ftp.dot.state.oh.us - /pub/Contracts/Cuy90RFP/Addendum004/
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6/2/2010 11:31 AM 115540 103000e.pdf
6/2/2010 11:28 AM 163426 APPENDIX DI-01 - Document Inventory.pdf
6/2/2010 11:27 AM <dir> Appendix DI-02
6/2/2010 11:28 AM 337240 APPENDIX DI-02 - Electronic Files Inventory.pdf
6/2/2010 11:28 AM 45056 Document_Revision_Summary_RFP_Addendum-04.doc
6/2/2010 11:28 AM 4180461 EC-10 Asbestos Survey of Bridges 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11 & 12.pdf
6/2/2010 11:28 AM 3270831 EC-13 Regulated Materials Investigation for PPN-122-18-019.pdf
6/2/2010 11:28 AM 11313117 EC-21 Asbestos Survey of Bridges 14 & 15.pdf
6/2/2010 11:28 AM 21643680 EC-23 Regulated Materials Investigation for PPN 004-08-007,-008,-009,-017,-046,-054,-056.pdf
6/2/2010 11:28 AM 55414961 EX-88 City of Cleveland Signal Plans.pdf
6/2/2010 11:28 AM 642358 GE-15 Supplemental Boring Program Report.pdf
6/2/2010 11:28 AM 2239121 LD-04 Substructure No-Build Zones.pdf
6/2/2010 11:28 AM 747165 LD-05 Clearance Envelopes.pdf
6/2/2010 11:28 AM 5214542 LD-07 CCG2 Roadway Conceptual Engineering Plans.pdf
6/2/2010 11:28 AM 2018787 Project_Scope_2010-05-24.pdf
6/2/2010 11:28 AM 1865515 Project_Scope_2010-05-24_Changes_Noted.pdf
6/2/2010 11:28 AM 594098 Proposal-103000_2010-05-21.pdf
6/2/2010 11:28 AM 669852 Proposal-103000_2010-05-21_Changes_Noted.pdf
6/2/2010 11:29 AM 1400470 RR-03 GCRTA Railroad Agreement.pdf
6/2/2010 11:29 AM 345217 RR-06 GCRTA Special Clauses.pdf
6/2/2010 11:29 AM 842497 RR-07 GCRTA Standards.pdf
6/2/2010 11:29 AM 2227916 RW-05 Parcel Building Descriptions.pdf
6/2/2010 11:29 AM 297055 Selection_Criteria_2010-05-24.pdf
6/2/2010 11:29 AM 318732 Selection_Criteria_2010-05-24_Changes_Noted.pdf
6/2/2010 11:29 AM 1831398 ST-07 CCG1 Bridge Location Plan.pdf
6/2/2010 11:29 AM 477799 UT-07 Identified Utility Impacts, Mainline.pdf
6/2/2010 11:29 AM 524572 UT-08 Identified Utility Impacts, Commercial.pdf
6/2/2010 11:29 AM 514447 UT-09 Identified Aerial Utility Impacts Mainline.pdf
6/2/2010 11:29 AM 459270 UT-10 Identified Aerial Utility Impacts, Commercial.pdf
6/2/2010 11:29 AM 522643 UT-13 Identified Utility Impacts, Storm Outfall Locations.pdf