{ "Projects": [ { "Project": { "PID": 116090, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Removal of retired structure (SFN 6005284, MUS SR 208 0044X)", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS SR 208 00.44X", "Location": "At intersection of SR 208 and SR 666 near Village of Dresden." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113598, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2800000.0, "Description": "Resurface Brookpark Road (SR-17) from west of Rocky River Drive (SR-237) to West 130th Street in the City of Brook Park. Work may include small portions of Cleveland and Parma. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 017 04.43", "Location": "Brook Park; WCL to ECL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112484, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1237827.15, "Description": "Resurface state routes within the village of Mechanicsburg and perform full depth repairs on SR 4", "County": "Champaign", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "CHP-PAVE-FY25", "Location": "SR 4, SLM 6.970 to 7.980; SR 559, SLM 0.272 to 0.919; SR 29, SLM 30.058 to 31.09" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108050, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3270190.4, "Description": "In Barnesville, pave bike/ped path on abandoned B&O rail bed from the SW corp past the historic B&O Railroad Depot to Railroad Street and bike/ped signage and pavement marking on Railroad Street to Colonel Drive, totaling 1.8 miles. Includes trailhead pa", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL Barnesville Trail", "Location": "SW Corporation limit to Colonel Dr near SR 147" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116066, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2036-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2036-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5500000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing and related work on S.R. 79 in Licking County.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC SR 79 0.00", "Location": "LIC 79 FROM IR 70 TO THE NORTH HEBRON CORP LINE." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110454, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-03-27", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 3265615.22, "Description": "Priority System Minor Rehabilitation; Concrete pavement repair of existing concrete pavement and asphalt resurfacing of composite pavement, including pavement repairs and pavement markings", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF US 22 3.860", "Location": "SLM 3.86 to SLM 10.16" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115101, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1920750.0, "Description": "Rock slope stabilization by scaling, trim blasting, drape installation, catchment cleanup, and rockfall barrier replacement.", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF SR 7 32.94", "Location": "Just south of S.R. 213." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122295, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-08-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-04-21", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3900000.0, "Description": "Replace the deck of the Johnnycake Ridge Road (SR-84) bridge over SR-44 in Concord Township, Lake County.", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK SR 084 16.13 Deck", "Location": "Concord Twp; SR-84 over SR-44" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104792, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2848676.14, "Description": "Full depth replacement and resurfacing of Thornwood Drive (CR 134) between Lees Road (CR 135) and the Columbus & Ohio River Railroad crossing. Project includes pavement repairs, shoulder widening, mill/fill, signage, pavement markings and related work. ", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC CR 134 02.06", "Location": "Thornwood Drive (CR 134) from Lees Road to South of the Hallie Ln/Central Parkway W intersection." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123096, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2250000.0, "Description": "Install median cable barrier on I-275 from the Indiana State line to I-74 in Hamilton County. ", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 275 0.00 Cable", "Location": "Indiana State line to I-74" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122449, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "North 4th Street from Warren to Hudson. Project involves swapping the location of the bike lane and parking lane to increase bicyclist safety and roadway resurfacing.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA North 4th Street", "Location": "North 4th Street from Warren Street north to E Hudson Street" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120158, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 380000.0, "Description": "Project in Sylvania Township in Lucas County to construct sidewalks on various roads and path extensions to improve access to Central Trail Elem, Hill View Elem and Arbor Hill JH, Stranahan Elem, and Whiteford Elem. Includes installation of marked crosswa", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC VAR Sylvania Twp SRTS FY26", "Location": "Various roads in Sylvania Township." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120697, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2950000.0, "Description": "Intersection improvement at State Route 37 and Pleasantville Road.", "County": "Fairfield", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "FAI SR 37 8.20", "Location": "At intersection of SR 37 and Pleasantville Road (Fairfield County)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116934, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-11-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1200000.0, "Description": "District-Wide bridge painting", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07 BP FY27", "Location": "Various bridges throughout District 7" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119308, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-19", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-29", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 231732.5, "Description": "installation of guardrail on various county routes in Greene County", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE Var Guardrail FY 25", "Location": "various county routes in Greene County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110102, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 962390.5, "Description": "Pave invert (4) culverts: PRE-35-1540, PRE-70-0083, BUT-129-0447, and BUT-129-0665Replace culvert PRE-40-0902 Jack and bore PRE-127-1135", "County": "Preble", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "PRE/BUT Culverts FY25", "Location": "Multiple locations in Butler + Preble County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119548, "ProjectType": "Rest Area", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 881600.0, "Description": "A project to convert the former weigh station off IR-75 Northbound in Wood County to a truck parking facility.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO IR 75 8.58 Weigh Station", "Location": "IR-75 Northbound former weigh station" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121301, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1250000.0, "Description": "FY30 D09 Districtwide Guardrail project. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09 Guardrail Project FY2030", "Location": "D09 Guardrail FY30" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115758, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1520000.0, "Description": "FY26 Urban Paving project in the City of Springboro on a portion of SR 73 (E. Central Ave)", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR SR 73 5.88", "Location": "WAR-73: SLM 5.88-7.2 (between Main St -e. corp)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119921, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 110000.0, "Description": "Increase resiliency of bridge carrying US 250 over Plum Run by deepening the piling encasement and placing rock channel protection.", "County": "Harrison", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HAS US 250 2.14", "Location": "1.37 miles east of JCT SR 151." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 98862, "ProjectType": "New Building/ Facility", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 11000000.0, "Description": "Clark County Full Service Maintenance Facility land acquisition and Construction.", "County": "Clark", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "FACD07 CLA Clark FS", "Location": "SR72 south of IR70 in Springfield." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117339, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 5473240.0, "Description": "Rehabilitate the HAM-127-0514 (SFN 3111385) bridge that carries US 127 over I-75, two Railroads, and Mill Creek by replacing the wearing surface, replacing the abutment joints, patching the barrier, and cleaning the drainage system.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM US 127 5.14", "Location": "HAM-127-0514: Bridge that carries US 127 over I-75, a Railroad, and Mill Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96664, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-01-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 816000.0, "Description": "Two-lane resurfacing project using an asphalt overlay with repair treatment. NOB 566 0.00-4.80.", "County": "Noble", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "NOB SR 566 0.000", "Location": "Begin at SR 145." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109933, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-28", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 972645.86, "Description": "Flat Sheet sign replacement project in FY2024 GAL county. ", "County": "Gallia", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "GAL Sign Flatsheet FY2024", "Location": "Various routes and sections in D10." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121381, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-03-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 140000.0, "Description": "CEAO HSIP Safety project to install new pavement markings on various county roads.", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS CR VAR PM FY2029", "Location": "Various county roads" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121246, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-16", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-05-17", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "District Wide contract to replace roadside delineators in FY2030. Locations to be determined.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08 DELINEATOR FY2030", "Location": "Various locations in D8" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112947, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1595000.0, "Description": "Repair or replace 6 deficient culverts along various routes in District 12. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 12", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "D12 CU FY2024", "Location": "Various routes & sections" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120454, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 647937.54, "Description": "Culvert replacement at two locations in Columbiana County.", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL-30-6.85, COL-45-18.14", "Location": "COL-30-6.84: Near Kensington, 0.45 miles west of S.R. 9. COL-45-18.14: North of Lisbon, specifically 2.7 miles north of U.S. 30." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118922, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-06-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-08-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 388000.0, "Description": "pave culvert CLE-28-0191.", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE Culverts FY29", "Location": "varies" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121577, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1469670.0, "Description": "Paving and pavement repairs on Dresden Ave. from Grant Street to the northern city limit. Includes 3\" mill and fille, curb ramps and repairs, pavement markings, and drainage structures.", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL Dresden Avenue Phase 2", "Location": "Grant Street to northern city limit." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121104, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1562100.0, "Description": "Project to replace the Cherry St bridge (SFN #7250274) over Portage River in Sandusky County.", "County": "Sandusky", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "SAN Cherry St Bridge Replace X", "Location": "Cherry St bridge (SFN #7250274" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113330, "ProjectType": "Enhanced Crossing", "BeginConstructionDate": "2021-08-10", "EndConstructionDate": "2022-06-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1406878.4, "Description": "Pedestrian safety improvement project for 43 intersections located within the City of Cleveland. Improvements will include enhancements to pavement markings, signage, roadway features (median, curb ramps, sidewalk) and signals. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Cleveland PSIP", "Location": "Cleveland; Various routes and locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110712, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4725000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of POR IR 76. Minor bridge rehab on 16 structures. ", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "POR IR 0076 13.55", "Location": "POR IR 76 from 13.55 to 19.34" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109278, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-08", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 11110195.35, "Description": "Two-lane pavement removal and reconstruction of pavement using full depth asphalt treatment. MOE 7 2.21-8.65. Major 2 funds.", "County": "Monroe", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MOE SR 7 2.210", "Location": "Begin" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 93288, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3339497.37, "Description": "Rehabilitate existing structure carrying SR 95 over SR 13. ", "County": "Knox", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "KNO SR 95 04.36", "Location": "SR95 over SR13" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115750, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-05-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 7471500.54, "Description": "Replace the deck of the West 14th exit ramp J-14 portion of the Jennings Freeway (SR-176) bridge along Steelyard Commons in Cleveland. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 176 13.34/VAR Deck", "Location": "Cleveland; SR-176NB bridge at Steelyard Commons" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121625, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 247208.0, "Description": "Type C Emergency to fix the damaged steel for the CLE-32-0684 (1300326) structure over W. Main Street in Batavia.", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE SR 32 6.84", "Location": "CLE-32-0684 (SR 32 over W. Main Street in Batavia)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114748, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 365000.0, "Description": "Replace culverts at WIL-127-12.43 (CFN 1806949) and WIL-127-15.09 (CFN 1861325) located in Williams County on SR 127.", "County": "Williams", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WIL US 127 12.43/15.09 Culvert", "Location": "WIL-127-12.43/15.09 (CFNs 1806949 & 1861325)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118661, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 843059.23, "Description": "WAS SR 60-15.79 200 ft slope stabilization with drilled shafts.", "County": "Washington", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "WAS SR 60 15.79", "Location": "WAS SR 60 15.79 milemarker" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 106002, "ProjectType": "Add Through Lane(s)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2021-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-08-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 49853993.0, "Description": "Reconstruction of existing pavement and adding 4th lane to sections of SUM IR 77 between the Arlington Rd and IR 277/US 224 interchanges, adding 2nd lane to the IR 77 NB ramp to IR 277 WB and IR 277 EB ramp to IR 77 SB, includes bridge replacements and br", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM IR 77/277/US 224 Various", "Location": "SUM IR 77 from 6.78 to 9.74" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121603, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-08", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 700000.0, "Description": "Construct a shared use path along the east side of South Park Blvd from Snow Rd to Wales Ave in the city of Parma, Cuyahoga county.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY South Park Shared Use Path", "Location": "Snow Rd to Grantwood Dr" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113551, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 417496.42, "Description": "Pavement markings on various routes in Pickaway County.CEAO STP funded project.Local-let by Pickaway County Engineer's office.", "County": "Pickaway", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "PIC-VAR CR PM-FY25", "Location": "Various county roads in Pickaway County." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117602, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2214969.41, "Description": "Replacement of LIC CR 539A 0.50 (SFN 4536150) carrying Moots Run Road over Raccoon Creek.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC CR 539A 01.05", "Location": "0.5 miles west of western Granville Corporation limit" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116911, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1326000.0, "Description": "2027 District wide polyester pavement marking", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07 PPM FY28", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117977, "ProjectType": "Other Studies/ Tasks", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-12-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 594270.0, "Description": "A contract to operate the Craig Memorial and Port Clinton lift bridges; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC/OTT 65/163 FY2025 Oper", "Location": "Craig Memorial Bridge and Port Clinton Lift Bridge" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119322, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1011715.98, "Description": "Resurfacing", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT Denlinger Rd RSF 01.51", "Location": "Denlinger Road from Salem Avenue to Westbrook Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118427, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-12-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 769100.0, "Description": "Replacement of the bridge at MED-TR 145-0.91 (Wall Rd SFN 5235405) with minor approach work.", "County": "Medina", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "MED TR 145 000.90 (Wall Road)", "Location": "100 feet on either side of structure" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 93834, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 370000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement on State Route 138 in Highland County.", "County": "Highland", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "HIG-138-23.62 Brdg Replace", "Location": "HIG 138 23.62" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120995, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2398000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of SR 126 in Hamilton County", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM SR 126 15.68", "Location": "HAM SR 126: SLM 15.68-19.41" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117431, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-09", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-27", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1015820.81, "Description": "Resurfacing of Larchmont Ave in Howland and Bazetta Townships.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU CR 1469 1.94 (Larchmont Ave)", "Location": "Warren North Corp Limit to Perkins-Jones Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118969, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Installation of Reflective/Wet Reflective (R-W/R) long line pavement markings to be installed Summer 2026. R-WR markings to be installed following completion of paving projects on various routes. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08-R-W/R-FY26", "Location": "Various locations in D8" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114368, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3075376.92, "Description": "Resurfacing and related roadway items on MUS State Route 146. Treatments to include Mus-146-(16.21-25.78): 1\" Type B Fine Graded Polymer, project will be alternative bid using 1 1/4\" Item 441 PG70-22M Surface.", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS SR 146 16.21", "Location": "Mus 146:0.07m W. of CR604 to SR313 Intersection" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110962, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6500000.0, "Description": "PM resurfacing from the Medina County Line to Pearl Rd (US-42) in Strongsville and Middleburg Hts. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 071 00.00", "Location": "Strongsville, Middleburg Hts; County Line to US-42" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113127, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "Guardrail replacement and adjustment", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07 GR FY 2026", "Location": "Various locations on various routes" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116075, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 670000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement on state Route 73 in Scioto County.", "County": "Scioto", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "SCI-73-22.73", "Location": "SCI-73-22.73 (SFN 7302829)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120160, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 750000.0, "Description": "Mill and fill the existing pavement with asphalt concreteUrban Paving Program", "County": "Auglaize", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "AUG SR 29/66 03.61/10.67", "Location": "SR 29 SLM 03.61 to 03.85; SR 66 10.67 to 11.48 " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121085, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-11-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-12-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2800000.0, "Description": "FY30 D09 District Pavement Long Line Markings (B) project. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09 PM FY2030 (B)", "Location": "D09 District Pavement Long Line Markings (B)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116647, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1870000.0, "Description": "A District allocation funded project to resurface a portion of US 6 in Sandusky County; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Sandusky", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "SAN US 6 23.44 Resurfacing", "Location": "SAN-6 from SLM 23.44 to 32.44" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114459, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6271424.0, "Description": "General System Minor Rehabilitation; Asphalt paving with pavement repairs and pavement markings on US 62 from Killbuck to Berlin.", "County": "Holmes", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HOL US 62 9.88", "Location": "Killbuck & Millersburg. 0.09 mi. E of TR 76 to Berlin (SLM 26.00)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101079, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2021-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2021-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 158000.0, "Description": "A raised pavement markers maintenance contract; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 2", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "D02 RPM FY2021", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105252, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1646095.0, "Description": "General System Minor Rehabilitation; Resurfacing of SR 7 including asphalt overlay, pavement repairs and pavement markings", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 7 2.240", "Location": "SR 7 from SLM 2.24 to SLM 5.87" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101754, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2259475.0, "Description": "Microsurfacing of SR 661 between Granville and Mt Vernon.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "KNO/LIC SR 661 00.00/01.79", "Location": "LIC/KNO SR 661 from SR 16/37 Intersection to SR 13 Intersection in Mt. Vernon" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119126, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-12-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3200000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of TRU SR 5 and SR 88.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU SR 5/88 20.10/22.76", "Location": "TRU SR 5 from 20.103 to 30.95 and SR 88 from 22.761 to 25.481." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121795, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-11-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 280000.0, "Description": "Guardrail replacement on various county routes in Ross County", "County": "Ross", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ROS-CR VAR GR-FY29", "Location": "Various CR in Ross County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117992, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-11", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-23", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1688200.0, "Description": "Replace existing bridge.", "County": "Hancock", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "HAN CR 180 3.67", "Location": "CR 180 over Lye Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119818, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1562668.0, "Description": "Construct a multi-use trail from Alpha Rd. in Greenwich Twp. to Town Line 79 in New London Twp. also including trail surface improvement from Townsend St. to N. Kniffin St. in the Village of Greenwich in Huron County. ", "County": "Huron", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "HUR AC&Y Trail (Greenwich)", "Location": " Alpha Rd. in Greenwich Twp. to Town Line 79 in New London Twp. and Townsend St. to N. Kniffin St. in the Village of Greenwich" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121938, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 23300000.0, "Description": "Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods grant project in City of Toledo to improve safety and accessibility of Front St from Oak St to Craig Bridge St and Main St from Nevada St to Riverside Dr. Scope includes realignment of intersection of Front St an", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC Front St & Main St - Toledo ", "Location": "Front St from Oak St to Craig Bridge St and Main St from Nevada St to Riverside Dr" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110494, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2040-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2040-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3290200.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of SR 232 in Clermont County", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE SR 232 0.00", "Location": "CLE-232: SLM 0-11.46" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122860, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-03-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1800000.0, "Description": "Pavement repairs and chip seal at Expo Center and Ohio History Connection", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-FY29 EXPO CENTER/OHC", "Location": "Various locations at the Expo Center and Ohio History Connection" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122456, "ProjectType": "Drainage System Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-02-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-03-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "UNI SR 47: The existing storm sewer will be upsized to address capacity needs, and the roadway profile may need to be adjusted to prevent future roadway overtopping.", "County": "Union", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "UNI-47-4.30", "Location": "UNI SR 47 4.30 to 4.41 (South of Spangler Rd.)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119249, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5918293.0, "Description": "DEL 23 Resurfacing Project", "County": "Delaware", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "DEL US 23 0.00", "Location": "DEL-23-0.00-7.41" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119781, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "A project to address flooding at state Route 140 in Lawrence County by raising the road and replacing a culvert.", "County": "Lawrence", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "LAW-140-0.09", "Location": "LAW-140-0.00-0.40" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102734, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-09-23", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1240000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing STA US 62 in the City of Alliance.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA US 0062 36.42/38.60", "Location": "STA US 62 from 36.424 to 37.811 and 38.605 to 38.970" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113107, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2814000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing STA SR 800. Minor rehabilitation to 2 bridges", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA SR 0800 00.00", "Location": "STA SR 800 from 0.00 to 7.04" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115729, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2034-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2034-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2500000.0, "Description": "Rehabilitation of LIC SR 79 04.57 (SFN 4504836)", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC SR 79 04.50", "Location": "200 feet north of IR 70/SR 79 eastbound ramps" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121837, "ProjectType": "Emission Reduction", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 54545.0, "Description": "installation of two EV charging stations in the City of Trenton", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT Trenton EV Charger FY26", "Location": "City of Trenton City Hall" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114938, "ProjectType": "Noise Wall", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 300000.0, "Description": "Replace broken noise wall panels on various routes throughout Montgomery and Miami Counties.", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT/MIA-NW-FY26", "Location": "Various locations on MOT-70, MOT-75, and MIA-75" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122890, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 10500000.0, "Description": "Construction of trucking parking at AUG-US33/Hardin Pike infields (EB & WB). Development will be completed under PID 122865.", "County": "Auglaize", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "AUG-US33/Hardin Pike Infields TP", "Location": "AUG US-33 infields (WB & EB) in Auglaize County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121169, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-05-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 178199.0, "Description": "1.5\" asphalt concrete overlay with partial depth pavement repairs along Beach Rd. from Shop Rd. to Beach Maintenance Dr.", "County": "Carroll", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "CAR Atwood Lake Park Beach Road", "Location": "Shop Rd. to Beach Maintenance Dr." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 82666, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "EndConstructionDate": "2007-08-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 249448.76, "Description": "Embankment Failure; Slide Repair", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS SR 416 13.150", "Location": "0.07 miles North of Lakeview Road, New Philadelphia, OH" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121196, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-07-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2750000.0, "Description": "Mill and Fill with Asphalt Concrete", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT SR 49 02.77", "Location": "SR 49 SLM 2.77 to 5.22" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122085, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 967762.0, "Description": "Replace SFN 1747495 located on CRA - CR330", "County": "Crawford", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "CRA CR 0330 19.98 (Old Lincoln)", "Location": "200 Feet on either side of SFN 1747495" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95464, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 20078644.3, "Description": "Full Depth Pavement Replacement of COS SR 16 0.82 to 8.99.", "County": "Coshocton", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "COS SR 16 00.82", "Location": "Cos 16: From Mus. Cty. Line to Spitler Drive (MR 120) intersection" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114768, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-12-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 318950.0, "Description": "Upgrading guardrail and end terminals and adding new guardrail on various county routes throughout Trumbull County.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU GR FY2025", "Location": "Various county routes throughout Trumbull County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114838, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-01-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1160083.0, "Description": "Resurfacing Project on US36 & Urban Resurfacing in the City of MarysvilleUrban Resurfacing Locations:UNI-36 SLM 13.386-18.89Resurfacing with minor pavement repair, minor bridge work and upgrade guardrail as needed.", "County": "Union", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "UNI US 36 13.37", "Location": "UNI-36 from 13.37 to 18.89; Just west of US33 to Delaware Co Line. Urban Resurfacing Locations: UNI-36 SLM 13.386-18.89" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 99531, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-06", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 9830280.85, "Description": "Resurfacing from the Brooklyn Corp Line south of Ridge Road to the Innerbelt Bridges in Brooklyn and Cleveland. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 071/090 14.66/14.94", "Location": "Brooklyn, Cleveland; Corp line to the Cuyahoga River" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113599, "ProjectType": "Railroad Crossing Protection", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-05-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-05-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 414500.0, "Description": "Upgrade the traffic signal at Main Ave. & W. 48th/Collins Blvd. for railroad preemption/interconnection with Norfolk Southern grade crossing DOT# 471982Y. Installation will include ADA and MUTCD compliance.", "County": "Ashtabula", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "ATB Main & W 48th St Signal NS", "Location": "ATB Main Ave & West 48th/Collins Blvd, City of Ashtabula." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107347, "ProjectType": "Lighting (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-28", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1170555.68, "Description": "Lighting project on various routes and sections in D10 for FY2024.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 10", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "D10 Lighting FY2024", "Location": "Various routes and sections." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113132, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1775000.0, "Description": "Pavement PM projects throughout the district. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 12", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "D12 PPM FY2025", "Location": "Various routes & sections" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105790, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-02-26", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-09-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2399802.2, "Description": "Replace the superstructure of the Mantle Rd bridge over SR-2 in Painesville Township. ", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK SR 002 16.77 Super", "Location": "Painesville Twp; Mantle over SR-2" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119996, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-12-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 899188.0, "Description": "Replacement of existing lowering units and cameras on ITS infrastructure in District 2.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 2", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "D02 ITS Maint FY 2024", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120590, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 689700.0, "Description": "Replacement of LIC-T0056-0045 (SFN 4534840) structure.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC TR 56 0.45", "Location": "0.25 miles south of Bennington Chapel Road/Dutch Cross Road intersection" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116357, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 550000.0, "Description": "Replace bridge carrying SR 43 over Branch of Goose Run. In stream work is required.", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF SR 43 19.98", "Location": "0.29 Miles North of TR-267 (Carries Ln)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121895, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 329700.0, "Description": "Bridge Replacement on CR 4 (Big Plain Circleville Road) over Opossum Creek", "County": "Madison", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAD CR 4 9.07", "Location": "CR 4 9.07 over Opossum Run" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119842, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1329682.2, "Description": "Replacement of Flat Sheet Signs in Licking County.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC Flat Sheet Signs 2025", "Location": "US and SR in Licking County." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119151, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4406150.0, "Description": "Resurfacing for ATH-78-0.16-8.89, ATH-691-9.22-9.80 AND HOC-78-0.00-3.28", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH SR 78 0.37", "Location": "Begin at ATH-78-0.16-8.89" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109696, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-03-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1489221.91, "Description": "Guardrail reconstruction and repair.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11 GR FY2025", "Location": "various routes and locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116556, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1855062.7, "Description": "Resurfacing of Albrecht Ave from Springfield Township Line (Stull Ave) to Cleveland Ave in Summit County, Ohio. Includes shoulder restoration and widening, loop detector replacement and guardrail repairs/upgrades.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM CR 0044 00.68 (Albrecht Ave)", "Location": "Albrecht Ave from Springfield Township Line (Stull Ave) to Cleveland Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115988, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 689801.25, "Description": "Rehabilitation of rock slope and improvement of roadside ditch.", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS SR 146 29.36", "Location": "0.35 miles east of SR 146/Herron Road Intersection" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115739, "ProjectType": "Drainage System Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 765000.0, "Description": "Construct improved drainage systems along SR 111, SR 637 and SR 613.", "County": "Paulding", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PAU/PUT SR 114/637/613 12.00/Var", "Location": "Along SR 111 and SR 637 in Paulding County and along SR 613 in Putnam County." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115689, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "PM treatment on Ravenna Rd (SR-44) from Washington Street in Auburn Township to Kinsman Rd (SR-87) in Newbury Township. ", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA SR 044 02.82", "Location": "Auburn, Newbury Twps; N of US-422 to SR-87" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120297, "ProjectType": "Railroad Grade Separation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-06-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 10000000.0, "Description": "Build a bridge over both CSX and NS railroad tracks to connect the existing dead end Ashville Pike Road with Thoroughbred Drive.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "PIC-TR28-1.26", "Location": "TR 28 Ashville Pike (west end) to Thoroughbred Drive (east end)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117356, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-16", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 940000.0, "Description": "Replace bridge on Township Road 100 (Pond Run Road) in Scioto County. ", "County": "Scioto", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "SCI-TR 100-0.46/1.63 BR Replace", "Location": "SCI TR 100 0.46 (SFN 7332998) & TR 100 1.63 (SFN 7333013)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112716, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 14359079.35, "Description": "North Main Street corridor improvement from Olive St to Riverside Dr in the City of Akron.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM SR 0261 10.90 (N Main St)", "Location": "Olive St to Riverside Dr" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116329, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3221390.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of US 68 in Greene County", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE US 68 11.39", "Location": "GRE-68: SLM 11.39-20.46" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120082, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2200000.0, "Description": "Constructing a new roundabout at SR 172 and Alabama Ave (CR 314) in Tuscarawas Township, Stark County, Ohio.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA SR 0172 00.87", "Location": "STA 172 at Alabama Ave SLM 0.87." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122835, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2600000.0, "Description": "Convert stop-controlled intersection into a single-lane roundabout at SR-96 and SR-545/Olivesburg Fitchville Rd (CR-77) in Richland County.", "County": "Richland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "RIC SR 0096 16.80", "Location": "RIC-96-16.80 at SR-545/Olivesburg Fitchville Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120918, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1150000.0, "Description": "Districtwide guardrail maintenance contract; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 2", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "D02 GR FY2026", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105102, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1360000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement state Route 776 in Pike County. ", "County": "Pike", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "PIK SR 776 0.05 Brdg Replace", "Location": "PIK 776 0.05" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122079, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-07-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1998600.0, "Description": "Replace SFN 3936244 (bridge) on Townline 198", "County": "Huron", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "HUR TR 0198 00.12 (Townline 198)", "Location": "SFN 3936244 bridge and approach " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112693, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1994000.0, "Description": "Urban Paving within City of MansfieldRIC-013-15.97 to 21.69", "County": "Richland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "RIC SR 0013 15.97", "Location": "RIC-013-15.97 (5th Street/SR 39) to 21.69 (North Corp)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107760, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-12-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2787321.26, "Description": "Turn lanes, pedestrian improvements and RR signal pre-emption at Sycamore Street in Columbus Grove.", "County": "Putnam", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PUT SR 65 1.08", "Location": "SR 65 and Sycamore Street in Putnam County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117460, "ProjectType": "Enhanced Crossing", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-11-12", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-24", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 59000.0, "Description": "Provide Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) and street lighting along Long St/Ashville Pike (SR 316/CR 28) in the Village of Ashville.", "County": "Pickaway", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "PIC-Ashville-Ped Improve", "Location": "SR316 (Long St) at Scioto St to CR 28 (Ashville Pike) at Thompson Ave " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108005, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-20", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-09-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2263984.15, "Description": "Resurfacing of Granger Rd (SR-17) from east of Tuxedo Ave to the Garfield Heights border in the Villages of Brooklyn Heights and Valley View and the City of Independence. Project includes the cloverleaf ramp at Granger Rd (SR-17) and Brecksville Rd (SR-2", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 017 12.58", "Location": "Brooklyn Hts, Valley View, Independence; E of Tuxedo to WCL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114413, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1842420.0, "Description": "This project will replace all extrusheet signs in Ottawa County and remove overhead signs on IR 475 in Lucas County. This will include both rural and urban locations.", "County": "Ottawa", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC/OTT Sign FY2025", "Location": "Ottawa and Sandusky County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120119, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-01-10", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-10", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Mahoning Avenue improvements will include asphalt overlay, bridge replacement, pavement marking and guardrail. At Bailey Road intersection the construction of a roundabout and ADA crossing. Rosemont Road improvement include widening w curb gutter, draina", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH TID Mahoning Ave Corridor ", "Location": "Jackson Township" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120567, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 44204918.0, "Description": "RAISE Grant project in downtown City of Toledo to reconstruct 38 city blocks with new pavement, sidewalks, streetscapes, and water and sanitary utilities. Includes a new public transit Mobility Hub and a 0.75 mile multi-use path on 17th St and Dorr St fro", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC VAR Toledo RAISE FY23", "Location": "Various streets in Uptown and Junction neighborhoods, Toledo" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121414, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1331796.25, "Description": "Mill and fill project to include traffic signal improvements, signage, and pavement markings.", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR TR 0054 00.00 Murray Ridge", "Location": "Updated Termini of Albrecht Road to Lowell St." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121407, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3000000.0, "Description": "District wide guardrail improvement in District 8", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08 GR FY2028", "Location": "Locations TBD" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114441, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 8337500.0, "Description": "Priority System Minor Rehabilitation; Asphalt resurfacing IR 77 including pavement repairs and pavement markings", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS IR 77 27.73", "Location": "Strasburg to Stark Co. Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119603, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-14", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1885295.98, "Description": "Construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Woodville Pike and Deerfield Road.", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE CR 133/CR 40 Roundabout", "Location": "300' north and south of intersection along Deerfield Road, and 300' east and west of intersection along Woodville Pike" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117322, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 517982.21, "Description": "Upgrade of sidewalks, curbs, curb ramps and crosswalks. Includes the installation of bus stop shelters in the City of Nelsonville. Locations include Fayette Street, Jefferson Street, Watkins Street and Chestnut Street. ", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH Nelsonville MobilityCorridor", "Location": "Begin at Fayette Street." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120042, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1042894.42, "Description": "Construction of sidewalk along E. Main St (US 36), School St, Arch St, and St Clairsville St in the Village of Port Washington.", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS Port Washington Sidewalks", "Location": "Various routes with various termini" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102538, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2033-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2033-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 8000000.0, "Description": "Repair twin bridges carrying US 250 over Tuscarawas River, by replacing the wearing surface and railing.", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS US 250 15.020", "Location": "0.92 miles eat of SR 416" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116591, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Bridge RepairsVarious structures throughout District Three", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 BH FY2028 (A)", "Location": "Various structures throughout District Three" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114923, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 2200000.0, "Description": "Concrete pavement repairs to MAH IR 76, MAH IR 80, and MAH US 422.", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH IR 76/VAR 3.53/VAR", "Location": "MAH IR 76 3.529 to 8.648, MAH IR 80 0.00 to 5.053, MAH US 422 2.32 to 3.681" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107832, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2422222.22, "Description": "FRA-270-5.47; Hall Rd. over I-270; deck replacement to include widening for SUP (Columbus funded)", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-270-5.47", "Location": "FRA-270-5.47 HALL RD. OVER I-270" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116234, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3000000.0, "Description": "Fy28 D09 Districtwide Microsurfacing pavement treatment project. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09-Microsurfacing-FY28", "Location": "D09 Microsurfacing FY28" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107375, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-09-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 47297499.0, "Description": "Major rehabilitation of the Interstate 75 pavement by rebuilding the asphalt pavements.", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT-75-6.86", "Location": "MOT IR 75 SLM 6.86 to 9.57" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118846, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-12-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1300000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing MAH US 224.", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH US 0224 19.89", "Location": "MAH US 224 from 19.891 to 25.301" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95303, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-06-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-29", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 492442.4, "Description": "This project consists of constructing an extension of the Great Miami River Bikeway from Edwin C. Moses Blvd. to West River Road. ", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT Gr Miami River Trl Ext, Ph 2", "Location": "Edwin C Moses Blvd. to West River Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109665, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 386537.8, "Description": "District 11 crack sealing", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11 CS FY2025", "Location": "various routes and locations district wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120014, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-09-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 700000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of parking lots near the Muskingum River Parkway along various state routes in D5 and D10", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "ODNR Muskingum River Parkway", "Location": "Various routes along Muskingum River in D5 and D10" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115827, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 441005.4, "Description": "Sidewalk installation in existing gaps to provide safe routes to school.", "County": "Erie", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "ERI Vermilion SRTS FY2025", "Location": "Pineview Dr from Sanford to Beechview Dr." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119424, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 850000.0, "Description": "Sealing of mainline SR 126 bridge decks in Hamilton County. Other bridge decks in the county may be added prior to scoping. ", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM BS FY2029", "Location": "Multiple locations in HAM CO" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121332, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "A project to repair the WIL-34-2722 bridge by replacing the wearing surface with a SDC overlay and painting the structural steel. Perform necessary related work.", "County": "Williams", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WIL SR 34 27.22 Bridge Repair", "Location": "WIL-34-2722 Bridge" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121892, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2033-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2033-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement of COS-83-05.90 (SFN 1601202) ", "County": "Coshocton", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "COS SR 83 05.90", "Location": "Located 0.10 miles south of Township Road 277." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115850, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-01-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2380000.0, "Description": "Culvert replacement project. Locations TBD.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 10", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "D10 Culverts FY2029", "Location": "TBD" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115896, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "Repair/replace 3 bridges on various routes in Cuyahoga County: CUY-071-06.11CUY-006-05.59CUY-003-01.18", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 071 06.11/VAR Repair", "Location": "Various" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120719, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-29", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 385634.1, "Description": "Resurfacing and related work on State Street (CR 2002/ MR 659) and S Rehl Rd (TR 420) in Zanesville.", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS CR2002/MR659/TR420 0.00", "Location": "State Street from Brighton Blvd to Jackson St and State Street from Brighton to S Rehl Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119739, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3010000.0, "Description": "Construction of pedestrian facilities along SR 13, 37 & 345 in Village of New Lexington.", "County": "Perry", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "PER SR 13/37/345 VAR", "Location": "Along SR 37/13/345 / from the intersection of Thorn St and E Broadway St to Panther Drive" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104102, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-02-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3500000.0, "Description": "Replace the deck of the ramp structure from SR-176NB to IR-90 WB over IR-490 in Cleveland. Work will include steel retrofits. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 071 18.89 SW Deck", "Location": "Cleveland; Over IR-490" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116808, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 830000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing SUM SR 93 in the city of Akron.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM SR 0093 08.02", "Location": "SUM SR 93 from 8.02 to 9.86" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108312, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-11-14", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2879252.5, "Description": "This project is for FY 2024 Guardrail upgrade project.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 Guardrail FY2024", "Location": "District Wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120689, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 626300.0, "Description": "FY30-General system Microsurfacing", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 MICRO GENERAL FY2030", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113120, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-04-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 950000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing River Rd (SR-174) from Old Mill Rd to the Lake County Line in Gates Mills. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 174 00.00", "Location": "Gates Mills; Old Mill Rd to the Cnty Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110810, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 7677940.92, "Description": "Replace the decks of the IR-480 EB & WB ramp bridges to IR-77 over mainline IR-480 in Independence. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 480 17.87WN/17.90ES Decks", "Location": "Independence; I-480WB to I-77SB over I-480" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122812, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-19", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-20", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1752336.25, "Description": "Minor intersection realignment of Valley Road intersection with Dumford Road. Addition of west leg to the intersection, which will construct phase 1 of a new roadway between Valley Road and Indian Ripple Road.", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE TR169 Valley Bell Connector", "Location": "valley road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115060, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "Concrete drainage channel replacement and shoulder repair to US-422 EB west of SR-306 in Bainbridge Township. Project includes conduit repair at various locations along US-422.", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA US 422 01.46/VAR Drainage", "Location": "Solon, Bainbridge Twp; W of SR-306" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116163, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-02-24", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1847786.59, "Description": "Convert two-way stop-controlled intersection into single-lane roundabout at HUR-18-17.10/SR 601. (Safety App 202110D03-03)", "County": "Huron", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "HUR SR 0018 17.10", "Location": "HUR-18-17.10 at SR 601" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 98011, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3166941.0, "Description": "Resurfacing with related work. Preventive maintenance work on bridges within the resurfacing limits.", "County": "Fairfield", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "FAI/LIC SR 158 07.63/00.00", "Location": "SR 158 from just north of Pleasantville Rd in Fai county to 0.75 mi north of Palmer Rd Lic County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114472, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2975027.0, "Description": "General System Minor Rehabilitation; Resurfacing US 62, including pavement repairs and pavement markings", "County": "Holmes", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HOL US 62 26.45", "Location": "SR 39 to Stark Co. Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122849, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 999425.9, "Description": "Resurfacing of North River Rd (CR 142) from Elm Rd to SR 46.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU North River Rd (CR-142)", "Location": "Elm Rd to SR 46" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116419, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 609320.0, "Description": "Annual maintenance contract to maintain the existing auxiliary pavement markings at various intersections, interchanges, railroad crossings and school zones throughout the district.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11-PM-FY2028(A)", "Location": "Various existing interchanges, intersections, railroad crossings and school zones throughout District 11." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107553, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-24", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-03-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 3033295.0, "Description": "Guardrail reconstruction and repair.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11-GR-FY2024", "Location": "various routes and locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111079, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-14", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-29", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 957950.0, "Description": "A Federal/State exchange bridge repair (SFN 2631105) of the CR J structure at SLM 3.6 over the Tiffin River in Fulton County. The work consists of a concrete overlay, new bridge railing, converting to semi-integral abutments, adding abutment drainage and", "County": "Fulton", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "FUL CR J 3.60 Bridge Repair X", "Location": "(SFN 2631105) of the CR J structure at SLM 3.6 over the Tiffin River in Fulton County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118647, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3018299.0, "Description": "Shave/Pave with pavement markings ", "County": "Clark", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "CLA CR 351/509 10.23/02.09 RSF", "Location": "CLA CR 351 11.82 to 10.23; CLA CR 509 2.09 to 3.05 in the City of Springfield " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122039, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Replace a 3-way stop intersection with a continuous super-elevated curve and improve & widen to 3 lanes 2,750 ft. of Old Springfield & 2,650 ft. of Peters that connect to the intersection. ", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT TID Ring Rd Comple PH 2", "Location": "City of Union" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123133, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3600000.0, "Description": "Overlay the concrete pavement with Asphalt Concrete on US 68", "County": "Champaign", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "CHP-68-0.00", "Location": "US 68, SLM 0.00 to 1.27" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121456, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2400000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of TRU US 422 in the Cities of Warren and Niles.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU US 0422 14.32", "Location": "TRU US 422 from 14.32 to 17.06" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119964, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-08-07", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3000000.0, "Description": "Project will widen existing Shakertown Road from Carthage Drive to Southern Belle Blvd to a three lane section with curb and gutter and storm sewer through the project length. Project also includes sidewalk on both sides.", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE CR 71 2.66 Shakertown Road", "Location": "Shakertown Road from Carthage Drive to Southern Belle Boulevard" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111246, "ProjectType": "Parks", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 336364.16, "Description": "ODNR project in Dillon WLF Area and State Park Area for resurfacing park roads", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "ODNR Dillon WLF Area Resurfacing", "Location": "ODNR Dillon WLF Area" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117950, "ProjectType": "Lighting (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1102000.0, "Description": "2 year lighting maintenance on various routes in ATB, MAH and TRU counties.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 LG FY2029 (East)", "Location": "TBD" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109270, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-02-27", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 24799727.39, "Description": "Major rehabilitation of North Ridge Road (US-20) from Townline Road to SR-528 in Madison Township. Work will include minor widening and drainage replacement. Plans prepared under PID 108665", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK US 020 24.99 Major Rehab", "Location": "Madison Twp; Townline Road to SR-528" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121877, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-11-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Slope stabilization on portion of US 50 in Clermont County.", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE US 50 7.10", "Location": "CLE US 50: SLM 7.1" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118289, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3733202.0, "Description": "Convert stop-controlled intersection into single-lane roundabout at Lexington Springmill Rd (CR-133) and Home Rd (TR-135) in Richland County", "County": "Richland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "RIC CR 0133 02.22 (Roundabout)", "Location": "Intersection approaches of CR133 (Lexington-Springmill) and TR135 (Home Road) " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 86771, "ProjectType": "Building / Facility Improvement", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3973894.0, "Description": "Replace Roof at District 11 Office", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11 Main Office Roof Replacement", "Location": "D11 Office Complex Building" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115116, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-02-28", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1623139.8, "Description": "Rehabilitation of historic bridge (SFN 4131126) in Jefferson County.", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF TR 289 0.06", "Location": "0.06 miles west of CR 53 (150' estimated project length)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114952, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1800000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of SUM SR 18, urban paving in the City of Fairlawn.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM SR 0018 02.64", "Location": "SUM SR 18 from 2.64 to 4.89" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118356, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2630000.0, "Description": "Convert two-way stop-controlled intersection into single-lane roundabout at SR-3, SR-94, and SR-606 in Medina County.", "County": "Medina", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "MED SR 0003 20.63", "Location": "MED-3-20.63 at SR-94/SR-606" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121386, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 350000.0, "Description": "A raised pavement markers maintenance contract; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 2", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "D02 RPM FY2030", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116428, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1100000.0, "Description": "Replace the existing guide, warning and regulatory signing along IR 77 in Tuscarawas County and US 22 in Jefferson County.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11-SIGN-FY2029", "Location": "TUS-77-(20.70-34.95), JEF-22-(6.98-16.44)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112701, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Remove bridge at FRA-670-3.87A", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-670-3.87A", "Location": "FRA-670-3.87" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116682, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3212101.35, "Description": "Resurfacing with asphalt concrete", "County": "Putnam", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PUT SR 694 0.00", "Location": "On SR 694 in Putnam County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115030, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 450000.0, "Description": "MED US 0042 00.48-Culvert ReplacementMED US 0042 12.87-Culvert Replacement", "County": "Medina", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "MED US 0042 (00.48) (12.87)", "Location": "MED US 0042 00.48; MED US 0042 12.87" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120999, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-11-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1326190.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of SR 235 in Greene County", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE SR 235 0.22", "Location": "GRE SR 235: SLM 0.22-6.13" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112880, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-02-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 10803557.0, "Description": "Priority system resurfacing project on MAD IR 70MAD-70-0.00 to 8.96; Clark Co Line to US 42Resurfacing project with minor pavement repair, minor bridge work and upgrade guardrail as needed.", "County": "Madison", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAD IR 70 0.000", "Location": "MAD-70-0.00 to 8.96; Clark Co Line to US 42" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122204, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 698765.0, "Description": "Safe Routes to Schools project in City of Fostoria to complete sidewalk improvements on south side of Park Ave; new sidewalks on Vine St., Van Buren St. (SR 613), and Summit St. Curb ramps on Westhaven Dr. Enhanced crossings on HL Ford Dr. and a Pedestria", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO VAR Fostoria SRTS FY27", "Location": "Various roads in City of Fostoria" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119173, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-02-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1344582.89, "Description": "Reconstruction of Osborn Road improving horizontal and vertical curves, with widening to the pavement and shoulders and removal of fixed items from the clear zone.", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI CR 37 0.00 Osborn Rd", "Location": "Osborn Road (CR 37): from Dalton Road (CR 54, logpoint 0.00) for 0.8 miles" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115066, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 250000.0, "Description": "Bridge maintenance to address embankment erosion on Route 32 in Pike County.", "County": "Pike", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "PIK-32-6.60", "Location": "PIK 32 6.60R (SFN 6603637)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122200, "ProjectType": "Transport System Mgmt and Ops (TSMO)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1015000.0, "Description": "Consultant to prepare 2 separate construction plans for a project to replace/add dynamic message signs (DMS) and queue warning signs (QWS) at various locations in District 6 and District 12. Design work under PID 122200. Construction work under PID 1222", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06/D12 VAR DMS & QWS", "Location": "Various locations within District 6 and District 12 - FRA and CUY" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118929, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 716872.65, "Description": "Resurfacing of Butternut Ridge Rd from Oberlin-Elyria Rd to LaGrange Rd", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR CR 012 0.00 (ButternutRidge)", "Location": "Oberlin Elyria Rd to LaGrange Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 90653, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4094191.4, "Description": "Part 1: Reconstruct the roadway to include curb and gutter, storm sewer, sidewalks, and two-way, left turn lane. Safety funded project.Part 2: Install storm sewer from Brown Rd to the Columbus Storm Sewer System at Mound St.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA US 62 10.67 (Part 1 & 2)", "Location": "Franklin County Planning & Dev $, US 62/SR 3 (Harrisburg Pike) from Eakin/Hopkins to Brown Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114352, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-06-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4969050.0, "Description": "Safety improvements on CR 335 (Spangler Road) from Restoration Drive to Main Street.The project includes adding lighting at intersections; elevating CR 335 out of the 100-year flood zone and regrading an earth dike at Restoration Park Drive.", "County": "Clark", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "CLA-CR 335-0.00", "Location": "CR 335 (Spangler Rd) from Restoration Park Dr to Main St" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116099, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1509700.0, "Description": "FY 2026 pavement preventive maintenance on various Routes in ATB, MAH and TRU counties.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 SP FY2026 (East)", "Location": "Various routes in ATB, MAH and TRU counties" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113403, "ProjectType": "Interchange Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-11-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-10-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 4145843.94, "Description": "Modify the northbound I-77 exit and entrance ramps to and from Rockside Road in Independence. Work includes widening portions of both ramps including the ramp bridge over Rockside Road. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 077 08.37 NB Ramps Safety", "Location": "Independence; I-77 NB ramps at Rockside Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117479, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-06", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-08", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "Sidewalk installed along the east side of Sunbury Rd from Agler Rd to the existing sidewalk to the north and on both the east and west sides of N Cassady Ave from Agler Rd to the existing sidewalks to the north. Path will be installed along the south side", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-SRTS Sunbury/Agler", "Location": "Sunbury Rd from Agler Rd to Existing North Sidewalk and Cassady from Agler Rd to Existing North Sidewalks" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120593, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1840748.0, "Description": "Replacement of KNO-CR-0.89 (SFN 4232585) structure.", "County": "Knox", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "KNO CR 89 0.13", "Location": "0.50 miles south of US 36/Kinney Road intersection" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 99583, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4425000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing from Newell St to US-20. ", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK SR 002 14.38", "Location": "Newell St to US-20" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118601, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 297862.88, "Description": "Culvert replacement along U.S. 40 in Belmont County.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL US 40 15.81", "Location": "100ft west of Pine Lane" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117610, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 150000.0, "Description": "Superstructure project in Ross County.", "County": "Ross", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ROS-TR 183-7.56 Superstructure", "Location": "ROS TR 183 7.56 (SFN 7142595)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118854, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 601429.87, "Description": "Resurfacing project on state route 124 in Highland County.", "County": "Highland", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "HIG-124-10.64", "Location": "HIG-124-10.64" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121087, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-11-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-12-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 250000.0, "Description": "FY30 D09 Districtwide raised pavement markers.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09 RPM FY2030", "Location": "FY2030 District wide raised pavement markers." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116281, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1974000.0, "Description": "Sealing bridge deck throughout District 11", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11-DS-FY2028", "Location": "Bridge Deck Sealing throughout District 11" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121233, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "Lorain County. Structure replacement. LOR-82-04.22 ", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR SR 0082 04.22", "Location": "LOR-82-04.22" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122297, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-02-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 750000.0, "Description": "Replacement of the bridge on Chagrin River Rd (SR-174), just south of Glenwood Drive, in the Village of Gates Mills, Cuyahoga County.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 174 00.23 Replace", "Location": "GATES MILLS; OVER A STREAM" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107386, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-03-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3000000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing from Girdled Road to IR-90 in Concord Twp. ", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK SR 044 00.83", "Location": "Concord Twp; Girdled Rd to IR-90" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114156, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-04-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 384000.0, "Description": "Culvert replacement project. Locations TBD.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 10", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "D10 Culverts FY2027", "Location": "TBD" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122800, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-11-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 140000.0, "Description": "Install new and upgrade existing pavement markings on various county routes within Highland County. ", "County": "Highland", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "HIG-CR VAR PM-FY29", "Location": "Highland County Pavement Marking Project" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122203, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Installing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on I-70 ", "County": "Richland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "RIC/MRW IR-71-D-NEVI-RD2B", "Location": "IR-71-D MRW 11.908-19.918 / RIC 0.000 -11.934 ends" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105556, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-28", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1992000.0, "Description": "Replacement of Ravenna Rd structure over Norfolk Southern Railroad. Relocating the Portage Hike and Bike Trail from Ravenna Rd onto a former Railroad bridge. ", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "POR CR 145 Ravenna Rd Bridge", "Location": "Ravenna Rd over Norfolk Southern RR" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108743, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-05-11", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-10-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 5085679.18, "Description": "Rehabilitate Claremont Ave. and improve drainage. The project will include asphalt resurfacing, concrete base repairs, full depth asphalt repairs, concrete curb replacements, installation of base pipe underdrains, sidewalk and drive apron replacement, cu", "County": "Ashland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "ASD CR 5016 00.16 Claremont Ave", "Location": "City of Ashland, Claremont Ave from Baney Road to Smith Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114981, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "Crack Seal Various routes and sections throughout District 3", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 CRSEAL FY2027", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101284, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2935000.0, "Description": "A District allocation funded project to resurface a portion of US-127 in Williams County and replace curbs in Village of West Unity; perform necessary related work. (M. Sommerfeld)", "County": "Williams", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WIL US 127 0.00 Resurf", "Location": "WIL-127 SLM 0.00 to 15.05" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123019, "ProjectType": "Lighting (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "2 year lighting maintenance on various routes in ATB, MAH and TRU counties.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 LG FY2031 (East)", "Location": "TBD" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121274, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-11-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Perform miscellaneous bridge maintenance activities on various structures. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 1", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "D01 BM FY29", "Location": "Various structures throughout District One." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121012, "ProjectType": "Parks", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 720000.0, "Description": "ODNR project to resurface sections within Hueston Woods State Park.Resurfacing of campgrounds (Phase II).", "County": "Preble", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "PRE Hueston Woods FY2029", "Location": "Hueston Woods State Park - Camprgrounds Phase II" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122976, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2900000.0, "Description": "Convert two-way stop-controlled intersection into a single-lane roundabout at Rock Road (CR-150) and 4th Street (CR-501) in the City of Ontario, Richland County.", "County": "Richland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "RIC CR 0150 01.21", "Location": "intersection of Rock Road (CR-150) and 4th Street (CR-501)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122192, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 614000.0, "Description": "Project in Ottawa County to replace bridge on W Trowbridge Rd (TR 67) over South Branch Turtle Creek (SFN: 6230253).", "County": "Ottawa", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "OTT TR 67 2.51 Bridge X", "Location": "W Trowbridge Rd (TR 67) over South Branch Turtle Creek (SFN: 6230253)." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117523, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 531381.48, "Description": "Replacement of existing deficient sidewalk, curb and gutter, and curb ramps along E. Carrollton St., N. Main St., and Harrison St. within the Village of Magnolia. New sidewalk will also be added along Harrison St./Minerva Rd. SE.", "County": "Carroll", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "CAR Magnolia Sidewalks", "Location": "Intersection of E. Carrollton St. and Bachelor Rd.; North Corporation Limit" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113025, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 457362.56, "Description": "Fully re-construct traffic signals at Spencerville Road (SR 117) & Shawnee Road, Harding Highway (SR 309) & Mumaugh Road.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 1", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "D01 Signals FY2026", "Location": "Various locations in ODOT District 1" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 98051, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5977810.0, "Description": "Resurfacing w/ related work.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC SR 79 15.37", "Location": "LIc-SR 79 from SR16 Interchange to Cos. Cty Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119209, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-17", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-07-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Reactive Pavement Maintenance", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 RM FY2029", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121697, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 150000.0, "Description": "Radar Installation at intersections:", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 TSG Radar FY2030", "Location": "Signals Locations to be determined" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122421, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1747505.0, "Description": "Construct a 10 feet wide asphalt bicycle/pedestrian path (phase 3) by extending the path from the phase 2 path terminus westward 6000 feet to the Village of Fairport Harbor East Corporation Line in Painesville Township in Lake County.NOACA Carbon Reductio", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK Metroparks Lakefront Phase 3", "Location": "Painesville Twp; Phase 2 terminus west to Fairport Harbor Village ECL." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114463, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2676240.0, "Description": "General System Minor Rehabilitation; Asphalt paving SR 170, including pavement repairs and pavement markings", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL SR 170 1.91", "Location": "SLM 1.72 to SR 154" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105428, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2033-04-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Placing an epoxy overlay on the following bridges:FRA-670-2.13 FRA-670-2.39 FRA-670-2.36 ", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-670-2.13 Epoxy Overlay", "Location": "I 670 between I 70 and 315" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118818, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 12869170.0, "Description": "Resurfacing on a portion of IR 275 in Hamilton County", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 275 25.45", "Location": "HAM-275 SLM 25.45 to 28.73" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119065, "ProjectType": "Enhanced Crossing", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-02-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-14", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 315939.41, "Description": "Installation of a traffic signal at the West Loveland Avenue crossing of the Little Miami Scenic Trail.", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE LMST Crossing Signal", "Location": "Little Miami Scenic Trail crossing of W. Loveland Avenue" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122386, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-06", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-04-16", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 681000.0, "Description": "Installation of a new Shared Use Path from Fitch Road to Stearns Road in Olmsted Township, Cuyahoga County.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Olmsted Greenway Ph 1 & 2", "Location": "Fitch Road to Stearns Road " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115699, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-14", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 750000.0, "Description": "Resurface Chillicothe Road (SR-306) from Tanglewood Trail to Washington Street in Bainbridge Township. ", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA SR 306 03.07", "Location": "Bainbridge Twp; N of US-422 to Washington" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119927, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 750000.0, "Description": "Project to apply recessed and wet reflective markings in D-05", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 PM FY2027 (C) R-WR", "Location": "FAI/LIC IR 70 from Franklin County line to SR158" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120403, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2034-11-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2034-12-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 650000.0, "Description": "Project to perform cracksealing throughout D-05 in FY 2035", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 CS FY2035", "Location": "Coshocton, Muskingum, Guernsey" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119203, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1361244.14, "Description": "Replace SFN 7841809 TRU TR 123 0.31 (Barclay-Messerly Rd) bridge over Eagle Creek.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU TR 123 0.31 Barclay-Messerly", "Location": "TRU TR 123 (Barclay-Messerly Rd) bridge over Eagle Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120432, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-02-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-03-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 300000.0, "Description": "Project for systematic replacement of RPM's on D-05 Routes", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 RPM FY2032", "Location": "D-05, SPecifi locations deterined at plan development" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101370, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement project. MEG 733 1.13, SFN 5340780.", "County": "Meigs", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MEG SR 733 1.130", "Location": "Begin 0.16 miles E of TR 204." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120957, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3913050.0, "Description": "Replacement of multiple culverts district wide.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11 CR FY 2030", "Location": "Various Locations TBD." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108774, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-06-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 4228403.5, "Description": "Rehabilitation of National Road Bikeway Tunnel under US 40. Work is to include tunnel extension (and new headwall), addition and replacement of retaining walls, slope failure correction, development of a trailhead, trail resurfacing, and other associated ", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL National Rd Tunnel Rehab", "Location": "Approximately 150' north of the National Road Bikeway Tunnel to 150' south of the National Road Bikeway Tunnel." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114417, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-26", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 532616.0, "Description": "Rehabilitation of Sunrise Blvd bridge over Fish Creek in the City of Kent.", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "POR Sunrise Blvd Bridge (Kent)", "Location": "Sunrise Blvd over Fish Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119738, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1333333.33, "Description": "Construction of active transportation infrastructure along Refugee Road in Fairfield County.", "County": "Fairfield", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "FAI CR 7 01.94 Refugee SUP", "Location": "Refugee Road from Woodstock Ave to Pickerington Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116033, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Annual project for application of Fast Dry pavement markings in D-05 West in FY 2028", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 PM FY2028 (B) Fast Dry West", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116879, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1130879.47, "Description": "Resurfacing, Curb Replacement ", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT Kettering Blvd Improvements", "Location": "Kettering Blvd from Hoyle Place to Moraine N. Corp. and from W. Stroop Rd to SR 741" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117684, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-04-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1059000.0, "Description": "Project in City of Perrysburg to construct a new multi-use path along West Boundary St (SR-25) from terminus of an existing path north of IR-475 interchange to terminus of another existing path at Indiana Ave, approximately 6,740 feet. Includes all necess", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO SR 25 21.28 W Boundary MUP", "Location": "West Boundary St from IR-475 interchange to Indiana Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107247, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3954700.0, "Description": "Minor bridge work to SFN 7706871 SUM-82-0000 over the Cuyahoga River.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM SR 0082 00.00", "Location": "SUM SR82 SLM 0.00" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110558, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-03-18", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-04-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1836226.35, "Description": "Replace bridge on state Route 243 in Lawrence County over Leatherwood Creek. ", "County": "Lawrence", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "LAW-243-10.84", "Location": "LAW-243-10.81 (SFN 4403541)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116147, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-10-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 855421.15, "Description": "Resurface Hallett Ave from Airport Hwy to north of Garfield Ave, with pavement repairs as needed. Includes replacement of curb/gutter and new ADA compliant sidewalk, curb ramps, drainage improvements, and crosswalks along the west side of the roadway with", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "FUL CR 1 5.12 - Hallett Resurf", "Location": "US20/SR2 to north of Garfield Avenue" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119083, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4357000.0, "Description": "Project to replace the superstructure and rehabilitate the substructure of the bridge that carries SR 126 over Eldora Drive. ", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM SR 126 17.73", "Location": "HAM SR 126 17.73 - SFN 3101177" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122061, "ProjectType": "Signal Installation (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-08", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 644744.0, "Description": "Improvements to the intersection of Wayne Street and Fountain Avenue including installation of replacement traffic signal w/ turn arrow signal heads and backplates, widening intersection for radius improvements, and widening travel lanes on Wayne Street.", "County": "Mercer", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MER Wayne & Fountain Intrsct Imp", "Location": "Intersection of Wayne Street and Fountain Avenue" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120431, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-02-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-03-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 300000.0, "Description": "Project for systematic replacement of RPM's on D-05 Routes", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 RPM FY2031", "Location": "D-05, SPecifi locations deterined at plan development" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110439, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 4768268.86, "Description": "Resurfacing with related work on SR 146, SR 340, SR 672 in Guernsey, Muskingum, and Noble Counties. Preventive Bridge maintenance on structures within resurfacing limits. Railroad crossing removal on SR 146 (SLM 7.48, 7.83, 8.32, 8.90) and SR 821 (SLM 0.9", "County": "Guernsey", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "GUE/MUS/NOB SR 146/340/672 VAR", "Location": "SR 146 in Guernsey County and SR 340 from SR 284 in Mus County thru Noble County to SR 146 in Guernsey County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122911, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 350000.0, "Description": "A project to replace a culvert on US-20 at SLM 15.07 in Fulton County (CFN 1828559). Perform necessary related work.", "County": "Fulton", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "FUL US 20 15.07 Culvert Repl", "Location": "FUL-20 at SLM 15.07" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122884, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 14900000.0, "Description": "Construction of trucking parking at FRA-I71/US62 infields (EB & WB). Development will be completed under PID 122866.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-IR 71/US 62 Infields TP", "Location": "FRA IR-71/US62 infields (WB & EB) in Franklin County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117405, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 836247.8, "Description": "Resurfacing Summit Ave and Olive St in the City of Niles", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU Summit Ave/Olive St (Niles)", "Location": "Summit Ave from Robbins Ave to Olive St and Olive St from Belmont Ave to bridge over the Mahoning River" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120664, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-12-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3850000.0, "Description": "Combs-Hehl Bridge T1 Repairs.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "Combs-Hehl Brdg T1 Repair", "Location": "HAM-275-41.6" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115512, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1537640.0, "Description": "Project in Lucas County to construct a roundabout at the intersection of Hill Ave and McCord Rd. Project includes new asphalt pavement, concrete pavement, curbs and gutters, drainage improvements, and other necessary relate scope items.", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC CR 30 2.93 Hill/McCord Rndbt", "Location": "Intersection of Hill Ave and McCord Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114780, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-07-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-08-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3261000.0, "Description": "Project to rehabilitate Bridge HAM-71-0332 which carries William Howard Taft Street over I-71 in Cincinnati. Rehabilitation will include replacing the expansion joints, overlay, bearings, approach slabs, slope protection, drainage, repairing the fence, pa", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 71 3.32", "Location": "HAM IR 71 3.32" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122878, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1800000.0, "Description": "Construction of trucking parking at BEL-I70 EB weigh station. Development will be completed under PID 122864.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL-IR 70 EB Weigh Station TP", "Location": "BEL IR-70 EB weigh stations in Belmont County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116491, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1327597.0, "Description": "Construction of two turn lanes (each approximately 450' including taper) off Fair Road and reconfiguration of the Millcreek Road and Fair Road intersection to improve access to the Sidney Industrial Park, a JobsOhio authenticated site.", "County": "Shelby", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "SHE Fair-Millcreek Improvements", "Location": "Fair Road between W. Millcreek an Schenk Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95574, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-03-28", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 967353.1, "Description": "Replace Box Beam Superstructure", "County": "Ashland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "ASD US 0042 12.46", "Location": "ASD-042-12.49 - Katotawa Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121183, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-12-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 885000.0, "Description": "Mill and fill the existing pavement with asphalt ", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT SR 48 3.25", "Location": "SR 48, SLM 3.25 to 4.48 (Franklin St. to I-675)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122417, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Sign structure repair", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 12", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "D12 SIGN FY2026", "Location": "Various routes & sections" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110109, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 537633.0, "Description": "General/Urban System Paving Project FY25:Asphalt Concrete overlay without repairs: DEL-37-6.88-9.06, DEL-203-0.00-0.06", "County": "Delaware", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "DEL SR 37 6.88", "Location": "DEL-37-6.88-9.07 (South Section Line Road to Troy Road) & DEL-203-0.00-0.06 (Section Line Road to pavement break)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105571, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 5392795.0, "Description": "Bridge-Replace bridge decks, approach slabs, Brgs, and abutments. CRA-US-0030-8.42 L& R", "County": "Crawford", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "CRA US 0030 08.42", "Location": "CRA-US-0030-8.42 L& R" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123001, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-06-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1851000.0, "Description": "FY 2031 pavement preventive maintenance on various routes in ATB, MAH and TRU counties.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 SP FY2031 (East)", "Location": "Various routes in ATB, MAH and TRU counties" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113084, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 355000.0, "Description": "District wide raised pavement markers", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07 RPM FY26", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113605, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 340657.05, "Description": "Rehabilitate structure CLE-232-0180 which carries SR 232 over a tributary of Colcaster Run by sliplining the conduit and replacing the inlet headwall.", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE SR 232 1.80", "Location": "CLE-232-0180" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118689, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-12-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 298783.88, "Description": "Replace Sippo Valley Trail Bridge #11 over City of Massillon Utility Line", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA Sippo Valley Trail Bridge 11", "Location": "Sippo Valley Trail Bridge #11" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 100659, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2040-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2040-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1773960.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of SR 730 in Clinton County", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI SR 730 3.98", "Location": "CLI SR 730: SLM 3.98 - 10.08" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112855, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 932337.17, "Description": "FY30 D09 Districtwide Smoothseal pavement treatment project. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09-Smoothseal-FY30", "Location": "D09 Smoothseal FY30" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117184, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1209600.0, "Description": "Project to construct a shared use path in Bowling Green from Bowling Green High School to Van Camp Rd and along Van Camp Rd Brim Road (USBR-25). Includes right-of-way acquisition, high visibility crosswalk markings, advance placement yield markings and si", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO TR 98 0.74 Brim Rd SUP", "Location": "BGHS to Van Camp Rd (approx. 0.25 mi east of Brim Rd); Van Camp Rd to Brim Rd; and Brim Rd to Bishop Rd." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119537, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 914500.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement of WAY-CR 70-1.13 (SFN 8547149) with minor approach work.", "County": "Wayne", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "WAY CR 70 01.13 (Doylestown)", "Location": "100 ft on either side of structure." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110005, "ProjectType": "Vegetative Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-04-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 180000.0, "Description": "Tree Pruning necessary for future construction contracts. Prevailing wage one year contract.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 PR FY2026 (B)", "Location": "Various Locations throughout District Three" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118419, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Project scope includes bridge rehabilitation on GUE SR 761 2.21 (SFN 3006751)", "County": "Guernsey", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "GUE SR 761 2.20", "Location": "0.2 miles south of SR 265/SR 761 intersection near Salesville" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121336, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 922117.39, "Description": "Chipseal project on US route 207 in Ross County.", "County": "Ross", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ROS-207-3.90", "Location": "ROS-207-3.90" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115550, "ProjectType": "Lighting (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 874800.0, "Description": "2-Year Lighting Maintenance and Repair contract along various routes in POR, STA and SUM Counties. Includes LED upgrades.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 LG FY2026 (West)", "Location": "Districtwide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118179, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-26", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-26", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2148300.0, "Description": "Upgrade intersection of US 42 at CR 32 (Price Hilliards Rd) to improve safety and reduce congestion by constructing a roundabout.MAD-42-20.66 (202209D06-03) Description: Construct a single-lane roundabout at Price Hilliards Road in Pleasant Township.Decis", "County": "Madison", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAD-42-20.66 (at CR32)", "Location": "MAD US 42 at CR32 (Price Hilliards Rd)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119896, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 625000.0, "Description": "Slide repair on SR-19 in Sandusky County at SLM 2.72.", "County": "Sandusky", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "SAN SR 19 2.72 Slide Repair", "Location": "SR-19 in Sandusky County near SLM 2.72" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110148, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1168775.26, "Description": "Replace deficient bridge.", "County": "Auglaize", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "AUG-219-9.27", "Location": "AUG-219-9.27" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123012, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-06-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 600000.0, "Description": "Signal Upgrade - Location to be determined", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 TSG FY2031", "Location": "TBD" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110155, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-03-14", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-09-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 270518.32, "Description": "Bridge repair.Address erosion issues on bridges.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07-BH-FY24 (A)", "Location": "Various bridges in D7 (CLA & MOT)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121696, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 150000.0, "Description": "Radar Installation at intersections:", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 TSG Radar FY2029", "Location": "Signals Locations to be determined" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109854, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 248822.0, "Description": "WAY-SR-0095-00.17-Extend both ends of the culvert.", "County": "Wayne", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "WAY SR 0095 00.17", "Location": " WAY SR 0095 00.17" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123244, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-12-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4203750.0, "Description": "FY31-District Wide Urban Paving", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 Urban Paving FY2031", "Location": "Urban Paving" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121886, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-24", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-29", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1475000.0, "Description": "Construction of pedestrian facilities within the village of Kalida.", "County": "Putnam", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PUT Kalida Pedestrian Loop", "Location": "Various locations within the Village of Kalida" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116640, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6214384.0, "Description": "Priority System Resurfacing ProjectAsphalt Concrete overlay with minor repairs, minor bridge work and upgrade guardrail as needed.PIC-23-5.21-12.92 (Just South of Pittsburgh Drive to just North of North Court Street)", "County": "Pickaway", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "PIC US 23 5.21", "Location": "PIC-23-5.21-12.92 (Just South of Pittsburgh Drive to just North of North Court Street)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111085, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Repair structure HOL-179-0395 (SFN 3802124) by removing the existing wearing surface and placing a new rigid overlay. Project will also replace the slab edges, upgrade the bridge railing and encase the pier piling. In-stream work will be required. Full ", "County": "Holmes", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HOL SR 179 3.890", "Location": "0.06 miles south of Jct SR 226" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111517, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 270000.0, "Description": "GSM slope stabilization project along the WB entrance ramp from the rest area in Concord Township. Design of this project to be performed under PID 112663.", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK IR 090 12.39 Slope", "Location": "Concord Twp; WB rest area entrance ramp." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120451, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1157486.0, "Description": "The proposed project is repair and preservation of a 87 feet long wrought iron thru pony truss bridge. The project is located on Township Road 221 (Benedict Road SFN: 5932602) in Peru Township, Morrow County. Minimal approach roadway work will be include", "County": "Morrow", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MRW-TR221-1.34", "Location": "Peru Township, Morrow County: MRW-TR221 (Benedict Rd) SFN: 5932602" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119091, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2034-10-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4528000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing ATH-50-33.38-39.04", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH US 50 33.38", "Location": "Begins ATH-50-33.38" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120352, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-06-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3200000.0, "Description": "Pavement markings and RPM replacements along various routes in Ashtabula, Mahoning and Trumbull Counties.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 PM/RPM FY2030 (East)", "Location": "ATB/MAH/TRU Counties" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121481, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-03-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 12320898.0, "Description": "Priority System Resurfacing project on SR-104 in Franklin County.Asphalt Overlay with pavement repairs, guardrail upgrades as needed and other miscellaneous work.FRA-104-8.29 to 12.97; I-71 to US23", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA SR 104 8.293", "Location": "FRA-104-8.29 to 12.97; I-71 to US23" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122223, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Installing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on I-80", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR/CUY IR-80-F-NEVI-RD2B", "Location": "IR-80-E LOR 6.529-20.803 CUY 0-9.720" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121833, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-06-19", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1174000.0, "Description": "Project to construct a single lane modern roundabout at the intersection of Herr Rd and Sylvania Ave in Lucas County. Scope includes minimally necessary center island landscaping, sidewalks, lighting, drainage, pavement markings, and other necessary relat", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC CR 5 6.3 Sylvania Herr Rbt", "Location": "Herr Rd and Sylvania Ave in Lucas Count" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110986, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-08-31", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 4915000.0, "Description": "Cleveland St to be converted from 4 to 3 lanes via road diet. Signal upgrade at Cleveland/Gulf/Bridge St.", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR CR 0658 00.00 Cleveland St", "Location": "Cleveland St from Gulf to Hawthron, including interconnections along Gulf, Ridge, and E. Bridge." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117937, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1586900.0, "Description": "FY 2029 pavement preventive maintenance on various routes in ATB, MAH and TRU counties.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 SP FY2029 (East)", "Location": "Various routes in ATB, MAH and TRU counties" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118966, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1530300.0, "Description": "Installation of Reflective/Wet Reflective (R-W/R) long line pavement markings to be installed Summer 2025. R-WR markings to be installed following completion of paving projects PIDs 107301, 76256, 82288, 110049, 112410, 94254.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08-R-W/R-FY25", "Location": "Various locations in D8" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116995, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-13", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4280000.0, "Description": "TMACOG STBG project to reconstruct pavement on Arlington Ave. in Toledo, including new curbs, drive aprons, some sidewalk replacement, pedestrian bump-outs within some parking areas, and other necessary related work items.", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC CR532 1.59 Arlington Reconst", "Location": "Detroit Avenue to Spencer Street" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119516, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-02-22", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 13326018.75, "Description": "Widening of 1.3 miles of Cassady Avenue to 3-lanes from Plaza Properties Blvd to Agler Rd. Work includes full-depth pavement reconstruction, sidewalk, Shared-use-path, new storm sewer, lighting, and updated traffic signals along the corridor.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-CR96-3.15", "Location": "Cassady Avenue from Plaza Properties Blvd to Agler Road " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122473, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1300000.0, "Description": "Reduce/prevent roadway flooding by raising the pavement elevation and establishing roadside ditches.", "County": "Wyandot", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "WYA SR 53 23.9", "Location": "SR 53 in Wyandot County at SLM 23.9" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111469, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 447500.0, "Description": "Replace culvert over intermittent waterways @ SLM1.65", "County": "Paulding", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PAU SR 111 1.65", "Location": "Begin at SLM 1.63 and end at SLM 1.67" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116621, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2061273.0, "Description": "MAR-309 Resurfacing project Asphalt concrete overlay with repairs: MAR-309-18.78 to 22.61 - Madison Avenue to just West of SR-98 (excluding PID 90264)Resurfacing with minor pavement repairs, minor bridge work and upgrade guardrail as needed.", "County": "Marion", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAR SR 309 18.78", "Location": "MAR-309-18.78 to 22.61 - Madison Avenue to just West of SR-98 (excluding PID 90264, SLM 20.22 to 20.926)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120072, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Installing electric vehicle charging stations along IR 76.", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH IR-76-B-NEVI-RD2", "Location": "IR 76 MAH 4.055 - 8.648" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121692, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 150000.0, "Description": "Radar Installation at intersections:", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 TSG Radar FY2027", "Location": "Signals Locations to be determined" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113031, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2910000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of SUM SR 619, urban paving in the City of Green and the City of New Franklin. Minor rehabilitation to 2 bridges.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM SR 0619 05.20", "Location": "SUM SR 619 from 5.20 to 12.54" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115790, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 8375000.0, "Description": "Safety improvements to MAH US 224 corridor from SR 7 (Market St) to Tiffany Blvd in Boardman Township, Mahoning County, Ohio. Includes widening for eastbound thru lane, added turn lanes and operational improvements to the signalized intersections and inc", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH US 224 17.72", "Location": "MAH US 224 from SR 7 to Tiffany Blvd." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122336, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-12-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1700000.0, "Description": "Superstructure replacement on FAI SR 360 00.07 (SFN 2303469).", "County": "Fairfield", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "FAI SR 360 00.07", "Location": "located 0.07 miles south of SR 79 / County line." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110894, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1038400.0, "Description": "1 3/4\" mill and fill using superpave mix.Urban Paving Program.", "County": "Miami", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MIA-41-11.72", "Location": "SLM 11.72 to 12.90" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121174, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-11-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 850000.0, "Description": "Crack sealing on various routes. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09 CS FY2029", "Location": "D09 Various Routes" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121510, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-04-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "2029 Traffic Signal & Lighting Maintenance Project", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07 TSG & Lighting Maint FY29", "Location": "District Wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119881, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "install electric charging stations on US 33", "County": "Union", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "UNI US-33-A-NEVI-RD2", "Location": "US33 7.003-14.037" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115915, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "Pedestrian and multi-modal improvements along Lancaster Street in village of Millersport.", "County": "Fairfield", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "FAI SR 204/CR 58 14.80/4.29", "Location": "Lancaster Street (Millersport) from Main St (Elementary Campus) to Liebs Island Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105734, "ProjectType": "Add Through Lane(s)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-12", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-05-29", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 21481015.74, "Description": "Columbus. SR16 (East Broad Street) from IR270 to Outerbelt Street. Major widening from five to seven lanes including intersection improvements. Work to include signal modifications at three locations, addition/extension of turn lanes at various intersecti", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA SR 16 8.24", "Location": "Columbus. SR16 (East Broad Street) from IR270 to Outerbelt Street." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120595, "ProjectType": "Building Demolition", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-01-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 285269.0, "Description": "Demolition of the remaining building on the former Q Labs site, 1400 Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati, OH.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM Q Labs Building Demo", "Location": "Former Q Labs site, 1400 Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati, OH" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101950, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-10", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3500000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of SR 21 in Stark County.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA SR 0021 17.35", "Location": "STA-SR 21-17.35 to 21.49" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120846, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-17", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 493036.84, "Description": "Repair of various median and right-side protective concrete walls.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07 Median Repairs", "Location": "Various Limits/District-wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111251, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-10-23", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-02-03", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 5972292.87, "Description": "Construct 3.51 mile long multipurpose trail between Maple Ave Trailhead and Leon Rd in Richmond and Andover Townships (Phase 1.1) and 2.35 mile long multipurpose trail between Main St to just south of Marvin Rd in Andover Township (Phase 1.2), Ashtabula C", "County": "Ashtabula", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "ATB Pymatuning Valley Trail", "Location": "Pymatuning Valley Greenway Trail Phase 1.1" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114664, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-11-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-02-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2800000.0, "Description": "FY27 D09 Districtwide Pavement Long Line Markings (B) ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09 PM FY2027 (B)", "Location": "D09 District Pavement Long Line Markings (B)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114367, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2233535.0, "Description": "Resurfacing and related work.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC US 40 19.61", "Location": "Lic USR 40: from SR 13 Intersction to Lic/Mus County Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 106647, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3012094.9, "Description": "Construct a bikeway to connect the Hockhocking Adena Bikeway with the Village of Chauncey.", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH Chauncey Bikeway", "Location": "Begin at the Hockhocking Adena Trail crossing the Hocking River." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116573, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-28", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-25", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 324940.0, "Description": "Project includes improvements to McClain Rd from Buckeye Rd south to the north side of the I75 overpass as well as the intersection with W Hanthorn Rd", "County": "Allen", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "ALL McClain Rd. Improvements", "Location": "Intersection of Buckeye & McClain Rds north to I75 overpass and east of McClain on Hanthorn road 250'" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 98296, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 877437.95, "Description": "Extrusheet sign replacement project in D10.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 10", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "D10 Extrusheet Sign FY2025", "Location": "Various routes and sections." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119357, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1035180.0, "Description": "Resurfacing", "County": "Miami", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MIA Exp Farm RSF 00.00", "Location": "Experiment Farm Road from the Troy north corporation limit to State Route 41" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122829, "ProjectType": "Emission Reduction", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 96313.64, "Description": "Installation of EV Charging Systems at 2 locations in Village of New Richmond", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE New Richmond EV Charging", "Location": "Two locations in Clermont County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101332, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Replace the LUC-246-0143 culvert structure over Heldman Ditch; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC SR 246 1.43 Culvert", "Location": "SR 246 at SLM 1.43" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 14198, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4500000.0, "Description": "Paint the structural steel of 6 bridges over railroads along IR-71 and IR-480 in Cleveland. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 480 08.35/VAR Paint", "Location": "Cleveland; Various structures in the IR-480/71/237 interchange" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119682, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-29", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 910700.0, "Description": "Mill and resurface W. Main street Full depth repairs where needed. Repair/replace deteriorated ADA ramps, curb, curb inlets, sidewalks and driveway aprons.", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE W. Main Street Resurfacing", "Location": "W. Main street from Church Street to Orange Street" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119121, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-12-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2500000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of STA SR 44.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA SR 0044 10.34/VAR", "Location": "STA SR 44 from 10.34 to 12.173 and 13.69 to 13.97 and 14.16 to 23.21" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121523, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1326000.0, "Description": "2029 District wide polyester pavement marking", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07 PPM FY29", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105435, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-21", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 39784950.0, "Description": "Widen the IR 270 EB to IR 71 NB ramp to two lanes using the existing structure. Convert merge to add lane on IR 71 NB. Add option lane to diverge rampReplace bridge deck and semi integral abutment conversion for the following bridges:FRA-71-28.27 270 W", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-71/270-28.27/25.99A", "Location": "Interchange of I-71 and I-270 North end" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118902, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1157000.0, "Description": "Proposed project will include the widening the existing pavement of CR51 (Greenwich Milan Town Line Road), new signage and guardrail improvements in Huron County. ", "County": "Huron", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "HUR CR 0051 00.21 (GMTL)", "Location": "CR51 (Greenwich Milan Town Line Road) from Scranton Road (TR170) intersection to Court Road (TR180) intersection " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120145, "ProjectType": "Emission Reduction", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-02-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 37079.55, "Description": "Installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure at the Civic Center Drive Complex Facility.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM Hamilton OES EV Charging", "Location": "Civic Center Drive Complex" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 91412, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-07-23", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-08-16", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 425232.5, "Description": "Bridge replacement on state Route 348 in Adams county.", "County": "Adams", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ADA-348-12.09", "Location": "miles west of Scioto County Line on SR348" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119384, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-05-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 300000.0, "Description": "Trail safety improvements and enhancements ", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT GMR Trail IMP CR22A", "Location": "Great Miami River Recreation Trail at Helena Street, East River Road, Farmerville-West Carrollton Road and Linden Avenue" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113863, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-03-26", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 3121503.27, "Description": "Widening of CR 14 to provide paved shoulders on CR 14 (Danville Amity Road) from Skyline Drive (TR329) to S. Richards Street. ", "County": "Knox", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "KNO CR 14 14.40", "Location": "Skyline Drive (TR329) to S. Richards Street" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108584, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-02-06", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 13891498.06, "Description": "A project to resurface IR-280 in Wood and Lucas Counties, replace median barrier & inlets, and replace light poles and luminaires; perform necessary related work. Project scope changed from replacing the top 18 inches of the barrier wall.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO/LUC 280 6.2/0.00 Resurf", "Location": "From about SR-51 to near SR 2" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111100, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 600000.0, "Description": "Deck overlay on SFN 1601423", "County": "Coshocton", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "COS SR 79 00.27", "Location": "Cos-SR 79-00.28" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119113, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-06-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4936000.0, "Description": "Two-lane resurfacing project using an asphalt overlay treatment on WAS 807 0.00-0.24, WAS-7-37.23-39.83, WAS-7-49.43-52.19, WAS-260-0.00-0.48. Work includes installing traffic calming elements and high visibility crosswalks along SR 7 in the Village of Ma", "County": "Washington", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "WAS SR 807 0.00", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121505, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-04-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "2027 Traffic Signal & Lighting Maintenance Project", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07 TSG & Lighting MAINT FY27", "Location": "District Wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114897, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of STA SR 212 from 2.36 to 5.54. ", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA SR 212 2.36", "Location": "STA SR 212 from 2.38 to 5.54" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113125, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-20", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-06-28", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 393630.0, "Description": "Guardrail replacement and adjustment", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07 GR FY 2024", "Location": "Various locations on various routes" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122049, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-19", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-18", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 319000.0, "Description": "Emergency Slip Repair to SR 800 at county log point 8.657 replacing 1006 CY of Dump Rock under the road and full depth reconstruction and restoration of the road surface.", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS SR 800 Emergency Slip Repair", "Location": "SR 800 along Stillwater Avenue at County log point 8.657 in the Village of Dennison" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112494, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5575000.0, "Description": "Resurface various routes in Darke County with asphalt concrete.SR 47 - G126-50SR 118 - G105-60SR 705 - G127-50SR 716 - G127-50US 36 - G105-60US 127 - G117-50SR 319 - G105-60", "County": "Darke", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "DAR-PAVE-FY26", "Location": "SR47, 10.06-13.85; SR118, 12.37-17.62; SR705, 9.00-13.31; SR716, 0.00-0.23 US127, 22.20-25.34; US36, 3.37-3.65; SR319, 0.00-0.54" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110570, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-11", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 14824589.17, "Description": "Rehabilitate bridge HAM-50-2910 (US 50 over 2 railroads, Duck Creek, and Red Bank Rd, SFN 3103811) by removing and replacing the existing deck with a new composite, reinforced concrete deck; Replace the backwalls, expansion joints, and approach slabs per ", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM US 50 29.00", "Location": "HAM-50: SLM 29.00-30.22 and SLM 34.14-35.73" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120060, "ProjectType": "Parks", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 726000.0, "Description": "ODNR Division of Wildlife project to include facility wide resurfacing at Jefferson Lake State Park in Jefferson County", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF Jefferson Lake State Park", "Location": "Jefferson Lake State Park in JEF County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102686, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-29", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3195500.0, "Description": "Two-lane resurfacing project using an asphalt overlay treatment. ATH 50 0.00-1.77 and VIN 50 22.81-30.167.", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH US 50 0.000", "Location": "Begin 0.49 miles S of TR 50." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107443, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4875000.0, "Description": "Resurface existing routes in Logan & Champaign County with asphalt concrete.SR 117 - G125-60 (0.00 to 4.82)SR 117 - G117-50SR 245 - G106-60SR 508 - G105-60SR 638 - G126-50CHP SR 245", "County": "Logan", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "LOG-PAVE-FY26", "Location": "SR 117, SLM 0.00 to 5.83; SR 245, SLM 2.11 to 5.13, SR 508, SLM 1.29 to 9.46; SR 638, SLM 0.00 to 2.25" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116456, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-06-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-09-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 948870.95, "Description": "Resurfacing of STA SR 241, urban paving in the City of Massillon, includes new sidewalks, curb and gutter, decorative streetlights, interconnected traffic signals and new ADA ramps.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA SR 0241 08.83 (Erie St)", "Location": "STA SR 241 from 8.83 to 8.96" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113174, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-13", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-12-19", "Status": "Complete", "CommittedCost": 519776.7, "Description": "Bridge replacement project. VIN 50 28.74, SFN 8200661.", "County": "Vinton", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "VIN US 50 28.74", "Location": "Begin" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119483, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1306950.0, "Description": "Replacement of Bridge No. BEL T0428 00300 (SFN 0733385), which carries TR 428 (Coleman Rd.) over Wheeling Creek.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL TR 428 0.30", "Location": "Limited roadway work on either side of the structure to tie into the proposed structure and railing." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119362, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2099672.09, "Description": "Resurfacing and pedestrian improvements.", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT Yankee RSF and Ped Imp 02.10", "Location": "Yankee Street from Spring Valley Pike to Leona Lane" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 94327, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2725000.0, "Description": "A district allocation funded 2-lane resurfacing project on SR-163 from Behlman near Oak Harbor to SR-358, perform necessary related work.", "County": "Ottawa", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "OTT SR 163 14.25 Resurfacing", "Location": "From Behlman near Oak Harbor to SR-358" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122752, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1177000.0, "Description": "Project in Lucas County to mill and resurface Salisbury Rd from Manley Rd to the West limit of the I-475 bridge. Scope includes pot full depth repairs, adjusting manholes, spot curb repairs, pavement markings and RPMS, and other necessary related work.", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC CR 91 3.26 Salisbury Rd", "Location": "Salisbury Rd from Manley Rd to the West limit of the I-75 bridge" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122045, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-02-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-03-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3648158.0, "Description": "Increase safety and reduce congestion by constructing a roundabout at the intersection of US 42 and SR 29 in Madison County", "County": "Madison", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAD-42-14.00", "Location": "Madison County; intersection of US 42 and SR 29" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114529, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 785000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement on route 131 in Brown County. ", "County": "Brown", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "BRO-131-0.07", "Location": "BRO 131 0.07 (SFN 0802522)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114967, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1400000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing STA SR 43.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA SR 0043 19.26", "Location": "STA SR 43 from 19.26 to 25.00" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120034, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 404514.89, "Description": "Norton Middle School: Install Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon at intersection of Norton Rd and Owen St and extend sidewalk on Owen St 800' east to Inah Ave.Extend existing sidewalk on Charing Cross St approximately 400? north to school campus. Prairie Lincoln El", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-SRTS SW City Schools", "Location": "Various locations by Norton Middle School and Prairie Lincoln Elementary " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120987, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2666153.12, "Description": "Resurface with Microsurfacing", "County": "Allen", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "ALL/HAN-75-0.00/14.10", "Location": "From the Auglaize County line to the concrete pavement just east McClain Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120180, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2336449.0, "Description": "Multi-modal project in the Village of Morristown, including sidewalk construction/reconstruction, shared lane bicycle route, and trail construction. ", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL Morristown Multimodal Safety", "Location": "Various (see Work Locations)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113314, "ProjectType": "Railroad Crossing Protection", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-06-10", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 400946.8, "Description": "Modification of grade crossing warning devices at Norfolk Southern crossing DOT # 525205V to include traffic signal preemption. Modification of traffic signals at the intersection of SR 127 / Riverside Drive and Augspurger Road for the purpose of adding ", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT Augspurger Rd NS", "Location": "BUT SR 127/Riverside Drive & Augspurger Road, New Miami at the NS grade crossing DOT # 525205V" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 86822, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-22", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-12-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1843034.48, "Description": "Bridge replacement project. GAL 7 1954, SFN 2700484.", "County": "Gallia", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "GAL SR 7 19.510", "Location": "Begin 0.12 mi. N of SR 218." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114710, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-13", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1550000.0, "Description": "Deck Replacement of WOO-75-13.83 (Napoleon Rd) over IR-75 including Semi-Integral Abutment Conversion; Approach Slab repl/repair; Painting. Perform necessary related work.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO IR 75 13.83 Deck Replacement", "Location": "WOO-75-13.83 bridge - Napoleon Road over I-75" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105433, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2528000.0, "Description": "Full replacement of three structures, and upgrade guardrail at a fourth.", "County": "Delaware", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "DEL-521-10.27 and Various", "Location": "Westernmost Structure is just east of IR 71, Easternmost Structure is just west of SR 61." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120248, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 158342.0, "Description": "Project includes the installation RRFB, crosswalk marking enhancements, signage, and curb ramp replacements at the intersections of Benedict Ave. and Christie Ave., Christie Ave. and Norwood Ave., and also a mid-block crossing on Christie Ave. at the entr", "County": "Huron", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 SRTS NORWALK FY2026", "Location": "Intersections of Benedict Avenue at Christie Avenue; Benedict Avenue at Norwood Avenue; and midblock of Christie Ave at Norwalk MS" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107289, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1250000.0, "Description": "Resurface State Rd (SR-94) from the Brookpark Rd (SR-17) to West 25th St (US-42) in Cleveland. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 094 10.05", "Location": "Cleveland; SCL to US-42" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117575, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 254920.0, "Description": "Sidewalk along the north side of North Ridge Road from the Clearview Local Schools school campus continuing to Cooper-Foster Park Road. Includes crosswalk markings and upgraded curb ramps at the intersection of Broadway Avenue and North Ridge Road.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 SRTS Sheffield Twp", "Location": "Durlin Middle School and Cooper Foster Park Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117646, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 548429.85, "Description": "Slope stabilization along the North Fork of Captina Creek", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 148 8.45", "Location": "0.20 miles north of SR148/CR92 intersection." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117615, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1250612.25, "Description": "Curb replacement, curb ramp upgrades, asphalt milling and resurfacing. ", "County": "Hancock", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "HAN Findlay Melrose/Broad Ave", "Location": "On Melrose Ave from Bolton St to Main St. Also on Broad Ave from Trenton Ave to Melrose Ave." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120625, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-02-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-03-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2500000.0, "Description": "Deck Sealing of the IR-480 Bridges over the Cuyahoga River Valley in Garfield Heights, Valley View and Independence located in Cuyahoga County.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 480 18.42 Deck Sealing", "Location": "SFN's 1812521, 1812548, 1812522" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114935, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2082000.0, "Description": "Urban Paving in the city of Medina on SR 3 and SR 57", "County": "Medina", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "MED SR 0003/0057 09.868/10.425", "Location": "MED-3-9.868 to 10.949; MED-57-10.425 to 12.729" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116646, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1510000.0, "Description": "A District allocation funded project to chip seal various routes in the District; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 2", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "D02 CHIP FY2028", "Location": "SAN-300, SAN-412, SAN-590, WOO-18, WOO-65, WOO-105, WOO-235" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122453, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-28", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 797010.0, "Description": "MED US 42 SB bridge hit in an accident. Replace damaged beam lines and associated deck over damaged beam lines. Part of existing beam lines and deck was removed with a previous emergency project.", "County": "Medina", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "MED US 0042 03.10 L Reconstr.", "Location": "MED US 42 03.10 SB bridge" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115840, "ProjectType": "Bridge Expansion", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-14", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 6876706.91, "Description": "Construct an overpass at the US 24/CR 185 (Independence Road) intersection. ", "County": "Defiance", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "DEF US 24 11.35(Independence Rd)", "Location": "On US 24 Defiance County at the intersection with CR 185 (Independence Road)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122338, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5890509.0, "Description": "Resurface Wade Park Avenue from E. 66th Street to E. 118th Street in the City of Cleveland in Cuyahoga County. Includes ADA curb ramps, signing, and striping.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Wade Park Ave Resurfacing", "Location": "Cleveland: E. 66th St to E. 118th St." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 93016, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3867239.0, "Description": "Resurfacing with related work.", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS IR 70 05.57", "Location": "Mus-70: 1.21 miles W. of TR271(Chapel Hill Rd.) to CR414 (Licking Rd.) overpass" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113722, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1664492.84, "Description": "Realign Mason Morrow Millgrove Road west of Columbia Road North. Add a westbound right turn lane, sign and pavement marking improvements, etc. ", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR CR 38 1.15", "Location": "Mason Morrow Millgrove Road west of Columbia Road North" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115188, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 487827.75, "Description": "Project will add bump outs and curb ramps at the intersections of Stewart St. and Conley St. and at Stewart St and Hopeland Ave. This improvement will also add pedestrian scale lighting and decorative crosswalk markings.", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT W Stewart Street Enhancement", "Location": "West Stewart Street from Cincinnati St. to Edwin C. Moses Blvd. (CR 620 from SLM 1.62 to SLM 2.04)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118965, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 954840.0, "Description": "General System Minor Rehabilitation; Asphalt resurfacing including pavement repairs and pavement markings", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL SR 45 15.470", "Location": "LISBON. SR 45 from US 30 to NCL; SR 164 from Lisbon SCL to US 30, and from SR 45 to Lisbon NCL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120712, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-11-10", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 858896.1, "Description": "Mercerville Shared Use Path: Sidewalks and Lighting for Mercerville Road, SR 218 and Station Street connecting to Hannan Trace Elementary School.", "County": "Gallia", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "GAL Mercerville Shared Use Path", "Location": "Hannan Trace Elementary School" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114516, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-08-08", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-05-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 10182150.0, "Description": "Replace the deck of the I-480 bridge over Lee Road in the City of Cleveland. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 480 22.41 Deck", "Location": "Cleveland; I-480 over Lee Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115688, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 8100000.0, "Description": "Resurface I-90 from SR-283 EB to Lake County Line in the Cities of Cleveland and Euclid. Work includes the portion of SR-2 from IR-90 to the Lake County Line. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 090 23.89/VAR", "Location": "Cleveland, Euclid; SR-283 to Cnty Ln/IR-90 to Cnty Ln" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116483, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 435265.0, "Description": "Replace culverts at various locations in Logan County", "County": "Logan", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "LOG-CR-FY27", "Location": "LOG-117-0578, LOG-287-1003; LOG-287-0727" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116198, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-05-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1122497.4, "Description": "Complete replacement of Bridge No. COL C0443 03510 26, which carries CR 443 over Leslie Run. CEAO LBR Program.", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL CR 443 00.04", "Location": "Limited roadway work on either side of the structure to tie into the proposed superstructure and railing. " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122509, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Guardrail and attenuator maintenance contract", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT/CLA GR Maint FY28", "Location": "Various routes Montgomery County and Clark County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107643, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 520000.0, "Description": "Replace bridge on route 335 in Scioto County. ", "County": "Scioto", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "SCI-335-6.09", "Location": "SCI 335 6.09 (SFN 7304951)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104502, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-10-16", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2800112.14, "Description": "Widen US36/SR37 at DEL CR 34 (Galena Rd) to provide EB and WB left turn lanes, replace signal, add intersection lighting and dilemma zone detection. Widen DEL CR 34 (Galena Rd) to provide NB and SB left turn lanes and a SB right turn lane.", "County": "Delaware", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "DEL US36 18.82 (at Galena)", "Location": "DEL US 36 at DEL CR 34 (Galena Rd)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121435, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4277970.0, "Description": "Two-lane resurfacing project using a chip seal treatment. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 10", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "D10 Chip Seal FY 2028 North", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116795, "ProjectType": "Vegetative Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 320000.0, "Description": "1 YEAR Mowing contract 3 Mowings & 1 mowback per year ERI-002-01.81 - 15.42 ERI-002-17.39 - 30.49 HUR-020-00.97 - 06.83 HUR-020-08.56 - 16.23 LOR-002-00.00 - 11.14 LOR-090-10.74 - 23.33 LOR-010-00.00 - 02.35 LOR-057-12.24 - 12.93 LOR-020-08.58 - 17.53", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 MOW FY2027 (C)", "Location": "1 YEAR Mowing contract Erie-Huron-Lorain Counties" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 77413, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-10-29", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 80000000.0, "Description": "RELOCATION OF THE INNERBELT CURVE. PE/DD for all PID's associated with CCG4 are under PID 77413. DD, RW, & CO in TRAC Tier 2.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY INNERBELT CCG4E Curve", "Location": "CLEVELAND; INNERBELT TRENCH TO EAST SHOREWAY" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118518, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-09-09", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-12-09", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1640000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement on State Route 772 in Ross County. This project will also perform the PE Engineering and Detailed Design of PID 115773 (ROS-138-17.28).", "County": "Ross", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ROS-772-7.64 ", "Location": "ROS-772-7.64 bridge replacement " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114436, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 252000.0, "Description": "Culvert project on state Route 243 in Lawrence County.", "County": "Lawrence", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "LAW-243-4.38", "Location": "LAW 243 4.38 CFN 1863368" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108151, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-01-04", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 564630.0, "Description": "Urban Paving Project within the City of Columbus:AC Overlay without Repairs:FRA-33D-1.28-2.12", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA US 33 1.28", "Location": "FRA-33D-1.28-2.12 (North Wall Street to US-33)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113013, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-31", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-02", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 20498237.63, "Description": "Improvements to ROS 159 (Bridge Street & US35 EB Ramp) to address crash patterns and congestion. Improvements include adding a third NB through lane, adding connecting side streets to improve signal level of service, lane reassignments, and ramp drop lan", "County": "Ross", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ROS-159-0.41", "Location": "ROS 159 (Bridge Street & US35 EB Ramp)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112817, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4090000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing MAH US 224 and MAH SR 534. Minor rehabilitation to 4 bridges", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH US 224/SR 534 0.00/8.46", "Location": "MAH US 224 from 0.00 to 2.89 and MAH SR 534 from 8.459 to 13.728" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117128, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 697145.87, "Description": "Construct a sidewalk, curb, gutter, and storm sewer along south side of Shakertown from Willow Run Drive to Ankeney Middle School.", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE Shakertown Rd. Sidewalk.", "Location": "Shakertown from Willow Run Drive to Ankeney Middle School" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108489, "ProjectType": "New Building/ Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6000000.0, "Description": "New truck storage building and salt building. The existing offices and mechanics area will remain.", "County": "Wyandot", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "FACD01 WYA Buildings Truck/Salt", "Location": "Wyandot County Gararage" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115373, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-09-11", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-01-12", "Status": "Complete", "CommittedCost": 994677.3, "Description": "Reline the 15' corrugated metal drainage structure under I-480 located just east of the Lorain County Line in North Olmsted. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 480 00.09 Replace", "Location": "North Olmsted; 0.09 mi E of Cnty Ln" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 92016, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-03-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 8340853.0, "Description": "ERI-SR 0002-19.04 L &R : Piers 1 thru 10 on the Left and Right Bridges have steel piles with mastic coating that needs repair. Patch and seal the bridge decks. Reseal the bridge parapets, abutments, and wingwalls. Remove trees along the bridge as needed t", "County": "Erie", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "ERI SR 0002 19.04", "Location": "ERI-002-19.11 L/R" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111479, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-11-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-05-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2494609.38, "Description": "Replacement of the 5th Street Bridge within Ironton in Lawrence County as a part of the Municipal Bridge Program. ", "County": "Lawrence", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "LAW-5th Street- Municipal Bridge", "Location": "LAW City of Ironton 5th Street Bridge (SFN 4460057)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122982, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 610000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement on state Route 41 Adams County. ", "County": "Adams", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ADA-41-5.80 ", "Location": "ADA-41-5.80 (SFN 0100900) " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123159, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5425000.0, "Description": "Resurface I-675 with fine graded polymer modified asphalt concrete", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT IR 675 0.16", "Location": "IR 675, 0.16 - 7.60" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 100857, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-16", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5000000.0, "Description": "Resurface Interstate 75 with asphalt concrete.IR 75 - P6-60", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT-75-2.93", "Location": "IR 75, SLM 2.93 to 5.71" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119179, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3000000.0, "Description": "A pavement marking maintenance contract; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 2", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "D02 PM FY2029", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115227, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 637786.88, "Description": "Guardrail upgrade/replacement on various routes.", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS VAR GR Phase 8", "Location": "Various routes." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115792, "ProjectType": "Add Through Lane(s)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-11-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-11-05", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 17875001.25, "Description": "Major Rehab/Widening of Alum Creek Drive", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-CR122-0.00 (Alum Creek Dr)", "Location": "Franklin County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116337, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 13716020.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of US 22 in Warren County. Widen US-22 between Old Mill Rd and Old 3C Highway. ", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR US 22 0.00", "Location": "WAR-22: SLM 0 to 4.89 and 12.74 to 19.76" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117824, "ProjectType": "Parks", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-12-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3165000.0, "Description": "Construction of a new bridge with new approach roadway to raise the Main Loop Road within Hueston Woods State Park (which currently floods multiple times per year). Bicycle and pedestrian pathways to be provided with the new crossing.", "County": "Preble", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "PRE Hueston Woods Loop Road", "Location": "Hueston Woods State Park: Main Loop Road (low water crossing)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114099, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-09-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-06-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3686500.0, "Description": "Construct a roundabout at the intersection of SR 269 and Danbury Rd in Ottawa County.", "County": "Ottawa", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "OTT SR 269 1.78 Roundabout", "Location": "intersection of SR 269 and Danbury Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120398, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-12-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 650000.0, "Description": "Project to perform cracksealing throughout D-05 in FY 2030", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 CS FY2030", "Location": "Coshocton, Muskingum, Guernsey" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105815, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 5400000.0, "Description": "Paint the structural steel of 7 structures along the I-480 corridor from SR-237 to Tuxedo Ave.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 480 07.92/VAR Paint", "Location": "Various" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109569, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2353276.24, "Description": "Upgrade the existing guide, regulatory, and warning signs along mainline and the lead-in signing at the interchanges for SR 7, SR 11 and US 30 in Columbiana county and for IR 77 in Tuscarawas county.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL-30/VAR-25.09/VAR,TUS-77-13.0", "Location": "COL-7-(0.00-6.26), COL-11-(10.82-23.57), COL-30-(25.09-34.40), and TUS 77 (13.00-20.70)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120390, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2035-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2035-03-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3000000.0, "Description": "Project to replace/upgrade guardrail District Wide in District 5 during FY 2035", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 Guardrail FY2035", "Location": "District Wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121277, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-11-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Perform miscellaneous bridge maintenance activities on various structures. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 1", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "D01 BM FY30", "Location": "Various structures throughout District One." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110564, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-06-13", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1814463.71, "Description": "Rehabilitate Bridge HAM-275-3418 (Hopewell Rd over I-275) by replacing the wingwalls, replacing the barriers, and adding a sidewalk.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 275 34.18", "Location": "HAM-275-34.18" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122337, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-12-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2500000.0, "Description": "Superstructure replacement on LIC SR 79 12.87 (SFN 4504925).", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC SR 79 12.87", "Location": "located at the intersection of SR 79 and Grant Rd." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113720, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-03-27", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2651195.7, "Description": "Install roundabout at the intersection of SR-132 and SR-222", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE SR 132 12.49", "Location": "Intersection of SR-132 and SR-222" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117199, "ProjectType": "Enhanced Crossing", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1307136.0, "Description": "Safety-funded project to install Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons at 5 locations and Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons at 6 locations in the City of Toledo. Includes pedestrian refuge islands or bump outs, striping, signage, and other minor necessary associated", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC VAR Toledo Enhnced Crossings", "Location": "11 Locations in City of Toledo" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 92319, "ProjectType": "Building / Facility Maintenance", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-15", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 418566.0, "Description": "Hilltop parking lot pavement maintenance (trench drains).", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA Hilltop Drainage 2", "Location": "Hilltop Parking Lot" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121710, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1735610.0, "Description": "Replacement of Bridge No. HOL-CR19-0584 (SFN 3830713).", "County": "Holmes", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HOL CR 19 5.84", "Location": "Limited roadway work on either side of the structure to tie into the proposed structure and railing." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122787, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2700000.0, "Description": "Construct a single-lane roundabout at SR 117 and Kemp Road. ", "County": "Allen", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "ALL-117-9.71", "Location": "SR 117 and Kemp Road in Allen County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118780, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 466308.91, "Description": "Slope stabilization", "County": "Logan", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "LOG US 33 20.86", "Location": "LOG-33-20.86 and LOG-RA46010-0.070" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112369, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2022-09-02", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 264381.4, "Description": "Pavement marking project on various routes and sections in HOC Co. CEAO and ODOT HSIP funded.", "County": "Hocking", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "HOC CR VAR PM FY2022", "Location": "Various routes and sections in Hocking Co." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121898, "ProjectType": "Enhanced Crossing", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-11", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1725000.0, "Description": "Install 7 raised crosswalks in the City of Cincinnati.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM Cincinnati Crossings FY26", "Location": "City of Cincinnati" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114462, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2336320.0, "Description": "General System Preventative Maintenance; Fine graded polymer asphalt overlay", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL SR 9 2.53", "Location": "Hanoverton. US 30 to SR 45" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116394, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 250000.0, "Description": "District 11 crack sealing", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11-CS-FY2028", "Location": "various routes and locations district wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121283, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 650000.0, "Description": "Culvert replacement project. MEG 124 40.51, CFN 1822135 and MEG 124 43.77, CFN 1866448.", "County": "Meigs", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MEG SR 124 40.51/43.77", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114012, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 144200.0, "Description": "Pavement Markings on various County Routes in Ross County.", "County": "Ross", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ROS CR VAR PM FY 2026", "Location": "Various CR in Ross County." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105740, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1075270.0, "Description": "Replace the structure at SLM 10.82 and rehabilitate the SLM 22.94 culvert with spray resin liner.", "County": "Wyandot", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "WYA SR 231 10.82/22.94", "Location": "SLM 10.84 & SLM 22.94" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111542, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 4073159.0, "Description": "Project in City of Toledo to construct two segments of 12' wide multi-use path on Water St from existing Glass City Riverwalk to Olive St and the widen the sidewalk on Summit St from Bush St to existing trail at Craig Bridge St. Project includes reconstru", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC Riverside Trail @ Water St.", "Location": "Water Street between Olive Street and the Riverfront Promenade; Summit St between Bush St and the existing trail at Jamie Farr Par" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121863, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 13913100.0, "Description": "State Rd improvements between Quick Rd and Wyoga Lake Rd. Includes total pavement replacement, adding a center two way left turn lane, installing a round about at the State Rd/Quick Rd intersection and adding sidewalk on the north/west side of State Rd.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM State Rd Ph 2 (Cuy. Falls)", "Location": "Quick Rd to Wyoga Lake Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121294, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2617237.0, "Description": "Construction of a roundabout at the intersection of SR 15 and SR 18.", "County": "Defiance", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "DEF-15/18-12.04/22.30", "Location": "Intersection of SR 15 and SR 18." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119991, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2800900.0, "Description": "Replace existing bridge BUT CR 23 2.12 (SFN: 0932604) carrying Kyles Station Rd over Gregory Creek. Widen approaches, add sidewalk and upgrade guardrail.", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT CR 23 2.12 Kyles Station Rd", "Location": "Kyles Station Rd from 0.57 miles east of Lesourdsville West Chester Rd to 0.71 miles east of Lesourdsville West Chester Rd." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112136, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-03-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 421800.0, "Description": "Meeker Road Bridge Replacement", "County": "Darke", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "DAR-CR 380-70 Meeker Rd Brd", "Location": "Meeker Road Bridge - SFN 1941372" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122366, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 150000.0, "Description": "Install new pavement markings on various Medina County roads.", "County": "Medina", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "MED-CR VAR PM FY2025", "Location": "Various locations on Medina County roads." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102883, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 661000.0, "Description": "A project to resurface SR-64 in Lucas County between SLMs 2.096 - 2.21 and 2.710 - 6.431. Perform necessary related work.", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC SR 64 2.10 Resurfacing", "Location": "SR-64 in Lucas County between SLMs 2.096 - 2.21 and 2.710 - 6.431" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120392, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-09-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Guardrail repair and maintenance contract for District 5 in FY 2031", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 GR FY2031 (Ding & Dent)", "Location": "District 5" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110935, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2175000.0, "Description": "Resurface Broadview Road (SR-176) from the SCL to approximately Ridgewood Drive in Seven Hills and Parma. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 176 05.10", "Location": "Seven Hills, Parma; SCL to Ridgewood" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113663, "ProjectType": "Interchange Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-28", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4506000.0, "Description": "Improve safety and reduce congestion by:Extending westbound left turn queue storage on Easton Way approaching Stelzer Rd by modifying the existing raised median in this areaSignalizing the I-270 southbound off ramp at Easton WayWidening the I-270 southbou", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-270-32.92 at Easton Way", "Location": "FRA IR 270 at Easton Way interchange" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119004, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 252500.0, "Description": "Superstructure replacement on SFN 7840551 TRU-TR 84-4.14 (E Hewitt-Gifford Rd) bridge over Little Duck Creek.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU TR 0084 04.14 Hewitt-Gifford", "Location": "TRU-TR 84-4.14 (E Hewitt-Gifford Rd) bridge over Little Duck Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115187, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2613600.0, "Description": "Landside/slope repairs along Valley View Rd (CR 25) from Dunham Rd to the Cuyahoga County Line.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM Valley View Slide", "Location": "SUM CR 25 from 8.93 to 11.07" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111852, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 22000000.0, "Description": "Simon Kenton Painting Project - KYTC lead project", "County": "Brown", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "Simon Kenton - Painting", "Location": "BRO-62-0.00; SFN 0800333" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114151, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 608998.26, "Description": "Pedestrian improvements along US 224 in the City of Willard that include sidewalk, crosswalks, pedestrian heads, and signage", "County": "Huron", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "HUR US 0224 05.15 (Willard)", "Location": "improvements along US 224 from SR 103 to Neal Zick Road in the City of Willard" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120336, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 390000.0, "Description": "Culvert project on state Route 207 in Ross County.", "County": "Ross", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ROS-207-8.31", "Location": "ROS-207-8.312 Culvert Replacement" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102781, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-04-10", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-08-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 4985976.4, "Description": "Rehabilitate Bridge PRE-127-1911 which carries US 127 over I-70 by replacing the deck, raising the structure, and painting the structural steel. ", "County": "Preble", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "PRE US 127 19.11", "Location": "PRE US 127 9.11 SFN 6802702" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115984, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-03-25", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 3269456.95, "Description": "Construction of roundabout at the intersection of SR 229/SR 308/Laymon Road and shared use pathway along SR 308 between SR 229 and Ward Street within village of Gambier.", "County": "Knox", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "KNO SR 229/308 13.06/0.00", "Location": "Intersection of SR 229/SR 308/Laymon Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116951, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 6600000.0, "Description": "A Major Rehab General funded project to reconstruct WOO-18 from SLM 6.67 to 10.18 including minor widening for additional shoulder width; Perform necessary related work.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO SR 18 6.67 Reconstruction", "Location": "WOO-18 from SLM 6.67 to 10.53" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121515, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-01-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "Guardrail replacement and adjustment", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07 GR FY 2030", "Location": "Various locations on various routes" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120414, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 875000.0, "Description": "A project to increase resiliency of the slope by repairing a land slide on I-75 in Wood County near SLM 7.01.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO IR 75 7.00 Slide Repair", "Location": "I-75 at SLM 7.01" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120861, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 669112.0, "Description": "Construction of sidewalk on both sides of Springdale Road from Poole Road to the elementary and middle schools just west of Yellowwood Drive.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM 3.92 Springdale Rd Sidewalk", "Location": "Springdale Road from Poole Road to the elementary and middle schools just west of Yellowwood Drive." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 97431, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-03-19", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 3006916.05, "Description": "Realignment and widening of CR13 (Worthington Road) and CR106 (Lewis Center Road), including a peanut-shape single lane roundabout. Improvements will also include lighting, drainage, traffic control and driveway improvements.CEAO CSTP & ODOT HSIP local-le", "County": "Delaware", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "DEL CR 13 5.02", "Location": "Genoa Township. Intersection of CR13 (Worthington Road), CR106 (Lewis Center Road)." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114464, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-08-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1394260.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Chip Seal", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL SR 558 0.000", "Location": "SR 45 to SR 517; SR 7 to SR 46" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105165, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-07-08", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 4770420.0, "Description": "Resurfacing portions of SR 28 and SR 73 in Clinton County", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI SR 28/73 17.08/14.91", "Location": "CLI SR 73 SLM 14.91 to 22.73, CLI-28 SLM 17.08-18.16" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121486, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-03-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3209563.0, "Description": "Micro surfacing project on various routes in District 6.Micro surfacing project with guardrail upgrades as needed and other miscellaneous work.MAR-98, MAR-309, MRW-309 and PIC-22", "County": "Marion", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 Micro FY27", "Location": "Various Locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116485, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "FY28 D09 Districtwide Auxiliary Markings (A) project. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09 PM FY2028 (A)", "Location": "D09 Auxiliary Markings (A) FY2028" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122033, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 667000.0, "Description": "Landslide stabilization along S.R. 147 in Belmont County.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 147 25.45", "Location": "0.8 miles west of C.R. 54." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118367, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-07-09", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-02-07", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 3417924.6, "Description": "Construct sidewalk on 674 (Gender Road) and reconfigure the US-33 WB entrance ramp to facilitate pedestrian travel through the interchange area.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-674-2.22 (Gender Rd)", "Location": "Canal Winchester. Gender Rd from Winchester Blvd to US-33 WB exit ramp/Winchester Blvd from Prentiss School Drive to Gender Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107228, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-10-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1739165.0, "Description": "Upgrade signals on Mahoning Ave within the City of Youngstown.", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH Youngstown Signal Upgrade", "Location": "City of Youngstown signals" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116561, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Project to perform minor maintenance bridge repairs . Locations will be added as they are found.