ftp.dot.state.oh.us - /pub/Contracts/Attach/Reference File/
[To Parent Directory]
10/25/2017 9:14 AM 217600 105882_BP001.dgn
10/25/2017 9:14 AM 89088 105882_MP001.dgn
10/25/2017 9:14 AM 136192 105882_TP001.dgn
10/25/2017 9:14 AM 526848 17033.dgn
10/25/2017 9:14 AM 10904 50 ALIGNMENT.xml
10/25/2017 9:14 AM 141387 50 DTM.xml
11/6/2017 11:34 AM 391904167 88352_Reference_Only.zip
11/6/2017 10:01 AM 13120231 90909-Reference Only.zip
11/6/2017 3:32 PM <dir> ALL-103-0.23-0.30 (IR 75 & NS RR)
11/6/2017 3:32 PM 3911567 Concrete Pavement Repairs_Aerial of Repair Areas_PID 98552.pdf
5/13/2020 11:10 AM 8412157 LUC-108421-Existing Plans.zip
10/25/2017 9:14 AM 13961 PAVEMENT ELEVATIONS.xlsx
10/23/2017 10:53 AM 288 REFERENCE FILE NOTES.txt
11/6/2017 3:32 PM <dir> SR696 Exisiting plans
10/25/2017 9:14 AM 38912 Thumbs.db
11/6/2017 11:39 AM 346302026 TRU-81641-REFERENCE.zip
11/6/2017 3:32 PM 198620 US 30 Ramps CPR Gores to Gores_20171025_PID98552.pdf
11/6/2017 3:32 PM <dir> US30 Existing Plans
5/13/2020 11:11 AM 3822236 WOO-110512-CADDFiles.zip
5/13/2020 11:11 AM 1750144 WOO-110512-Existing Plans.zip