ftp.dot.state.oh.us - /pub/Districts/D12/Production/Consultant_Programmatic/2024_May/120471/CUY-2-14.66 YR 1938 SD 002195/

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3/15/2012 1:11 PM 807200 37_11_16_Main_ave. bridge_g1_a1.tif
1/19/2024 4:31 PM <dir> as-built
1/19/2024 4:34 PM <dir> BridgePlans-ShopDrawings
1/19/2024 4:37 PM <dir> MAIN_AVE_BRIDGE
1/19/2024 4:34 PM <dir> Main_Avenue_fenders_&_dolphins
1/19/2024 4:38 PM <dir> Paint_Totals
1/19/2024 4:38 PM <dir> Revised_Load_rating
12/27/2010 7:48 PM 16550237 Shop Drawings Spans 1-4.pdf
12/27/2010 8:15 PM 13703178 Shop Drawings Spans 10 and 11.pdf
12/27/2010 8:09 PM 23144059 Shop Drawings Spans 5-7.pdf
12/27/2010 8:13 PM 25502923 Shop Drawings Spans 8 and 9.pdf.pdf
11/19/2012 6:06 PM 1226 WS_FTP.LOG