELD STRENGTH - 70 KSI (4) PRESTRESSING STRAND: AREA = _(3)_ SQ.IN. ULTIMATE STRENGTH = 270 KSI INITIAL STRESS = 202.5 KSI (LOW RELAXATION STRANDS)~~ Designer Note: (1) Specify 28-day compressive strength from the following range: 5.5 – 7.0 KSI (2) Specify compressive strength at release from the following range: 4.0 – 5.0 KSI (3) Specify prestressing strand area from the following: 0.153 Sq.In., 0.167 Sq.In., or 0.217 Sq.In. (4) Reference to Welded Wire Fabric applies to I-beams only.~~ 602.4-1 DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS^^ THIS STRUCTURE CONFORMS TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE "MANUAL FOR RAILWAY ENGINEERING" BY THE AMERICAN RAILWAY ENGINEERING AND MAINTENANCE-OF-WAY ASSOCIATION, ____* EDITION. CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: STATE OF OHIO, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DATED JANUARY 1, ____*.~~ Designer Note: for structures carrying railroad traffic. Note [601.3-2] may be required if special criteria or distributions have been used for the design of this rail structure. See [601.3-2] and determine if a modified note is required for inclusion. Fill-in items above marked “*” with current edition and latest interims. Provide the following note, modified as necessary to meet AREMA and/or a specific railroad criterion, with all railroad structures.~~ 602.4-2 DESIGN DATA^^ DESIGN LOADING: COOPER E-80 WITH DIESEL IMPACT~~ Designer Note: Provide the following note, modified as necessary to meet AREMA and/or a specific railroad criterion, with all railroad structures.~~ 602.5-1 DECK PROTECTION METHOD^^ EPOXY COATED REINFORCING STEEL 2.5" CONCRETE COVER SUPERPLASTICIZED DENSE, MICRO-SILICA, EPOXY, OR LATEX MODIFIED CONCRETE OVERLAY WATERPROOFING AND ASPHALT CONCRETE OVERLAY STEEL DRIP STRIP OTHER (SPECIFY)~~ Designer Note: If any of the following deck protection methods have been specified in the plans, include this note, modified as necessary for the specific structure.~~ 602.6-1 MONOLITHIC WEARING SURFACE^^ MONOLITHIC WEARING SURFACE IS ASSUMED, FOR DESIGN PURPOSES, TO BE 1 INCH THICK.~~ Designer Note: Furnish this note for concrete bridge decks.~~ 602.7-1 ITEM 512 SEALING OF CONCRETE SURFACES, AS PER PLAN, (PERMANENT GRAFFITI PROTECTION)^^ APPLY A PERMANENT GRAFFITI COATING QUALIFIED ACCORDING TO SUPPLEMENT 1083 THAT IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE CONCRETE SEALER OVER WHICH IT IS APPLIED. APPLY THE GRAFFITI COATING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S PRINTED INSTRUCTIONS.~~ Designer Note: Use this note when permanent anti-graffiti coatings are required.~~ 603.1-1 REMOVAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURE^^ CAREFULLY DISMANTLE THE __________ AND STORE ALONG THE RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR DISPOSAL BY THE STATE'S FORCES.~~ Designer Note: Use this note if it is the desire of the owner to salvage any portion of the bridge. Describe the degree of care to be exercised in the removal in sufficient detail to allow accurate bidding. If this option is used, the pay item shall be "As Per Plan".~~ 603.1-2 ITEM 202, PORTIONS OF STRUCTURE REMOVED, AS PER PLAN^^ REMOVE ABUTMENTS TO ELEV. __________. REMOVE PIERS TO ELEV. __________.~~ Designer Note: Use this note when removal of structure to 1 foot [300 mm] below ground line as specified in CMS 202 will not fill the specific requirements of the project.~~ 604-1 TEMPORARY STRUCTURE^^ TEMPORARY STRUCTURE ROADWAY WIDTH SHALL BE ____ FEET. THE EXISTING STRUCTURE MAY BE MOVED AND USED FOR THE TEMPORARY STRUCTURE WITHOUT STRENGTHENING.~~ Designer Note: Include the applicable portions of this temporary structure note on the plans if the bridge roadway width is other than 23 feet [7 meters], or if the use of the existing structure is part of the temporary road. See Section 500 for additional information.~~ 605.1-1 PILE DRIVING CONSTRAINTS^^ PRIOR TO DRIVING PILES, CONSTRUCT THE SPILL THROUGH SLOPES AND THE BRIDGE APPROACH EMBANKMENT BEHIND THE ABUTMENTS UP TO THE LEVEL OF THE SUBGRADE ELEVATION FOR A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF ____ BEHIND EACH ABUTMENT. DO NOT BEGIN THE EXCAVATION FOR THE ABUTMENT FOOTINGS AND THE INSTALLATION OF THE ABUTMENT PILES UNTIL AFTER THE ABOVE REQUIRED EMBANKMENT HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED.~~ Designer Note: For structures with abutments on piles placed in new embankments use this note. Generally 200 feet [60 meters]. Optionally, this distance may be defined by station-to-station dimensions.