V101A1 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF ODOT RIGHT-OF-WAY^^ THE WASTE AND BORROW AREAS SHOWN IN THE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY INVESTIGATED FOR ECOLOGICAL RESOURCES. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO HIRE AN ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT AS PER CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATION 105.16 TO INVESTIGATE THESE AREAS. ALL OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF C&MS 105.16 APPLY.~~ Designer Note: This note should be used when waste and borrow areas are shown on the plans. The note should be edited to include one note from each of the following sets. Note V101A1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been investigated for water quality requirements (e.g., wetlands, 404/401 permits, etc.). Note V101A2 should be used when the contractor is required to hire an environmental consultant to investigate water quality requirements. Note V101B1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been investigated for archeological requirements. Use this note in conjunction with note V103, Archeological Sites Adjacent to Right-of-Way, when there are archeological sites on the plan. Note V101B2 should be used when the Contract Documents require a cultural resource investigation be performed by the Contractor. Contact the Office of Environmental Services for guidance on using this note. Use this note in conjunction with note V103, Archeological Sites Adjacent to Right-of-Way. Note V101C1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been determined not to be in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain zone. Note V101C2 should be used when the waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been determined to be in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain zone. The contractor is required to obtain FEMA clearances. Note V101D1 should be used when there might be suspect borrow areas having contaminated soil or water.~~ V101A2 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF ODOT RIGHT-OF-WAY^^ HIRE AN ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT TO CERTIFY THAT THE PROPOSED BORROW AND WASTE OPERATIONS WILL NOT IMPACT "THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES", OR AN ISOLATED WETLAND(S), OR TO OBTAIN AN U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS 404 PERMIT AND AN OHIO EPA 401 PERMIT, PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS 105.16.~~ Designer Note: This note should be used when waste and borrow areas are shown on the plans. The note should be edited to include one note from each of the following sets. Note V101A1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been investigated for water quality requirements (e.g., wetlands, 404/401 permits, etc.). Note V101A2 should be used when the contractor is required to hire an environmental consultant to investigate water quality requirements. Note V101B1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been investigated for archeological requirements. Use this note in conjunction with note V103, Archeological Sites Adjacent to Right-of-Way, when there are archeological sites on the plan. Note V101B2 should be used when the Contract Documents require a cultural resource investigation be performed by the Contractor. Contact the Office of Environmental Services for guidance on using this note. Use this note in conjunction with note V103, Archeological Sites Adjacent to Right-of-Way. Note V101C1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been determined not to be in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain zone. Note V101C2 should be used when the waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been determined to be in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain zone. The contractor is required to obtain FEMA clearances. Note V101D1 should be used when there might be suspect borrow areas having contaminated soil or water.~~ V101B1 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF ODOT RIGHT-OF-WAY^^ THE WASTE AND BORROW AREAS SHOWN IN THE PLANS HAVE BEEN INVESTIGATED BY A CULTURAL RESOURCE CONSULTANT. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO HIRE A CULTURAL RESOURCE CONSULTANT AS PER CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATION 105.16 TO INVESTIGATE THESE AREAS. ALL OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF C&MS 105.16 APPLY.