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08 Bridge Maintenance FY2028-A", "Location": "TBD" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 99632, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-02-26", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1270000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing from SR-528 (Madison Road) in Montville and Huntsburg Townships to the Geauga/Ashtabula County Line", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA SR 086 05.37", "Location": "Thompson Twp; SR-528 to Cnty Ln" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112567, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1466101.43, "Description": "Rehabilitation of Baumhart Road from US 20 to Garfield Road", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR CR 0051 01.06 (Baumhart Rd)", "Location": "US 20 to Garfield Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122791, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2700000.0, "Description": "Construct a single-lane roundabout at SR 501 and Fort Amanda Road.", "County": "Allen", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "ALL-501-2.81", "Location": "Intersection of SR 501 and Fort Amanda Road." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 106097, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2040-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2040-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 470000.0, "Description": "Urban Paving Project within the City of ColumbusAC Overlay without Repairs:FRA-40-7.70-8.64", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA US 40 7.700", "Location": "FRA-40 (Broad St.) from Camp Chase Industrial RR (SLM 7.70) to Shague Ave (SLM 8.64)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112255, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Spot concrete slab repair on various routes throughout District Six", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 SP FY27 Concrete", "Location": "Various routes throughout District Six" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119117, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-12-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1700000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of MAH SR 46.", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH SR 0046 00.14", "Location": "MAH SR 46 from 0.14 to 8.792" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115826, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4200000.0, "Description": "Replace the deck of the West 220th Street bridge over IR-480 in Fairview Park. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 480 06.12 Deck", "Location": "Fairview Park; Over I-480" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112909, "ProjectType": "Add Through Lane(s)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-06-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-03", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 13444940.89, "Description": "Widening of SR 48 to provide an additional thru lane in both directions. Addition of sidewalks north of US 22/SR 3. Replacement of existing traffic signals. Addition of a second SB left turn lane from SR 48 to US 22/SR 3 and widening of US 22/SR 3 to rece", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR SR 48 6.37", "Location": "SR 48: from Willow Pond Blvd to 475 N of Ridgeview/Saddle Creek; US 22/SR 3 from SR 48 for 1400' eastward" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 82403, "ProjectType": "Add Through Lane(s)", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1875000.0, "Description": "Widen Bixby Road (TR-229) from 2 to 3 or 5 lanes. Add street lights, sidewalk/multi-use path. Planning Study (through Step 6) under PID 81388.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA TR 229 1.440", "Location": "Madison Twp. Village of Groveport. TR229 (Bixby Rd) from SLM 1.44 (Ebright Rd) to SLM 1.89 (US-33)." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96425, "ProjectType": "Railroad Crossing Protection", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 420180.0, "Description": "Upgrade modernization of warning devices at the NS grade crossing DOT # 524743Y. Installation will include any ancillary work to make warning devices function as designed, MUTCD compliant, and visible to roadway user. Includes cants and traffic signal pr", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM Vine St. NS", "Location": "HAM Vine Street, City of St. Bernard, at the NS Grade Crossing DOT # 524743Y." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105842, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Bridge repairs at various locations throughout District Six FY27", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 Bridge Repair FY27", "Location": "Various locations throughout District Six" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116757, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-12-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1750000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of STA SR 93 and STA SR 241.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA SR 0093 05.84", "Location": "STA SR 93 from 5.82 to 8.83 and STA SR 241 from 0.00 to 3.49 and 3.64 to 6.01" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107612, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 684422.55, "Description": "Replace WIL-6-1107 bridge; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Williams", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WIL US 6 11.07 Bridge Repl.", "Location": "Over Little Lick Creek Branch" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107246, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2139207.45, "Description": "Bridge maintenance on structures located on various routes within ATB, MAH and TRU Counties, includes removal of an abandoned railroad bridge and bridge hit repairs to another bridge.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 BH FY2024 (East)", "Location": "Various locations within ATB, MAH and TRU Counties." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121533, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-09-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-12-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "FY 2026 districtwide bridge maintenance.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 BH FY2026", "Location": "Districtwide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121997, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 525000.0, "Description": "Reconstruct the intersection of US-42, I-71 ramps and Elsinore Place. ", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM US 42 2.20", "Location": "HAM-42 2.2-2.5" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115029, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-21", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 350000.0, "Description": "Culvert ReplacementASD SR 0060 14.97", "County": "Ashland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "ASD SR 0060 14.97", "Location": "ASD SR 0060 14.97; ASD SR 0060 15.73" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119269, "ProjectType": "Vegetative Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-01-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 150000.0, "Description": "Tree stump removal/Pruning for various locations throughout district 03. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 PR FY2029", "Location": "Various Locations throughout District Three" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121664, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-03-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2500000.0, "Description": "Replace overlay and approach slabs on 2 bridges", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA/DEL-71-29.83/00.50", "Location": "FRA-71-29.83; IR 71 over Worthing-Galena Rd and DEL-71-00.50; Polaris Parkway over IR 71" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120807, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 700000.0, "Description": "Crack Seal Various routes and sections throughout District 3", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 CRSEAL FY2030", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113762, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 236000.0, "Description": "District Wide Systematic Sign ReplacementMED IR 71 00.00 to 15.72", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 SYSSIGN FY2029", "Location": "Various Routes in District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109742, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1434000.0, "Description": "Resurface the existing roadway with asphalt concrete.", "County": "Auglaize", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "AUG-66-0.00", "Location": "AUG-66 SLM 0.00 to 3.41" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112180, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-06-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Bridge painting of various structures in ATB, MAH and TRU Counties.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 BP FY2028 (East)", "Location": "ATB, MAH and TRU Counties" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 90202, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-02-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Paint the Broadway Ave (SR-14) bridge over IR-490; and the Lorain Road (SR-10) bridge over West 18th Street in Cleveland. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 490/010 01.73/16.08 Paint", "Location": "Cleveland; Over IR-490" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95779, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1780000.0, "Description": "A district allocation funded project to resurface SR-162 from SR-67 to Huron County Line; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Seneca", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "SEN SR 162 0.00 Resurf", "Location": "SR-67 to Huron County Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119606, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 403113.55, "Description": "MAD-41 and MAD-323 Resurfacing Project with the Village of South Solon and MidwayAsphalt overlay with pavement repairs and curb ramp improvements MAD-41-1.24 to 1.96 and MAD-323-0.00 to 0.28; South Solon S Corp Limit to South Solon N Corp Limit and SR 41 ", "County": "Madison", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAD-41/323-1.24/0.00/7.35", "Location": "MAD-41-1.24 to 1.96 , MAD-323-0.00 to 0.28 and MAD 323-7.348 to 7.864, Within the Village of South Solon and Midway." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120933, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2168664.42, "Description": "Rehabilitate existing bridge carrying SR 83 over Martin's Creek by replacing the deck slab and abutment breastwalls. The pier piling will also be encased. In stream work is required. This PID is to be combined with PID 97498 and placed on the May 2025 Pr", "County": "Holmes", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HOL SR 83 13.56", "Location": "4.35 MI South of Wayne County Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118502, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-29", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 601135.0, "Description": "Reconfigure the Larchmont Avenue, Bronze Road, and Overland Ave intersection; work includes intersection widening, reconstructed traffic islands, and full depth asphalt replacement.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU Larchmont Bronze Overland", "Location": "City of Warren: Larchmont Ave, Bronze Rd, and Overland Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107338, "ProjectType": "New Building/ Facility", "EndConstructionDate": "2020-06-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 9652003.86, "Description": "Construction of a new Full Service Maintenance Facility in Vinton County. ", "County": "Vinton", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "FACD10 VIN Full Service Facility", "Location": "VIN Co. Industrial park." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95770, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "A district allocation funded project to resurface SR-4 from CR 36 to Huron County Line; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Seneca", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "SEN SR 4 7.52 Resurf", "Location": "From CR 36 to Huron County Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116231, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3035410.7, "Description": "FY28 D09 Districtwide Chip Seal pavement treatment project. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09-Chipseal-FY28", "Location": "D09 Chip Seal FY28" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111539, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 801349.12, "Description": "2\" mill and fill with superpave asphalt", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT-741-8.43", "Location": "North Approach Slab of Bridge over railroad (SLM 8.43) to IR 75 ramps (SLM 9.54)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114676, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1250000.0, "Description": "Project to Pave inverts and other repairs to bridge size culverts including WAR-71-0980, WAR-741-1172, WAR-123-1328 WAR-75-0415E, and WAR-75-0810. Other locations may be added. Scour repair at WAR-71-0980 outlet. ", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR Inverts FY2028", "Location": "WAR-71-0908, WAR-741-1172" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116836, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 288200.0, "Description": "Construction of a shared use path along the east side of Sheridan Rd from Delaware Ave to Johnston Pl in the Village of Poland, Mahoning County, Ohio.", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH Sheridan Rd (Poland)", "Location": "Cemetery Bridge" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105143, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2033-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2033-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2636100.0, "Description": "Project to include bridge deck overlay, concrete curb patching, and replacement of back walls on Tollgate Road over IR 70.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC IR 70 03.67", "Location": "TR 163 (Tollgate Road) over IR 70" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119782, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1400000.0, "Description": "A project to address flooding on state Route 124 in Pike County by raising the road and replacing two culverts.", "County": "Pike", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "PIK-124-14.96", "Location": "PIK-124-15.00 " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104786, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2359085.55, "Description": "Minor widening to accommodate the addition of Two Way Left Turn Lane (TWLTL) on Church Street from Green Wave Drive to 29th Street in the City of Newark.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC CR 804 00.96 (Church St)", "Location": "Church Street from Green Wave Dr to 29th Street" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116086, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1965060.0, "Description": "Resurfacing with related work on Gue-77.", "County": "Guernsey", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "GUE IR 77 00.00", "Location": "Gue-77: Gue./Nob. County line to 1.02 miles N. of SR313/IR77 Interchange" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 85532, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3188448.47, "Description": "Resurfacing SR-44 from north of SR-84 to north of SR-283 (Mentor NCL). ", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK SR 044 04.14", "Location": "North of SR-84 to NCL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119341, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3850000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of SUM IR 77 and SUM SR 21.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM IR 77/SR 21 22.50/8.85", "Location": "SUM IR 77 from 22.50 to 24.12 and SUM SR 21 from 8.85 to 9.76" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118643, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "Installation of sidewalks on both sides of County Road 333 in Clark County and provide crosswalks at the two signals.", "County": "Clark", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "CLA CR 333 11.35 Sidewalks", "Location": "CLA CR-333 11.34 to 11.98 and CLA CR-333 11.50 to 11.98" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116539, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-06-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 548084.5, "Description": "Resurfacing of Miller Rd from Ridgewood Rd to W Market St, in the City of Akron, Summit County, Ohio.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM Miller Rd (Akron)", "Location": "Miller Rd from Ridgewood Rd to W Market St" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116884, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2966500.0, "Description": "CEAO funded project to mill and overlay CR-14 and two segments of CR-25 in Williams County.", "County": "Williams", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WIL CR 14/25 7.12/1.84 Resurface", "Location": "CR-14 (CR-R) from 7.122 to 8.388; CR-25 (CR-13) from 1.836 to 9.366" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111186, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 6347100.0, "Description": "Bridge deck replacements on SFN# 7710445 and SFN# 7710534, SUM IR480 7.45 (Left and Right), includes resurfacing of SUM IR 480 before and after the bridges and resurfacing of Stow Rd underneath the bridges.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM IR 0480 07.45", "Location": "SUM IR 480 7.45" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117563, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-27", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2987833.55, "Description": "Construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Trebein Road (CR-84), Dayton-Xenia Road (CR-142), and Hilltop Road (TR-73).", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE Trebein-Dayton-Xenia Rndabt", "Location": "Intersection of Trebein Road (CR-84), Dayton-Xenia Road (CR-142), and Hilltop Road (TR-73)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112491, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-18", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1215629.65, "Description": "ResurfacingInclude Springfield-Urbana Pk back to Bogles Run Joint", "County": "Champaign", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "CHP-68-1.27", "Location": "CHP-68 SLM 1.27 to 5.08" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122459, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 201000.0, "Description": "PROTECT bridge carrying SR 39 over the Tuscarawas River.", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS SR 39 12.94", "Location": "0.10 Miles East of IR 77." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122197, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Installing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on I-71", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR/HAM IR-71-B-NEVI RD2B", "Location": "IR-71-B-18.990 - IR-71-B-22.138" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121036, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "Asphalt milling and resurfacing in spot locations including pavement markings and pavement repairs. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11-SP-FY2030", "Location": "Spot Paving and Surface Treatment throughout District 11" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121911, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-28", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2737500.0, "Description": "Streetscape enhancements to STA SR 172 from Wheeline & Lake Erie RR to Norfolk Southern RR in the City of Canton. Includes adding bike lanes by striping existing pavement, new decorative streetlights, replacing curb ramps and sidewalks and adding brick e", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA SR 0172 14.85", "Location": "STA SR 172 from Wheeline & Lake Erie RR to Norfolk Southern RR" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101145, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-17", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2800000.0, "Description": "Overlay SR 47 in Shelby County.", "County": "Shelby", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "SHE SR 47 8.63/16.66", "Location": "SHE SR 47 SLM 8.63 to 12.88 & 16.66 to 20.94" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115516, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1787850.0, "Description": "Replace existing bridge with a new structure. Project is part of Federal/State Exchange program.", "County": "Allen", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "ALL CR 270 6.41 Main St. Bridge", "Location": "Main Street in Bluffton Ohio" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110563, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-26", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 5391156.75, "Description": "Replace Bridge HAM-74-1335 (Race Road over I-74). Raise profile as necessary. ELLIS schedule matches companion PID 102753", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 74 13.35", "Location": "HAM-74-13.34 - SFN 3108678" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117984, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-16", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 579100.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement in Pike County. ", "County": "Pike", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "PIK-TR428-0.04", "Location": "PIK TR 428 0.04 (SFN 6633455)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120373, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-10-22", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Construct bridges on existing substructures for the Moonville multi-use trail.", "County": "Vinton", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "VIN Moonville Trail Part 2/3", "Location": "Begin" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121872, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-16", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1237435.59, "Description": "Heat straighten VAN-30-1402 SFN 8100667 beams and VAN-30-2207 SFN 8104379 girders, repair members crossframes and stiffeners due to a bridge hit.", "County": "Van Wert", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "VAN US 30 14.02/22.07 Bridge Hit", "Location": "Stripe Rd. over US30 and Converse Roselm Rd. over US30" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120949, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 326112.5, "Description": "Install new signal at SUM SR 532 and Albrecht Ave in the Village of Mogadore.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM SR 0532 00.80", "Location": "SUM SR 532 and Albrecht Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 80138, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-09-30", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 705000.0, "Description": "Paint structural steel on bridge carrying SR 7 over Alexander Street.", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF SR 7 26.02", "Location": "2.07 miles South of Conrail RR" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110039, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2087434.1, "Description": "A project to resurface SR 53 from the US 6/20 Ramp (SLM 10.513) to the Ohio Turnpike (SLM 12.826), which includes Urban Paving in City of Fremont.", "County": "Sandusky", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "SAN SR 53 10.45 Resurf & UrbPav", "Location": "On SR 53 from Rawson Ave to the Ohio Turnpike" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101612, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 8369668.0, "Description": "Resurfacing and related roadway work.Weather Sensors @ Gue-70 WB SLM 27.91", "County": "Guernsey", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "GUE/BEL IR 70 23.60/00.00", "Location": "Gue 70: SR 513 to Bel Co. Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118175, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 700234.7, "Description": "Removal of EB slip lane and rebuilding of traffic signal. Pedestrian signal heads and push buttons to be added.", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR SR 0611 04.25", "Location": "611 from 300' south of 611/Colorado Ave to intersection itself." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121134, "ProjectType": "Vegetative Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-03-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1120010.0, "Description": "District 8 mowing contract. Includes mowing interstates and interstate look-alikes in Clinton, Greene and Warren Counties.District 7 mowing on MOT IR 675 SLM 0.00 to 7.44 & MOT IR 75 SLM 0.00 to 9.31", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08/D07 Mowing FY2030 (B)", "Location": "District 8 and District 7" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116956, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 335561.84, "Description": "Culvert replacement project. MRG SR 376 14.60 (CFN 1845391).", "County": "Morgan", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MRG SR 376 14.59", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108035, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-11-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3150000.0, "Description": "Bridge Rehabilitation over Norfolk Southern RailroadERI-US-0006-18.02", "County": "Erie", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "ERI US 0006 18.02", "Location": "ERI-US-0006-18.02" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121126, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-09-01", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 235466.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Chip Seal", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL SR 170 11.56", "Location": "SR 154 to E. Palestine SCL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122958, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-11-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 750000.0, "Description": "Pedestrian path along Canal Rd in the Village of Hebron.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC MR 1380 00.00", "Location": "Canal Rd through Evans Park and along both side of Cumberland St." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118910, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Asphalt milling and resurfacing in spot locations including pavement markings and pavement repairs. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11-SP-FY2029", "Location": "Spot Paving and Surface Treatment throughout District 11" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121455, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2500000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing SUM SR 93 in the city of New Franklin.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM SR 0093 00.00", "Location": "SUM SR 93 from 0.00 to 5.52" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118471, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 551800.0, "Description": "Replacement of Bridge WAR-CR 134-3.76 (SFN: 8332991) with a three-sided precast culvert.", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR CR 134 3.76 Township Line Rd", "Location": "Bridge No. WAR-CR 134-3.76 (SFN: 8332991)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 89034, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 8900382.75, "Description": "Construct the Greenway Corridor Trail (a.k.a Cleveland Mahoning Trail) along the abandoned railroad right-of-way in the Flats from the Towpath Trail along Irishtown Bend underneath the Main Avenue bridge crossing the Willow Street bridge to a proposed ped", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Lake Link Trail", "Location": "N/A" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116557, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1521428.61, "Description": "Resurfacing of S Main St from Green North Corp Limit to Warner Rd in Summit County, Ohio. Includes loop detector replacement and guardrail repairs/upgrades.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM CR 0050 05.70 (S Main St)", "Location": "S Main St from Green North Corp Limit to Warner Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119730, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 827247.25, "Description": "General System Minor Rehabilitation; Resurfacing SR 43 in the Village of Amsterdam, including asphalt overlay, full depth pavement repairs, and pavement markings.", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF SR 43 20.940", "Location": "Amsterdam. SR 43 from the SCL to the WCL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110524, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 29000000.0, "Description": "A Major Rehabilitation project to remove and replace the existing pavement on US 6/24 from the US 6 interchange to the Maumee River Bridge; Repair bridges within the same section. May 2022 Programmatic will only include bridge design work.", "County": "Henry", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "HEN US 6/24 11.32/4.62", "Location": "HEN 24 4.62 to 4.98 / HEN 6 11.32 (overlap begins) to 16.48 / HEN 24 9.61 to 10.42" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105759, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-19", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 14769507.24, "Description": "Columbus. CR27 (Trabue Road) over the Scioto River.Structure rehabilitation with work including deck replacement of a 4 span, 416 foot, steel beam bridge (SFN 2530309).Local-let by Franklin County Engineer's office.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA CR 27 10.77 & 10.89", "Location": "Columbus. CR27 (Trabue Road) over the Scioto River." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116964, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-06-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2764129.0, "Description": "Reconstruction including new pavement, curb, sidewalk, street lights, traffic signals & catch basins.", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT Smithville Rd Reconstruction", "Location": "Smithville Road from US 35 to Huffman Avenue" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114013, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-01-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 288500.0, "Description": "Guardrail replacement on various County Routes in Ross County.", "County": "Ross", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ROS CR VAR Guardrail FY 2026", "Location": "Various CR in Ross County." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117526, "ProjectType": "Add Through Lane(s)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 19847332.57, "Description": "Phase 8B of the Mill Creek Expressway Project. Project will construct a new Pump Station and Combined Sewer Overflow for the widening of IR 75. Phases 8+8C widen for additional through lanes, rehabilitate existing pavement and bridges. Reconstruct SR 56", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 75 8.91 Pump Station &CSO", "Location": "Begin south of SR562 interchange and at the SR126 interchange, 7.85 to 10.30" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118968, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-02-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-14", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 10448951.09, "Description": "Construction of a new shared-use path along North Marginal Road between E. 9th St. and E. 55th St. in the City of Cleveland in Cuyahoga County. Provides connectivity to existing paths operated by the Cleveland Metroparks.Carbon Reduction Program Funding.O", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY North Marginal Rd Connector", "Location": "Cleveland; E. 9th St to E. 55th St." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122395, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 600000.0, "Description": "ODNR resurfacing project to resurface Harrison Lake State Park, Gorham Township, Fulton County, OH; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Fulton", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "FUL ODNR Harrison Lake SP Resurf", "Location": "Harrison Lake State Park" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114158, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2600000.0, "Description": "Pavement marking project for FY 2027.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 10", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "D10 Pavement Marking FY2027", "Location": "Various routes and sections in D10." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122125, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-03-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 8993375.38, "Description": "Improve CR 142 (Brown Road) from Frank Road to Stimmel Rd/Linnet Ave with 11' travel lanes, curb and gutter, a 10' shared use path on the west side with a 5' tree lawn and a 6' sidewalk on the east side of the road. A mini roundabout will be constructed ", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA CR 142 0.059", "Location": "CR 142 (Brown Rd) from Frank Road to the Stimmel Rd/Linnet Ave intersection." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113626, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-03-13", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 23042877.4, "Description": "Rock fall remediation along southbound lanes of S.R. 7 by major slope excavation. A Type A emergency contract (PID 113188) was utilized for MOT and emergency cleanup. The majority of this cut is funded by FHWA ER funds. A 300' +/- section of the south end", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF SR 7 14.32", "Location": "0.6 miles north of Logan Ave. SB off ramp" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119142, "ProjectType": "Add Through Lane(s)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 102181552.5, "Description": "Converting Super 2 Lane sections to a four lane divided highway on ATH 33 23.28-25.39 and MEG 33 0.00-4.09. This PID is for Construction Only.", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH/MEG-33-23.23/0.00", "Location": "Begin" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122474, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3500000.0, "Description": "Reduce/prevent roadway flooding by raising the pavement elevation.", "County": "Van Wert", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "VAN SR 49 1.63", "Location": "SR 49 in Van Wert County at SLM 1.63" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96150, "ProjectType": "New Building/ Facility", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4000000.0, "Description": "Construction of a new full service facility for Hamilton County at the Miamitown location.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "FACD08 HAM Miamitown FS", "Location": "replacement for Miamitown Garage" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114226, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2700000.0, "Description": "Pavement markings and RPM replacements along various routes in Ashtabula, Mahoning and Trumbull Counties.", "County": "Ashtabula", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 PM/RPM FY2027 (East)", "Location": "ATB/MAH/TRU Counties" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115348, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-04-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-10-02", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1876873.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of Riverview Rd from Portage Path to N Corp Limit, Akron-Peninsula Rd from Merriman Rd to Steels Corners Rd, Smith Rd from Sand Run Rd to Riverview Rd and Portage Trail from N Portage Path to Northampton Rd, in the City of Akron, Summit County", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM CR 9/VAR 03.12/VAR (Akron)", "Location": "Riverview Rd from Portage Path to N Corp Limit, Akron-Peninsula Rd from Merriman Rd to Steels Corners Rd, Smith Rd from Sand Ru..." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120337, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 350000.0, "Description": "Culvert replacement project. VIN 278 2.79 (CFN 1811036).", "County": "Vinton", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "VIN SR 278 2.790", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119404, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-02-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 745000.0, "Description": "Covered bridge restoration ", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT E Center St Bridge Rehab", "Location": "Covered bridge in Germantown over Little Twin Creek on East Center Street " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 103626, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-03-27", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 31104829.37, "Description": "Construct additional lanes on US 36/SR 37 and reconstruct and lengthen the NS Railroad structure on the east side of Delaware to reduce congestion and improve safety.The intersection of US 36/SR 37 and SR 521 will also be improved.", "County": "Delaware", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "DEL US 36 11.03", "Location": "DEL US 36 from West of Foley St (11.03) to SR 521 (11.75); SR 37 from West of East St (11.25) to US 36 (11.45)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121011, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3000000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of TRU SR 5, TRU SR 7, and TRU SR 609.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU SR SR 5/VAR 32.51/VAR", "Location": "SR 5 from 32.511 to 35.529, SR 7 from 25.040 to 27.795, and SR 609 from 0.00 to 2.648." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112849, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-07-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-09-27", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2765925.68, "Description": "Replacement of (SFN 7661118) 9th St SW bridge over West Branch of Nimishillen Creek in the City of Canton.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA 9th Street SW (Canton)", "Location": "9th St SW over Nimishillen Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116738, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-08-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4747647.33, "Description": "Resurface with asphalt concrete.", "County": "Van Wert", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "VAN US 30 4.05", "Location": "US30 from the 4.05 MM to 0.40 miles east of the US224 Jct., all ramps at the US224 interchange." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123307, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-11-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 275000.0, "Description": "Turn lane improvement/extension at the intersection of SR 16/Licking Valley Road in Licking County.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC SR 16 27.00", "Location": "Intersection of SR 16/Licking Valley Road and Brownville Road in Licking County." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119871, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4300000.0, "Description": "Construction of structures near SR 16/TR 483C to alleviate flooding frequency.", "County": "Coshocton", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "COS SR 16 01.40", "Location": "Near intersection of SR 16/TR 483C" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107644, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1947784.93, "Description": "Replace bridge Route 335 over Rocky Fork Creek in Scioto County. ", "County": "Scioto", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "SCI-335-10.31", "Location": "SCI 335 10.31 (SFN 7305109)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113161, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3005358.6, "Description": "Intersection improvement at Highland Rd and Valley View Rd.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM CR 111/CR 25 4.33/4.10", "Location": "Highland Rd and Valley View Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118905, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 1277880.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Fine graded polymer asphalt", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL US 62 10.83", "Location": "US 62 from SR 45 to SR 14T; SR 1654 from MAH Co. Line to SR 14" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102926, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 350000.0, "Description": "Bridge maintenance and structural steel painting for SEN-18 slm 2.76 & 31.37; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Seneca", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "SEN 18 2.76/31.37 Bridge Paint", "Location": "SEN-18 2.76 & 31.37" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110934, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 670000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing S.O.M. Center Rd (SR-91) from Mayfield Road (US-322) to the north corporation line in Mayfield Heights. Work will exclude the concrete intersection at Mayfield Road (US-322). ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 091 12.03", "Location": "Mayfield Hts; US-322 to the NCL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123190, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-12-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 9850000.0, "Description": "Chip seal various the following routes in District 4.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 CHIP FY2031", "Location": "Districtwide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122914, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-12-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3483100.0, "Description": "Convert the existing signalized intersection of CR 16 (Havens Corners Rd) and CR 106 (Waggoner Rd) to a roundabout.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA CR 16/CR 106 RAB", "Location": "Franklin County, Jefferson Township. CR 16 (Havens Corners Rd) and CR 106 (Waggoner Rd)." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121176, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-12-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 850000.0, "Description": "Crack sealing on various routes. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09 CS FY2030", "Location": "D09 Various Routes" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105502, "ProjectType": "Lighting (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-07-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Lighting replacements on Interstates inside the City of Cincinnati on IR-71 from the Ohio River to MLK.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM LG FY2027", "Location": "Various locations in Hamilton County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118318, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-03-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2598138.9, "Description": "Convert two-way stop-controlled intersection into single-lane roundabout at US-20 and SR-511 in Lorain County.", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR US 0020 02.05", "Location": "LOR-20-2.05 at SR 511" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114685, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1184400.0, "Description": "FY27-Fine Graded Polymer AC Overlay (Smoothseal)", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 SMOOTH FY2027", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 100626, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 350980.0, "Description": "Asphalt overlay with rigid repairs including new curb and sidewalk.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 7A 0.000", "Location": "Bridgeport. SR 7 to IR 70" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114986, "ProjectType": "Vegetative Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 150000.0, "Description": "Tree stump removal/Pruning for various locations throughout district 03. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 PR FY2026", "Location": "Various Locations throughout District Three" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122205, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": " Installing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on I-71", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM/BUT IR-75-A-NEVI-RD2B", "Location": "I-75-A- HAM 0-17.48 begins - BUT 0.00-7.521 ends" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111340, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-11-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-08-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 3014319.08, "Description": "Rebuild lighting system on High St underpass. Repair retaining walls", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-670-3.31", "Location": "FRA IR 670 from High St to US 23" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109970, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 273520.0, "Description": "District Wide contract to replace roadside delineators in FY2025. Locations to be determined.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08-DELINEATOR-FY2025", "Location": "various locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104637, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-07-08", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2210393.3, "Description": "Rehabilitation of three structures (LIC-70-10.77, LIC-70-20.99, and LIC-70-23.20) along IR 70 in Licking County.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC IR 70 10.77 AND VARIOUS", "Location": "TR 144 (Swamp Road) over IR 70" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112473, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Annual project for application of Fast Dry pavement markings in D-05 East in FY 2026", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 PM FY2026 (A) Fast Dry East", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96000, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3577763.24, "Description": "A project to rehabilitate 2 bridges, one over Swan Creek (LUC-64-11.48) and the other over Neiss Ditch 157 (LUC-64-11.74), replace the culvert at LUC-64-10.79 and resurface SR 64 in Lucas County; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC SR 64 8.94", "Location": "SR 64 between SLM 8.96 and 12.41" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119813, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2500000.0, "Description": "Intersection/curve improvement. HOC 664 12.74.Roundabout along HOC 664 at the TR 51 intersection. Safety funded.", "County": "Hocking", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "HOC SR 664 12.74", "Location": "Begin at the intersection of SR 664/TR 51." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 81534, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2008-11-18", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 78485.0, "Description": "NEW SIGNAL INSTALLATION IN WASHINGTON TWP. WILL INCLUDE MAST ARMS, ADA COMPLIANCE, LIGHTING.", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT MCEWEN ROAD", "Location": "ON MCEWEN ROAD AT CONGRESS PARK DRIVE" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119114, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-12-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1850000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of TRU SR 193. ", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU SR 0193 01.97", "Location": "TRU SR 193 from 1.968 to 6.79" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118651, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1641209.14, "Description": "A project to place recessed wet reflective pavement markings on various routes in District 2; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 2", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "D02 R-WR & WR FY25", "Location": "Districtwide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112985, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-08-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4587660.0, "Description": "Rehabilitate the CLE-52-0159L/R bridges over Tenmile Creek by replacing the decks, converting to semi-integral, and painting the superstructures. Rehabilitate CLE-52-0498L/R that carries US 52 over Twelvemile Creek by converting it to semi-integral.", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE US 52 1.59/4.98", "Location": "CLE US 52 1.59 L/R" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121204, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-06-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of Doylestown Road (CR 70) from Jordan Rd to Decourcey St", "County": "Wayne", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "WAY CR 70 11.81 (Resurfacing)", "Location": "Eastern Rd SR94 to Portage St and Gates St from Eastern Rd to Doylestown Corp limit" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104962, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-03-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 300000.0, "Description": "Bridge deck overlay on MRW-95-1.92 over Otter Cr; MRW-95-3.40 over Shaw Cr; ", "County": "Morrow", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MRW-95-(1.92) (3.40)", "Location": "MRW-95-1.92 over Otter Cr; MRW-95-3.40 over Shaw Cr" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123295, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1578947.37, "Description": "Construction of a roundabout at the ATH 682/Luhrig-Armitage Road intersection. ", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH SR 682 2.27 Roundabout", "Location": "State Route 682/Luhrig-Armitage Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119274, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "UNI-38-0.21; replace deck on structure over Little Darby Creek", "County": "Union", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "UNI-38-0.21", "Location": "UNI-38-0.21; structure over Little Darby Creek just north of the Madison County line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 93041, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2035-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2035-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3363954.16, "Description": "5% Repairs, Item 442 Single Chip Seal, and 1\" Item 448 Asphalt Concrete Intermediate Course and 1 1/4\" Item 448 Asphalt Concrete Surface Course.", "County": "Guernsey", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "GUE/MUS/NOB SR 146/340/672 VAR", "Location": "Gue-146: Muskingum County Line to SR 821 Intersection" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122236, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-07-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2898270.0, "Description": "Minor rehabilitation of pavement within project limits. Bridge work to be completed within project area.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC SR 16 17.42", "Location": "From just east of the Thornwood Crossing interchange to the SR 79 interchange" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109302, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-20", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-25", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 85601.01, "Description": "Install new guardrail on various Wayne County Roads", "County": "Wayne", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "WAY CR VAR GR FY2024", "Location": "Various Wayne County Roads" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115334, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-06-06", "EndConstructionDate": "2022-12-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 821896.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of Broad Blvd from State St to 2nd St, in the City of Cuyahoga Falls, Summit County, Ohio.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM CR 0605 05.88 (Broad Blvd)", "Location": "Broad Blvd from State St to 2nd St" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114964, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 1300000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing STA SR 172.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA SR 0172 08.79", "Location": "STA SR 172 from 8.79 to 11.83" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121269, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3400000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of ATB SR 45.", "County": "Ashtabula", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "ATB SR 0045 15.25", "Location": "ATB SR 45 from 15.252 to 23.256" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113448, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-25", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 446949.45, "Description": "Implement a road diet to reduce the through lanes from four lanes to two lanes with a double left turn lane and bike lanes. New pavement and pavement markings will be installed with improved crosswalk markings.", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT-Germantown St Bike Lanes", "Location": "Germantown Street from Edwin C. Moses Boulevard to Euclid Avenue" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104292, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2017-10-11", "EndConstructionDate": "2018-09-14", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1043850.5, "Description": "Replace the CR 2J Bentonville Road Bridge (SFN 0132225), CR 1B Grace Run Rd Bridge (SFN 0130060), & CR 10 Watt Young Rd Bridge (SFN 0136840) - Federal/State Exchange", "County": "Adams", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ADA CR 2J 0.20 Bridge Replace", "Location": "ADA CR 2J 0.20, CR 1B 17.28, & CR 10 0.14" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116891, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-11", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-11", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2066894.99, "Description": "Resurfacing, pedestrian improvements, and curb and curb ramp repairs. The project will also include a road diet between Lincoln Pike Blvd and Wilmington Pike.", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT Marshall Road Improvements", "Location": "Marshall Rd from East David Rd to Wilmington Pike" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116825, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-09-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3350000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of TRU SR 82 and SR 82 I.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU SR 82/82I 22.74/00.00", "Location": "TRU SR 82 from 22.74 to 29.87 and TRU SR 82I from 0.00 to 0.16" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109596, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-07-18", "EndConstructionDate": "2022-10-28", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 3085874.92, "Description": "An ODOT Safety funded project to install right turn lanes on Coy Road, median islands on Navarre Ave and upgrade signal. Replace SFN 4863208 Structure on Coy Rd, north of the intersection, City Funded.", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC SR 2 22.51 Navr & Coy Int.", "Location": "Intersection of (SR 2 ) Navarre Ave and Coy Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121626, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-07-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3500000.0, "Description": "Reconstruct roadway & bike/pedestrian improvements", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT Gettysburg IMP Ph. 4", "Location": "Gettysburg Ave. from Hoover Ave. to Gardendale Ave." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 103946, "ProjectType": "New Roadway", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 250000.0, "Description": "This project includes the widening and reconstructing of Chester Road from Jaycox westerly to the newly improved five lane section at the future site of Cabelas. See PID 102918", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR TID Chester Road Extension", "Location": "LOR TID Chester Road Extension" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120162, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 375000.0, "Description": "Culvert liner project. WAS 7 12.48, CFN 1880522.", "County": "Washington", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "WAS SR 7 12.480", "Location": "Begin" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120026, "ProjectType": "Parks", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1120000.0, "Description": "ODNR project in Tar Hollow State Park to include Piney Creek (Phase 1 - District 9) and HQ (District 10)", "County": "Ross", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ROS Tar Hollow SF ODNR FY26", "Location": "Tar Hollow State Park" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113983, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1050000.0, "Description": "1 3/4\" mill and fill with super-pave asphalt.Urban Paving Program", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT-48-4.48", "Location": "MOT SR 48 SLM 4.48 (IR675 overhead) to 5.39 (Whipp Rd)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112661, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-12-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 694950.58, "Description": "Resurfacing of Niles-Vienna Rd from SR 46 to US 422 and resurfacing of Warren Ave from Niles W Corp Limit to Chestnut St.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU Niles-Vienna Rd/Warren Ave", "Location": "Niles-Vienna Rd from SR 46 to US 422 and Warren Ave from Niles W Corp Limit to Chestnut St." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118424, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 145000.0, "Description": "WAY US 0250 27.50-Culvert Replacement-Jack & Bore", "County": "Wayne", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "WAY US 0250 27.50", "Location": "WAY US 0250 27.50" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105769, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-05-23", "EndConstructionDate": "2022-10-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2157995.0, "Description": "Paint the structural steel of the Ridgebury, Highland, and I-90 EB over I-271 and Rockefeller over I-90. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 271 13.90/VAR Paint", "Location": "Various" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110253, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-01-12", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-03-07", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 6767264.13, "Description": "WEST MAIN STREET (SR 41) CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTSWEST MAIN STREET (SR 41) CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS FROM WEST OF RIDGE AVENUE INTERSECTION TO I-75 NORTHBOUND RAMPS. IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDES WIDENING OF THE STREET TO INCLUDE AT LEAST ONE 12? THROUGH LANE IN EACH DIR", "County": "Miami", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MIA-41-10.32", "Location": "WEST TERMINI = NORTHBOUND RAMPS OF I-75; EAST TERMINI = WEST OF RIDGE AVENUE INTERSECTION;" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111471, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-28", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2469345.86, "Description": "Resurface portions of CR 175, CR 190, CR 209 and CR 265 in Hardin County.", "County": "Hardin", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "HAR CR 175/190/209/265", "Location": "Portions of CR 175, CR 190, CR 209 and CR 265 in Hardin County." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120018, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3100000.0, "Description": "A project to construct a two-by-one roundabout at the intersection of SR-420 and Libbey Road in Lake Township, Wood County, Ohio. Perform necessary related work.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO SR 420 2.38 Roundabout", "Location": "Intersection of SR-420 and Libbey Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121252, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-05-16", "EndConstructionDate": "2033-05-16", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2800000.0, "Description": "Install by contract traffic signals at various locations in D8. Will include LED replacement for entire district.