~~ 605.1-2 PILE DRIVING CONSTRAINTS^^ PRIOR TO DRIVING PILES, CONSTRUCT THE SPILL THROUGH SLOPES AND THE BRIDGE APPROACH EMBANKMENT BEHIND THE ABUTMENTS UP TO THE LEVEL OF THE SUBGRADE ELEVATION FOR A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF _(1)_ BEHIND EACH ABUTMENT. DO NOT BEGIN THE EXCAVATION FOR THE ABUTMENT FOOTINGS AND THE INSTALLATION OF THE ABUTMENT AND PIER PILES, FOR PIER(S): _(2)_, UNTIL AFTER THE ABOVE REQUIRED EMBANKMENT HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED.~~ Designer Note: For structures with abutments and piers on piles placed in new embankments use this note. (1) Generally 200 feet [60 meters]. Optionally, this distance may be defined by station-to-station dimensions. (2) Identify specific piers.~~ 605.1-3 PILE DRIVING CONSTRAINTS^^ PRIOR TO DRIVING PILES AT THE ABUTMENTS, CONSTRUCT THE BRIDGE APPROACH EMBANKMENT BEHIND THE ABUTMENTS UP AT A 1:1 SLOPE FROM THE TOP OF THE HEEL OF THE FOOTING* TO THE SUBGRADE ELEVATION AND FOR A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF 250 FEET BEHIND THE ABUTMENTS. DO NOT BEGIN THE INSTALLATION OF THE ABUTMENT PILES UNTIL AFTER THE ABOVE REQUIRED EMBANKMENT HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED. AFTER THE FOOTING AND THE BREASTWALL HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED, CONSTRUCT THE EMBANKMENT IMMEDIATELY BEHIND THE ABUTMENTS UP TO THE BEAM SEAT ELEVATION AND ON A 1:1 SLOPE UP TO THE SUBGRADE ELEVATION PRIOR TO SETTING THE BEAMS ON THE ABUTMENTS.~~ Designer Note: For structures with wall type abutments on piles placed in new embankment use this note. * In some cases the bottom of the heel may be used.~~ 605.1-4 PILE DRIVING CONSTRAINTS^^ PRIOR TO DRIVING ABUTMENT PILES TO THE ULTIMATE BEARING VALUE (UBV) OR TO REFUSAL ON BEDROCK, CONSTRUCT THE MSE WALL AND THE BRIDGE APPROACH EMBANKMENT BEHIND THE ABUTMENT UP TO THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOTING FOR A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF _*_ BEHIND EACH ABUTMENT. THE CONTRACTOR MAY PRE-DRIVE ABUTMENT PILES BEFORE CONSTRUCTING MSE WALLS. PRE-DRIVING CONSISTS OF INSTALLING THE ABUTMENT PILES INTO THE SOIL ONLY AS FAR AS NECESSARY SO THAT THE PILE WILL REMAIN VERTICAL DURING MSE WALL CONSTRUCTION. IF PRE-DRIVING PILES, INSTALL PILE SLEEVES AROUND PILES BEFORE CONSTRUCTING THE MSE WALL. AT LEAST THREE FEET OF PILE MUST EXTEND ABOVE THE TOP OF THE PILE SLEEVE TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF CMS 507.09 REGARDING SPLICES. DO NOT DRIVE ABUTMENT PILES TO THE UBV OR TO REFUSAL ON BEDROCK UNTIL AFTER THE ABOVE REQUIRED MSE WALL AND EMBANKMENT HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED AND A __**__ CALENDAR DAY WAITING PERIOD HAS ELAPSED. THE ENGINEER MAY ADJUST THE LENGTH OF THE WAITING PERIOD BASED ON SETTLEMENT PLATFORM READINGS. AFTER THE SPECIFIED WAITING PERIOD HAS ELAPSED, DRIVE ABUTMENT PILES TO THE UBV OR TO REFUSAL ON BEDROCK. IN ORDER TO REMOVE ANY NEGATIVE SKIN FRICTION THAT HAS DEVELOPED DURING THE WAITING PERIOD, DRIVE EACH ABUTMENT PILE A DISTANCE OF AT LEAST 0.5 INCH. IF NOT PRE-DRIVING ABUTMENT PILES, INSTALL THE ABUTMENT PILES THROUGH PILE SLEEVES AFTER THE ABOVE REQUIRED MSE WALL AND EMBANKMENT HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED AND THE SPECIFIED WAITING PERIOD HAS ELAPSED.~~ Designer Note: For MSE wall supported abutments with driven piles use this note. * Generally 200 feet [60 meters]. May be defined by station-to-station dimensions. ** Estimate the length of the waiting period by determining the time required for 90% of primary settlement to occur.~~ 605.2-1 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRAINTS^^ PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTING THE SPREAD FOOTING FOUNDATIONS, CONSTRUCT THE BRIDGE APPROACH EMBANKMENTS BEHIND THE ABUTMENT UP AT A 1:1 SLOPE FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE HEEL OF THE FOOTING TO THE SUBGRADE ELEVATION AND FOR A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF 250 FEET BEHIND THE ABUTMENTS. AFTER THE ABUTMENT FOOTING AND BREASTWALL ARE COMPLETED AND PRIOR TO SETTING SUPERSTRUCTURE MEMBERS, CONSTRUCT THE EMBANKMENT IMMEDIATELY BEHIND THE ABUTMENT UP TO THE BEAM SEAT ELEVATION AND ON A 1:1 SLOPE UP TO THE SUBGRADE ELEVATION, WITH TYPE B GRANULAR MATERIAL CONFORMING TO 703.16.C.~~ Designer Note: This construction method helps to eliminate any lateral forces on the foundation due to the construction of the embankment and/or settlement of the subgrade under the embankment. For stub abutments on spread footings being constructed in new embankments. For wall type abutments on spread footings with no new embankment provide note [605.3-1] or [605.3-2] and this note. Modify this note, as appropriate, for piers constructed on a spread footing foundation.