ftp.dot.state.oh.us - /pub/CADD/CADDSync/OHDOT/Standards/Survey Files/

[To Parent Directory]

2/28/2023 3:45 PM <dir> Field Codes
6/8/2018 12:49 PM <dir> GeoData
3/5/2020 9:28 AM 521 ODOT GPS Averages.FRT
4/13/2020 12:43 PM 18800 ODOT GPS Averages.xsl
11/8/2019 11:39 AM 12560 ODOT ORD Comma delimited with Attributes and Photos.xsl
6/30/2016 11:18 AM 14753 OHDOT_ExistingStormSewers.xlsx
1/13/2021 9:27 AM <dir> TIW
2/1/2023 4:58 PM 601430 XXXXXX_SurveyMaster.xlsm