~~ Designer Note: This note should be used when waste and borrow areas are shown on the plans. The note should be edited to include one note from each of the following sets. Note V101A1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been investigated for water quality requirements (e.g., wetlands, 404/401 permits, etc.). Note V101A2 should be used when the contractor is required to hire an environmental consultant to investigate water quality requirements. Note V101B1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been investigated for archeological requirements. Use this note in conjunction with note V103, Archeological Sites Adjacent to Right-of-Way, when there are archeological sites on the plan. Note V101B2 should be used when the Contract Documents require a cultural resource investigation be performed by the Contractor. Contact the Office of Environmental Services for guidance on using this note. Use this note in conjunction with note V103, Archeological Sites Adjacent to Right-of-Way. Note V101C1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been determined not to be in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain zone. Note V101C2 should be used when the waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been determined to be in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain zone. The contractor is required to obtain FEMA clearances. Note V101D1 should be used when there might be suspect borrow areas having contaminated soil or water.~~ V101B2 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF ODOT RIGHT-OF-WAY^^ HIRE A CULTURAL RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT, PER SECTION 105.16 OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS, TO PERFORM A CULTURAL RESOURCE INVESTIGATION FOR ALL WASTE AND BORROW AREAS OUTSIDE THE RIGHT-OF-WAY LIMITS.~~ Designer Note: This note should be used when waste and borrow areas are shown on the plans. The note should be edited to include one note from each of the following sets. Note V101A1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been investigated for water quality requirements (e.g., wetlands, 404/401 permits, etc.). Note V101A2 should be used when the contractor is required to hire an environmental consultant to investigate water quality requirements. Note V101B1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been investigated for archeological requirements. Use this note in conjunction with note V103, Archeological Sites Adjacent to Right-of-Way, when there are archeological sites on the plan. Note V101B2 should be used when the Contract Documents require a cultural resource investigation be performed by the Contractor. Contact the Office of Environmental Services for guidance on using this note. Use this note in conjunction with note V103, Archeological Sites Adjacent to Right-of-Way. Note V101C1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been determined not to be in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain zone. Note V101C2 should be used when the waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been determined to be in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain zone. The contractor is required to obtain FEMA clearances. Note V101D1 should be used when there might be suspect borrow areas having contaminated soil or water.~~ V101C1 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF ODOT RIGHT-OF-WAY^^ THE WASTE AND BORROW AREAS SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN INVESTIGATED AND ARE NOT IN THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) FLOODPLAIN ZONE.~~ Designer Note: This note should be used when waste and borrow areas are shown on the plans. The note should be edited to include one note from each of the following sets. Note V101A1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been investigated for water quality requirements (e.g., wetlands, 404/401 permits, etc.). Note V101A2 should be used when the contractor is required to hire an environmental consultant to investigate water quality requirements. Note V101B1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been investigated for archeological requirements. Use this note in conjunction with note V103, Archeological Sites Adjacent to Right-of-Way, when there are archeological sites on the plan. Note V101B2 should be used when the Contract Documents require a cultural resource investigation be performed by the Contractor. Contact the Office of Environmental Services for guidance on using this note. Use this note in conjunction with note V103, Archeological Sites Adjacent to Right-of-Way. Note V101C1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been determined not to be in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain zone. Note V101C2 should be used when the waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been determined to be in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain zone. The contractor is required to obtain FEMA clearances. Note V101D1 should be used when there might be suspect borrow areas having contaminated soil or water.~~ V101C2 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF ODOT RIGHT-OF-WAY^^ THE WASTE AND BORROW AREAS SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE WITHIN FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) FLOODPLAIN ZONE. WORK WITH ODOT DISTRICT OFFICE TO OBTAIN THE REQUIRED APPROVAL FROM THE LOCAL FLOODPLAIN COORDINATOR BEFORE WORKING IN THESE AREAS.