~~ 605.2-2 CONSTRUCTION CONSTRAINTS^^ FILL THE VOID CREATED BY EXCAVATING FOR THE ABUTMENT FOOTINGS WITH TYPE B GRANULAR MATERIAL, 703.16.C. AFTER THE FOOTING AND THE BREASTWALL HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED, FILL THE VOID BEHIND EACH ABUTMENT UP TO THE BEAM SEAT ELEVATION AND FROM THE BEAM SEAT UP ON A 1:1 SLOPE TO THE SUBGRADE ELEVATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTING THE BACKWALL AND SETTING THE BEAMS ON THE ABUTMENT.~~ Designer Note: For wall type abutments on spread footings with no new embankment provide note [605.3-1] or [605.3-2] and this note.~~ 605.3-1 ITEM 203 EMBANKMENT, AS PER PLAN^^ PLACE AND COMPACT EMBANKMENT MATERIAL IN 6 INCH LIFTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE APPROACH EMBANKMENT BETWEEN STATIONS __**__ TO __**__.~~ Designer Note: ** The approximate limits should be 100 feet behind each abutment.~~ 605.3-2 ITEM 203 EMBANKMENT, AS PER PLAN^^ PLACE AND COMPACT EMBANKMENT MATERIAL IN 6 INCH LIFTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE APPROACH EMBANKMENT.~~ Designer Note: Note that Item 203 is a roadway quantity and coordination with the roadway plans is necessary. To define the limits of measured pay quantities for bridges with wall-type abutments, provide excavation, back-fill, and embankment diagrams (or a composite diagram, where suitable), using schematic abutment cross-sections, showing the boundaries between structure and roadway excavation, and between structure back-fill and roadway embankment.~~ 605.5-2 PROPRIETARY RETAINING WALL DATA^^ THE PROPRIETARY WALL SUPPLIER SHALL DESIGN THE INTERNAL STABILITY OF A MECHANICALLY STABILIZED EARTH (MSE) WALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH SS840 TO SUPPORT THE ABUTMENT. THE DESIGN FOR INTERNAL STABILITY SHALL INCLUDE A NOMINAL (I.E. UNFACTORED) HORIZONTAL STRIP LOAD DUE TO FRICTION (FR) FROM THE SUPERSTRUCTURE OF _____ K/FT APPLIED PERPENDICULAR TO THE FACE OF WALL AT THE BASE OF THE CONCRETE FOOTING. THIS STRIP LOAD DOES NOT INCLUDE EARTH PRESSURE LOADS FROM THE ABUTMENT BACKFILL. HOWEVER, THE PROPRIETARY WALL SUPPLIER SHALL INCLUDE EARTH PRESSURE LOADS FROM THE ABUTMENT BACKFILL IN THE DESIGN CALCULATIONS.~~ Designer Note: Apply to the design of abutments supporting expansion bearings only. Longitudinally applied superstructure loads are assumed to be transferred to the substructure as a friction loads (FR) equal to the nominal frictional resistances supplied by the bearings (see BDM Section 301.4.5). This assumption does not apply to fixed bearings. For fixed bearings, provide revised versions of these notes that list all applicable longitudinally applied superstructure loads transferred to the substructure through the bearing connections.~~ 606.1-1 PILES TO BEDROCK^^ DRIVE PILES TO REFUSAL ON BEDROCK. THE DEPARTMENT WILL CONSIDER REFUSAL TO BE OBTAINED WHEN THE PILE PENETRATION IS AN INCH OR LESS AFTER RECEIVING AT LEAST 20 BLOWS FROM THE PILE HAMMER. SELECT THE HAMMER SIZE TO ACHIEVE THE REQUIRED DEPTH TO BEDROCK AND REFUSAL. THE TOTAL FACTORED LOAD IS _(1)_ KIPS PER PILE FOR THE _(2)_ ABUTMENT PILES. THE TOTAL FACTORED LOAD IS _(1)_ KIPS PER PILE FOR THE _(2)_ PIER PILES. ABUTMENT PILES: _(3)_ PILES _(4)_ FEET LONG, ORDER LENGTH PIER PILES: _(3)_ PILES _(4)_ FEET LONG, ORDER LENGTH~~ Designer Note: This note generally will apply where steel-H piles are to be driven to bedrock. (1) Specify the total factored load according to BDM Section (2) Specify the location of piles for each total factored load. (3) Specify the size of pile (e.g. HP 10 x 42 or 12 inch diameter). (4) Specify the order length according to BDM Section and 303.4.2.1.~~ 606.1-2 PILES TO BEDROCK^^ DRIVE PILES TO REFUSAL ON BEDROCK. THE DEPARTMENT WILL CONSIDER REFUSAL TO BE OBTAINED WHEN THE PILE PENETRATION IS AN INCH OR LESS AFTER RECEIVING AT LEAST 20 BLOWS FROM THE PILE HAMMER. SELECT THE HAMMER SIZE TO ACHIEVE THE REQUIRED DEPTH TO BEDROCK AND REFUSAL. THE TOTAL FACTORED LOAD IS _(1)_ KIPS PER PILE FOR THE _(2)_ ABUTMENT PILES. THE ABUTMENT PILES WERE DESIGNED TO ACCOMMODATE _(3)_ FT. OF SCOUR. THE TOTAL FACTORED LOAD IS _(1)_ KIPS PER PILE FOR THE _(2)_ PIER PILES. THE PIER PILES WERE DESIGNED TO ACCOMMODATE _(3)_ FT. OF SCOUR. ABUTMENT PILES: _(4)_ PILES _(5)_ FEET LONG, ORDER LENGTH PIER PILES: _(4)_ PILES _(5)_ FEET LONG, ORDER LENGTH~~ Designer Note: This note, modified to fit the conditions, will apply where piles are located within a waterway and the scour depth is significant. (1) Specify the total factored load according to BDM Section (2) Specify the location of piles for each total factored load. (3) Specify the depth of anticipated scour. (4) Specify the size of pile (e.g. HP 10 x 42 or 12 inch diameter). (5) Specify the order length according to BDM Section and 303.4.2.1.