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08 TSG FY2031/FY2032", "Location": "Various locations in D8" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121241, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "Systematic sign replacement in Preble County", "County": "Preble", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "PRE SIGNS FY2030", "Location": "Preble County - final locations TBD" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119793, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-09-22", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-28", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 304784.44, "Description": "Install three RRFB crossings and sidewalks at high-use crossing locations in the Village, which includes the high school and YMCA. ", "County": "Putnam", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PUT Ottawa Ped. Improvements", "Location": "Village of Ottawa" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119185, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 650000.0, "Description": "A project to repair the HEN-109-0278 (SFN 3502775) bridge over South Turkeyfoot Creek by replacing the prestressed concrete box beam superstructure.", "County": "Henry", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "HEN SR 109 2.78 Superstructure", "Location": "HEN-109-2.78 bridge" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118999, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1226037.75, "Description": "Replace SFN 5034140 Berlin Station Rd Bridge over Turkey Broth Creek.", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH CR 90 00.34 (Berlin Station)", "Location": "MAH Berlin Station Rd Bridge" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95403, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 21000000.0, "Description": "Rehabilitate Rockside Rd (CR-53) Bridge 03.23 over Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad in the City of Independence and Replace Rockside Rd (CR-53) Bridge 03.32 over Cuyahoga River in the City of Independence & Village of Valley View. Install sidewalk on the ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Rockside Road Bridges", "Location": "Independence/Valley View: Rockside Rd Bridges." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113239, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-28", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2322000.0, "Description": "Rehabilitation of Broadway Ave (CR-12) from 400' east of Macedonia Rd (CR-154) to 350' west of the CUY/SUM County line to in the Village of Oakwood in Cuyahoga County. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Broadway Avenue", "Location": "Oakwood Village; Macedonia Rd to County line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 97425, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 662000.0, "Description": "Replace existing culverts on SEN-224 at four locations; perform necessary related work", "County": "Seneca", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "SEN US 224 0.13/0.65/6.94/8.48", "Location": "SEN-224 @ SLM 0.13, 0.65, 6.94 and 8.48" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117929, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-06-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 878623.0, "Description": "Install electric charging stations on I-77 in Tuscarawas or Stark counties. ", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TUS/STA-I-77-D-NEVI", "Location": "I-77-D 83-103" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121794, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-11-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 280000.0, "Description": "Guardrail replacement on various county routes in Scioto County", "County": "Scioto", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "SCI-CR VAR GR-FY29", "Location": "Various CR in Scioto County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102573, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6300000.0, "Description": "New Martinsville (Korean War Veterans) Bridge - Clean & PaintWVDOH sponsored project.", "County": "Monroe", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MOE-536-0.00_New Martinsville Br", "Location": "MOE-SR536-0.00" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121297, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-04-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2600000.0, "Description": "Pavement marking project for FY 2030.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 10", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "D10 Pavement Marking FY2030", "Location": "Various routes and sections in D10." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113406, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-02-25", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3516000.0, "Description": "Pavement restoration and slope stabilization on PIC 762 Full depth and partial depth pavement repairs. Addition of curb along existing shoulders. Guardrail and drainage work at various locations. PIC-762-11.19-13.23 (US-23 to just West of PID 117389 round", "County": "Pickaway", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "PIC-762-11.19", "Location": "PIC-762-11.18-13.316 (US-23 to just West of PID 117389) & Geotech work on PIC SR 762 east of CSX/NS railroad overpass (SLM 12.78)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122901, "ProjectType": "Rest Area", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 15366434.0, "Description": "Reconstruction of the closed PRE I-70 WB rest area as a truck parking site.", "County": "Preble", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "PRE IR 70 WB Truck Parking", "Location": "PRE I 70 WB Rest Area (approx. 1 mile east of US 35)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105889, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 28884000.0, "Description": "Reconstruction and reconfiguration of the SR 51 interchange over US 23 in the City of Sylvania, Lucas County. Necessary work included bridge replacements, ramp reconstruction, secondary street upgrades and resurfacing.", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC US 23 11.75 Inter-Chng", "Location": ".25m N and S of SR 51 interchange" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120246, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 435000.0, "Description": "Replacement of deficient sidewalks. More details to come with scope", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 SRTS City of Elyria FY26", "Location": "City of Elyria, more details coming" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111498, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-26", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-09-13", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 600000.3, "Description": "Repair slide area and replace culvert.", "County": "Allen", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "ALL SR 115 1.11", "Location": "Along SR 115 in Allen County approximately 1.11 miles from SR 65" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122138, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 570791.52, "Description": "Installation of sidewalks in gap sections along Quncy Ave from S Van Buren to 2nd St SE, Lamberton Ave from 1st St SE to 2nd St SE, 2nd St SE from Snyder Ave to Quincy Ave and on Morgan St near the High School, in the City of Barberton, Summit County, Ohi", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM Barberton SRTS", "Location": "City of Barberton" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118064, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-07-29", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2087040.75, "Description": "Project in City of Toledo to mill and resurface Laskey Rd from Douglas Rd to Jackman Rd. Project scope includes, spot full depth pavement repairs and minor associated drainage improvements.", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC CR 10 3.01 Laskey Resurface", "Location": "Laskey Rd from Douglas Rd to Jackman Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122155, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3461000.0, "Description": "Citywide traffic signal upgrades in the City of Maple Heights in Cuyahoga County. Includes removal of unwarranted signals and replacement of controllers, signals, poles.MPO CMAQ project. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Maple Heights Signals", "Location": "Maple Hts: Various locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117227, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-07", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 505448.0, "Description": "MPO funded project to resurface a portion of Hallett Avenue. Includes spot full-depth pavement repairs, replacement of curb and gutter, and new ADA compliant walk, curb ramps, and crosswalks along the west side of the roadway. Includes other minor necessa", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC CR 1 5.51 - Hallett Resurf B", "Location": "Hallett Avenue from north of Church Street to the bridge of the I-80/I-90 overpass (approx. 2,400')" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101294, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2075000.0, "Description": "A district allocation funded project to resurface SR 49 in Williams County and SR 120 in Fulton County; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Williams", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WIL/FUL SR 49/120 2.62/9.48", "Location": "WIL-49 from 0.00 to 2.51 and FUL-120 from 7.33 to 9.48" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120924, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 750000.0, "Description": "Repair erosion/slide at the ramp from Redbank Road to US-50 caused by meandering stream. Repair headwalls of two conduits at the ramp location.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM US 50 29.49 - Ramp", "Location": "HAM-US 50-29.49 - Ramp from Redbank Road to US-50" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114554, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2678663.47, "Description": "Chip Seal various routes.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07-CHIP-FY26 (A)", "Location": "Various routes in AUG, LOG, & MER" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122497, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-06-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1831728.0, "Description": "Replace SFN 0430234 Windsor-Mechanicsville Rd (CR 9) over Trumbull Creek.", "County": "Ashtabula", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "ATB CR-9 Windsor-Mechanicsville", "Location": "Windsor-Mechanicsville Rd (CR 9) over Trumbull Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115180, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-13", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 21256.0, "Description": "Culvert invert repair of DEL-257-4.89 ", "County": "Delaware", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "DEL-257-4.89", "Location": "DEL-257-4.89" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121326, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "The project will consist of major pavement rehabilitation including full depth concrete slab repairs, catch basin repairs, and 3\" asphalt overlay. Total length of improvement is 2,950 feet.", "County": "Medina", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "MED North Industrial Parkway Imp", "Location": "City of Brunswick" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 98289, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2035-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2035-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 21738657.5, "Description": "GUE IR 70 901 L/R: Replacement of bridges.GUE IR 70 943 L/R/A: Replacement of bridge decks and approach slabs; rehabilitation of abutments and piers. GUE IR 70 993 L/R: Replace deck/superstructure, repair/rehab abutments, paint existing structural steel.", "County": "Guernsey", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "GUE IR 70 09.00", "Location": "0.75 miles E of the intersection of IR 70 & SR 209 over CR 35 and Wills Cr" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121889, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-06-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of Brecksville Rd from IR-271 SB off ramp to just south of SR 303, in the Village of Richfield, Summit County, Ohio.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM Brecksville Rd (Richfield)", "Location": "Brecksville Rd from IR 271 to SR 303" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116981, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 800000.0, "Description": "Extend the forward wingwall of the E. Walnut Avenue (SR-84) bridge over the Grand River to stop erosion to the slope along SR-84 and protect the bridge abutment. ", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK SR 084 19.01 Wall", "Location": "Painesville; E of the Grand River" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122355, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 925300.0, "Description": "Project to mill and resurface SR-199 (Louisiana Ave) in City of Perrysburg from Indiana Ave (US 20) to Scheider Rd. Scope includes spot full depth repairs, pavement markings, and associated necessary scope.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO SR 199 29.11 Louisiana Ave", "Location": " SR-199 (Louisiana Ave) from Indiana Ave (US 20) to Scheider Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118706, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1825000.0, "Description": "MEG US 33-6.30/6.45 - 686ft / 438 ft rockfall hazard remediation.", "County": "Meigs", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MEG US 33 6.30", "Location": "MEG 33-6.30/6.45" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118070, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3860000.0, "Description": "Construct safety improvements at the intersection of US Route 36 and State Route 721 in Miami and Darke Counties.", "County": "Miami", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MIA/DAR 36/721 22.56", "Location": "SR 721\\US 36" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116965, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 990568.45, "Description": "Culvert replacement project. GAL 218 14.77 (CFN 1820295), GAL 554 10.53 (CFN 1833135) and GAL 588 6.42 (CFN 1831201).", "County": "Gallia", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "GAL SR 218/VAR-14.77/VAR", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116946, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-03-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 18202633.0, "Description": "Major Bridge Funds project-Bridge RehabilitationLOR SR 0611 03.44", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR SR 0611 03.44", "Location": "LOR-SR-0611-03.44" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122719, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-08-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 7350310.0, "Description": "Project in City of Toledo to fully reconstruct Lewis Ave from W Sylvania Ave to W Laskey Rd. Project includes safety improvements for pedestrians, including bumpouts, a pedestrian hybrid beacon, and other intersection improvements. Project will include dr", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC MR 4013 0.0 Lewis Ave", "Location": "Lewis Ave from W Sylvania Ave to W Laskey Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114275, "ProjectType": "Vegetative Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-03-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 971874.0, "Description": "District 8 mowing contract. Includes mowing interstates and interstate look-alikes in Butler, Clermont, and Hamilton Counties.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08 Mowing FY2026 (A)", "Location": "District 8" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118468, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2147319.0, "Description": "Perform concrete pavement repairs on MED US-224 near Lake Rd.", "County": "Medina", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "MED US 0224 15.27", "Location": "MED-224-15.27 to 15.586" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122455, "ProjectType": "Drainage System Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-02-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-03-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 700000.0, "Description": "MRW SR 229: The existing storm sewer will be upsized to address capacity needs, and the roadway profile adjusted to prevent future roadway overtopping.", "County": "Morrow", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MRW-229-5.80", "Location": "MRW SR 229 in Marengo (SLM 5.80 to 6.24). W Walnut St from east if IR 71 to N Main St.; W Main St from W Walnut to W Williams St" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104983, "ProjectType": "Interchange Expansion", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-11-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 31946436.0, "Description": "Complete the south half of the IR-77/Miller Road interchange in Brecksville. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 077 00.42 Interchange", "Location": "IR-77 and Miller Road Interchange" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118005, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4252382.0, "Description": "Convert signalized intersection into single-lane roundabout at SR-4 and SR-113 in Huron County.", "County": "Huron", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "HUR SR 0004 08.02", "Location": "HUR-4-8.02 at SR 113" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110889, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2800000.0, "Description": "Replace structure carrying SR 7 over Sammis Plant conveyor belt with new structure.", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF SR 7 30.920", "Location": "2.8 Miles south of JCT SR 213" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121425, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 750000.0, "Description": "Project to repair and/or pave the inverts of various bridge size culverts within District 8 including GRE-835-0091. Repair deteriorated portions of the CMP Steel for GRE-42-1490 and WAR-48-0677. Reset shifted concrete box culvert section, install new full", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08 Inverts FY2030", "Location": "Varies- Spot locations of structures listed." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114835, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-06", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 5581639.12, "Description": "Part 1: Asphalt Concrete Overlay with Repairs: PIC-23-12.89-16.94 (Priority System Paving) - In-House Design (Katie Montoya/Dave Rankin)Part 2 (Formerly PID 117789): Work on US 23 - Construct entrance to new rest area building for SB PIC 23 Rest Area. ? C", "County": "Pickaway", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "PIC US 23 12.89 Part 1, 2 & 3", "Location": "P1: PIC-23-12.89-16.94 (N Court St to S Bloomfield). P2: PIC-23 from 18.52 to 18.62 P3: PIC SR 762, Duvall Rd, Ashville Pike" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 94272, "ProjectType": "New Building/ Facility", "EndConstructionDate": "2014-11-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 7535831.0, "Description": "Construct New Athens County M&R Garage.", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "FACD10 ATH Full Service Facility", "Location": "New Athens County Garage site." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 97692, "ProjectType": "Building / Facility Improvement", "BeginConstructionDate": "2017-04-24", "EndConstructionDate": "2019-06-28", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 7557861.0, "Description": "Construction of new garage, new 1500 ton salt storage building, and wash bay at existing county garage location.", "County": "Coshocton", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "FACD05 COS Coshocton FS", "Location": "COS-CR 621-1.45 (Existing County Garage Site)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115684, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2033-04-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6400000.0, "Description": "Resurface IR-71 from Pearl Road (US-42) to IR-480 in Middleburg Heights, Brook Park, and Cleveland. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 071 05.74", "Location": "MidHts, BrkPk, Cleve; US-42 to IR-480" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113123, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-05-16", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-10-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 12022394.93, "Description": "Rehabilitation and streetscape improvements on East 185th Street (CR-24) from Pawnee Avenue to the shoreline of Lake Erie. Includes pedestrian, public transit and bicycle enhancements in the Cities of Euclid and Cleveland in Cuyahoga County. [Part 1]Rehab", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY East 185th Streetscape Part1", "Location": "Euclid/Cleveland; Nottingham Rd to shoreline of Lake Erie" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105932, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-03-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 22800000.0, "Description": "o Lorain Avenue (SR-10) Complete Streets project to enable safe access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities from W. 20th Street to W. 65th Street in the City of Cleveland.o Lorain Avenue ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Lorain Ave Complete Streets", "Location": "W 20th St to W 65th St" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117215, "ProjectType": "Lighting (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-05-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 295341.0, "Description": "Partial Interchange Lighting at MED IR0076 & SR 0261.", "County": "Medina", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "MED IR 0076 11.83", "Location": "MED-76/261 Interchange Area" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114298, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 145000.0, "Description": "Update existing pavement markings on various county roads within Erie County. ", "County": "Erie", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "ERI-CR PM-FY2025", "Location": "Various roads in Erie County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117269, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-26", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 346108.74, "Description": "Modify lane configurations and access management along the corridor to improve pedestrian & bicycle safety in the City of Hudson. Convert the existing 4-lane section from Boston Mills Rd to Atterbury Blvd to 3-lanes including turn lanes (Safety Study Opti", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM SR 0303 12.63", "Location": "SUM SR 303 from 12.63 to 13.20" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 99568, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 815000.0, "Description": "A pavement resurfacing project od SR-15 in Williams County; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Williams", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WIL SR 15 0.00 Resurf", "Location": "Michigan State line to US-20A" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120298, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 368550.0, "Description": "Portsmouth Safe Routes to School project.", "County": "Scioto", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "SCI-Portsmouth-Sciotoville SRTS", "Location": "City of Portsmouth" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118924, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-06-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-08-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 870000.0, "Description": "pave short section of HAM-71-0844 bridge (3115232); sockline or EIPI small culvert HAM-74-0698", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM Culverts FY29 ", "Location": "varies" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105583, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 15355800.0, "Description": "AC Overlay w/Rpr ", "County": "Ashland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 OVERLAY PRIORITY FY2027", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121566, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-06-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 600000.0, "Description": "D6 preventive maintenance cracksealing project for FY30", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 Crackseal PPM FY30", "Location": "Various routes in District Six" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121149, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-11-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 700000.0, "Description": "Resurface with Asphalt", "County": "Hardin", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "HAR SR 385 0.00", "Location": "From the Auglaize County Line to State Route 117 in the Village of Roundhead" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 97503, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2035-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2036-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Replace structure carrying SR 267 over Longs Run. ", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL SR 267 4.44", "Location": "0.83 miles South of US 30 interchange" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122023, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-29", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Multimodal safety improvements in the Village of Gambier.", "County": "Knox", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "KNO SR 308 00.00", "Location": "Village of Gambier" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122726, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-08-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5999700.0, "Description": "Project in City of Toledo to reconstruct Lawrence Ave from Monroe St to Dorr St. Scope includes lane reduction for pedestrian bump-outs and parking, a shared use path, streetscape, mini roundabouts at Lincoln Ave and Oakwood Ave, and locally funded waterl", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC MR 4077 0.0 Lawrence Ave", "Location": "Lawrence Ave from Monroe St to Dorr St" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122691, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-10-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2561000.0, "Description": "Traffic signal upgrades at ten (10) signals along Rockside Road and two (2) signals on Brecksville Road in the city of Independence, Cuyahoga County.Upgrades include controller, detection, signal and pedestrian heads, pushbuttons, signal support painting,", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Rockside Rd Signals", "Location": "Rockside Road; WCL to SR-21 and SR-21 " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101755, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2039-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2039-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5000000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing with related work.", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS/LIC IR 70 00.76/28.93", "Location": "LIC/MUS IR 70 from LIC/MUS Cty Line to 1.38 M West of TR271 Overpass" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121242, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-06-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-08-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 250000.0, "Description": "pave culvert PRE-70-0082", "County": "Preble", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "PRE Culverts FY30", "Location": "varies" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 97958, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4350000.0, "Description": "Resurface the existing roadway with Asphalt Concrete.", "County": "Logan", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "LOG-33-15.66", "Location": "Logan County - US 33; SLM 15.66 to SLM 21.51" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114480, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-03-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3500000.0, "Description": "Guardrail reconstruction and repair.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11 GR FY2027", "Location": "various routes and locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117642, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-18", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-21", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1390883.71, "Description": "Replacement of the superstructure of Bridge GRE-TR 120-0.79 (SFN: 2932717) which carries Old Stage Road over Bear Run.", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE TR 120 0.79 Old Stage Rd", "Location": "Bridge GRE-TR 120-0.79 (SFN: 2932717) which carries Old Stage Road over Bear Run" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105744, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-09-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 6228000.0, "Description": "PM resurfacing of mainline IR-271 from Emery Rd to Fairmount Rd in Warrensville Hts, Orange, Beachwood, and Pepper Pike. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 271 06.13", "Location": "Emery to Fairmount" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121276, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "Culvert replacement project. MEG 124 24.06, CFN 1903016.", "County": "Meigs", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MEG SR 124 24.06", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119180, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "A project to replace a culverts on WOO-281 at SLMs 6.06 and 9.06; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO SR 281 6.06/9.06 Culvert", "Location": "WOO-281-6.06 and WOO-281-9.06 Culverts" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118765, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2304960.0, "Description": "Resurfacing project on route 35 in Ross County.", "County": "Ross", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ROS-35-34.22", "Location": "ROS-35-34.50" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107647, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-03-25", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 555709.55, "Description": "Signal Replacement. ATH 50 4.75.", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH US 50 4.750", "Location": "Begin 0.43 miles E of Albany Corp Limit." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95775, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2400000.0, "Description": "A district allocation funded project to resurface SR-53 from Tiffin Corp Line to Sandusky County line; Perform necessary related work.", "County": "Seneca", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "SEN SR 53 11.08 Resurfacing", "Location": "From Tiffin Corp Line to Sandusky County Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114955, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 183990.94, "Description": "Place epoxy wearing surface on bridge deck.", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT-70/75-11.30/3.73L", "Location": "MOT-70-11.30 - SFN 5705533 & MOT-75-3.73L SFN 5706483" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113848, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-12-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 737387.23, "Description": "Replace existing bridge with a new structure. Project is part of Federal/State Exchange program.", "County": "Hancock", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "HAN MR 520 0.00 Morey Avenue", "Location": "Morey Avenue in Findlay Ohio" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110465, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1315526.0, "Description": "Resurfacing with related work", "County": "Perry", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "PER SR 13 28.15", "Location": "Per-13: N. Corp Limit of Somerset to Licking County Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111283, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 8224178.62, "Description": "Adding through/ turn lanes and making signal improvements on SR254 from slm 5.66 (0.11 mi. west of Healthway Drive) to slm 6.39 (0.15 mi. east of Avon Commons Drive) and on SR83 from slm 17.80 (0.24 mi. south of SR254) to slm 18.23 (0.19 mi. north of SR25", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR SR 0254 05.66", "Location": "LOR-254-5.66 to 6.39, LOR-83-17.80 to 18.23" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118909, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-09-30", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 2337720.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Fine graded polymer asphalt", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL IR 70 15.72", "Location": "CR 56 to SLM 19.17" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 87333, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-07-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 3079454.15, "Description": "Replace the bridge deck on state Route 138 in Highland County.", "County": "Highland", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "HIG-138-27.24", "Location": "Hig-138-2724" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120360, "ProjectType": "Lighting (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1190200.0, "Description": "2 year lighting maintenance on various routes in POR, STA and SUM counties.", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 LG FY2030 (West)", "Location": "TBD" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101296, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1605000.0, "Description": "A project to resurface SR-163 in Wood County from SLM 0.00 to 4.84; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO SR 163 0.00 Resurf", "Location": "WOO-163 from SLM 0.00 to 2.30" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121023, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-22", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 299709.0, "Description": "Improvement of approximately 4 miles of county and township roadways that includes drainage and intersection improvements, as well as shoulder and pavement widening to assist area agricultural producers in the safe and efficient movement of their products", "County": "Mercer", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MER Township Line Road Improvmts", "Location": "Township Line Road from Fort Recovery-Minster Road to St. Joe Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110717, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1456876.34, "Description": "Resurface with asphalt concrete", "County": "Van Wert", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "VAN SR 49 1.41", "Location": "On SR 49 in Van Wert county" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117081, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1504353.4, "Description": "Rehabilitation of South Ave bridge (SFN 5060745) with new Superstructure over Y&S Railroad.", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH South Ave (Youngstown)", "Location": "South Ave bridge over Y&S RR" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101288, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2462500.0, "Description": "A project to resurface a portion of SR 34 in Williams County; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Williams", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WIL SR 34 0.00 Resurfacing", "Location": "slm 24.19-28.05" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108453, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1452027.17, "Description": "Resurfacing of Akron-Cleveland Rd (CR-16) from the Cuyahoga Falls North Corp Limit to Boston Heights South Corp Limit.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM Akron-Cleveland Part 1", "Location": "CR-16 Akron-Cleveland Rd from Cuyahoga Falls North Corp Limit to Boston Heights South Corp Limit" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121873, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 150000.0, "Description": "Erie County Culvert replacement ERI 0006 23.44 CFN 1993517existing 18\" CLAY x 130' long GA - 4", "County": "Erie", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "ERI US 0006 23.44", "Location": "ERI 0006 23.44 " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 80795, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2006-12-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 176800.0, "Description": "Large diameter culvert replacement. Sell as Type A emergency. Non-ER project. Location is MOE 7 16.05-16.10. ", "County": "Monroe", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MOE SR 7 16.050", "Location": "Begin 0.49 mi. N of TR 2582." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121005, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2917530.0, "Description": "FY2028 Urban Paving in the City of Cincinnati on a portion of SR 4 in Hamilton County", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM SR 4 0.00", "Location": "HAM SR 4: SLM 0-2.02" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123116, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2035-10-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2035-10-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 750000.0, "Description": "Bridge painting project. HOC 33 10.94 R (SFN 3700577) and L (SFN 3700542).", "County": "Hocking", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "HOC US 33 10.941", "Location": "Begin" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118640, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 737359.85, "Description": "Slope stabilization project using dump rock. MEG 681 6.24", "County": "Meigs", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MEG SR 681 6.24", "Location": "MEG SR 681 at 6.24 milemarker" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 97722, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3404000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement.", "County": "Marion", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAR SR 37 8.440", "Location": "Village of LaRue; 0.26 mi S of SR 95 over Scioto River" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119665, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "ERI SR 0002 02.68-Jack & Bore Culvert Replacement", "County": "Erie", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "ERI SR 0002 02.68", "Location": "ERI SR 0002 02.68" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115760, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-01", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 1283941.0, "Description": "FY26 Urban Paving project in the City of Eaton on a portion of SR 122 (Main St + S. Franklin St.)", "County": "Preble", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "PRE SR 122 8.21", "Location": "PRE-122: SLM 8.21-9.22 + SLM 9.72-10.75 " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120062, "ProjectType": "Parks", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 65000.0, "Description": "ODNR Division of Wildlife project to include resurfacing at Fernwood State Forest in Jefferson County.", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF Fernwood State Forest", "Location": "Fernwood State Forest in JEF County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120469, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Pavement marking and signs along the SR 176 corridor at various locations for Alternate Route during multiple construction projects located in the City of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 176 10.65", "Location": "SR 176 between IR 480 and IR 90" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107331, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2022-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2427181.4, "Description": "Resurfacing project on various county routes in Highland County.", "County": "Highland", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "HIG VAR CR Resurfacing FY23", "Location": "Various CR in Highland County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95195, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2035-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2035-10-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 893768.0, "Description": "Replace bridge deck, repair abuments and bearing, paint bridge, replace bridge rail.", "County": "Guernsey", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "GUE SR 1SP 05.71", "Location": "Bridge is 5.72 mile north of USR 22 in Salt Fork State Park" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115856, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-04-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 384000.0, "Description": "Raised Pavement Marker (RPM) contract for FY 2029. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 10", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "D10 RPM FY2029", "Location": "Various routes and sections in D10." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122279, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1450976.61, "Description": "Construct sidewalk and curb ramps on the north side of Lakeshore Blvd (SR-283) from 425 feet west of Minnewawa Dr to the west side of Waban Rd in the Village of Timberlake in Lake County. Provides connectivity and safe pathways for vulnerable road users.", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK SR 283 03.29 Sidewalk", "Location": "Timberlake: 425' W of Minnewawa Dr to Waban Rd." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117144, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-22", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-07-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 690696.75, "Description": "Improve accessibility and connections along South Park Place from Main Street to 300 ft southwest in the City of Painesville in Lake County. Includes ADA mobility & access, shorten pedestrian crossings, install sharrows, signs and lighting.NOACA TLCI Impl", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK South Park Place", "Location": "Painesville: South Park Place." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123015, "ProjectType": "Fencing", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-09-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 750000.0, "Description": "FY 2031-2032 fence installation and repair along various routes throughout District Four.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 FEN FY2031-32", "Location": "Districtwide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119251, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3135661.7, "Description": "Pavement maintenance at Delaware County SR3", "County": "Delaware", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "DEL SR 3 1.38", "Location": "DEL-03-1.38-7.66" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107542, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 489440.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Chip Seal ", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF SR 151 12.020", "Location": "JEF-151 from New Alexandria to SR 7" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109924, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-10", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-05-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 561590.8, "Description": "Replace raised pavement marker castings and/or lenses.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 1", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "D01 RPM FY25", "Location": "Various routes throughout District One" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114818, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-12-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1835000.0, "Description": "Add a northbound right turn lane, extend westbound left turn lane and rebuild signal at the MAR SR 95 at Jamesway Dr. intersection.", "County": "Marion", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAR-95-17.90 (at Jamesway)", "Location": "MAR SR 95 at Jamesway Dr. intersection" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120700, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-12-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 14551400.0, "Description": "FY30-General System Fine Graded Polymer AC Overlay (Smoothseal)", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 SMOOTH GENERAL FY2030", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105431, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2033-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2033-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1750580.0, "Description": "Project to include a deck replacement on Cos-SR 83-08.02 and deck replacement of Cos-SR 83-08.29.Cos-SR 83-08.02 (SFN#1601652) - Deck replacementCos-SR 83-08.29 (SFN#1601652) - Deck replacement.", "County": "Coshocton", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "COS SR 83 08.02/08.29", "Location": "COS SR 83 at 08.02 and 8.29." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119198, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1804744.0, "Description": "General System Resurfacing project on MAR-95:Asphalt concrete overlay with repairs on MAR-95-0.45-4.48 (LaRue East Corp limit to New Bloomington South Corp limit)", "County": "Marion", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAR SR 95 0.45", "Location": "MAR-95-0.45-4.48 (LaRue East Corp limit to New Bloomington South Corp limit)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119809, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-12-17", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-24", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1599500.0, "Description": "Reconstruction of Second Creek Rd (CR-19) in Clinton County to increase travel lane and shoulder widths, install rumble stripes, and remove roadside hazards.", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI CR 19 3.34 Second Creek Rd", "Location": "CR-19 (Second Creek Rd): from SLM 3.34 (Tar Pike Rd) to SLM 4.87 (Shull Rd)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121480, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 877000.0, "Description": "Urban Paving in City of Bucyrus ", "County": "Crawford", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "CRA SR 0004/0098 08.446/05.502", "Location": "CRA-4-8.446 to 9.313; CRA-98-5.502 to 6.793" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108156, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-24", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-03-25", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1532399.5, "Description": "Urban Paving Project within the City of London:AC Overlay without Repairs:MAD-38-12.405-13.148MAD-42-7.114-9.142MAD-56-8.003-8.462MAD-665-0.315-1.484Install a high visibility crosswalk and ramps at SR-38/High St NE and install RRFB with crosswalk lighting", "County": "Madison", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAD-38/VAR-12.61/VAR", "Location": "MAD-38-12.61-13.15 (Olive Street-56), MAD-42-7.11-9.16 (SR-38-TR-135), MAD-56-8.01-8.46 (665-corp), MAD-665-0.32-1.465" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102551, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 506493.0, "Description": "Chip sealing a portion of SR 123 in Warren County", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR SR 123 9.66", "Location": "WAR-123: SLM 9.66-14.78" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122873, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 10000000.0, "Description": "Construction of trucking parking at WYA-US30 WB and EB rest areas. Development will be completed under PID 122863.", "County": "Wyandot", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "WYA-US 30 Rest Areas TP", "Location": "WYA US 30 WB and EB Rest Areas in Wyandot County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113647, "ProjectType": "Interchange Expansion", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-06-14", "EndConstructionDate": "3030-06-14", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 750000.0, "Description": "Evaluate and implement transportation improvements in the area of I-75 & Millikin Road in Liberty Township. Potential improvements include local road improvements as well as a potential new full I-75 interchange in the vicinity of Millikin Road.", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT IR 75 8.50", "Location": "I-75 in the vicinity of Millikin Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122818, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 226610.0, "Description": "Project in Village of Deshler to resurface various road in Village of Deshler, including: E North St from railroad tracks to Northeast Ave, Northeast St from SR 18 to Elm St, Park St from W North St to northern corp. limit, and S Stearns Ave from southern", "County": "Henry", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "HEN VAR Deshler Resurf", "Location": "Various roads in Deshler, including E North St, Northeast St, Park St, and S Stearns Ave." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114050, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 841410.0, "Description": "Replacement of the existing PRE-TR 216-0.65 structure (SFN: 6841333) carrying Concord Fairhaven Road over Four Mile Creek. Existing structure is a steel pony truss. New structure will have pre-stressed concrete box beams and cast-in-place abutments.", "County": "Preble", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "PRE TR 216 0.65 Conc-Fairhaven", "Location": "Bridge PRE-TR 216-0.65 (SFN: 6841333) carrying Concord Fairhaven Road over Four Mile Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113311, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3335537.0, "Description": "Repair and resurface Rockside Road (CR-53) from Maple Heights WCL to Bridge Approach Slab approximately 825 feet east of Pennsylvania Avenue in the City of Maple Heights in Cuyahoga County.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Rockside Road", "Location": "Maple Hts; WCL to 825 ft east of Pennsylvania Avenue." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120371, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-04-07", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 220000.0, "Description": "Installation of traffic signal", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT SR 725/Jamaica TSG", "Location": "State Route 725 at Jamaica Road in Montgomery County Ohio" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118862, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2021552.65, "Description": "Resurfacing project on state route 104 in Ross County.", "County": "Ross", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ROS-104-14.40", "Location": "ROS-104-14.40" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121599, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1066153.0, "Description": "Resurfacing", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT Poe/Wyse/Miller RSF", "Location": "Poe Ave -260' north of Image Dr to Stop Eight Rd; Wyse Rd- IR 75 to Webster St; & Miller Ln- Benchwood Rd to Stop Eight Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95856, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 115000.0, "Description": "Replace existing culvert (72\"x44\"x50') near the Ohio turnpike; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Fulton", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "FUL SR 109 9.36 Culvert", "Location": "Near the Ohio Turnpike" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116841, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-01-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 671117.0, "Description": "Construction of multi-use trail beginning at existing trail 1,800 ft. north of Market St. in Marshallville along the abandoned rail bed to the crossing at Coal Bank Rd. 1,900 ft. north of Fulton Rd.", "County": "Wayne", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "WAY Heartland Trail Phase 4A", "Location": "Existing Trail 1,800 ft north of Market St. to Coal Bank Rd, 1,900 ft. north of Fulton Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119452, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 640000.0, "Description": "Add a turn lane on state Route 73 in Scioto County at the intersection of Noel. ", "County": "Scioto", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "SCI-73-21.02", "Location": "SCI-73-21.02" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121841, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-09", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 714532.0, "Description": "Intersection improvements at Neal Zick Road and Theo Moll Drive to accommodate existing businesses and increased truck traffic. Additional improvements will consist of approximately 900 linear feet going west of the intersection on Neal Zick Road. Also, i", "County": "Huron", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "HUR Theo Moll Dr. Recon.", "Location": "Theo Moll Drive and Neal Zick Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121117, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-06-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 629280.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of Liberty Rd from 100ft S of Post Rd to the Cuyahoga County Line, in the City of Twinsburg and Village of Reminderville, Summit County, Ohio.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM Liberty Rd N (Twinsburg)", "Location": "100ft S of Post Rd to the Cuyahoga County Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122593, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 893216.0, "Description": "Site 1: Replace a failed retaining wall in Jackson Hill Park. Improve structural stairs that connect Gage Street to Elanore Place.Site 2: Repair landslide along Coy Street.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM Eleanor Pl & Coy St PROTECT", "Location": "Site 1: Jackson Hill Park (Elanor Pl near Malvern Pl); Site 2: Coy Street (north of Straight Street)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122490, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-25", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-22", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 454545.45, "Description": "Resurfacing project on NOB CR 19 0.00-2.207. Funded through the Local Roads Oil and Shale Program. ", "County": "Noble", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "NOB CR 19 0.00", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102886, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-08-17", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 13610867.85, "Description": "Resurfacing the Norwood Lateral (SR 562) in Hamilton County.Rehabilitate mainline bridges of SR 562 by replacing joints, painting, sealing, and replacing barriers.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM SR 562 0.54", "Location": "HAM SR 562 between SLM 0-3.43" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114882, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4508500.0, "Description": "A District allocation funded project to resurface a portion of SR-66 in Fulton County and SR-281 in Henry County; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Henry", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "FUL/HEN SR 66/281 8.74/5.72", "Location": "Various locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104020, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-10-23", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-06-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1267988.0, "Description": "Rehabilitation of the Knowlton Covered Bridge off of MOE TR 384A, that spans the Little Muskingum River. Funded with TAP funds.**No SFN", "County": "Monroe", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MOE-384-0.30", "Location": "Knowlton Covered Bridge over the Little Muskingum River." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 94281, "ProjectType": "New Building/ Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2015-04-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 9141231.54, "Description": "It is proposed to construct a new ODOT Adams County Garage.", "County": "Adams", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "FACD09 ADA Adams FS", "Location": "SR41 West Union, Ohio, across from the current Adams County ODOT Garage." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120306, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 545737.5, "Description": "Rehabilitate the MAH West Ave Bridge (SFN 5060524) over the Mahoning River in the City of Youngstown.", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH West Ave Bridge (Youngstown)", "Location": "MAH West Ave Bridge" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120300, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 602000.0, "Description": "Clean & paint structural steel on bridge carrying SR 9 (overlap with SR 43) over Town Creek. Seal deck edges and abutments. Patch and seal bridge deck. In stream work is not required.", "County": "Carroll", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "CAR SR 9 13.5", "Location": "0.10 Miles South of JCT SR 39" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95800, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2498296.6, "Description": "A project to resurface SR-582 in Wood County from SR-25 to Mercer Rd. and from SR-199 to Pemberville Road; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO SR 582 5.43/10.24 Resurf", "Location": "SR 582 from SR 25 to Mercer Road and from SR 199 to Pemberville Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117069, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2034-04-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2034-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 850000.0, "Description": "Bridge rehabilitation on KNO-541-4.25 (SFN 4203232)", "County": "Knox", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "KNO SR 541 4.20", "Location": "Located 0.10 miles east of Bladensburg" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118677, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-02-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 998084.85, "Description": "Replacement of Wetmore Drive bridge over Yellow Creek in the City of Struthers.", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH Wetmore Dr Bridge", "Location": "Wetmore Dr bridge over Yellow Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110012, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 231235.0, "Description": "Raised Pavement MarkingsVarious routes and sections throughout District 3", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 RPM FY2025", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116551, "ProjectType": "Enhanced Crossing", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 220462.64, "Description": "Enhancement of a mid-block pedestrian crossing of Clough Pike west of Endovalley Drive including construction of a raised median refuge and installation of a HAWK signal.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM CR 358 4.36", "Location": "Clough Pike: from M.E. Lyons YMCA driveway to Eight Mile Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119619, "ProjectType": "Asset Inventory / Inspection", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3200000.0, "Description": "Clay Wade Bailey Bridge Repair SFY 25", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "Clay Wade Bailey Repair SFY 24", "Location": "HAM-42-0.00" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116187, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Bridge Replacement Project on state Route 124 in Pike County.", "County": "Pike", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "PIK-124-4.21", "Location": "PIK-124-12.24 (SFN: 6601111) " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112986, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-07-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 7015000.0, "Description": "Rehabilitate the CLI-71-0725 bridge that carries Gurneyville Rd over I 71 and the CLI-71-1421 bridge that carries Starbuck Rd over I-71 by replacing the deck, painting the superstructure steel, and converting to semi-integral.", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI IR 71 7.25/14.21", "Location": "CLI IR 71 7.25/14.21" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114653, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1065000.0, "Description": "Project to Pave inverts of bridge size culverts in Butler/Preble County and perform other related repairs. Project includes bridge size culverts PRE-503-1271, PRE-725-1433, PRE 732-1310, BUT-4B-0044, and BUT-27-1264. Other locations may be added.", "County": "Preble", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT/PRE Inverts FY2027", "Location": "Various culverts in PRE county" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110521, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-06-20", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 10423388.86, "Description": "The CTSS Phase F projects migrate the existing Columbus Traffic Signal System to an open architecture that will serve central Ohio Stakeholders with Regional System Connectivity and interoperability. Phase F will upgrade signal and communications infrast", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA SGNL-PHASE F", "Location": "100 Traffic Signals in Franklin County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119200, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1599202.0, "Description": "General System resurfacing project:Asphalt Concrete Overlay with repairs: MAR-47-2.95-8.34", "County": "Marion", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAR SR 47 2.95", "Location": "MAR-47-2.95-8.34 " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116154, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 814545.0, "Description": "Resurfacing with asphalt concrete.", "County": "Defiance", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "DEF-66-3.39", "Location": "On SR66 in Defiance County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121359, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-06-29", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-05", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 300000.0, "Description": "Install new guardrails on various county roads.", "County": "Ashland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "ASD CR VAR GR FY2029", "Location": "Various Ashland County Roads" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115410, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-29", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1938838.6, "Description": "Reconstruct signals on Rich St at 3rd St, 4th St., 5th St. and Grant Ave. Some miscellaneous drainage work, as well.