~~ Designer Note: This note should be used when waste and borrow areas are shown on the plans. The note should be edited to include one note from each of the following sets. Note V101A1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been investigated for water quality requirements (e.g., wetlands, 404/401 permits, etc.). Note V101A2 should be used when the contractor is required to hire an environmental consultant to investigate water quality requirements. Note V101B1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been investigated for archeological requirements. Use this note in conjunction with note V103, Archeological Sites Adjacent to Right-of-Way, when there are archeological sites on the plan. Note V101B2 should be used when the Contract Documents require a cultural resource investigation be performed by the Contractor. Contact the Office of Environmental Services for guidance on using this note. Use this note in conjunction with note V103, Archeological Sites Adjacent to Right-of-Way. Note V101C1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been determined not to be in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain zone. Note V101C2 should be used when the waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been determined to be in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain zone. The contractor is required to obtain FEMA clearances. Note V101D1 should be used when there might be suspect borrow areas having contaminated soil or water.~~ V101D1 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF ODOT RIGHT-OF-WAY^^ THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT BORROW FROM A SITE KNOWN, OR SUSPECTED OF HAVING, CONTAMINATED SOIL OR WATER.~~ Designer Note: This note should be used when waste and borrow areas are shown on the plans. The note should be edited to include one note from each of the following sets. Note V101A1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been investigated for water quality requirements (e.g., wetlands, 404/401 permits, etc.). Note V101A2 should be used when the contractor is required to hire an environmental consultant to investigate water quality requirements. Note V101B1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been investigated for archeological requirements. Use this note in conjunction with note V103, Archeological Sites Adjacent to Right-of-Way, when there are archeological sites on the plan. Note V101B2 should be used when the Contract Documents require a cultural resource investigation be performed by the Contractor. Contact the Office of Environmental Services for guidance on using this note. Use this note in conjunction with note V103, Archeological Sites Adjacent to Right-of-Way. Note V101C1 should be used when waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been determined not to be in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain zone. Note V101C2 should be used when the waste and borrow areas shown on the plans have been determined to be in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain zone. The contractor is required to obtain FEMA clearances. Note V101D1 should be used when there might be suspect borrow areas having contaminated soil or water.~~ V102 NOT USED^^ ~~ Designer Note: ~~ V103 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES [HISTORIC PROPERTIES] ADJACENT TO RIGHT-OF-WAY^^ AS A RESULT OF A CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY, ARCHAEOLOGICALLY [OR HISTORICALLY] SENSITIVE AREAS HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED ADJACENT TO THE PROPOSED RIGHTS-OF-WAY. THESE ARCHAEOLOGICALLY [OR HISTORICALLY] SENSITIVE AREAS HAVE BEEN DENOTED ON MAPPING THAT IS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE, (OHIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 800 EAST 17TH AVENUE, COLUMBUS, OHIO 43211-2474), ODOT'S OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, AND THE DISTRICT __ OFFICE (LOCATION). THESE IDENTIFIED AREAS CANNOT BE USED FOR BORROW AREAS, WASTE, OR ANY OTHER PROJECT RELATED ACTIVITIES, SUCH AS TEMPORARY OFF-SITE STORAGE OR FIELD OFFICE PLACEMENT, PORTABLE PLANT LOCATIONS, ETC., UNLESS PRIOR APPROVAL IS OBTAINED, IN WRITING, FROM THE OHIO HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE IN COLUMBUS.~~ Designer Note: Use this note when there are known archaeological sites, or historically significant properties, on a project that will be protected as a result of a formal agreement between ODOT and the Ohio Historic Preservation Office.~~ V104 NOT USED^^ ~~ Designer Note: ~~ V105 ENDANGERED BAT HABITAT REMOVAL^^ THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN THE KNOWN HABITAT RANGES OF THE FEDERALLY LISTED AND PROTECTED INDIANA BAT, AND NORTHERN LONG-EARED BAT. NO TREES SHALL BE REMOVED UNDER THIS PROJECT FROM APRIL 1 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30. ALL NECESSARY TREE REMOVAL SHALL OCCUR FROM OCTOBER 1 THROUGH MARCH 31. THIS REQUIREMENT IS NECESSARY TO AVOID AND MINIMIZE IMPACTS TO THESE SPECIES AS REQUIRED BY THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT (ESA). FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS NOTE, A TREE IS DEFINED AS: A LIVE, DYING, OR DEAD WOODY PLANT, WITH A TRUNK 3 INCHES OR GREATER IN DIAMETER AT A HEIGHT OF 4.5 FEET ABOVE THE GROUND SURFACE, AND WITH A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 13 FEET.~~ Designer Note: ~~