~~ 606.1-3 PILES TO BEDROCK^^ DRIVE PILES TO REFUSAL ON BEDROCK THE DEPARTMENT WILL CONSIDER REFUSAL TO BE OBTAINED WHEN THE PILE PENETRATION IS AN INCH OR LESS AFTER RECEIVING AT LEAST 20 BLOWS FROM THE PILE HAMMER. SELECT THE HAMMER SIZE TO ACHIEVE THE REQUIRED DEPTH TO BEDROCK AND REFUSAL. THE TOTAL FACTORED LOAD IS _(1)_ KIPS PER PILE FOR THE _(2)_ ABUTMENT PILES. THE ABUTMENT PILES INCLUDE AN ADDITIONAL _(3)_ KIPS OF FACTORED LOAD PER PILE TO ACCOUNT FOR POSSIBLE DOWNDRAG LOADING. THE TOTAL FACTORED LOAD IS _(1)_ KIPS PER PILE FOR THE _(2)_ PIER PILES. ABUTMENT PILES: _(4)_ PILES _(5)_ FEET LONG, ORDER LENGTH PIER PILES: _(4)_ PILES _(5)_ FEET LONG, ORDER LENGTH~~ Designer Note: This note, modified to fit the conditions, will apply where downdrag loads on the piles are anticipated. (1) Specify the total factored load according to BDM Section (2) Specify the location of piles for each total factored load. (3) Specify the anticipated factored downdrag loading. (4) Specify the size of pile (e.g. HP 10 x 42 or 12 inch diameter). (5) Specify the order length according to BDM Section and 303.4.2.1.~~ 606.2-1 PILE DESIGN LOADS (ULTIMATE BEARING VALUE)^^ THE ULTIMATE BEARING VALUE IS _(1)_ KIPS PER PILE FOR THE _(2)_ ABUTMENT PILES. THE ULTIMATE BEARING VALUE IS _(1)_ KIPS PER PILE FOR THE _(2)_ PIER PILES. ABUTMENT PILES: _(3)_ PILES _(4)_ FEET LONG, ORDER LENGTH _(5)_ DYNAMIC LOAD TESTING ITEMS PIER PILES: _(3)_ PILES _(4)_ FEET LONG, ORDER LENGTH _(5)_ DYNAMIC LOAD TESTING ITEMS~~ Designer Note: This note, modified to fit the specific conditions for the foundation required, will apply in all cases except where the piles are to be driven to bedrock. Provide the actual calculated Ultimate Bearing Value. (1) Specify the Ultimate Bearing Value according to BDM Section (2) Specify the location of piles for each Ultimate Bearing Value. (3) Specify the size of pile (e.g. HP 10 x 42 or 12 inch diameter). (4) Specify the order length according to BDM Section and 303.4.2.1. (5) Specify the number of dynamic load testing items according to BDM Section 303.4.2.7.~~ 606.2-2 PILE DESIGN LOADS (ULTIMATE BEARING VALUE)^^ THE ULTIMATE BEARING VALUE IS _(1)_ KIPS PER PILE FOR THE _(2)_ ABUTMENT PILES. THE ULTIMATE BEARING VALUE IS _(1)_ KIPS PER PILE FOR THE PIER PILES. THE PIER PILES INCLUDE AN ADDITIONAL _(3)_ KIPS PER PILE OF ULTIMATE BEARING VALUE DUE TO THE POSSIBILITY OF LOSING _(7)_ FT. OF FRICTIONAL RESISTANCE DUE TO SCOUR. ABUTMENT PILES: _(4)_ PILES _(5)_ FEET LONG, ORDER LENGTH _(6)_ DYNAMIC LOAD TESTING ITEMS PIER PILES: _(4)_ PILES _(5)_ FEET [METER] LONG, ORDER LENGTH _(6)_ DYNAMIC LOAD TESTING ITEMS~~ Designer Note: This note, modified to fit the conditions, will apply where piles are located within a waterway and the scour is anticipated. (1) Specify the Ultimate Bearing Value according to BDM Section (2) Specify the location of piles for each Ultimate Bearing Value. (3) Specify the additional amount of Ultimate Bearing Value according to BDM Section (4) Specify the size of pile (e.g. HP 10 x 42 or 12 inch diameter). (5) Specify the order length according to BDM Section and 303.4.2.1. (6) Specify the number of dynamic load testing items according to BDM Section 303.4.2.7. (7) Specify the scour depth.~~ 606.2-3 PILE DESIGN LOADS (ULTIMATE BEARING VALUE)^^ THE ULTIMATE BEARING VALUE IS _(1)_ KIPS PER PILE FOR THE _(2)_ ABUTMENT PILES. THE ULTIMATE BEARING VALUE IS _(1)_ KIPS PER PILE FOR THE _(2)_ PIER PILES. THE ADDITION OF _(3)_ KIPS OF ULTIMATE BEARING VALUE PER ABUTMENT PILE IS DUE TO POSSIBLE DOWNDRAG LOADS CAUSED BY SETTLEMENT AND TO ACCOUNT FOR SIDE FRICTION WITHIN THE DOWNDRAG ZONE THAT MUST BE OVERCOME DURING PILE DRIVING. ABUTMENT PILES: _(4)_ PILES _(5)_ FEET LONG, ORDER LENGTH _(6)_ DYNAMIC LOAD TESTING ITEMS PIER PILES: _(4)_ PILES _(5)_ FEET LONG, ORDER LENGTH _(6)_ DYNAMIC LOAD TESTING ITEMS~~ Designer Note: This note, modified to fit the conditions, will apply where downdrag loads on the piles are anticipated. (1) Specify the Ultimate Bearing Value according to BDM Section (2) Specify the location of piles for each Ultimate Bearing Value. (3) Specify the additional amount of Ultimate Bearing Value according to BDM Section This amount includes the factored downdrag load and the unfactored side resistance from the soil in the downdrag zone. (4) Specify the size of pile (e.g. HP 10 x 42 or 12 inch diameter). (5) Specify the order length according to BDM Section and 303.4.2.1. (6) Specify the number of dynamic load testing items according to BDM Section 303.4.2.7.