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA E Rich St Signals", "Location": "Rich St between Third Ave and Grant Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118543, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1722880.0, "Description": "Project to resurface the entire length of Five Point Road within Perrysburg Township in Wood County. Includes spot full depth repairs, widening approx. 2 miles of roadway between Lime City Rd and Tracy Rd from 18-19' to 20', pavement markings, stone berms", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO TR 102 3.54 Five Points Rd", "Location": "Five Points Road from SR-25 to Tracy Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117657, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 408763.85, "Description": "Installation of sidewalk along Broad Street (SR 16) in city of Pataskala and upgrade of signal equipment at SR 16/SR 310 North intersection.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC SR 16 5.38", "Location": "Along SR 16 (Broad Street) from SR 310 South intersection to Buckeye Boulevard intersection." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118878, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3159837.0, "Description": "Resurfacing project on US route 52 Scioto County. ", "County": "Scioto", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "SCI-52-15.81", "Location": "SCI-52-15.81" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112869, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 10637493.75, "Description": "Widen East Avenue (CR 630) from Community Road to the Portage County Line (Parliament Dr.) for a center two-way left turn lane, install curb and sidewalks on both sides. Identified as a high priority segment in ODOT's HSIP. The project will be broken in", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM East Ave Ph 1 (Tallmadge)", "Location": "Community Rd (2.37) to Portage County Line (4.56)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105263, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2390150.06, "Description": "Resurface SR 118 and SR 705 in Darke County with asphalt concrete.SR 118 - G125-60SR 705", "County": "Darke", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "DAR-118/705-01.85/00.00", "Location": "SR 118, SLM 1.85 to 07.61; SR 705 SLM 00.00 - 04.87" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105853, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 5184000.0, "Description": "One year fast dry pavement marking contract FY25", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 PMF FY25", "Location": "Various routes throughout District Six" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108039, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2376116.66, "Description": "Bridge ReplacementLOR US 0020 24.97", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR US 0020 24.97", "Location": "LOR US 0020 24.97" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120211, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 490313.69, "Description": "Removal and replacement of sidewalk, installation of crosswalks and RRFBs around Helen Steiner Rice and Southview schools.", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 SRTS City of Lorain FY26", "Location": "Streets around Southview Middle School and adjacent Helen Steiner Rice Elementary, including Fairless and Goble Drive." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114933, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1400000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of ATB SR 7 from Conneaut South Corp to just south of I-90 and ATB SR 531 from the Conneaut West Corp Limit to Whitney Rd, in the City of Conneaut, Ashtabula County, Ohio.", "County": "Ashtabula", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "ATB SR 7/531 27.24/18.65", "Location": "ATB SR 7 from 27.24 to 28.46 and ATB SR 531 from 18.65 to 21.15" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117136, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1660000.0, "Description": "A safety funded project to implement a road diet on County Line St. (US 23) and replace unwarranted traffic signals on Main St. with all-way stops; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Seneca", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "SEN US 23 12.35 Safety", "Location": "SEN US 23 from SLM 12.35 to 13.16 and SEN MR 125 from SLM 1.25 to 1.47" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119077, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-03-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4274000.0, "Description": "Project to rehabilitate bridge HAM-275-2016 which carries Mill Rd over I-275. Rehab will include raising structure 0.7 feet, replacing the deck and painting the bridge.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 275 20.16", "Location": "HAM IR 275: SLM 20.16" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111313, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-10-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-01-02", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 949759.0, "Description": "Resurfacing on county route 2 and county route 10 in Adams County.", "County": "Adams", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ADA-CR 2 & 10-4.39 & 0.00", "Location": "ADA CR 2 (4.39-6.23) & CR 10 (0.00-5.13)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116590, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1940682.28, "Description": "Resurfacing with asphalt concrete", "County": "Allen", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "ALL/PUT SR 65 11.24/0.00", "Location": "On SR 65 from SR 115 in Allen County to South Corporation Limits of Columbus Grove in Putnam County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122224, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1075711.22, "Description": "Culvert work at three locations in Columbiana County.", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL-7-13.53/18.26, COL-558-1.96", "Location": "COL-7-13.53: 1.6 miles north of US 30. COL-7-18.26: 1.7 miles south of SR 154. COL-558-1.96: 0.1 miles east of Lisbon Rd (CR 414)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117965, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Roadway and intersection improvements along Main St (US-42) from Frederick St (SR-546) to Castor Rd in the Village of Lexington in Richland County. Project includes lane reconfiguration along US-42 to add bike lanes, reconfiguring Mill St north and Main S", "County": "Richland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "RIC US 0042 04.15 (Lexington)", "Location": "RIC-42-4.15 to 4.35" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122021, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 855887.78, "Description": "Construct bicycle and pedestrian improvements from Ferndown Drive and Newmark Drive", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT SR 741 02.03 Pedestrian IMP", "Location": "MOT SR 741 from Ferndown Drive and Newmark Drive" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 91705, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 13664000.0, "Description": "Two-lane resurfacing project using an asphalt overlay treatment. ", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH US 33 0.000", "Location": "ATH 33 0.00" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118895, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-10-17", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 4249429.0, "Description": "Prepare plans to add 32 additional CCTV cameras to multiple freeway locations in Districts 3, 4, and 12. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 12", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "D3/D4/D12 ITS Camera Additions", "Location": "Various routes and locations in D3, D4, and D12" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119482, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1131100.0, "Description": "Replacement of Bridge No. HAS T0340 34040 (SFN 3430960), which carries TR 340 (Elk Run Rd.) over Elk Run.", "County": "Harrison", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HAS TR 340 34.04", "Location": "Limited roadway work on either side of the structure to tie into the proposed structure and railing." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104504, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-11-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 27771797.7, "Description": "Rehabilitate/Reconstruct the following Pleasant Valley Road bridges: 9.03 over Riverview Road and a creek, 9.35 over the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad, and 9.68 over Canal Road, CVNP's Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail, and Cuyahoga River all in the City ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Pleasant Valley Road Bridges", "Location": "Independence; over Riverview Road, Cuy Valley Scenic RR, Canal Rd/CVNP's Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail/Cuy River" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 75630, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-08-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 778000.0, "Description": "Rehabiltate Bridge No. WAR-123-1296, SFN: 8304351 over a tributary of Halls Creek by replacing the inlet wingwalls, patching and performing other minor rehabilitation items.", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR SR 123 12.95", "Location": "From 2.02 miles south of IR 71 to 2.0 miles South of IR 71." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120754, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1540000.0, "Description": "Construct a new shared use path by implementing a road diet on Huron Rd and Ontario Ave (US-422) from Superior to Eagle Ave in the City of Cleveland in Cuyahoga County.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Memorial Bridges Loop Trail", "Location": "Cleveland; Huron Road and Ontario Avenue from Superior to Eagle Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117798, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2013865.18, "Description": "Construction of ADA compliant sidewalks and curb ramps along with drive aprons, curb and gutter, drainage, and pavement repairs along Maple Street and Church Street in Village of Sugarcreek.", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS Maple & Church St Improve", "Location": "Maple Street - from Church Street to Broadway Street; Church Street - from Maple Street to E Main Street" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96660, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5652000.0, "Description": "Project to rehabilitate bridges WAR-71-0757L/R over Tuttle Creek Rd and WAR -71-0841L/R over SR 48 by replacing the existing overlay, drilling out of plane bending cracks, and performing other related bridge rehabilitation items. ", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR IR 71 6.96", "Location": "WAR IR 71: from SLM 6.96 to 14.20" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117225, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2033-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2033-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2700000.0, "Description": "Make concrete repairs to SOM Center Road (SR-91) from Wilson Mills Road to the NCL in the Village of Mayfield. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 091 13.27", "Location": "Mayfield; Wilson Mills Road to NCL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113315, "ProjectType": "Rest Area", "EndConstructionDate": "2022-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4138850.17, "Description": "Rebuilding of the NB WAS 77 Rest Area as the Gateway to Ohio Welcome Center.", "County": "Washington", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": " FACD10 WAS IR 77 3.500", "Location": "Begin at the WAS 77 NB Rest Area." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122167, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 851400.0, "Description": "Construct a 10' wide asphalt shared use path along the south side of E. Ohio St and west side of Kingston Pike.", "County": "Pickaway", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "PIC Ohio Street SUP", "Location": "From the Community Action Agency property on E. Ohio St. east to Kingston Pike, and then south on Kingston Pike to Barthelmas Park" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116752, "ProjectType": "Drainage System Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 150000.0, "Description": "Darby Creek Levee - Maintenance and RehabLevee installed for Darby creek south to old rest area, needs trees removed, ditch cleanout, Levee corrections and access over ditch so maintenance can maintain FRA-71-1.1 to 1.45", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-71-1.1 Drainage", "Location": "FRA-71-1.1 to 1.45" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 106443, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2018-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2018-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1928746.42, "Description": "Ashland 12th Street Bridge Overlay - KYTC lead Ohio River Bridge Crossing", "County": "Lawrence", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "Ashland 12th St - Overlay", "Location": "LAW-652-0.01" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117876, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-28", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 644420.0, "Description": "Bridge superstructure replacement of MED-CR 4-2.78 (Smith Rd) (SFN 5233216) with minor approach work.", "County": "Medina", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "MED CR 0004 02.82 (Smith Rd)", "Location": "150 ft on either side of structure." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118970, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-29", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 938200.0, "Description": "Project in Lucas County to construct a modern roundabout at the T-intersection of CR 32 (Angola Rd) and CR 65 (Crissey Rd). Project includes lighting, landscaped center island, signage, and other necessary related scope items.", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC CR 65 3.51 Angola/Crissey", "Location": "Intersection of CR 32 (Angola Rd) and CR 65 (Crissey Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105260, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-06-06", "EndConstructionDate": "2022-11-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1774276.74, "Description": "Paint the structural steel on multiple mainline bridges along the CUY-422 corridor: SR-175, SR-91, Solon Rd, Liberty Rd. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY US 422 13.90/VAR Paint", "Location": "Warrensville Hts, Solon; SR-175 to Liberty Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109841, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-07-20", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-07-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 5631434.07, "Description": "Overlay on route 32 in Brown County.", "County": "Brown", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "BRO/ADA-32-(0.00)(4.54)/23.67", "Location": "BRO-32-(0.00 -2.46 & 4.54-8.15)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110038, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 6833000.0, "Description": "A project to resurface SR-108 in Henry County from SLM 16.57 to 22.73 and SR-109 in Henry County from SLM 0.00 to 4.01 and 16.57 to 20.16. Rehabilitate the HEN-109-1876 bridge over North Turkeyfoot Creek on SR-109 in Henry County. Perform necessary relat", "County": "Henry", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "HEN SR 108/109 16.57/0.00 Resurf", "Location": "HEN-108 from SLM 17.67 to 22.73 and HEN-109 from SLM 0.00 to 4.01 and 16.57 to 20.16" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112227, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2800000.0, "Description": "FY26 D09 Districtwide Pavement Long Line Markings (B) ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09 PM FY2026 (B)", "Location": "D09 District Pavement Long Line Markings (B)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116781, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 100000.0, "Description": "Highway Lighting maintenance - 4CP7 Relamp Entire District", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 LG FY2028(A)", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District Three" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107072, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-12-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-01-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 163704.8, "Description": "Pavement marking on various county routes in Adams County.", "County": "Adams", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ADA CR VAR PM FY23", "Location": "Adams County Various County Routes" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121279, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "Project to perform minor maintenance bridge repairs . Locations will be added as they are found.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08 Bridge Maintenance FY2030", "Location": "TBD" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114057, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1544995.35, "Description": "Safety improvements to Lake Avenue (CR 204) from Griswold Rd (SLM 3.04) to Elyria Ave (SLM 4.12). Road diet will also be performed, changing Lake Avenue from two lanes in each direction to one lane in each direction with a TWLTL and bike lanes.", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR CR 0204 03.04 (Lake Ave)", "Location": "Griswold Rd to Elyria Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 100936, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 7594131.41, "Description": "Resurfacing of SUM SR 8 from 2.91 to 7.68. Includes minor bridge work to 13 structures. ", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM SR 0008 02.91", "Location": "SUM SR 8 from 2.91 to 7.68" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109452, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 904600.0, "Description": "Drainage improvement work STA SR 619, includes ditch elimination and BMP revisions. Includes culvert replacements on POR SR 43, POR SR 225, STA SR 44 and SUM SR 303 and minor culvert work on POR SR 5.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 Culverts FY2025 (West)", "Location": "STA SR 619 13.17 to 13.23, POR SR 43 3.956, POR SR 225 7.775, STA SR 44 21.874, SUM SR 303 3.589 and POR SR 5 3.896" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119270, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-12-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Various guardrail maintenance work throughout district 03.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 GR FY2029", "Location": "Various Guardrail locations throughout district 03" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119174, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1235340.99, "Description": "Resurface SR 65 with asphalt concrete.G105-60", "County": "Auglaize", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "AUG-SR 65-0.00", "Location": "SR 65, SLM 0.00 to 5.25" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119972, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 589000.0, "Description": "Demolition of the existing closed Greenhurst Drive bridge over Mill Creek in the City of Maple Heights in Cuyahoga County. Includes installation of vehicular turn around for safety services and school buses.Municipal Bridge Project SFY 2026; Bridge SFN 1", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Greenhurst Drive Bridge Demo", "Location": "Maple Hts: Greenhurst Dr Bridge over Mill Creek." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105300, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-11-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1651500.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of IR 75 in Butler County", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT IR 75 5.52", "Location": "BUT IR 75: SLM 5.52-7.13" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119167, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-07-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6876000.0, "Description": "Two-lane resurfacing project using an asphalt overlay treatment on GAL 35 13.36-17.68 and GAL 735 0.00-1.41.", "County": "Gallia", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "GAL US 35 13.36", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114239, "ProjectType": "Parks", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-12-12", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 50885792.0, "Description": "Construct approximately one mile of shared-use paths with amenities, bike share hubs, improved kayak access and repair of existing seawall along the Maumee River in downtown Toledo, Ohio.", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC Toledo Build Grant - GCR", "Location": " Along Maumee River by Promenade Park, International Park and Glass City MetroPark" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108037, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-08-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 878987.0, "Description": "Bridge ReplacementHUR-SR-0162-02.70 ", "County": "Huron", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "HUR SR 0162 02.70", "Location": "HUR-SR-0162-02.70" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112773, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-07-11", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-07-11", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "FY2027 District Wide Signal Replacement requiring R/W project. 5 locations: HAM-IR 74 EB Ramps at SR 128, HAM-IR 275 WB at Mosteller Rd, HAM-US22/SR3 @ Finley Ln/Moeller High School, HAM-SR 128 @ New Haven Rd, and BUT-US 27 @ Stillwell Beckett Rd.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08-TSG SIGNALS W R/W", "Location": "Various locations in D8" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121631, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 363506.0, "Description": "Pedestrian improvements", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT Founders Pedestrian IMP", "Location": "Founders Dr. from Research Blvd. to 1,925' northeast" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 77370, "ProjectType": "New Roadway", "BeginConstructionDate": "2035-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2037-09-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3022562.0, "Description": "Constructs I-70 W from Grant to Miller St. Constructs ramp from Fulton to I-71N. Constructs ramps from Main St to I-71 N and I-71 S. Constructs Main St bridge FRA-71-17.16. Constructs structures FRA-70-14.91, FRA-70-14.79L, FRA-71-17.07C, FRA-71-17.10", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA IR 70 14.48 (Proj 2D)", "Location": "Columbus. I-70 from Grant Ave to Miller Ave, I-71 from I-70 to Town St, Parsons Ave from Mooberry St to Town Street" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121555, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 1263283.33, "Description": "Replace deck edges, use SBR-1 railing, HMWM joint with existing deck and OL with SS-856 Waterproofing Asphalt 3\" max to 1.5\" min. Retrofit expansion joints.", "County": "Paulding", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PAU SR 637 15.69", "Location": "SR 637 in Pauling County at SLM 15.61." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112664, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-07-10", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-10-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 842316.5, "Description": "Steel repairs to bridges UNI-33-2.71, FRA-104-12.48. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06-FY23 Bridge Repair", "Location": "UNI-33-2.71 (Honda Parkway over US33); FRA-104-12.48 (Alum Cr Dr. over SR104)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117236, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1005000.0, "Description": "MPO funded Transportation Alternatives project to resurface 9.48 miles of the Wabash Cannonball Trail North Fork from Fulton-Lucas Rd. to Jerome Rd. Work will include pavement repairs, upgrading curb ramps at intersections, placing an asphalt overlay, str", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC Wab Cannonball N Fork Resurf", "Location": "SR-295 (S. Berkey Southern Road) to Waterville-Monclova Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117815, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1123342.79, "Description": "Culvert replacement under S.R. 212 in Harrison County.", "County": "Harrison", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HAS SR 212 0.41", "Location": "600' north of 212/151 intersection in Bowerston" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121606, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-28", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-26", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 761685.0, "Description": "Rehabilitation of the bridge deck and approach slabs of the N Saint Clair St bridge over the Grand River in the city of Painesville and village of Fairport Harbor, Lake County.", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK Saint Clair Bridge Overlay", "Location": "St. Clair Bridge; SFN 4345746" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105818, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-14", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1874360.3, "Description": "Paint the structural steel of 4 structures along the SR-44 corridor in Lake County. ", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK SR 044 02.07/VAR Paint", "Location": "Various bridge in the SR-44 corridor" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110807, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1365000.0, "Description": "Replace the Lakeshore Boulevard (SR-283) bridge over the Chagrin River overflow channel located west of the Chagrin River in Eastlake. ", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK SR 283 04.58 Replace", "Location": "Eastlake; 0.75 mi E of SR-91" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118612, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 17281575.3, "Description": "FY29 D09 Districtwide Overlay pavement treatment project. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09-Overlay-FY29", "Location": "D09 Overlay FY29" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121910, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-27", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-12-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1017800.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement project. WAS CR 111 4.65 (SFN 8431760). Three span concrete slab bridge replacing existing pony truss bridge with 4-ton load limit.", "County": "Washington", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "WAS CR 111 4.65", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118660, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 655396.0, "Description": "Bridge rehabilitation of MUS-22-11.59 (SFN 6000495).", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS US 22 11.59", "Location": "Sixth Street bridge over Muskingum River and Canal " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121564, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-06-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Spot paving on various general system routes throughout District Six", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 SP FY30 General", "Location": "Various general system routes throughout District Six" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119042, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 341000.0, "Description": "Culvert and storm sewer work on FRA-62Storm sewer upgrades and culvert rehab", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA US 62 4.90", "Location": "FRA-62-4.90-5.01" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114656, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 682690.0, "Description": "Project to Pave inverts of bridge size culverts and perform other related repairs Including CLI-380-0500, CLI-380-0629, GRE-68-0462, GRE-42-0825, GRE-343-0050 and GRE-444-0455.", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI/GRE Inverts FY27", "Location": "CLI-380-0500, CLI-380-0629, GRE-68-0462" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121327, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3415356.72, "Description": "FAY/PIC 435/104 Resurfacing project", "County": "Fayette", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FAY/PIC Pave FY30", "Location": "Various Locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95761, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6430000.0, "Description": "A district allocation funded project to resurface SR 163 in Ottawa County and US 23 in Wood County; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Ottawa", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "OTT/WOO 163/23 4.05/17.70", "Location": "OTT-163 from 4.05 to 10.00; WOO 23 from 17.70 to 21.05" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123020, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 40000.0, "Description": "Intersection improvement at the intersection of US route 68 and White Oak Valley Road in Brown County.", "County": "Brown", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "BRO-68-21.83 White Oak Valley RD", "Location": "BRO-68-21.83" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 99080, "ProjectType": "New Building/ Facility", "EndConstructionDate": "2020-12-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 717818.0, "Description": "Constuct a 500 ton salt shed on MOE SR 565.", "County": "Monroe", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MOE M&R Salt Shed", "Location": "SR 565" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101620, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2873940.6, "Description": "Resurfacing on Fai-664 and Single Course Chip Seal w/Fog Seal on Fai/Per/Hoc-312 with related work.", "County": "Fairfield", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "FAI/PER/HOC SR 664/SR 312 VAR", "Location": "FAI/PER SR 312 from SR 664 to SR 93" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112976, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 271458.55, "Description": "Repair bridge size twin culvert BUT-4-0930 over Shaffer Creek by repairing deteriorated portions of the metal pipe. Repair bridge size culvert BUT-129-0230 over a tributary to Dry Fork Creek by paving the invert with concrete and repairing deteriorated po", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT SR 4/129 9.30/2.30", "Location": "BUT-4-0930" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110549, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-09-23", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 156000.0, "Description": "MAR 37 Resurfacing ProjectMAR-37-8.03 to 8.40; Half St to 0.06 mi. north of S Corp Limit for Village of LaRueAsphalt concrete Overlay with pavement repairs", "County": "Marion", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAR SR 37 8.03", "Location": "MAR-37-8.03 to 8.40; Half St to 0.06 mi. north of S Corp Limit for Village of LaRue" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 100643, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 4147899.86, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of SR 134 in Clinton County", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI SR 134 7.53", "Location": "CLI-134: SLM 0-2.20, SLM 7.53-11.95, SLM 15.21-22.08 and CLI-124: SLM 0.00-0.94" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119333, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 750000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of TRU SR 46.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU SR 0046 08.01", "Location": "TRU SR 46 from 8.01 to 13.35 (pavement joint south of Wakefield Dr)." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121609, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-05-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3735551.0, "Description": "Bridge rehabilitation project (SFN 3962989) on Linwood Avenue (MR 573) in the City of Norwalk in Huron County", "County": "Huron", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "HUR Linwood Ave Bridge Rehab", "Location": "Project begins at Summit Street across bridge and extend to approximately 100 feet south of the Seminary Street intersection." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119680, "ProjectType": "Enhanced Crossing", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-10-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 97600.54, "Description": "Make mid-block crossing on SR-28 in Blanchester near Clark St ADA compliant by removing stairs, constructing a curb bump out, installing a high visibility crosswalk and Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFB). ", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI SR 28 1.13", "Location": "SR-28 at mid-block crossing near Clark St" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120456, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-06-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1206815.56, "Description": "Construction of sidewalks along portions on Noe Bixby Rd from Crosscreek Dr to Fullerton Dr, Winchester Pike from Remington Ridge Rd to Askins Rd and Dempsey Rd from Batavia Rd to Hempstead Rd.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-VAR Sidewalk FY28", "Location": "Franklin County: Noe Bixby Rd, Winchester Pike, Dempsey Rd " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105778, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2021-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2022-03-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1726777.57, "Description": "Rehabilitate the St. Clair Avenue bridge over Doan Brook located east of MLK Boulevard in the City of Cleveland. Work includes slip-lining a new corrugated metal multiplate arch and rehabilitating the existing wingwalls and headwalls. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY St. Clair Ave Bridge", "Location": "Cleveland; East of MJK Boulevard" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119134, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2385285.67, "Description": "Resurfacing project on state route 348 in Adams County.", "County": "Adams", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ADA-348-0.00", "Location": "ADA-348-0.00" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 89268, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2200000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing from Public Square to Woodland Avenue in Cleveland. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY US 422 00.00", "Location": "Cleveland; Public Square to Woodland Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118682, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2725608.75, "Description": "Resurfacing and related roadway work along West Main Street, Granville Street, South 30th Street, and East Main Street in City of Newark.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC CR 585/MR 945/952/955 VAR", "Location": "West Main Street, East Main Street, Granville Street, South 30th Street in Newark" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115805, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1971000.0, "Description": "CEAO County Surface Transportation Program project to convert the intersection of CR 31 (Coonpath Road) and CR 40 (Election House Road) from an all-way stop controlled intersection to a roundabout including lighting.", "County": "Fairfield", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "FAI CR 31/40 03.10/02.05", "Location": "CR 31 (Coonpath Road) and CR 40 (Election House Road)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121101, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2034-02-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2034-03-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Repair/Replace culverts in D5. Scope to be determined.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 CUL FY2034", "Location": "District-wide culvert project" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118186, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3250000.0, "Description": "Construct a single-lane roundabout at SR-108 and CR-D in Clinton Township, Fulton County.", "County": "Fulton", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "FUL SR 108 2.91 Roundabout", "Location": "Intersection of SR-108 and CR-D in Fulton County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122207, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 589000.0, "Description": "Project in City of Bowling Green to construct Phase 1 of the Crim-Scott Hamilton Shared Use Path (SUP) from Crim Elementary School to intersection at S. Mercer Rd.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO Crim-Scott Hamilton SUP", "Location": "Crim Elementary School to intersection at S. Mercer Rd." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116564, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1736437.5, "Description": "Replace Bridge PRE-127-1544 (SFN 6802621) that carries US 127 over Rocky Run; Design PID is 102786.", "County": "Preble", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "PRE US 127 15.44", "Location": "PRE US 127: SLM 15.44" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118622, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 70100.0, "Description": "Pavement markings on various routes in Fayette County.CEAO HSIP funded project.Local-let by Fayette County Engineer's office.", "County": "Fayette", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FAY-CR VAR PM - FY2028", "Location": "Various county roads in Fayette County." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118611, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 505000.0, "Description": "Mine outfall remediation along S.R. 7 in Belmont County. ", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 7 25.27", "Location": "Just west of the Picoma exit bridge, along the southbound ramps (RA07037 and RA07038)." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119920, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 125000.0, "Description": "Increase resiliency of bridge carrying SR 149 over Willams Creek by installing Rock Channel Protection along the forward abutment.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 149 10.52", "Location": "0.03 miles south of intersection with CR 5 (Main St.)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114295, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1638520.0, "Description": "District 8 counties guardrail repair and upgrading contract. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08 GR FY2028", "Location": "District 8" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117432, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-27", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 614152.9, "Description": "Resurfacing of Logangate Rd in Liberty Township.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU CR 1088 00.00 (Logangate Rd)", "Location": "US 62 to Loganway Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111299, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-26", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 223200.0, "Description": "Install new and upgrade existing guardrail on various county roads in Muskingum County. ", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS CR VAR GR FY2024", "Location": "Various County routes" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114951, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1041692.99, "Description": "Replacement of a deficient three-span continuous concrete slab bridge over Sycamore Creek in Crawford County.", "County": "Crawford", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "CRA CR 0001 15.38 (Marion-Melm)", "Location": "minimal roadway approach work before and after structure being replaced, as necessary" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116624, "ProjectType": "Lighting (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 300000.0, "Description": "Highway Lighting ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 LG FY2028", "Location": "D03" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 100558, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-05-09", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-08-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 11750000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of US 35 and SR 122 in Preble County.", "County": "Preble", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "PRE 35/122 13.12/0.00", "Location": "PRE-122: SLM 0.00-8.19 and PRE-35: SLM 13.12-19.9" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117206, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 276583.0, "Description": "Transportation Alternatives project, with additional Safety funding, to install sidewalk along W. South Street in Bryan. Includes associated curb and curb ramp replacements, manhole adjustments, and other minor necessary associated scope items.", "County": "Williams", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WIL CR502 0.37 W South Sidewalk", "Location": "Noble Drive to S. Main Street (US-127)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122880, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5000000.0, "Description": "Construction of trucking parking at SUM-I77 NB vacant rest area. Development will be completed under PID 122864.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM IR 77 Vacant Rest Area TP", "Location": "SUM IR 77 NB vacant Rest Area in Summit County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119450, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-05-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 391000.0, "Description": "Project in Wood County to remove and replace the superstructure on a bridge on Cygnet Rd (CR-3F) between CR-73 (Cloverdale Rd) and CR-82 (Huffman Rd). Includes minor abutment work and other necessary associated scope items.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO CR 3 10.65 Cygnet Rd Bridge", "Location": "SFN: 8731004 on Cygnet Rd (CR-3F) between CR-73 (Cloverdale Rd) and CR-82 (Huffman Rd)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119272, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-27", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1459102.69, "Description": "Bridge bearing repairs and some pavement repairs to improve the bump at the bridge carrying HAM-52 over Kellogg Ave", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM US 52 35.89", "Location": "HAM US 52 at SLM 35.89" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116698, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1300000.0, "Description": "Update the traffic signal hardware at 6 signalized intersections in District 11. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11-TSG-FY2027", "Location": "BEL 40 21.31 (Aldi/NAPA Dr), BEL CR 28A 0.76, COL 267 1.94, COL 170 0.13, COL 170 0.21,TUS 800/183 33.92/0.00" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119136, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 300000.0, "Description": "Raised Pavement MarkingsVarious routes and sections throughout District 3", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 RPM FY2029", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 91067, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-01-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Phase 1. Proposed is the construction of a comprehensive trail system throughout the Union and Rome Township areas of Lawrence County, inclusive of the Village of Chesapeake and Proctorville, along with interconnections with other Tri-State Trail Systems.", "County": "Lawrence", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "LAW Union Rome Trails & Walkways", "Location": "Union & Rome Townships in Lawrence County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120483, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 670000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT Elbee Rd. Bridge", "Location": "Elbee Road SFN 5766699 in the City of Moraine Montgomery County Ohio" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117487, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1461828.8, "Description": "Construct a 10 feet wide lakefront bicycle/pedestrian path (phase 2) by extending the path 800 feet to the west of the phase 1 path which ended 2300 feet west of Painesville Township Park in Painesville Township in Lake County.", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK Metroparks Lakefront Phase 2", "Location": "Painesville Twp; Phase 1 terminus west along Lake Erie shoreline." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118848, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5003075.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Fine graded polymer asphalt ", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS US 36 3.85", "Location": "Port Washington. SLM 3.85 to SLM 15.90" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 97991, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2034-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2034-10-16", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2545200.0, "Description": "Replace bridge deck, expansions joints, approach slabs, and repair backwall, paint bridge beams and replacement approach guardrail.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC IR 70 7.70", "Location": "CR 39 (York Road) over IR 70" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119843, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "Replacement of Flat Sheet Signs in Coshocton County.", "County": "Coshocton", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "COS Flat Sheet Signs 2028", "Location": "US and SR in Coshocton County." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118761, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-06", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1318084.05, "Description": "Resurfacing project on route 772 in Pike County.", "County": "Pike", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "PIK-772-19.00", "Location": "PIK-772-19.00" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110938, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 925000.0, "Description": "Resurface East 55th Street (SR-283) from Superior Avenue (US-6) to St. Clair Avenue; and St. Clair Avenue (SR-283) from East 55th Street to East 72nd Street all in the City of Cleveland. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 283 00.00/00.30", "Location": "Cleveland; US-6 to St. Clair/ East 55th to East 72nd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119425, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2746636.05, "Description": "AC Overlay with Repairs. Bridge Maintenance. ", "County": "Crawford", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "CRA/RIC SR 61/181 VAR", "Location": "CRA-61-0.00 to 0.588/7.08 to 8.75, CRA-181-0.702 to 1.778, RIC-181-0.00 to 2.688" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116338, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2040-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2040-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 605190.0, "Description": "Chip Sealing various routes in Clinton County in FY2035", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI CHIP FY2035", "Location": "Various routes in Clinton Co. TBD" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112250, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Spot paving repairs on priority system FY27", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 SP FY27 Priority", "Location": "Various locations in D6 - to be determined" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101098, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3748000.0, "Description": "Replace superstructure on bridge COL-30-3407 (SFN 1502344). Project will also repair the substructure units and convert the abutments to semi-integral type. Vandal protection fencing will be maintained on the bridge. Project will also construct an access", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL US 30 34.070", "Location": "2.93 miles East of SR 170" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116219, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 810682.86, "Description": "Planing and paving of SR 9, SR 14, and SR 173 in the City of Salem. ", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL-9/VAR-14.72/VAR", "Location": "SR 9: 14.72 to 16.35; SR 14: 1.78 to 2.43; SR 173 11.32 to 11.45" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114979, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2065496.39, "Description": "Bridge rehab including Super-plasticized Dense Concrete overlays, patching, deck edges, pier encasement, etc. Culvert headwall repair.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07-BH-FY25 (D)", "Location": "Various bridge in the district (AUG, DAR, LOG, SHE)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109314, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 580000.0, "Description": "CEAO funded structure replacement and widening of CR 114-I (Marion-Galion Rd) over Flat RunDesign/Build Federal/State exchange project.", "County": "Marion", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAR-CR114-0.62", "Location": "Marion-Galion Road over Flat Run" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114673, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "Project entails pave invert for small culverts: HAM-74-1548 (1835935), HAM-71-1983 (1880387), HAM-74-1591 (1880384), and HAM-126-2231 (1879828). Sockline HAM-275-3781 (1984407); Repair headwall HAM-52-3663 (1879455).", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM Culverts FY27", "Location": "varies" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104851, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2016-12-14", "EndConstructionDate": "2017-02-28", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 200000.0, "Description": "Deck repair to the bridge from I-271NB to I-90WB", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK IR 271 01.45 Type A", "Location": "Over I-271/I-271X" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111317, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 154381.0, "Description": "Pavement marking on various county routes in Adams County.", "County": "Adams", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ADA CR VAR PM FY25", "Location": "Adams County Various County Routes" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112719, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "District wide FY25 Bridge Repair various locations", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 FY28 Bridge Repair", "Location": "Various locations throughout district 6" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115603, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 200000.0, "Description": "Replacement of failed and poor condition culverts along CR 27, 36, 65. After poor base areas have been stabilized then an asphalt surface will be overlaid. ", "County": "Monroe", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MOE CR27/36/65 Road Improvements", "Location": "Clear Township: CR 27 and CR 36 and Adams Township: CR 65" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116637, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1210000.0, "Description": "Traffic Signal Upgrades at the following intersections:LOR-2 at WB Middle Ridge RdLOR-2 at EB Middle Ridge RdLOR-58 at Russia Rd", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR TSG FY2027", "Location": "LOR-2/Middle Ridge Rd, LOR-58/Russia Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122184, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-08-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2346255.0, "Description": "Project to resurface CR-135-135A in Ottawa County.", "County": "Ottawa", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "OTT CR 135-135A 0.0 Resurfacing", "Location": "R-135-135A in Ottawa County." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107537, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 666288.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Chip Seal on BEL-379", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 379 0.000", "Location": "MOE Co. Line to SR 147" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116742, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 6423750.0, "Description": "Reconstruction and widening of Wyoga Lake Rd from E Steels Corners Rd to Seasons Rd in the City of Cuyahoga Falls, Summit County, Ohio. Roadway will be widened to add a two way left turn lane section, add drop right turn lanes where warranted, install ne", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM Wyoga Lake Rd (Cuyahoga F.)", "Location": "Wyoga Lake Rd from E Steels Corners Rd to Seasons Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120005, "ProjectType": "New Roadway (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-07-17", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-02-17", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 609515.0, "Description": "The extension of Innovation Way approximately 800 linear feet. To accommodate the expansion of a logistics company. ", "County": "Union", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "UNI Innovation Way Extension", "Location": "Industrial Park and Innovation Way" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119280, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-01-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-01-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 700000.0, "Description": "Replace FRA-710-2.06 structure (SFN 2517450) over Noble Run/Store", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-710-2.06", "Location": "FRA-710-2.06 (Schrock Rd) just east of Karl Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105216, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1133560.0, "Description": "Resurfacing on a section of SR 4 and SR 747 in Hamilton County.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM SR 4/SR 747 6.05/0.00", "Location": "HAM SR 4 SLM 6.05-8.33 and HAM SR 747 SLM 0-0.88" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113597, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2300000.0, "Description": "Resurface Lorain Road (SR-10) from the West Corporation Line to the Lorain Road bridge over the Rocky River in the City of Fairview Park. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 010 06.00", "Location": "Fairview Park; WCL to ECL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115541, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1300000.0, "Description": "Replacement of the existing structure (SFN 6030688) on Muskingum Township Road 492 (Rayner Lane) over Meigs Creek. Replacement of MUS-TR 422-1.41 (SFN 6040330) and MUS-TR 422-1.39 (SFN 6040357). Scope also includes modifying the 118 ft truss (SFN 6040357", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS TR 422/492 1.41/1.39/0.128", "Location": "Bridge (SFN 6030688) carrying TR 492 over Meigs Creek; bridges (SFN 6040330) and (SFN 6040357) carrying TR 422 over Timber Run" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102234, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2021-05-12", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-06-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 4640248.57, "Description": "Widening to add TWLTL on POR SR 14 between Portage Pointe Drive (3.65) and Diagonal Road (5.36), includes new sidewalk.", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "POR SR 0014 03.65", "Location": "Portage Pointe Drive (3.65) to Diagonal Road (5.36)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118880, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1341424.0, "Description": "General System Minor Rehabilitation; Asphalt resurfacing of US 40 including pavement repairs and pavement markings", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL US 40 23.38", "Location": "Brookside. Bridgeport. CR 10 to US 250" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116326, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2040-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2040-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1244030.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of SR 844 in Greene County", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE SR 844 0.00", "Location": "GRE-844: SLM 0-2.4" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115009, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-07-22", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-12-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 441630.51, "Description": "Decorative hardscape enhancements to Colonel Glenn Highway from National Road to Zink Road including brick pavers, seating walls, pedestrian lighting. Replacement of deteriorated sections of sidewalk.", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE CR 1 1.07 Col. Glenn Hwy.", "Location": "Colonel Glenn Highway from National Road to Zink Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107806, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-04-10", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-10-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 3190484.3, "Description": "District Wide erosion repair project.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 1", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "D01 Erosion Repair FY23", "Location": "District Wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111603, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-05-10", "EndConstructionDate": "2022-08-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2691030.51, "Description": "Bridge repair project on 3 structures over railroads in Cuyahoga County. Plans complete under PID 109131. - CUY-071-16.40- CUY-042-14.57- CUY-008-01.27", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 071 16.40/VAR Repair", "Location": "Various routes and sections" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118978, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-16", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-05-16", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2700000.0, "Description": "Install by contract traffic signals at various locations in D8. Will include LED replacement for entire district.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08-TSG-FY2029/FY2030", "Location": "Various locations in D8" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118867, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 586638.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Chip Seal", "County": "Harrison", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HAS SR 799 0.00", "Location": "SR 799 from SR 800 to CR 21" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120547, "ProjectType": "Interchange Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-06-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 29511888.77, "Description": "This project will consist of full depth replacement of the mainline IR-70 pavement and ramps, the full depth pavement replacement and addition of lanes along SR-149, and the relocation of Reco Drive. The project will also replace and widen the IR-70 brid", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL IR 70 9.35", "Location": "0.1 miles east and west of SR 149 on I-70" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116597, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 12031533.0, "Description": "FRA-161-17.30 to 22.68; Little Turtle Way to just east of US62Resurfacing on FRA-161Resurfacing project with minor pavement repairs, minor bridge work and upgrade guardrail as needed - addressing locations not paved with PID 116322", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA SR 161 17.30", "Location": "FRA-161-17.30 to 22.68; Little Turtle Way to just east of US 62" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 77889, "ProjectType": "Railroad Improvements & Rehabilitation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-23", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 46232037.15, "Description": "Phase 8 of the Mill Creek Expressway Project. Project includes replacement of three railroad bridges (over Prosser Avenue, over I-75, and over SR-562) and reconstruct the RR tracks between bridges. Minor realignment of I-75 lanes to accommodate new railr", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 75 7.85", "Location": "Work at three NSRR bridges (over Prosser Avenue, over I-75, and over SR-562) including work on the track between the three bridges" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122133, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-07-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-07-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1720288.89, "Description": "Reduce Fisher Rd, between Wilson Rd and Hague Ave, from 4 lanes to 3 lanes. Add buffered bike lanes and also sidewalk along both sides.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA CR 22 6.37", "Location": "Fisher Rd between Wilson Rd and Hague Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117609, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 218373.0, "Description": "Superstructure project in Ross County.", "County": "Ross", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ROS-CR 166-5.88 Superstructure", "Location": "ROS CR 166 5.88 (SFN 7141106)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117936, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1439000.0, "Description": "Crack sealing various routes throughout District 4.