ftp.dot.state.oh.us - /pub/Contracts/Attach/LIC-95445/Reference Files/95445 Existing Plans/
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8/8/2024 6:06 AM 471402908 D05-77221-LIC-xx-x.xx-2006-00.pdf
11/26/2024 1:48 PM 96187507 D05-80704-LIC-00539-6.9-2015-00.pdf
7/13/2022 6:53 AM 125189110 D05-8144-LIC-00016-17.94-1995-00.pdf
11/26/2024 1:52 PM 52550160 D05-92411-LIC-661-0-2019-00.pdf
4/11/2022 6:02 AM 1684895 Lic 16 1426 East of SR16 to Evans Trail Bridge.pdf
4/11/2022 6:02 AM 1764631 Lic 16 1664 Evans Trail Bridge to Bryn Mawr.pdf
4/11/2022 6:02 AM 2053927 Lic 16 1995 Bryn Mawr to 21st.pdf
7/13/2022 7:39 AM 325804 Lic-16-17.76 2004.pdf
8/8/2024 8:19 AM 368123679 Lic-161_16-1113_1430.pdf
8/8/2024 8:20 AM 186456141 Lic-161_16-512_1509.pdf