~~ 606.2-4 STATIC LOAD TEST^^ PERFORM DYNAMIC TESTING ON THE FIRST TWO PRODUCTION PILES TO DETERMINE THE REQUIRED BLOW COUNT FOR THE SPECIFIED ULTIMATE BEARING VALUE. PERFORM THE STATIC LOAD TEST ON EITHER PILE. DO NOT OVER-DRIVE THE SELECTED PILE. DRIVE THE THIRD AND FOURTH PRODUCTION PILES TO 75% AND 85% OF THE DETERMINED BLOW COUNT, RESPECTIVELY AND PERFORM DYNAMIC TESTING ON EACH. THE TEST PILES AND THE REDUCED CAPACITY PILES SHALL NOT BE BATTERED. AFTER INSTALLATION OF THE FIRST FOUR PRODUCTION PILES, CEASE ALL DRIVING OPERATIONS ON PILING REPRESENTED BY THE STATIC LOAD TESTING FOR A MINIMUM OF 7 DAYS. AFTER THE WAITING PERIOD, PERFORM PILE RESTRIKES ON THE FOUR PILES (TWO RESTRIKE TEST ITEMS). THE ENGINEER WILL REVIEW THE RESULTS OF THE PILE RESTRIKES AND ESTABLISH THE DRIVING CRITERIA FOR THE REMAINING PILING REPRESENTED BY THE TESTING. SUBMIT ALL TEST RESULTS TO THE OFFICE OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING. FOR SUBSEQUENT STATIC LOAD TESTS, UPON COMPLETION OF A 10,000 FT INCREMENT OF DRIVEN LENGTH, REPEAT THE ABOVE PROCEDURE FOR THE INITIAL STATIC LOAD TEST. IF NECESSARY, THE ENGINEER WILL REVISE THE DRIVING CRITERIA FOR THE REMAINING PILING ACCORDINGLY. WHEN PERFORMING THE RESTRIKE, IF THE PILE HAS NOT REACHED THE BLOW COUNT DETERMINED FOR THE PLAN SPECIFIED ULTIMATE BEARING VALUE, CONTINUE DRIVING THE PILE UNTIL THIS CAPACITY IS ACHIEVED.~~ Designer Note: Provide this note when Static Load Testing is required according to Section 303.4.2.5. Modify the note as necessary to fit the specific condition.~~ 606.2-6 PILES DRIVEN TO TIP ELEVATION FOR UPLIFT^^ DRIVE THE PILES TO THE PILE TIP ELEVATION SHOWN ON THE PLANS. DO NOT PERFORM DYNAMIC LOAD TESTING ON PILES DRIVEN TO A TIP ELEVATION. SELECT THE HAMMER SIZE TO ACHIEVE THE REQUIRED DEPTH. PROVIDE PLAIN CYLINDRICAL CASINGS WITH A MINIMUM PILE WALL THICKNESS OF _(1)_ INCH FOR PILES DRIVEN TO A TIP ELEVATION. ABUTMENT PILES: _(2)_ PILES _(3)_ FEET LONG, ORDER LENGTH~~ Designer Note: This note, modified to fit the specific conditions for the foundation required, will apply when uplift loads control the design of the pile. In this case, the piles are typically driven to a pile tip elevation and dynamic load testing of the pile is not performed. (1) Specify the minimum pile wall thickness for cast-in-place reinforced concrete piles. Determine the minimum pile wall thickness from a pile drivability analysis. Remove this sentence if the piles are H-piles. (2) Specify the size of pile (e.g. HP 10 x 42 or 12 inch diameter). (3) Specify the order length according to BDM Section and 303.4.2.1.~~ 606.4-1 PILE SPLICES^^ IN LIEU OF USING THE FULL PENETRATION BUTT WELDS SPECIFIED IN CMS 507.09 TO SPLICE STEEL H-PILES, THE CONTRACTOR MAY USE A MANUFACTURED H-PILE SPLICER. FURNISH SPLICERS FROM THE FOLLOWING MANUFACTURER: ASSOCIATED PILE AND FITTING CORPORATION 8 WOOD HOLLOW RD. PLAZA 1 PARSIPPANY, NEW JERSEY 07054 INSTALL AND WELD THE SPLICER TO THE PILE SECTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S WRITTEN ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE SUPPLIED TO THE ENGINEER BEFORE THE WELDING IS PERFORMED.~~ Designer Note: Provide this note when H-piles are specified.~~ 606.5-1 ITEM SPECIAL - PILE ENCASEMENT^^ ENCASE ALL STEEL H-PILES FOR THE CAPPED PILE PIERS IN CONCRETE CONFORMING TO C&MS 511 (F'C = 4.0 KSI). PROVIDE A CONCRETE SLUMP BETWEEN 6 TO 8 INCHES WITH THE USE OF A SUPERPLASTICIZER. PLACE THE CONCRETE WITHIN A FORM THAT CONSISTS OF POLYETHYLENE PIPE (707.33), OR PVC PIPE (707.42). THE ENCASEMENT SHALL EXTEND FROM 3 FEET BELOW THE FINISHED GROUND SURFACE UP TO THE CONCRETE PIER CAP. POSITION THE PIPE SO THAT AT LEAST 3 INCHES OF CONCRETE COVER IS PROVIDED AROUND THE EXTERIOR OF THE PILE. IN LIEU OF ENCASING THE PILE IN CONCRETE, GALVANIZE THE PILES ACCORDING TO 711.02. THE GALVANIZING SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM A MINIMUM OF 3 FEET BELOW THE FINISH GROUND SURFACE UP TO THE CONCRETE PIER CAP. THE GALVANIZED COATING THICKNESS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4 MILS. REPAIR ALL GOUGES, SCRAPES, SCRATCHES OR OTHER SURFACE IMPERFECTIONS CAUSED BY THE HANDLING OR THE DRIVING OF THE PILE TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER. THE DEPARTMENT WILL MEASURE PILE ENCASEMENT BY THE NUMBER OF FEET. THE DEPARTMENT WILL DETERMINE THE SUM AS THE LENGTH MEASURED ALONG THE AXIS OF EACH PILE FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE ENCASEMENT TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PIER CAP. THE DEPARTMENT WILL NOT PAY FOR GALVANIZING PROVIDED BEYOND THE PROJECT REQUIREMENTS. THE DEPARTMENT WILL PAY FOR ACCEPTED QUANTITIES AT THE CONTRACT PRICE FOR ITEM - SPECIAL, PILE ENCASEMENT.