ftp.dot.state.oh.us - /pub/Districts/D04/Safety/April 2020 D4 Safety Funding Applications/

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11/4/2020 1:02 AM <dir> POR 14 Section 6.25-7.25 (Price and Lake Rockwell intersections)
11/4/2020 1:02 AM <dir> POR 224 Section 9.12-9.72 (New Milford and Waterloo intersections)
11/4/2020 1:02 AM <dir> STA 43 at Mt Pleasant slm 20.36
11/4/2020 1:02 AM <dir> SUM 77 PBPD Corridor- DB PID 102329
11/4/2020 1:02 AM <dir> SUM Wooster (CR96) West Corridor PID 108240
11/4/2020 1:02 AM <dir> TRU 62 Section 7.47-8.29 (Bedford and Broadway intersections)