DIST 12 Deck YEAR BUILT - -19-32 - BRIDGE TYPE 343 57 CUY RIVER VALLEY & Fl RR 1. The east cellular unit underside of deck exhibits a 1 0' diameter spa II with 100% section loss to 7 consecutive transverse bars and spalls with exposed rebar exhibiting minor section loss over 10% of the deck area. The main truss spans deck soffit exhibits spalls with exposed rebar in isolated locations over up to 5% of total deck area, and transverse cracking at 1 0' spacings with efflorescence. The utility deck soffit exhibits widespread spalling of the 1" to 2' thick concrete that was poured below the underside of floorbeam top flanges, which represents potential falling hazards over the streets and industrial yard below. 3. The north sidewalk was being modified for the addition of a bike lane at the time of inspection and was not fully accessible. 7. Expansion joints were being rehabbed at the time of inspection and could not be inspected. Previous inspections noted areas of torn neoprene glands at isolated expansion joints. Superstructure 12. The first interior stringers adjacent to Truss A and D of the main truss spans exhibit isolated holed-through sections and minor pitting (cleaned and painted) on the web and bottom flanges. 13. 15. 16. 19. 20. 24. 28. 29. 30. Substructure 35. 39. Channel 51 . 52. General 64. The floorbeams exhibit isolated holed-through sections and minor pitting (cleaned and painted) on the web and web stiffeners adjacent to Truss A and D at joint locations. Verticals exhibit moderate section loss (cleaned and painted) up to 1/4' at isolated locations. Pack rust between web plates and flange angles is beginning to reactivate. Moderate to advanced section loss was noted to diagonal member webs with up to 1/4" pitting at gusset plate interfaces (cleaned and painted). Pack rust up to 3/4" was noted between web plates and flanges. Moderate section loss is typical with isolated areas of advanced loss to web plates, bottom flange angles, and rivet heads. Pack rust is beginning to reactivate in several locations, mainly between web plates and top flange angles. Up to 10% section loss is typical thoughout gusset plates with isolated areas of advanced section loss up to 50%. Lower chord gusset plates exhibit average section loss of 20% along the interface with lower chord members. Gusset plate CL?OS exhibits a lamellar split on the west free edge below the diagonal, reducing the effective gusset plate thickness to 1/4" remaining. Isolated bearing pins exhibit moderate pitting and pack rust between bearing castings and gusset plates. Rust staining and isolated paint failures with activating rust is typical at joint locations. Pins exhibit pack rust up to 1' between web plates and gusset plates in isolated locations, preventing sliding pins from fully bearing on chord members. Lower chord sliding pins at Panel Points AL 17 and BL41 appear to be frozen as a result of pack rust. Several pins exhibit advanced wear up to 1/2" along one-third of the pin diameter. Utility deck floorbeams exhibit fatigue cracks due to lack of radial coping at truss connections. Isolated cracks in floorbeams have not been arrested. Previously noted cracks have not propagated since the 2011 inspection. Large spalls with exposed rebar are typical throughout architectural pier towers above truss bearings. Pier walls exhibit hairline cracks with rust staining and isolated corner spalls along outside corbels. The fender system has failed due to severe timber rot and collis ion damage. Channel has a sharp bend upstream and downstream of the bridge. The west bank sheet piling is washed out 200 yards north (downstream) of the bridge. The light poles were in the process of being replaced as part of the rehabilitation being performed during the inspection. Previous inspections noted widespread cracking with isolated spalls and numerous missing access covers for electrical boxes on the precast concrete light poles mounted outside bridge railing. During the current inspection, a precast concrete light pole on the west approach was noted to have collision damage. Several decorative pier lights were noted to be damaged or missing. For additional comments, see report in bridge ftle.