~~ Designer Note: This note shall be used where capped pile piers and steel "H" piles are being used for a bridge structure crossing a waterway. The exposed steel piling corrodes at the waterline, or near there. The note should not be used if the capped pile pier standard drawing is being used as standard drawing already specifies pile encasement methods.~~ 606.6-1 FOUNDATION BEARING RESISTANCE^^ _(1)_ FOOTINGS, AS DESIGNED, PRODUCE A MAXIMUM SERVICE LOAD PRESSURE OF _(2)_ KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT AND A MAXIMUM STRENGTH LOAD PRESSURE OF _(2)_ KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT. THE FACTORED BEARING RESISTANCE IS _(3)_ KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT.~~ Designer Note: Provide this note, with the blanks filled in as appropriate for each individual project, if there are abutments or piers which are supported by spread footings. (1) Specify the location of the spread footing. (2) Specify the maximum factored bearing pressures. (3) Specify the factored bearing resistance according to LRFD 10.6.3 and BDM Section 606.6-2 ITEM 511, CLASS _* CONCRETE, ____* , AS PER PLAN^^ IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ITEM 511*, INSTALL A REFERENCE MONUMENT AT EACH END OF EACH SPREAD FOOTING. THE REFERENCE MONUMENT SHALL CONSIST OF A #8, OR LARGER, EPOXY COATED REBAR EMBEDDED AT LEAST 6" INTO THE FOOTING AND EXTENDED VERTICALLY 4 TO 6 INCHES ABOVE THE TOP OF THE FOOTING. INSTALL A SIX INCH DIAMETER, SCHEDULE 40, PLASTIC PIPE AROUND THE REFERENCE MONUMENT. CENTER THE PIPE ON THE REFERENCE MONUMENT AND PLACE THE PIPE VERTICAL WITH ITS TOP AT THE FINISHED GRADE. THE PIPE SHALL HAVE A REMOVABLE, SCHEDULE 40, PLASTIC CAP. PERMANENTLY ATTACH THE BOTTOM OF THE PIPE TO THE TOP OF THE FOOTING. ESTABLISH A BENCHMARK TO DETERMINE THE ELEVATIONS OF THE REFERENCE MONUMENTS AT VARIOUS MONITORING PERIODS THROUGHOUT THE LENGTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. THE BENCHMARK SHALL BE THE SAME THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT AND SHALL BE INDEPENDENT OF ALL STRUCTURES. RECORD THE ELEVATION OF EACH REFERENCE MONUMENT AT EACH MONITORING PERIOD SHOWN IN THE TABLE BELOW. THE ORIGINAL COMPLETED TABLES WILL BECOME PART OF THE DISTRICT'S PROJECT PLAN RECORDS. PROJECT NUMBER: __________ MAXIMUM FACTORED BEARING PRESSURE: * __________ BRIDGE NUMBER: * __________ STRUCTURE FILE NUMBER: * __________ BENCHMARK LOCATION: __________ FOOTING LOCATION: * __________ MONITORING PERIOD LEFT MONUMENT RIGHT MONUMENT _________________ _____________ ______________ AFTER FOOTING CONCRETE IS PLACED _________________ _____________ ______________ BEFORE PLACEMENT OF SUPERSTRUCTURE MEMBERS _________________ _____________ ______________ BEFORE DECK PLACEMENT _________________ _____________ ______________ AFTER DECK PLACEMENT _________________ _____________ ______________ PROJECT COMPLETION _________________ _____________ ______________~~ Designer Note: When abutments or piers are supported by spread footings on soil, include this note to require that reference monuments be constructed in each footing. The purpose of the reference monuments is to document the performance of the spread footings, both short and long term. * The Designer shall modify items marked with an asterisk to describe the class of concrete, pier and/or abutment location, bridge number, SFN, maximum factored bearing pressure and to correctly describe the "As Per Plan" bid item.~~ 606.7-1 FOOTINGS^^ PLACE FOOTINGS IN BEDROCK AT THE ELEVATION SHOWN.~~ Designer Note: Provide this note if the footing excavation is mainly bedrock and the footings are to be at an elevation no higher than plan elevation.~~ 606.7-2 FOOTINGS^^ FOOTINGS SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 3 INCHES* INTO BEDROCK OR TO THE ELEVATION SHOWN, WHICHEVER IS LOWER.~~ Designer Note: Provide this note where footings are to be founded in bedrock at an elevation no higher than plan elevation. * Shall be greater than 3 inches if required by design considerations.~~ 606.7-3 FOOTINGS^^ FOOTINGS SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 3 INCHES* INTO BEDROCK. IF NECESSARY DUE TO POOR BEDROCK MATERIAL, THE FOOTINGS SHOULD BE LOWERED. IF THE LOW POINT OF THE BEDROCK SURFACE OCCURS 2 FEET OR MORE ABOVE PLAN ELEVATION, THE FINAL FOOTING ELEVATIONS MAY BE RAISED, UPON APPROVAL BY THE DIRECTOR, BUT TO AN ELEVATION NOT HIGHER THAN __** FEET. STEPPING OF INDIVIDUAL FOOTINGS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED UNLESS SHOWN ON THE PLANS.~~ Designer Note: Provide this note where footings are to be founded in bedrock, and where the encountering of bedrock at an elevation considerably above plan elevation may make it desirable to raise the footing to an elevation not above the specified maximum in order to effect an appreciable saving. * Shall be greater than 3 inches if required by design considerations. ** The maximum elevation allowed should assure that minimum soil cover over the footing is obtained; clearance from the superstructure to the finished ground elevation meets standards; quality of bedrock material at that elevation is adequate; and minimum embedment into the bedrock material will not be adversely affected.~~ 606.8-1 DRILLED SHAFTS^^ THE MAXIMUM FACTORED LOAD TO BE SUPPORTED BY EACH DRILLED SHAFT IS ____* KIPS AT THE ABUTMENTS AND ____* KIPS AT THE PIERS. THIS LOAD IS RESISTED BY SIDE RESISTANCE WITHIN A PORTION OF THE BEDROCK SOCKET AND ALSO BY TIP RESISTANCE. THE FACTORED RESISTANCE DEVELOPED BY SIDE RESISTANCE IS ____* KIPS, ASSUMED TO ACT ALONG THE BOTTOM ____* FEET OF THE BEDROCK SOCKET FOR THE ABUTMENTS AND ____* FEET OF THE BEDROCK SOCKET FOR THE PIERS. THE FACTORED RESISTANCE PROVIDED BY THE DRILLED SHAFT TIP IS ____* KIPS.~~ Designer Note: Use this drilled shaft note when applicable for the specific project. Revise the note for the project conditions and the different drilled shaft designs, if any, on the project. * Complete the loads and dimensions in this note. Abutment and Pier sections of the note should be removed or revised as required.~~ 608.1-1 CONSTRUCTION CLEARANCE^^ CONSTRUCTION CLEARANCE: MAINTAIN A CONSTRUCTION CLEARANCE OF ____* FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM THE CENTER OF TRACKS AND ____* FEET VERTICALLY FROM A POINT LEVEL WITH THE TOP OF THE HIGHER RAIL, AND ____* FEET FROM THE CENTER OF TRACKS, AT ALL TIMES.~~ Designer Note: Obtain the actual dimensions used in the text of this note from the "Agreement" (a legal document signed by the Director and Railroad). To help limit project construction problems, validate those dimensions with the district railroad coordinator before the note is considered complete. Revise the note to define the agreed upon restraints, including items such as short term clearances, if different than the construction clearances; maximum period of time for restricted clearances; or other project specific controls. * The Designer shall fill in the dimensions.~~ 608.2-1 RAILROAD AERIAL LINES^^ RAILROAD AERIAL LINES WILL BE RELOCATED BY THE RAILROAD. USE ALL PRECAUTIONS NECESSARY TO SEE THAT THE LINES ARE NOT DISTURBED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION STAGE AND COOPERATE WITH THE RAILROAD IN THE RELOCATION OF THESE LINES. THE COST OF THE RELOCATION WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE RAILROAD FORCE ACCOUNT WORK.~~ Designer Note: Modify this note to match the specific requirements of the "Agreement" (a legal document signed by the Director and Railroad). Contact the District railroad coordinator to confirm whether the railroad will move, maintain, or re-construction their lines or other cable systems attached to the bridge or whether the note must specify this scope of work as part of the project.~~ 610.4-1 BEARING PAD SHIMS^^ PLACE 1/8" THICK PREFORMED BEARING PAD SHIMS, PLAN AREA ____ INCHES BY ____ INCHES, UNDER THE ELASTOMERIC BEARING PADS WHERE REQUIRED FOR PROPER BEARING. FURNISH TWO SHIMS PER BEAM. THE DEPARTMENT WILL MEASURE THIS ITEM BY THE TOTAL NUMBER SUPPLIED. THE DEPARTMENT WILL PAY FOR ACCEPTED QUANTITIES AT THE CONTRACT PRICE FOR ITEM 516 - 1/8" PREFORMED BEARING PADS. ANY UNUSED SHIMS WILL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE STATE.~~ Designer Note: Add this note to ensure proper seating of prestressed concrete box beams for skewed bridges. The plan area of the shim pad shall be the same as the elastomeric bearing.~~ 610.5-1 ITEM 519 - PATCHING CONCRETE STRUCTURES, AS PER PLAN^^ PRIOR TO THE SURFACE CLEANING SPECIFIED IN 519.04 AND WITHIN 24 HOURS OF PLACING PATCHING MATERIAL, BLAST CLEAN ALL SURFACES TO BE PATCHED INCLUDING THE EXPOSED REINFORCING STEEL. ACCEPTABLE METHODS INCLUDE HIGH-PRESSURE WATER BLASTING WITH OR WITHOUT ABRASIVES IN THE WATER, ABRASIVE BLASTING WITH CONTAINMENT, OR VACUUM ABRASIVE BLASTING.~~ Designer Note: Use this note with all concrete patching bid items that refer to the cleaning requirements specified in 519.04.~~ 610.6-1 ITEM 503, COFFERDAMS AND EXCAVATION BRACING, AS PER PLAN^^ THE DESIGN SHOWN ON THE PLANS FOR TEMPORARY SUPPORT OF EXCAVATION IS ONE REPRESENTATIVE DESIGN THAT MAY BE USED TO CONSTRUCT THE PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR MAY CONSTRUCT THE DESIGN SHOWN ON THE PLANS OR PREPARE AN ALTERNATE DESIGN TO SUPPORT THE SIDES OF EXCAVATIONS. IF CONSTRUCTING AN ALTERNATE DESIGN FOR TEMPORARY SUPPORT OF EXCAVATION, PREPARE AND PROVIDE PLANS IN ACCORDANCE WITH C&MS 501.05. THE DEPARTMENT WILL PAY FOR THE TEMPORARY SUPPORT OF EXCAVATION AT THE CONTRACT LUMP SUM PRICE FOR COFFERDAMS AND EXCAVATION BRACING. NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR PROVIDING AN ALTERNATE DESIGN.~~ Designer Note: Use this note when the plans include detail designs for temporary shoring.~~ 610.7.1-1 ITEM 511, CLASS QC2 CONCRETE, SUPERSTRUCTURE, AS PER PLAN^^ LOCATE THE LOWER CONTACT POINT OF THE OVERHANG FALSEWORK AT LEAST __**__ INCHES +/- 2 IN. ABOVE THE TOP OF THE GIRDER'S BOTTOM FLANGE. THE BRACKET CONTACT POINT LOCATION REQUIREMENTS OF C&MS 508 DO NOT APPLY.~~ Designer Note: Use this note when web depths greater than 84 in. are specified. * Modify the pay item description to fit the specific project requirements. ** The minimum dimension for the location for the lower point of contact should be 76 in. below the bottom of the top flange. Designers should verify the acceptability of the design within the range of tolerance specified.~~ 610.7.2 DECK PLACEMENT DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS^^ THE FOLLOWING ASSUMPTIONS OF CONSTRUCTION MEANS AND METHODS WERE MADE FOR THE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF THE SUPERSTRUCTURE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESIGN OF THE FALSEWORK SUPPORT SYSTEM WITHIN THESE PARAMETERS AND WILL ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUPERSTRUCTURE ANALYSIS FOR DEVIATION FROM THESE DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS. AN EIGHT WHEEL FINISHING MACHINE WITH A MAXIMUM WHEEL LOAD OF _____ KIPS. A MINIMUM OUT-TO-OUT WHEEL SPACING AT EACH END OF THE MACHINE OF 103". A MAXIMUM SPACING OF OVERHANG FALSEWORK BRACKETS OF 48 IN. A MAXIMUM DISTANCE FROM THE CENTERLINE OF THE FASCIA GIRDER TO THE FACE OF THE SAFETY HANDRAIL OF 65".~~ Designer Note: Use this note on all projects requiring mechanized finishing machines to place deck concrete. Refer to BDM Section 302.2.7.2.c for design information regarding finishing machine loads.~~ 610.8-1 VANDAL PROTECTION FENCING^^ INSTALL FENCING FOR EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE PRIOR TO OPENING THAT PHASE TO VEHICULAR AND/OR PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC.~~ Designer Note: Use this note for bridges where non-standard vandal protection fencing is provided in accordance with BDM Section 305.6 and the bridge is constructed in phases.~~ 610.9-1 ITEM 511, CLASS QC1 CONCRETE, RETAINING/WINGWALL NOT INCLUDING FOOTING, AS PER PLAN:^^ THE DEPARTMENT WILL PERMIT THE USE OF PRECAST CONCRETE IN LIEU OF CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE FOR HEADWALLS AND WINGWALLS IN ACCORDANCE WITH C&MS 602.03. THE DEPARTMENT WILL PAY FOR THE WINGWALL AND HEADWALL CONCRETE IN SQUARE YARD AS DETERMINED FROM PLAN DIMENSIONS USING THE WALL HEIGHTS ABOVE THE FOOTING AND LENGTH ALONG THE EXTERIOR FACES OF THE WALLS. THE DEPARTMENT WILL CONSIDER THE REINFORCING STEEL IN THE WINGWALLS AND HEADWALLS, INCLUDING THE REINFORCEMENT THAT EXTENDS INTO THE FOOTINGS, AS INCIDENTAL TO THE RETAINING/WINGWALL CONCRETE. THE TOTAL QUANTITY OF CAST-IN-PLACE WINGWALL AND HEADWALL CONCRETE IS _____ CU. YD. THE TOTAL QUANTITY OF CAST-IN-PLACE WINGWALL AND HEADWALL REINFORCING STEEL IS _____ LBS.~~ Designer Note: Use this note for 4-sided box culverts (C&MS 706.05), 3-sided flat top culverts (C&MS 706.051), arch culverts (C&MS 706.052) and circular arch culverts (C&MS 706.053) where the angle between the centerline of the waterway and the exposed face of the wall is 30 degrees or more. Where note [610.9-1] applies, the Department will pay for the concrete and reinforcing steel in wingwalls and headwalls on a Square Yard basis to avoid the need to non-perform multiple work items associated with the change from cast-in-place to precast concrete. For informational purposes only, include the reinforcing steel for the cast-inplace wingwalls and headwalls in the plan’s Reinforcing Steel List and include bending diagrams. The Department will pay for concrete and reinforcing steel in the footings as Item 511 (Cu Yd) and Item 509 (Lb) respectively. The Department will consider the bars that extend from the footing into the wingwalls as wingwall reinforcement. Do not locate foundations for other roadway items (e.g. sign supports) in the soils retained behind wingwalls.~~