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 CS FY2029", "Location": "Districtwide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116141, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-08-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 800000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing SR 47 with Fine Graded Polymer Modified Asphalt Concrete.", "County": "Shelby", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "SHE SR 47 0.00", "Location": "SR 47 - SLM 0.00 to 3.98" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107203, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2021-03-16", "EndConstructionDate": "2022-06-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 555788.25, "Description": "Intersection improvements at the SUM US 224/SR 241 intersection in Akron, Ohio. Includes signal reconstruction and restricting turning movements at nearby drives.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM US 0224 12.20", "Location": "SUM US 224 at SR 241" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121361, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-08-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 650000.0, "Description": "A project to repair the WOO-280-0339 and WOO-280-0386 bridges by replacing the exterior parapets and overlaying with SDC. Perform necessary related work.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO IR 280 3.39/3.86 Brdg Repair", "Location": "WOO-280-0339 and WOO-280-0386 bridges" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114672, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 220000.0, "Description": "Project entails pave small culvert CLE-222-1753 (1883314). Replace small culvert CLE-133-0475 (1883296) ", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE Culverts FY29", "Location": "varies" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 91783, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 892913.91, "Description": "D10 Chip Seal FY 2025 South: HOC-180-7.32-11.92; HOC-664-0.00-2.90 and HOC-56-9.44-13.60", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 10", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "D10 Chip Seal FY 2025 South", "Location": "HOC-180-7.32-11.92; HOC-664-0.00-2.90 and HOC-56-9.44-13.60" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96645, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 15492500.0, "Description": "Two-lane resurfacing project using an asphalt overlay treatment. ATH 50 33.36-39.04, WAS 50 0.00-4.42, and WAS 7 4.42-10.14. Includes reconfiguration of WAS-32/618 intersection at toll bridge.", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH US 50 33.360", "Location": "Begin at Norfolk Southern RR Bridge." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119748, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 283000.0, "Description": "Implementing new guardrail systems and upgrading existing ones to meet current standards on various county roadways in Preble county.", "County": "Preble", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "PRE VAR Guardrail FY27", "Location": "Various country roads in PRE." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121921, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1249063.0, "Description": "Install a multiuse path along Johnson Road to connect the Hock-Hocking Adena Bike Path to State Route 682. Work includes drainage improvements, pedestrian lighting, crosswalks, pavement marking and signs. ", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH Johnson Rd Shared Use Path", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 83829, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4108500.0, "Description": "Four-Lane resurfacing project using an asphalt overlay treatment. ", "County": "Washington", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "WAS SR 7 31.590", "Location": "Begin 0.68 mi. N of CR 40." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122999, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-29", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1290100.0, "Description": "Resurfacing on N. Blanchard Street from Tiffin Avenue to Melrose Avenue. Also includes curb ramp upgrades and pavement markings.", "County": "Hancock", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "HAN Findlay Blanchard Street ", "Location": "N. Blanchard Street from Tiffin Avenue to Melrose Avenue." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 97858, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 6388998.23, "Description": "Resurfacing with related work and minor bridge maintenance work on SR 16 and SR 79. Thin Polymer Epoxy Overlay on structures LIC-79-1359R, LIC-79-1375, and LIC-79-1389L Surface Course AC Gauge Offset/IDEAL-CT APP Note", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC SR 16/SR 79 20.26/12.46", "Location": "SR 16 from 21st Street to Dayton Rd. Inter.; SR 79 from Heath Corp Line to SR 16 interchange" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116280, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 14881400.0, "Description": "FY28-AC Overlay with/without Repairs", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 OVERLAY FY2028", "Location": "Various Locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121311, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-19", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-18", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 350000.0, "Description": "Reconstruction and widening of roughly 3400 linear feet of existing roadway to better serve the Lakewinds Industrial Park and commerce traveling between SR 2 and SR 163.", "County": "Ottawa", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "OTT TID Toussaint S Rd Reconst", "Location": "Salem Township" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120455, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 490306.66, "Description": "Culvert replacement at two locations in Holmes County.", "County": "Holmes", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HOL-62-4.30, HOL-754-0.99", "Location": "HOL-62-4.30: 0.8 miles east of C.R. 25, HOL-754-0.99: just north of C.R. 320." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112699, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 250000.0, "Description": "Raised Pavement MarkingsVarious routes and sections throughout District 3", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 RPM FY2026", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115519, "ProjectType": "Lighting (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 686917.0, "Description": "2-Year Lighting Maintenance and Repair contract along various routes in ATB, MAH and TRU Counties. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 LG FY2023 (East)", "Location": "ATB, MAH and TRU Counties" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117991, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 692652.59, "Description": "Bridge replacement of PER TR 1180 0.605 (SFN 6433642)", "County": "Perry", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "PER TR 1180 0.605", "Location": "Located 0.1 miles south of CR 48 (Tunnel Hill Road)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114054, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1800400.0, "Description": "Widen and resurface existing 2 lane County Road Old SR 12, County Road 18-S and County Road 19.", "County": "Putnam", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PUT CR Old SR 12/CR 18-S/CR 19", "Location": "CR Old SR 12 from 0.000 to 2.835, CR 18-S from 0.950 to 1.677 and CR 19 from 2.415 to 5.141" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101176, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3900000.0, "Description": "Resurface the existing pavement with fine graded polymer modified asphalt (1\").PMS Bin - P25-38In addition, examine NB ramp from US 35 to I-75 to determine permanent fix of concrete pavement.", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT IR 75 11.07", "Location": "MOT IR 75 SLM 11.07 to 13.82" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120437, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-02-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-03-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Annual project for application of Fast Dry pavement markings in D-05 East in FY 2031", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 PM FY2031 (A) Fast Dry East", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122872, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6000000.0, "Description": "Construction of trucking parking at MED-IR71 NB and SB rest areas. Development will be completed under PID 122863.", "County": "Medina", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "MED-IR 71 Rest Areas TP", "Location": "IR-71 NB and SB Rest Areas in Medina County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120129, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 268940.0, "Description": "Installation of sidewalk along the south side of Oakes Rd from Barr Rd to the Blossom Hill Park entrance in the city of Brecksville, Cuyahoga County.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SRTS FY 2026 Brecksville", "Location": "Brecksville; Oakes Rd from Barr Rd to driveway of Blossom Hill Park" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104370, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-01-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2300000.0, "Description": "PM resurfacing from Carnegie Ave to SR-2 in Cleveland. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 090 16.94", "Location": "Cleveland; Carnegie to SR-2" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113341, "ProjectType": "Vegetative Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2033-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2033-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "District wide mowing contract for CY 2033.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 MOW CY 2033", "Location": "District 5" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115166, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-08-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3120000.0, "Description": "Project to rehabilitate bridge CLI-71-1237 (Sabina Rd over I-71) by replacing the concrete bridge deck, raising the bridge approximately 3\", painting the structure, and performing other related rehabilitation items.", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI IR 71 12.37", "Location": "Clinton County Rd 5, Jefferson County Township Rd T57; Approx. limits 500' from I-71 in either direction." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116690, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2040-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2040-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4025745.18, "Description": "Priority System ResurfacingFine graded AC overlay, with minor bridge work, upgrade guardrail as needed.MAR-23-10.62-19.97; US-23 from just South of SR-309 interchange to Wyandot County line.", "County": "Marion", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAR US 23 10.62", "Location": "MAR-23-10.62-19.97; US-23 from just South of SR-309 interchange to Wyandot County line." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117224, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4200000.0, "Description": "Resurface IR-480N from IR-480 to IR-271. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 480N 00.00", "Location": "; IR-480 to IR-271" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113650, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-14", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1450000.0, "Description": "Construction of a roundabout at the intersection of SR 204 and Toll Gate Road (TR 225) in Violet Township, Fairfield County, Ohio. Project work includes new asphalt pavement, curb and gutter, storm sewer, street lighting and traffic control.", "County": "Fairfield", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "FAI SR 204 04.30", "Location": "Intersection of SR 204 and Tollgate Road (TR 225)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115497, "ProjectType": "Parks", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1299403.76, "Description": "ODNR Division of Parks project to include resurfacing parking lots and camp areas at Guilford Lake State Park and Highlandtown Wildlife Area in Columbiana County", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL-ODNR GUILFORD LAKE STATE PAR", "Location": "Guilford Lake State Park and Highlandtown Wildlife Area Facilities" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122895, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-07", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 446400.0, "Description": "Rehabilitation of the Slippery Rock Bridge in Mill Creek Park.", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH Slippery Rock Bridge Rehab", "Location": "Slippery Rock Bridge in Mill Creek Park" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110134, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-13", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 3193195.0, "Description": "Chip Seal", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 CHIP FY2025", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120990, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-12-16", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-12-17", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2165000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of ATB US 20 and ATB SR 7.", "County": "Ashtabula", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "ATB US 20/SR 307 03.94/7.80", "Location": "ATB US 20 from 3.940 to 6.367 and ATB SR 307 7.802 to 12.734" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96434, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2013-07-17", "EndConstructionDate": "2013-09-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "Replace mounting hardware on overhead signs throughout the District. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 12", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "D12 SIGN FY2014 Repair Type A", "Location": "Various routes & sections in D-12" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122937, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-12-09", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 50000.0, "Description": "RIC US 30 16.42 bridge hit in an accident and requires repairs. This project will remove the remaining damaged crossframe assembly and install temporary stiffening struts to prevent catastrophic buckling while more comprehensive repairs are being designed", "County": "Richland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "RIC US 0030 16.42 Brdg Emergency", "Location": "RIC US 30 16.42 bridge" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115723, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-06", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 18131250.0, "Description": "Construction of roundabouts on STA SR 172 at Broad Ave and Arlington Ave, includes new sidewalks, decorative street lights, trees and landscaping, in the City of Canton, Stark County, Ohio.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA SR 0172 12.77", "Location": "Fawcett Ct to Smith Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121255, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-02-28", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 410375.0, "Description": "Upgrading Union City Road from chip seal to asphaltic concrete, as well as drainage and radius improvements, and shoulder widening to accommodate growing agribusiness companies.", "County": "Mercer", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MER Union City Rd Improvements", "Location": "Union City Road from Village of Fort Recovery to Mercer-Darke County line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109309, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-10-27", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-09-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 3826258.03, "Description": "Rehabilitate Structure JEF-7-1369 (SFN 4100751) by replacing the superstructure and repairing the piers and abutments. The abutments will be converted to semi-integral type and the bearings will be replaced.", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF SR 7 13.68", "Location": "1.70 miles North of SR 151." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115153, "ProjectType": "Railroad Crossing Protection", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 691710.0, "Description": "Upgrade of warning devices and circuity at South River Street, DOT #524892A and SR 123/South Main Street, DOT #524894N. Interconnection with new traffic signals at the intersection of SR 123/South Main Street & West Sixth Street and at the intersection o", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR S River & S Main NS", "Location": "South River St & SR 123/South Main St, City of Franklin, at the NS grade crossings DOT# 524892A, 524894N" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118469, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 147000.0, "Description": "Replacement of the superstructure of Bridge PRE-TR 317-4.55 (SFN: 6832695) as part of the CEAO superstructure only program.", "County": "Preble", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "PRE TR 317 4.09 Pleasant Valley", "Location": "Bridge PRE-TR 317-4.55 (SFN: 6832695)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101750, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6588818.0, "Description": "Resurfacing with related work.", "County": "Guernsey", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "GUE IR 70 00.00", "Location": "Gue IR 70 from Mus Cty line to 0.04 M West of CR15 Overpass" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104788, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-20", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-03-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 7633913.55, "Description": "Replacement of the Brighton Approach Bridge (SFN 3101533), carrying the Brighton Approach over Central Parkway in Cincinnati, OH. ", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM US 27 3.58", "Location": "Brighton Approach Bridge over Central Parkway (US 27) in Cincinnati, OH" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116775, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 850000.0, "Description": "Various guardrail maintenance work throughout district 03.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 GR FY2028", "Location": "Various Guardrail locations throughout district 03" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114467, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1996880.0, "Description": "General System Minor Rehabilitation; Asphalt resurfacing of SR 151, including pavement repairs and pavement markings.", "County": "Harrison", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HAS SR 151 0.000", "Location": "US 250 to Bowerston SCL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121694, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 150000.0, "Description": "Radar Installation at intersections:", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 TSG Radar FY2028", "Location": "Signals Locations to be determined" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110940, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-31", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 350000.0, "Description": "Resurface Chardon Road (US-6) from E. 221st St to the East Corporation Line in Euclid in Cuyahoga County.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY US 006 25.95", "Location": "Euclid; E. 221st Street to ECL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120172, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 536311.0, "Description": "Rehabilitation of Baumhart Road from just north of Whittlesey to southern corp limit of Lorain", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR CR 51 9.64 (Baumhart)", "Location": "Whittlesey to southern corp limit of Lorain" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112312, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 911818.18, "Description": "Bridge rehabilitation project. HOC CR 174 0.30, SFN 3731731. Work includes a deck replacement with minor repairs on the abutments and piers. Federal/State Exchange Program.", "County": "Hocking", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "HOC CR 174 0.30", "Location": "Begin 0.20 miles S of SR 56 over Salt Creek." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114474, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3554880.0, "Description": "General System Minor Rehabilitation; Asphalt resurfacing SR 800 including pavement repairs and pavement marking", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS SR 800 0.000", "Location": "HAS Co. Line to Dennison SCL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120571, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2871000.0, "Description": "FY2027 Urban Paving in the City of Middletown on a portion of US 122", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT SR 122 9.64", "Location": "BUT SR 122: SLM 9.64 - 11.22" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122314, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1056750.0, "Description": "Guardrail improvements in Clermont, Hamilton and Greene Counties in FY2025", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08 SAFETY GR FY25", "Location": "Various locations in CLE + HAM + GRE Co" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 90432, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2034-12-12", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 644000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement project. WAS 7 3457 (SFN 8402345).", "County": "Washington", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "WAS SR 7 34.57", "Location": "Begin 0.05 miles N of the intersection of County Road 46 (Bells Run)." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 21788, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-25", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 37000000.0, "Description": "Replace the CSX RR bridge over IR-77 located south of Grant Avenue in Cuyahoga Hts. New structure will be longer with no center pier. See PID 115275 for pavement replacement", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 077 11.11 Replace", "Location": "Cuyahoga Hts; Over I-77 S of Grant." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120165, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-24", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 6098503.44, "Description": "Part 1: Construct a shared use path within the City of Lebanon along N Broadway St (SR-48) from the existing path near the fire station to Miller Rd (TR-101).Part 2: FY 25 Urban Paving project in the City of Lebanon on portions of SR 48, SR 123 and US 42", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR SR 48 15.34", "Location": "SR 123: from corp. to Hart Rd; US 42: from Miller Rd to corp.; SR 48: from Warren St to corp. (N of Miller)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112648, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 294000.0, "Description": "This is the district's systematic RPM replacement maintenance contract of prismatic reflectors that have lost reflectivity or are in need of replacement.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11-RPM-FY2026", "Location": "Various state maintained routes throughout District 11" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114613, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1780170.05, "Description": "Construct a single-lane roundabout at SR-122 & Elk Creek Road", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT-122-2.70", "Location": "Elk Creek Road in Middletown" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116608, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1645370.0, "Description": "Priority System Resurfacing project on I-270 in Franklin County.Asphalt Overlay with pavement repairs, guardrail upgrades as needed and other miscellaneous work.FRA-270-31.65-33.89; IR-270 from just South of Sunbury Road to Just North of McCutchson Rd", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA IR 270 31.70", "Location": "FRA-270-31.70-33.88; IR-270 from just South of Sunbury Road to Just North of McCutchson Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120833, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Bridge RepairsVarious structures throughout District Three", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 BH FY2030 (A)", "Location": "Various structures throughout District Three" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115549, "ProjectType": "Lighting (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 698015.2, "Description": "2-Year Lighting Maintenance and Repair contract along various routes in POR, STA and SUM Counties.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 LG FY2024 (West)", "Location": "Districtwide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 106204, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2021-11-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-09-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1699643.28, "Description": "Conventional lighting improvements at the SUM IR 271 Rest Areas and STA US 30/Raff/Whipple interchanges. A portion of the US 30/Raff interchange is in the City of Canton. Also includes conventional lighting at the SR 21 & Butterbridge R Cut in Stark Cou", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 LG FY2022", "Location": "SUM IR 271 Rest Area, STA US 30/Raff/Whipple" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109761, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-07-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1288000.0, "Description": "Resurface the existing roadway with asphalt concrete.SR 725 - G121-60 (8.56 to 10.11)", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT-725-8.56", "Location": "SR 725, SLM 8.56 to 10.11" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113175, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1176314.74, "Description": "Resurfacing of Ravenna Rd from Old Mill Rd to Portage County Line, a portion in the City of Hudson.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM CR 0012 06.39 (Ravenna Rd)", "Location": "Old Mil Rd to Portage County Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122177, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Installing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on I-70", "County": "Clark", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "CLA IR-70-B-NEVI-RD2B", "Location": "IR 70-11.000 begins - IR 70 -19.806 ends" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114785, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Guardrail maintenance and repair on various routes throughout District Four.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 GR FY2026 (WO)", "Location": "Districtwide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119990, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-20", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1120600.0, "Description": "Convert an all-way stop controlled intersection to a single lane roundabout at Wilmington Dayton Road and Centerville Road", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE CR 97 Roundabout", "Location": "300' along each leg at the intersection of Wilmington Dayton Road and Centerville Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112874, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-06-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-09-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 757988.0, "Description": "Resurface Lee Road (CR-8) from Superior Road to Mayfield Road in the City of Cleveland Heights in Cuyahoga County. Work includes installing ADA compliant curb ramps.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Lee Road", "Location": "Cleveland Hts; Superior to Mayfield" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121962, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-26", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1903500.0, "Description": "Constructing a roundabout at the existing intersection of Fort Amanda Road and Buckeye Road.", "County": "Allen", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "ALL CR 11 4.54", "Location": "Intersection of Fort Amanda Road and Buckeye Road." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115242, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1037002.12, "Description": "Construct approximately 2,000 feet of new sidewalk and required ADA facilities along SR 332 (Scio Road) to connect existing sidewalk facilities to Carrollton High/Middle School.", "County": "Carroll", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "CAR SR 332 10.40", "Location": "Industrial Dr. (Carrollton High/Middle School entrance) to approximately 400' SW of 4th Street." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118988, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Add a left turn lane with signal improvements on US-422 at Rapids Road in Troy Township. ", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA US 422 11.35 Safety", "Location": "Troy Twp; US-422 at Rapids Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116185, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "Bridge Replacement Project on state Route 104 in Pike County.", "County": "Pike", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "PIK-104-12.24 ", "Location": "PIK-104-12.24 (SFN: 6601081) " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121253, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-05-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Systematic sign replacement in Clinton County in FY2031", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI SIGNS FY2031", "Location": "Locations TBD" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110645, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 1400000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of ATB SR 45.", "County": "Ashtabula", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "ATB SR 0045 18.94", "Location": "ATB SR 45 from 18.94 to 23.26" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121210, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 684046.45, "Description": "Shared Use Path construction along US-62/SR 39 and Somerset Drive within the unincorporated community of Berlin. ", "County": "Holmes", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HOL Berlin SUP", "Location": "Rhur Rd. to termination of existing sidewalk near Dollar General; Rhine Rd. to Main St." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122266, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 573200.0, "Description": "Safe Routes to School - install bike path", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT SRTS Dayton IFS 24", "Location": "From Paul Laurence Dunbar High School & Louise Troy Elementary School to West Steward St." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119331, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1250000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of SUM SR 21.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM SR 0021 19.57/VAR", "Location": "SUM SR 21 from 19.579 to 20.402, 20.548 to 20.764, and SR 21 I from 0.042 to 0.151." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117210, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-14", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "Pedestrian improvements on Main Street and Lila Avenue in Milford including sidewalk improvements, enhancements to mid-block crossings (RRFB), and streetscape enhancements.", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE US 50/SR 28 0.83/0.00", "Location": "Lila Ave: from five points intersection to Mowhawk Tr; Main St: from five points intersection to Kirgan Ln" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105147, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-11-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1518347.0, "Description": "Replace structure over Bell Ditch", "County": "Van Wert", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "VAN US 224 22.96", "Location": " 4.39 mi. West of SR 66" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120925, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-12-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Traffic Signal Upgrades. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 TSG FY2030 (C)", "Location": "D03" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114518, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-11-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 8830000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement on Route 7 in Lawrence County. ", "County": "Lawrence", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "LAW-7-2.40 Bridge Replace", "Location": "LAW-7-2.40 (SFN 4400038)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121299, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-11-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 327905.0, "Description": "Structural spray line 156' elliptical", "County": "Hancock", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "HAN US 224 11.98", "Location": "Structure located at Mile Marker 11.98" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116487, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-07-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 235000.0, "Description": "Culvert Repair and Replacement - CHP-36-0921 - Headwall - CHP-36-1006 - Headwall - CHP-36-1153 - Scour - CHP-36-0945 - Headwall - CHP-36-1096 - Headwall - CHP-36-1191 - Headwall", "County": "Champaign", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "CHP-CR-FY28", "Location": "Various locations in Champaign Counties" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122119, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-11-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 750000.0, "Description": "Highway lighting improvement to include addition of infield lighting at the 23/159 interchange by installing new poles, power service and circuitry and upgrade to LED luminaires.", "County": "Ross", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ROS-23-15.40 ", "Location": "ROS 23/159 " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112833, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3708000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of ATB SR 46 and ATB SR 307. Minor rehabilitation to 4 bridges.", "County": "Ashtabula", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "ATB SR 0046 15.02", "Location": "ATB SR 46 from 15.02 to 22.04, ATB SR 307 from 13.85 to 14.20" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114496, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2609000.0, "Description": "Construct a shared use path beginning near the intersection of US-50 & Pocahontas and ending at the current west terminus of the Little Miami Scenic Trail, east of the Walton Creek, similar to Concept F7 in the 2019 Eastern Corridor, Segment II/III Concep", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM Columbia Connector", "Location": "Intersection of US-50 & Spring Hill to the western terminus of the Little Miami Scenic Trail located east of Walton Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119118, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1507340.94, "Description": "Fill abandoned culvert under S.R. 7 and replace drainage system along Market Street (TR 1392) and northbound on-ramp (RA 41017) to reduce flooding under railroad bridge.", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF SR 7 9.90", "Location": "North end of Brilliant where Market Street turns into the northbound on-ramp to S.R. 7" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 92118, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 7500000.0, "Description": "A district allocation funded project to resurface I-75 from just south of SR-582 to SR-199; perform necessary related work, Coordinate with PID 25521.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO IR 75 19.91 Resurf", "Location": "From south of SR-582 to SR-199" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119146, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1872744.45, "Description": "Construct a multiuse trail to connect the RCPD B&O Trail to the Trimble Road Trail", "County": "Richland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "RIC Trimble Road Trail Extension", "Location": "RCPD B&O Trail to Trimble Road Trail" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119164, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-07-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1313760.0, "Description": "Two-lane resurfacing project using a chip seal treatment. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 10", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "D10 Chip Seal FY 2029 North", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102931, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Replace the existing SR 109 structure over Bear Creek in Fulton County; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Fulton", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "FUL SR 109 16.98 Bridge Replace", "Location": "SR 109 over Bear Creek." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104042, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2018-07-09", "EndConstructionDate": "2019-12-13", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 31633750.0, "Description": "Construction of a green, complete streets corridor on South Main Street between State Street and Mill Street in the City of Akron, Summit County, Ohio. Project would include roadway and sidewalk replacement, the addition of on-street parking and dedicated", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM Main Street Corridor", "Location": "South Main Street from State Street to Mill Street" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123285, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 140000.0, "Description": "Pavement marking on various routes.", "County": "Holmes", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HOL VAR PM Phase 6", "Location": "Varoius routes" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110999, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Replace the slab structure over Silver Creek located east of SR-306 in Russell Township. ", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA SR 087 03.18 Replace", "Location": "Russell Twp; 0.45 mi E of SR-306" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 99014, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-01-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 7096500.0, "Description": "Jennings Randolph Bridge Repair - WVDOH ", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 13, "ProjectName": "COL-30-35.850 WVDOH", "Location": "COL-30-35.85" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121719, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1321800.0, "Description": "Fine Graded Polymer Asphalt Concrete Overlay (Smoothseal) on SR 254 in Lorain county", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR SR 0254 00.00", "Location": "LOR-254-0.00 to 2.811" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123336, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 605000.0, "Description": "Reconstruct the intersection of SR-32 & Herold Rd in the Village of Batavia.", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE SR 32 9.80 Herold Rd", "Location": "SR-32 & Herold Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121193, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-07-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1972000.0, "Description": "This project is the district's long line maintenance contract to maintain the centerline, edgeline, lane line and interchange pavement markings with fast dry paint on those routes in the western MQS quadrants of the district.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11-PM-FY2030(B)", "Location": "Various two and four lane state maintained routes throughout District 11" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121860, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 450000.0, "Description": "Install concrete islands to restrict left turns on Old 3C Highway at both US-22 intersections. At the eastern junction, improve turning radius. ", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR US 22 2.60", "Location": "Both intersections of US-22 & Old 3C." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112998, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 8100000.0, "Description": "Replace the the Schaaf Road bridge over Granger Road (SR-17) in Brooklyn Heights. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 017 13.50 Replace", "Location": "Brooklyn Hts; Schaaf over SR-17" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119642, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3000000.0, "Description": "Reconstruct 3 ramps along IR-480 at Ridge Road and IR-90 at East 55th Street in the Cities of Cleveland and Brooklyn. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 090 19.77/VAR Ramps", "Location": "Cleveland, Brooklyn; I-90/E.55th, I-480/Ridge Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122120, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2725943.0, "Description": "Replacement of a deteriorating bridge (SFN 0933635) which carries Shurz Road over Elk Creek, with a structure type to be determined by the design-build team. Approach roadway improvements.", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT TR 72 1.30 Shurz Rd Bridge", "Location": "Bridge BUT-TR 72-1.30 (SFN: 0933635): 0.05 miles north of Mill Rd. to approximately 0.15 miles north of Mill Rd." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121622, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 700000.0, "Description": "Culvert replacement project. GAL 7 28.19, CFN 1831158.", "County": "Gallia", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "GAL SR 7 28.190", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122183, "ProjectType": "Enhanced Crossing", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 433000.0, "Description": "Project in City of Rossford to replace existing rectangular rapid flashing beacons with pedestrian hybrid beacons at two locations: 1) Superior St at Rossford Recreation Center and 2) Superior St at Elm St.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO SR 65 24.0 Rossford PHBs", "Location": "1) Superior St at Rossford Recreation Center and 2) Superior St at Elm St." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116974, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-20", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 5907000.0, "Description": "Project to reconstruct Summit St. from Galena St to New York Ave, removing and replacing pavement, curb, and drive approaches. Scope also includes minor associated drainage improvements, an off-road shared use path from Galena St to Ohio St and a protecte", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC CR 1980 8.5 Summit Recon Ph1", "Location": "Galena Street to New York Avenue" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107929, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1625173.03, "Description": "Resurfacing with asphalt concrete.", "County": "Hancock", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "HAN SR 18 0.00", "Location": "On SR18 in Hancock County." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 91713, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-04-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1197000.0, "Description": "Two-Lane resurfacing project using an asphalt overlay treatment. ", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH SR 682 2.210", "Location": "Begin" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123205, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-09-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1300000.0, "Description": "ITS maintenance of various devices and infrastructure.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08 ITS Maint FY2026", "Location": "Various locations in D8" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102524, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 878675.13, "Description": "Chip Sealing in Butler and Preble County in FY2025", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT/PRE CHIP FY2025", "Location": "BUT-177: SLM 8.89-13.41 + PRE-732: SLM 4.91-9.48" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117369, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-07-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 621100.0, "Description": "Replace bridge on Township Route 101 (Yellow Creek Road) in Lawrence County. ", "County": "Lawrence", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "LAW-TR101-0.40 Bridge Replace", "Location": "SCI-TR101-0.40 Bridge Replacement" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121357, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2250000.0, "Description": "A project to replace the WIL-15-0154 bridge. Perform necessary related work.", "County": "Williams", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WIL SR 15 1.54 Bridge Repl", "Location": "WIL-15-0154 bridge" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116705, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6000000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of MAH IR 76.", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH IR 0076 00.00/19.34", "Location": "MAH IR 76 from 0.00 to 3.08 and 19.34 to 21.20" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105237, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1100000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of POR SR 261.", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "POR SR 0261 03.51", "Location": "POR SR 261 from 3.51 to 5.06" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113024, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1214058.11, "Description": "Construct two plug pile walls in Miller City from SLM 2.65 to 2.83.", "County": "Putnam", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PUT SR 108 2.65", "Location": "From the railroad tracks in Miller City to 1st St." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110615, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-05-12", "EndConstructionDate": "2022-11-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 3554034.73, "Description": "Resurfacing of STA US 30 and STA SR 43, portions in the City of Canton. Includes minor bridge work to 8 structures.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA US 30/SR 43 16.46/10.74", "Location": "STA US 30 from 16.46 to 19.16 and STA SR 43 from 10.74 to 11.11" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96615, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2016000.0, "Description": "Replace two bridges that carry SR 115 over John F. Miller Ditch and Stump Ditch. Flatten the slope and remove the guardrail along the southbound lane of SR 115 at SLM 8.26. Replace the culvert at SLM 8.53.", "County": "Putnam", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PUT SR 115 5.23 AND VARIOUS", "Location": "On SR 115 at SLM 5.23, 6.96, 8.26, and 8.53 in Putnam County." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116567, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-07-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3181000.0, "Description": "Replace bridge HAM-4-0641, (SFN 3100669) that carries SR 4 over West Fork Mill Creek. ", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM SR 4 6.41", "Location": "HAM SR 4: SLM 6.41" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 91761, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-06-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5500000.0, "Description": "Two-lane resurfacing project using a fine graded polymer treatment. Multiple Locations.", "County": "Noble", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "NOB SR 285 0.000", "Location": "Begin at the Perry County line." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122847, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1173907.35, "Description": "Resurfacing of Wood St from Belmont Ave to Wick Ave, McGuffey Rd from Jacobs Rd to SR 616, Sheridan Rd from SR 170 to Powers Way and Powers Way from Sheridan to Pine Hollow bridge in the City of Youngstown, Mahoning County, Ohio.", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH Wood/McGuffey/Powers (Ytown)", "Location": "Wood St from Belmont Ave to Wick Ave, McGuffey Rd from Jacobs Rd to SR 616, Sheridan Rd from SR 170 to Powers Way and Powers Way.." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121494, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "Replace SFN 7700679 SUM-SR 8-7.41 pedestrian bridge over SR 8.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM SR 0008 07.41", "Location": "SUM SR 8 7.41" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 103180, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2035-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2035-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3320276.64, "Description": "5-8% Full depth Flexible and Rigid Pavement Repairs. Milling, Placing 1 3/4\" Item 442 Asph. Concrete Interm. Course and 1 1/2\" Item 442 Asphalt Concrete Surface. Concrete slab repairs, Diamond grinding of concrete pavement. ", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS IR 70 10.66", "Location": "Mus-70: Fwd. App. Slab of the Mus-70-1066 L&R Structures to 0.10 miles E. of Zanesville Corp. Limit" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110961, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-03-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2600000.0, "Description": "Resurface the Berea Freeway (SR-237) from Eastland Road to approximately Ramp B-7 south of SR-17 in the City of Brook Park. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 237 06.35", "Location": "Brook Park; Eastland to Ramp B-7" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104704, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-11-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2411507.74, "Description": "Part 1: This project will reconstruct the signal and add eastbound and southbound right turn lanes at Georgesville and Hall Road in the City of Columbus. Construct a new SUP from Durrow Drive to Georgesville along the south side of Hall Road. ODOT HSP Fun", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA CR26 (GEORGESVILLE) AT HALL", "Location": "Columbus. Part 1: Intersection of CR26 (Georgesville Road) and CR125 (Hall Road) Part 2: Intersection of Bethel Road at Dierker Ro" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121173, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 850000.0, "Description": "Crack sealing on various routes. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09 CS FY2028", "Location": "D09 Various Routes" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122365, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1800000.0, "Description": "Installing electric vehicle charging stations along US 23.", "County": "Delaware", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "DEL US-23-A-NEVI-RD2B", "Location": "US 23 DEL 1.00 - 21.203" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121080, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-02-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-03-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 831702.0, "Description": "Asphalt Overlay Project in Union CountyUNI SR 31 and SR 347", "County": "Union", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "UNI-31/347-15.48/4.22", "Location": "UNI SR 31 15.48-20.38; UNI SR 347 4.22-8.147" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122648, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-03-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4736111.0, "Description": "Resurface Bagley Road from 225 feet east of Lindbergh Blvd to Front St in the City of Berea in Cuyahoga County. Suspend/resume work at the bridge over the Rocky River (SFN 1830058).", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Bagley Road Resurfacing", "Location": "Berea; Lindbergh Blvd to Front St." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110594, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-11-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1162913.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement on US 224.", "County": "Hancock", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "HAN US 224 3.62", "Location": "Approximately 4.7 Miles east of the Putnam County Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119258, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 871208.0, "Description": "Minor pavement maintenance in Fayette and Pickaway counties: FAY-35 and PIC-188.", "County": "Fayette", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FAY US 35 2.630", "Location": "Various Locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121002, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 7500000.0, "Description": "Replace bridge carrying SR 149 over abandoned railroad bed.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 149 31.04", "Location": "0.23 Miles South of JCT SR 331" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113284, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 446539.0, "Description": "Culvert ReplacementsRIC US 0042 00.41RIC SR 0545 02.36", "County": "Richland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "RIC US 0042/SR 0545 00.41/02.36", "Location": "Culvert Replacements RIC US 0042 00.41, RIC US 0042 03.22, RIC SR 0545 02.36" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121396, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3130000.0, "Description": "Reconstruction of Mickey Road in the City of Shelby from S. Gamble Street (SR61) to Mansfield Avenue (SR39), excluding the Ashland Railway Crossing. Project will include storm sewer, underdrains, curb and gutter, drive aprons, and new pavement.", "County": "Richland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "RIC CR 0213 00.00 (Mickey Road)", "Location": "Micky Road from S. Gamble Street (SR61) to Mansfield Avenue (SR39)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119901, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-11-25", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-26", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1875000.0, "Description": "Project to address flooding location by improving drainage and realigning vertical roadway profile at VIN 93 7.20-7.40.PROTECT funds.", "County": "Vinton", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "VIN SR 93 7.20", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120723, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5098531.25, "Description": "Realignment of the intersection of Kemper Rd and Northland Blvd. Construction of a shared used path on Kemper Rd from Lawnview Ave to Princeton Pike (SR 747) and connecting to the Northland Blvd SUP to the south of the intersection.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM CR 266 8.40 Kemper Northland", "Location": "Kemper Rd from Lawnview Ave to SR 747. Northland Blvd from the Kemper Rd intersection to approximately 0.1 miles south. " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118149, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 650000.0, "Description": "Slope stabilization/retaining wall restoration along S.R. 149 in Belmont County.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 149 15.10", "Location": "0.7 miles west of S.R. 9." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 77922, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-03-11", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 6979738.53, "Description": "Replace the existing superstructure of Bridge No. CLI-729-1329, SFN: 1403788. Bridge carries SR 729 over Wilson Creek in the Village of Sabina. Replace Bridges CLI-729-0285 and CLI-729-0950. Replace culvert CLI-SR-729-12.25. Replace the superstructure", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI SR 729 2.85 and Various", "Location": "CLI SR 729: SLM 6.27-17.00" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116117, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5842207.0, "Description": "Proposed work includes resurfacing and related work on FAI-33. ", "County": "Fairfield", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "FAI US 33 17.44", "Location": "Fai-33: 0.56 miles E. of USR33/CR55 (Hamburg Rd.) overpass to Fai./Hoc. County Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107502, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 3798701.0, "Description": "Priority System Minor Rehabilitation; Asphalt overlay, including pavement repairs and pavement markings", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL/JEF-7-23.51/0.00", "Location": "SR 7 from Valley Drive to Bridge at Yorkville" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119791, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-14", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1400000.0, "Description": "Rehabilitation to existing Railroad St. & West St. to provide access for company expansion.", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL Railroad St Rehabilitation ", "Location": "Railroad St. from Main to Lisbon St." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122316, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "Replace bridge carrying SR 646 over Claylick Creek. In-stream work required.", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF SR 646 3.68", "Location": "0.61 Miles west of JCT SR 151." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122938, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1830885.0, "Description": "Multi-use path along the south side of River Rd in the Village of Granville.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC TR 131 00.42", "Location": "South side of River Rd SE connecting South Main St to Raccoon Valley Park." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113057, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 300000.0, "Description": "Replace raised pavement marker castings and/or lenses.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 1", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "D01 RPM FY26", "Location": "Various routes throughout District One" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119769, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1840000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement on state Route 73 in Highland County. ", "County": "Highland", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "HIG-73-21.11", "Location": "HIG-73-21.11 (SFN 3601749)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95942, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 4171323.3, "Description": "Resurfacing with related work on IR 70 in Guernsey County. Preventive Maintenance on structures within limits of project.", "County": "Guernsey", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "GUE IR 70 06.51", "Location": "Gue IR 70: 0.20miles E. of SR723 Interchange to 0.12 miles E. of CR73 overpass" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121038, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-02-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1682990.0, "Description": "Replacement of SFN 3948498", "County": "Huron", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "HUR TR 0051 02.98 (GMTL Rd)", "Location": "200 Feet on either side of SFN 3948498" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107692, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-08-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 450000.0, "Description": "Replace structure; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Henry", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "HEN US6 5.37 Brdg Repl", "Location": "Over Garrett Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119358, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 437870.0, "Description": "Project to replace or line bridge size culvert CLI-72-0218. ", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI SR 72 2.18", "Location": "CLI SR 72 2.18" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119183, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 7636290.0, "Description": "Resurfacing on a portion of SR 72 in Clinton County", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI SR 72 0.00", "Location": "CLI SR 72: SLM 0-14.04" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117083, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 495699.0, "Description": "Project to construct an access road that connects the Freedom Landing Boat Dock to the village of Ripley streets in Brown County. ", "County": "Brown", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "BRO-Ripley Access Road", "Location": "Village of Ripley" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120401, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 650000.0, "Description": "Project to perform cracksealing throughout D-05 in FY 2033", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 CS FY2033", "Location": "Coshocton, Muskingum, Guernsey" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116970, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2035-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2035-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6570000.0, "Description": "Rehabilitate structure carrying SR 7 over Spring Hill RD (10th Street) by replacing deck and converting to semi-integral and repair structure carrying SR 7 over SR 45 NB (Wells Ave) by replacing the backwalls, approach slabs, expansion joints and wearing ", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL SR 7 1.86", "Location": "0.66 Miles North of the SR 39 interchange." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117257, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 408169.7, "Description": "Culvert replacement project. WAS 550 16.24, CFN: 1885152.", "County": "Washington", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "WAS SR 550 16.240", "Location": ".15 miles North Of T00135 DAVIS RUN" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118816, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1898795.67, "Description": "Resurfacing on SR 634 from SR 114 to SR 15 in Putnam County.", "County": "Putnam", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PUT SR 634 8.33", "Location": "SR 634" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102908, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 536500.0, "Description": "A district allocation funded project to Resurface on SR 191 from County line to SR 2 in Williams county; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Williams", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WIL SR 34/191 13.28/0.00 Resurf", "Location": "On SR 191 from 0.00 to SR 2" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 92076, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 30000.0, "Description": "Debris removal", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK SR 002 05.30 Type A", "Location": "SR-2 over the Chagrin River" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102826, "ProjectType": "Vegetative Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "District wide mowing contract for CY 2032.Convert to Two Mowing's (5/20-6/20, 10/1-11/1)Add Lic/Mus-16 (Dayton Rd to SR 60) (First Mowing Only)Add Fai-33 Corridor (Verify if for Both Mowing's)", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 MOW CY 2032", "Location": "District 5" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116278, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-08-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3627800.0, "Description": "FY28-General system Microsurfacing", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 MICRO GENERAL FY2028", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105241, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2183300.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of SUM SR 241, includes Urban Paving in the City of Green, and minor work to 1 structure. Investigate repair of curb in areas where settlement has occurred.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM SR 0241 01.50/VAR", "Location": "SUM SR 241 from 1.495 to 3.497, 3.819 to 4.002 and 4.734 to 7.792." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121025, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2100000.0, "Description": "FY30 D09 Districtwide Culvert Project.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09 Culvert Project FY30", "Location": "FY29 D09 Districtwide Culvert Project." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117187, "ProjectType": "Fencing", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-05-28", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1850000.0, "Description": "Replace decorative fence with vandal protective fence, repair concrete barriers", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA IR 670 3.29 (Fence)", "Location": "FRA-IR 670 from west of Park St to east of High St (SLM 3.29 to 3.67)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122373, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1784000.0, "Description": "Signal and pedestrian improvements along Lorain Rd (SR-10) within the city of Fairview Park, Cuyahoga County.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Lorain Rd Signal/Ped Improve", "Location": "SR-10; wcl to ecl" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118279, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-23", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-26", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3694634.29, "Description": "ATH SR 56 Roundabout", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH SR 56-11.267 Roundabout", "Location": "Begin at SR 56 at 11.32" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121589, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 676000.0, "Description": "Resurface Kirtland-Chardon Rd (CR-608) from Sperry Rd to East corporation limit, in the city of Kirtland, Lake county.", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK Kirtland Chardon Rd", "Location": "Sperry Rd to ECL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112154, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1436400.0, "Description": "Repair/Replace culverts in D5. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 CUL FY2026 (A)", "Location": "District-wide culvert project" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114470, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-08-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 353528.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Chip Seal", "County": "Harrison", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HAS SR 519 6.75", "Location": "New Athens ECL to US 250" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113301, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-12-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-08-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3382344.55, "Description": "Resurfacing of South Green Road (CR-14) from Cedar Road (CR-23) to Mayfield Road (US 322) in the City of South Euclid. New Pavement markings implementing a road diet with bike lanes will be installed. New signals at Notre Dame College, Bayard Road, Nevill", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY South Green Road", "Location": "S. Euclid; Cedar Rd to Monticello Blvd." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121602, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 6435732.5, "Description": "Construct a roundabout at the intersection of Fulton Rd, 25th St and Harrison Ave in the city of Canton. Includes pedestrian improvements.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA Fulton/25th/Harrison RAB", "Location": "Intersection of Fulton Rd, 25th St and Harrison Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120457, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-08-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 716233.0, "Description": "Bridge Replacement", "County": "Mercer", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MER CR 236 03.03 BH", "Location": "MER C236 03.03 SFN 5431611 Rockford West Road in Rockford Ohio" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 77555, "ProjectType": "Interchange Expansion", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-07-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 54119844.12, "Description": "Replace the existing intersection of US 33 and Pickerington Road with an interchange and remove the Allen Road intersections.", "County": "Fairfield", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "FAI US 33 02.64", "Location": "Pickerington Road and Allen Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123122, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 990000.0, "Description": "Bridge Replacement Noble SR 821-15.84 (SFN: 6105734)", "County": "Noble", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "NOB SR 821 15.84 ", "Location": "Noble SR 821 15.84 MM" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 87904, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-05-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-06-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 8528000.0, "Description": " Replacement of the concrete median barrier on IR-71 from Pearl Road (US-42) to I-480. Work includes lighting replacement and drainage repairs. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 071 05.71 Barrier", "Location": "Middleburg Hts, Brook Park; US-42 to IR-480" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107478, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-06-21", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 4331205.05, "Description": "Resurfacing - Urban Paving City of Lorain:LOR-611-0.01(Begin at US 0006) to 04.25(Asphalt/Concrete JNT.)LOR-611D-0.00 to 0.44Bridge Work To Be Determined.", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR SR 0611 0.01", "Location": "LOR-611-0.052-04.25, LOR-611D-0.00 to 0.44" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120927, "ProjectType": "Lighting (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-12-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 300000.0, "Description": "Highway Lighting ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 LG FY2030", "Location": "D03" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121506, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "Slope stabilization along a portion of IR 275 in Hamilton County. ", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 275 11.40", "Location": "HAM IR 275: SLM 11.42" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121597, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 583000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT Shiloh Springs Rd. RSF", "Location": "Shiloh Springs Rd. from Diamond Mill Rd. to Oakes Rd. in Trotwood" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121474, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 71500000.0, "Description": "Pavement replacement of MAH IR 680 from the SR 193 interchange to the South Avenue interchange, all interchange ramps within the corridor will be replaced, including ramps to and from US 62/62D. Includes deck replacement on a bridge over Price Rd/Mill Cre", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH IR 0680 04.58", "Location": "Pavement Replacement of IR 680 from 4.58 to 7.31, US 62 Ramp from 0.45 to 0.64" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114830, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3387930.0, "Description": "DEL-23-14.37 to 17.66DEL-23 Resurfacing ProjectResurfacing project with minor pavement repair and upgrade guardrail as needed.", "County": "Delaware", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "DEL US 23 14.37", "Location": "DEL-23-14.37 to 17.66" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122092, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-02-10", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2976574.0, "Description": "Install variable speed limit signs along I-90 in Lake County from approximately SR-306 to SR-44. Work will include camera and speed detector installation. ", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK IR 090 08.77 VSL Signs", "Location": "SR-306 to SR-44" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116105, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-06-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 208000.0, "Description": "Replace culvert on the Little Miami Scenic Trail", "County": "Clark", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "CLA-LMT Culvert Replacement", "Location": "Little Miami Scenic Trail in Springfield, Clark County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118990, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1803000.0, "Description": "Replacement of MUS-M0007-0.09 (SFN 6036023) in Muskingum County", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS CR 7 0.09", "Location": "450 feet east of Main Street/First Street intersection in village of Roseville." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120156, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 428712.0, "Description": "Reconstruction of traffic signals along Second Street (CR 271) within city of Coshocton.", "County": "Coshocton", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "COS CR 271 06.26", "Location": "Intersections of Browns Lane and Plaza Drive along Second Street corridor" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109676, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 562240.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Microsurfacing", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 331 9.950", "Location": "SLM 9.95 to SLM 14.93" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122399, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-24", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2646637.0, "Description": "The roadwork will consist of full depth reclamation for approximately 3,500 linear feet going west on Taylor Parkway from the intersection of Bender Road. ", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR Taylor Pkwy Reconstruction ", "Location": "Taylor Parkway" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110606, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2797524.55, "Description": "Pavement marking contract for D-12", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 12", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "D12 PM FY2025", "Location": "Various routes & sections" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96518, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 12388800.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of SUM IR 271 from 06.55 to 8.54, includes minor bridge work on 7 structures. Part 2 - Superstructure replacement of SFN# 7709099 and 7709129, SUM IR271 8.25 Left and Right.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM IR 0271 06.55", "Location": "SUM IR 271 from 6.55 to 8.54" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117096, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-23", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-12-06", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 223649.0, "Description": "Resurfacing project on County Route 505 in Jackson County. ", "County": "Jackson", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "JAC-C.R. 505-0.00", "Location": "City of Jackson - CR 505" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122903, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Ashland 12th Street Bridge gusset plate repair.", "County": "Lawrence", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "Ashland 12th St Gusset Repair", "Location": "LAW-652-0.01" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 93798, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 250000.0, "Description": "Emergency Type A project. Bridge repair work on ATH 682 0.14, SFN 0504750.", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH SR 682 0.14", "Location": "Begin 0.14 miles N of US 33 intersection." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119133, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1765466.04, "Description": "Replace SFN 7632509 STA Lawndell Rd Bridge over Sugar Creek.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA TR 303 3.940 (Lawndell Rd)", "Location": "STA Lawndell Rd Bridge over Sugar Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117713, "ProjectType": "Transport System Mgmt and Ops (TSMO)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-06-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 665036.0, "Description": "ITS maintenance on power services, fiber optics and other misc. related work", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 ITS Maintenance FY 23", "Location": "Thoughout District 6" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118051, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3875540.0, "Description": "Install median cable barrier on I-275 from Blue Rock Rd to US-27.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 275 13.90", "Location": "I-275 Blue Rock Rd to US-27" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119367, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1785000.0, "Description": "Reconstruction, street lighting and other roadway Improvements", "County": "Miami", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MIA Broadway IMP 03.90", "Location": "US 36 from the east side of the bridge over Stillwater Creek to east of High Street (SLM 3.90 - 4.15)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120430, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-03-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 300000.0, "Description": "Project for systematic replacement of RPM's on D-05 Routes", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 RPM FY2030", "Location": "D-05, SPecifi locations deterined at plan development" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 88178, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2272727.0, "Description": "Realignment of Park Avenue at the Wilson Mills Road intersection in the City of Chardon. ", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA Park Avenue", "Location": "City of Chardon: Park Avenue intersection with Wilson Mills Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121132, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1438500.0, "Description": "District 8 counties guardrail repair and upgrading contract. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08 GR FY2030", "Location": "District 8 " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114994, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Perform miscellaneous bridge maintenance activities on various structures. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 1", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "D01 BM FY27", "Location": "Various structures throughout District One." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119449, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 703809.0, "Description": "Project in Lucas County to remove and replace the bridge over Ten Mile Creek on Gibbs Road in Richfield Township. Includes other necessary associated scope items.", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC TR 27 0.10 Gibbs Rd Bridge", "Location": "SFN: 4830903 over Ten Mile Creek on Gibbs Road in Richfield Township" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111405, "ProjectType": "Add Through Lane(s)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 54637274.18, "Description": "Widening of Interstate IR-77 from four lanes to six lanes. Work limits are approximately Everett Road (SLM 28.75) to SR 21 (SLM 32.30) in Summit County, Ohio. Includes bridge widening and culvert replacements.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM IR 0077 28.75", "Location": "Everett Road to the Ohio Turnpike" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108471, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-03-11", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 3596245.37, "Description": "Replace 7 deficient culverts and rehab 1 deficient culvert (LAK-84-27.10) along multiple routes in Geauga and Lake Counties. Geauga: SR-86, 87, 700, & US-422Lake: SR-608", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA/LAK CU FY2023", "Location": "Various" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119382, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2050000.0, "Description": "Spray lining of various culverts and bridge culverts in POR, STA and SUM counties. ", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 BH/CR FY2027 (West)", "Location": "Various locations in POR, STA and SUM counties." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122097, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-06-05", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1421310.0, "Description": "Replacement of bridge (SFN 4536592) on TR 243 in Licking County.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC TR 243 04.38 ", "Location": "Bridge is located on TR 243/Montgomery Rd 0.055 miles west of Hickman Rd." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108459, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3590060.0, "Description": "Replace 9 deficient culverts at various locations in Geauga County. ", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA US 322 01.64/VAR", "Location": "Various" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114219, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1200000.0, "Description": "D04 FY 2027 culvert repair/replacements.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 Culverts FY2027", "Location": "Districtwide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112709, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Replace pipe type bridge at MAD-40-5.92.", "County": "Madison", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAD-40-5.92 Culvert Replacement", "Location": "MAD-38-11.71" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 77095, "ProjectType": "Transit", "BeginConstructionDate": "2006-04-17", "EndConstructionDate": "2008-12-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 12385500.0, "Description": "Euclid Corridor Project (GCRTA Contract Unit 38-C05A) - Bus Stations, General construction and assembly of bus shelters and stations along the corridor (was PID 77096). FTA transfer", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Euclid Bus Stations/Shelters", "Location": "CUY - Bus Stations/Shelters" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119047, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-05-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 139502.5, "Description": "Culvert and storm sewer work on MAR-746Storm sewer upgrades and culvert rehab", "County": "Marion", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAR SR 746 3.641", "Location": "MAR-746-3.641-3.67" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119115, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-12-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of SUM SR 532. ", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM SR 0532 00.00", "Location": "SUM SR 532 from 0.00 to 2.66" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110720, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 7252645.3, "Description": "Resurface with asphalt concrete", "County": "Hancock", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "HAN IR 75 3.22", "Location": "On IR 75 in Hancock county" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 98127, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2014-05-23", "EndConstructionDate": "2014-06-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 55000.0, "Description": "Rock hazard removal. WAS 7 42.40. Type A Emergency Project.", "County": "Washington", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "WAS SR 7 42.400", "Location": "Begin 0.29 miles N of TR 135 (Davis Run)." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116058, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1074250.0, "Description": "Replacing structurally deficient bridge on TR128 (Coursen Rd) over Steel Run with a new structure in Richland County Ohio", "County": "Richland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "RIC TR 0128 00.78 (Coursen Rd)", "Location": "Approximately SLM 0.77 to 0.83 on TR128 (Coursen Rd)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120279, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-02-27", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 198000.0, "Description": "Install 300ft of sidewalk along Smith Road from Shiawassee Ave to Corunna Ave in the City of Fairlawn. Includes upgrades to the pedestrian features of the intersection adjacent to Herberich Primary School which includes countdown pedestrian heads/pedesta", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM Smith Rd Fairlawn SRTS", "Location": "Smith Rd from Shiawassee Ave to Corunna Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116726, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-12-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of POR SR 5.", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "POR SR 0005 01.30", "Location": "POR SR 5 from 1.30 to 5.09" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110895, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 650000.0, "Description": "1 3/4\" mill and fill using superpave mix.Urban Paving Program.", "County": "Miami", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MIA-41-11.14", "Location": "SLM 11.14 to 11.72" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117894, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-07-08", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 288644.75, "Description": "Signal replacement / Upgrade: New signal, backplates, supplemental signal heads, pedestrian heads and push buttons, and a no turn on red blank out sign. Signal timing revised for protected only phases for EB and WB.", "County": "Hocking", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "HOC SR 664 15.15", "Location": "Begin at SR 664 start at 15.151 mm ends at 15.281mm " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118205, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-24", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-21", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 875287.56, "Description": "Bridge replacement project. MOE TR 183 0.50, SFN 5634512 and MOE TR 183 0.13, SFN 5634504.", "County": "Monroe", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MOE TR 183 (0.13)(0.50)", "Location": "Salem Township Road " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121912, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-10-13", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-28", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 38888.89, "Description": "Improve safety on curve radius along CR Z.", "County": "Putnam", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PUT CR Z Curve Improvement", "Location": "CR Z in Putnam County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114460, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-08-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1418120.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Fine graded polymer asphalt concrete overlay", "County": "Holmes", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HOL SR 83 9.02", "Location": "Holmesville. Millersburg NCL to Holmesville NCL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118687, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3961222.22, "Description": "Resurface County Road 303 and construct corridor safety improvements including a northbound left turn lane. ", "County": "Clark", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "CLA CR 303 RSF & Safety Imp 0000", "Location": "County Road 303 from County Road 316 to US 40 in Clark County Ohio" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122786, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 600000.0, "Description": "Lighting project.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 10", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "D10 Lighting FY2030", "Location": "Various routes and sections in D10." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114285, "ProjectType": "Vegetative Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-14", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-03-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1200011.0, "Description": "District 8 mowing contract. Includes mowing interstates and interstate look-alikes in Clinton, Greene and Warren Counties.District 7 mowing on MOT IR 675 SLM 0.00 to 7.44 & MOT IR 75 SLM 0.00 to 9.31", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08/D07 Mowing FY2026 (B)", "Location": "District 8" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120037, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1826700.0, "Description": "Intersection Improvement including traffic signal timing optimization and pedestrian improvements", "County": "Auglaize", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "AUG SR 501/198 2.32/2.36", "Location": "Six-legged, signalized intersection, consisting of Defiance Street, Lincoln Street, Hamilton Street, Cole Drive, and Stinebaugh Dr" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119817, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-12-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 419450.53, "Description": "Pedestrian safety project. Includes sidewalk, curb extensions, curb ramps and pavement markings. ATH 328 13.64/ATH 550 10.78.", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH SR 329 13.64", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 103815, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1401900.0, "Description": "Replacement of a structurally deficient bridge on TR 66 (Dyer Road) over Bradford Creek with minimal roadway approach work. Federal/State Exchange Design Build Project.", "County": "Madison", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAD-TR66-2.53", "Location": "SFN 4931416, Dyer Rd bridge replacement" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122058, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "Electrical maintenance contract for Fiscal Year 2026", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 ELEC FY26", "Location": "Various locations throughout Distict Six" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109539, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 891829.25, "Description": "Project for performing partial/full depth pavement repairs in D-05 in FY2025", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 Spot Paving FY2025", "Location": "District 5" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123262, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 280000.0, "Description": "Guardrail upgrade/replacement on various routes.", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS VAR GR Phase 9", "Location": "Various routes." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122465, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 5278884.47, "Description": "Rehabilitation of Davids Drive from Fife Avenue to Rombach Avenue.", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI Davids Drive Reconstruction", "Location": "Davids Drive between Fife and Rombach Avenues" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119068, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-11", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-24", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 422871.87, "Description": "Construction of sidewalk on Poole Road from Cheviot Road to Colerain Avenue.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM CR 91 1.05 Poole Rd Sidewalk", "Location": "Poole Road: from Cheviot Road to Colerain Avenue" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121989, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4836129.0, "Description": "Resurfacing and related roadway work.Curb replacement at various locations inside the City of Lancaster", "County": "Fairfield", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "FAI US 22/ SR 188 14.39/14.44", "Location": "US 22 from the intersection of N High St and E Main St to SR 37; SR 188 from north Corp to US 22" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114274, "ProjectType": "Vegetative Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-03-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1068610.0, "Description": "District 8 mowing contract. Includes mowing interstates and interstate look-alikes in Butler, Clermont, and Hamilton Counties.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08 Mowing FY2025 (A)", "Location": "District 8" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117643, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 539516.47, "Description": "Replacement of Bridge WAR-TR 158-0.92 (SFN: 8333459) which carries Stephens Road over a tributary to Bear Run.", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR TR 158 0.92 Stephens Rd", "Location": "Bridge WAR-TR 158-0.92 (SFN: 8333459) which carries Stephens Road over a tributary to Bear Run" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120533, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2700000.0, "Description": "Intersection improvement at SR 65 and Bluelick Road.", "County": "Allen", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "ALL SR 65 10.55", "Location": "SR 65 and Bluelick Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113583, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1800000.0, "Description": "Replace the Mayfield Road (US-322) bridge over the West Branch of the Cuyahoga River located 1.22 miles east of SR-44 in Claridon Township. ", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA US 322 11.62 Replace", "Location": "Claridon Twp; Over Branch of Cuyahoga River east of SR-44" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 85895, "ProjectType": "Building / Facility Improvement", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 7876541.62, "Description": "Construction of a new county garage and out buildings.", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF County Garage Construction", "Location": "Jefferson County Garage" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 84551, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-06-19", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6823500.0, "Description": "Two-Lane resurfacing project using an asphalt overlay treatment on WAS 550 0.00-10.56.", "County": "Washington", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "WAS SR 550 0.000", "Location": "Begin at the Athens County line." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122157, "ProjectType": "New Building/ Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4692393.0, "Description": "State funded MAP Grant project to continue Phase 2 of the current Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority Master Plan, scope includes 50,000 SF building to enhance existing capabilities and use of port infrastructure and expand service offerings. Building will", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC TLCPA Support Facility - MAP", "Location": "Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority - Facility 1" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102744, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-26", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3952427.9, "Description": "Resurfacing SUM-SR 18 in the city of Akron, includes minor bridge work to 8 structures in the City of Akron.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM SR 0018 09.75", "Location": "SUM-SR18-9.75 to 13.42. " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117545, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2916700.0, "Description": "Construct a roundabout at the intersection of US 23 and SR 105 in Wood County and Sandusky County.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO US 23 17.88 Roundabout", "Location": "Intersection of US 23 and SR 105 in Wood County and Sandusky County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 93151, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2016-07-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 299769.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement project. GAL CR 121 1.52 (SFN 2740516).", "County": "Gallia", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "GAL CR 121 1.52", "Location": "Begin" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 23498, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 34970.81, "Description": "REPAIR COLLISION DAMAGE WITH TYPE A EMERGENCY PROCESS. INSURANCE REIMBURSEMENT", "County": "Hocking", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "HOC SR0328 11.460", "Location": "TYPE 'A' EMERGENCY REPAIR FROM COLLISION" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101289, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 980000.0, "Description": "Resurface SR 795 in Wood County; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO SR 795 0.74 Resurf", "Location": "slm 0.74-6.13" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113999, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3030000.0, "Description": "Culvert and wall replacement along Ramp D of S.R. 7.", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF SR 7 13.950", "Location": "Just north of Logan Ave. in Mingo Junction. The pipe cross under S.R. 7 approx. 1350' north of Logan Ave." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115771, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 925000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement on state Route 788 in Jackson County.", "County": "Jackson", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "JAC-788-0.90", "Location": "JAC-788-0.90 (SFN 4004329)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117122, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1380000.0, "Description": "TMACOG funded STBG project to perform resurfacing with spot full depth repairs and full-depth reconstruction on Starr Ave and resurfacing with spot full depth repairs on Wheeling St between Randall Dr and Northvale Dr in Oregon. Project also includes sign", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC CR 555 1.02 Starr Resurface", "Location": "Starr Ave from Oregon's western boundary to S. Whittlesley Ave; and S. Wheeling St from south of Randall Drive to Northvale Drive" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118008, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2900000.0, "Description": "Convert two-way stop-controlled intersection into single-lane roundabout at SR-94, SR-585, and SR-604 in Wayne County.", "County": "Wayne", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "WAY SR 0094 18.21", "Location": "WAY-94-18.21 at SR-585/SR-604" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119928, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 750000.0, "Description": "Project to apply recessed and wet reflective markings in D-05", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 PM FY2028 (D) R-WR", "Location": "FAI/LIC IR 70 from Franklin County line to SR158" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113415, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 4669865.63, "Description": "Priority System Major Rehabilitation; Remove and replace concrete pavement on US 250 at the McCauley Drive intersection.", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS US 250 21.320", "Location": "SLM 21.32 to SLM 21.74" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110172, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-06-18", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1707790.13, "Description": "Replace and repair existing culverts", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07-CR-FY24", "Location": "DAR-127-13.67, DAR-121-12.80,DAR-127-14.89, DAR-121-18.71, SHE-75-12.24, AUG-75-06.74" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114712, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1300000.0, "Description": "Superstructure replacement and abutment replace/repair for SFN 2402645 over Sugar Creek. ", "County": "Fayette", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FAY-SR 729-9.638", "Location": "JEFFERSONVILLE, JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP. SR729 OVER SUGAR CREEK." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110582, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1328493.85, "Description": "MRW-95/95A-5.52/0.00-8.06/1.15; SR 95 and SR 95A within the Villages of Mt. Gilead and EdisonMRW 95 and 95A Resurfacing ProjectAC overlay with pavement repairs needed within the Village. Local contribution will be needed.", "County": "Morrow", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MRW-95/95A-5.52/0.00", "Location": "MRW-95/95A-5.52/0.00-8.06/1.15; SR 95 and SR 95A within the Village of Mt. Gilead" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107539, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1157000.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Chip Seal", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL-39/45-13.06/0.36", "Location": "Wellsville NCL to US 30" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111540, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1800000.0, "Description": "1 3/4\" mill and fill with superpave asphaltUrban Paving Program", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT-741-6.20", "Location": "Moraine South Corp (SLM 6.20) to Bridge north of Northlawn Avenue (SLM 8.43)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102449, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 423000.0, "Description": "Culvert replacement on state Route139 in Jackson County. ", "County": "Jackson", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "JAC-139-6.82", "Location": "JAC-139-6.82" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 87265, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3500000.0, "Description": "Concrete Pavement Repair project. WAS IR 77 6.59-17.64. ", "County": "Washington", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "WAS IR 77 6.590", "Location": "Begin 0.19 mi. S of CR 8 (Highland Park)." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117467, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-29", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 862464.0, "Description": "Relocation 400 feet of Paige Avenue NE, south of Dana Street NE, to align with Paige Avenue NE north of Dana Street NE.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU Paige & Dana Intersection", "Location": "City of Warren: Intersection of Paige Avenue NE and Dana Street NE" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96148, "ProjectType": "New Building/ Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 9085780.0, "Description": "Construction of a new full-service maintenance facility in Preble County.", "County": "Preble", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "FACD08 PRE Preble FS", "Location": "234 Quaker Trace Road Alexandria, OH" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122353, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1260362.0, "Description": "Citywide traffic signal upgrade at 5 intersections in the City of Lakewood in Cuyahoga County. Work at McKinley Ave/North Marginal Dr, McKinley Ave/South Marginal Dr, Mckinley Ave/Riverside Dr, Warren Rd/City Center, and Warren Rd/Athens Ave.MPO CMAQ pro", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY LAKEWOOD SIGNALS Ph 6", "Location": "Lakewood: Intersections on McKinley Ave & Warren Rd." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105285, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 4922575.0, "Description": "General System Minor Rehabilitation; Resurfacing US 62 from SLM 14.22 to Berlin, including pavement repairs and pavement markings", "County": "Holmes", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HOL US 62 14.220", "Location": "MILLERSBURG. HOL-62 from SLM 14.22 (Killbuck) to Berlin" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122961, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-03-16", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5869981.5, "Description": "Rehabilitate West 140th Street from Puritas Ave to Lakewood Heights Blvd in the City of Cleveland in Cuyahoga County. Suspend/Resume Work at IR-71 Overpass, Lorain Ave Intersection, Railroad Overpass, and Triskett Rd Intersection. Includes upgrades to sch", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY West 140th Street Rehab", "Location": "Cleveland: Puritas Ave to Lakewood Heights Blvd." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114425, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1095000.0, "Description": "Rehabilitate bridge carrying SR 148 over Long Run by replacing the superstructure.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 148 5.51", "Location": "0.03 miles west of Jct CR-26." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121333, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 330000.0, "Description": "Reconstruction of an 840-ft portion of State Route 585 and installation of a 260-ft southbound turn-lane onto Schaeffler Way. This project fulfills a quality gap, lowers congestion, and adds safety. ", "County": "Wayne", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "WAY SR 585 Reconstr & Turn Lanes", "Location": "City of Wooster" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 106237, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 50000000.0, "Description": "Replace existing bridge with multiple shorter span bridges. The replacement bridges will be based on AER developed under PID 105324.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 7 19.750", "Location": "0.9 miles East of Bridgeport" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 98286, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1272741.6, "Description": "Replace abutment, remove asphalt overlay place a new concrete overlay(1 3/4\" SDC), replace deck edges, new parapets, new approach slabs for Gue-70-2081L/R", "County": "Guernsey", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "GUE IR 70 20.80", "Location": "2.46 miles W of the intersection of IR 70 and SR 513 over Salt Fock Cr." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110224, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1869200.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement on County Route 24 in Brown County. ", "County": "Brown", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "BRO-CR24-(8.19)(8.35)", "Location": "BRO CR 24 8.19 (SFN 0834815) & 8.35 (SFN 0834807)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117826, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3800000.0, "Description": "Wearing surface and miscellaneous repairs to ten (10) bridges in D-12. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 12", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "D12 BH FY2026 Overlay", "Location": "Various routes & sections" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116403, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 800000.0, "Description": "Replacement of PER-155-07.42 (SFN 6401988).", "County": "Perry", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "PER SR 155 07.40", "Location": "Located adjacent to intersection of SR 155/SR 13 in village of Corning." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120086, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-28", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2096900.0, "Description": "Improvement of Navajo Dr. along with construction of roundabout on SR103.", "County": "Hancock", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "HAN SR103 Roundabout", "Location": "Starting at Pocono Dr. going east and the north to SR103" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116664, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 826990.0, "Description": "Erosion & drainage repair to the existing retaining wall along a portion of SR 350 in Warren County", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR SR 350 8.30", "Location": "WAR SR 350 near SLM 8.30" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115764, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-07-24", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 724194.53, "Description": "Replacement of Bridge CLE TR 767 2.86 (SFN 1332260) which carries Pond Run Road over Ten Mile Creek.", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE TR 767 2.86 Pond Run Rd", "Location": "Bridge CLE TR 767 2.86 (SFN 1332260)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122487, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1306489.25, "Description": "Roadway rehabilitation, including full-depth pavement repairs, curbs, culverts, and drainage structures.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL Thompson Dr Rehabilitation", "Location": "SR 9 to Clark Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121830, "ProjectType": "Emission Reduction", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-09", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-11", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 50753.0, "Description": "installation of two EV charging stations at Anderson Center in Anderson Township", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM Anderson EV Charger FY26", "Location": "Anderson Center" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116909, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-03-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-06-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3500000.0, "Description": "2028 District wide fast dry pavement marking", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07 FDPM FY28", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120377, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Project for performing partial/full depth pavement repairs in D-05 in FY2030", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 Spot Paving FY2030", "Location": "District 5" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120442, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-03-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Annual project for application of Fast Dry pavement markings in D-05 West in FY 2030", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 PM FY2030 (B) Fast Dry West", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122442, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 300000.0, "Description": "Provide RCUT at the PIC-23 SB Rest Area", "County": "Pickaway", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "PIC US 23 18.56", "Location": "PIC US 23 SB Rest Area" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122195, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2426081.0, "Description": "Sidewalk project and pedestrian improvements in the City of Jackson. ", "County": "Jackson", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "JAC-City of Jackson-Sidewalk", "Location": "City of Jackson - South St, Huron St, Y Drive, Gay St, & David Ave." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121088, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-05-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4215281.5, "Description": "Replace bridge carrying SR 800 over Stillwater Creek.", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS SR 800 1.92", "Location": "0.10 Miles South of JCT. SR 258" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110152, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 865000.0, "Description": "Paint bridge superstructure.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07 BP FY26", "Location": "Various bridges in D7 (CLA & MOT)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112977, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1028200.0, "Description": "Rehabilitate bridge size triple culverts BUT-122-0650R over the Hydraulic Canal in Middletown.", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT SR 122 6.50R", "Location": "BUT-122-0650R" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122483, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 638775.0, "Description": "Sidewalk replacement/repairs along several streets in the city of Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU Warren Sidewalks (Phase 2)", "Location": "W Market St, Parkman Rd, Summit St, Mahoning Ave, N Park Ave, Elm Rd and South St" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123009, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 600000.0, "Description": "Signal Upgrade - Location to be determined", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 TSG FY2027", "Location": "TBD" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123017, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 486000.0, "Description": "Provide updated detection for the traffic signals along US 62 and US 22 in the City of Washington Court House. Includes replacing the controllers and replacing the interconnects with GPS clocks.", "County": "Fayette", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FAY US 62 Washington CH Signals", "Location": "US 62 in the City of Washington Court House from Glenn Avenue to the US 62/US 22/SR 41 intersection" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114039, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1351786.53, "Description": "Pavement repairs along Fairfield School Road with drainage and curb replacement also along Fairfield School Road and Lisbon Street. Work also includes clearing, grubbing, and tree trimming and removal, where necessary, and pavement marking installation.", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL Fairfield Sch Rd & Lisbon St", "Location": "Fairfield School Rd (from Fairfield Ave. south 4,440 ft); Lisbon St (from West Park Ave. southwest 2,400 ft)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 15433, "ProjectType": "Railroad Crossing Protection", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 155520.0, "Description": "INSTALLATION OF FLASHING LIGHT SIGNALS AND ROADWAY GATES AT THE CONSOLIDATED RAIL CORPORATION GRADE CROSSING AAR# 503 065 J.", "County": "Wayne", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "WAY CR 0032 - RR", "Location": "E OF SR-94 & N OF US-30." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116049, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-01-08", "Status": "Complete", "CommittedCost": 1042220.0, "Description": "Districtwide guardrail maintenance contract; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 2", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "D02 GR FY2024", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96288, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-01-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2150000.0, "Description": "Bridge Replacement on state Route 125, 3.03 miles east of the Brown County Line, in Adams county. ", "County": "Adams", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ADA SR 125 3.03 Brdg Replacement", "Location": "On SR125, project is 3.03 miles east of the Brown County Line. SFN 0103004." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117709, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-08-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 661039.0, "Description": "Remove existing box beam bridge deck & replace with new box beams. Remove and replace approach slabs and perform any necessary approach work. Replace guardrail. Convert the abutments to semi-integral.", "County": "Putnam", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PUT SR 12 8.00", "Location": "SR 12 over Cranberry Run, 0.97 mi south of SR696" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122407, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 888816.6, "Description": "FRA US23/US33/IR70 Sign Upgrade ProjectFRA US 23 North of IR 270 interchange (on North side). Replace existing signing with sign truss north of the US 23/IR 270 interchange.FRA US33 EB at I-270 Interchange (on West Side). Replace existing sign that was ", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-23/33/70-23.2/2.3/26.5 Signs", "Location": "FRA23 N of IR270 interchange & FRA33 EB at 270 Interchange & FRA IR 70 West of IR 270 interchange - FRA-23/33/70-23.2/2.3/26.5" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122515, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 335000.0, "Description": "A culvert replacement in Shawnee State Forest in Scioto County.", "County": "Scioto", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "SCI Shawnee Forest Culvert- ODNR", "Location": "Great Seal State Park" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117489, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1611842.11, "Description": "Replacement of Snyder Ave (MR 3) Bridge (SFN 7731019) over Tuscarawas River in the City of Barberton, Summit County, Ohio.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM MR 0003 01.60 (Snyder Ave)", "Location": "SUM-MR 3-1.60" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114316, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 300000.0, "Description": "Project for systematic replacement of RPM's on D-05 Routes", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 RPM FY2027", "Location": "D-05, SPecifi locations deterined at plan development" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122597, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-05", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 144776.0, "Description": "Reconstruct existing failing retaining wall along Sycamore Street.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM Sycamore Street PROTECT", "Location": "Sycamore Street near Walker Street in Mt. Auburn" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121376, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5625000.0, "Description": "Roadway improvements on POR SR 43 between Needham Ave and just north of the Davey Tree entrance in the City of Kent. Includes pavement resurfacing/reconstruction, signal upgrade at Roosevelt High School, new sidewalks, lighting, curb ramps, storm sewers,", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "POR SR 0043 12.74 (Kent)", "Location": "POR SR 43 from Needham Ave to just north of Davey Tree entrance" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112750, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "Crack Seal Various routes and sections throughout District 3", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 CRSEAL FY2026", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115934, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement project. NOB 147 16.83, SFN 6103065.", "County": "Noble", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "NOB SR 147 16.820", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107970, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-11-25", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 20563537.0, "Description": "Major Rehab Funded Project ASD SR 545 00.00 - 05.46Full depth pavement replacement using Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) 8 foot buggy lanes on each side, if feasible. RIC SR 545 10.51 to ASD/RIC LineWidening to provide 8 foot buggy lanes on each side, if fea", "County": "Ashland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "RIC/ASD SR 0545 10.51/00.00", "Location": "RIC SR 545 10.51 - 11.48 and ASD SR 545 00.00 - 05.46" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114987, "ProjectType": "Vegetative Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 150000.0, "Description": "Tree stump removal/Pruning for various locations throughout district 03. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 PR FY2027", "Location": "Various Locations throughout District Three" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116547, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-14", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1942581.8, "Description": "Construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Hutchinson and Ebenezer Roads.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM CR 128/161 Roundabout", "Location": "Intersection of Hutchinson and Ebenezer Roads" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101313, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 17676770.0, "Description": "Resurfacing portions of IR 74 and IR 275 in Hamilton County. Minimal work on the bridge carrying New Haven Rd over IR 74.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 74/IR 275 0.00/0.00", "Location": "HAM IR 74: SLM 0 - 3.54 and IR 275: SLM 0 - 3.97" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122359, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 450000.0, "Description": "Bridge Replacement MEG 681-14.40", "County": "Meigs", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MEG SR 681 14.40", "Location": "Begins at MEG SR 681-14.40" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114908, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Spot paving on various general system routes throughout District Six", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 SP FY27 General", "Location": "Various general system routes throughout District Six" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119030, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Repair or replace guardrail sections and/or posts as needed on various routes.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 1", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "D01 GR FY2029", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District 1." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108240, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 8891693.97, "Description": "Resurfacing of Wooster Rd from 31st St to Hudson Run Rd and reconstruction of Wooster Road from Hudson Run Rd to 2nd St NW, includes sewer improvements and road diet all in the City of Barberton, Summit County, Ohio. Includes minor bridge work to two bri", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM Wooster Road West", "Location": "Hudson Run Rd to 2nd St NW" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118773, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-20", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-05-21", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2178209.0, "Description": "Resurfacing project on route 35 in Jackson County.", "County": "Jackson", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "JAC-35-23.94", "Location": "JAC-35-23.94" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 93152, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2016-07-28", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 915000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement project. GAL TR 752 0.29 (SFN 2743531).", "County": "Gallia", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "GAL TR 752 0.29", "Location": "Begin" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122857, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-06-05", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1472000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of W Market St from Lovers Lane to Main Ave in the City of Warren.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU W Market St (Warren)", "Location": "W Market St from Lovers Lane to Main Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116589, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-12", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2526016.61, "Description": "Resurfacing of US 35 and SR 435 in Fayette CountyFAY-35/435-0.00/0.00 to 2.60/0.96; US 35 from County Line to SR 435 and SR 435 from US35 to Rattlesnack Creek BridgeResurfacing with minor pavement repair, minor bridge work and upgrade guardrail as needed.", "County": "Fayette", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FAY-35/435-0.00/0.00", "Location": "FAY-35/435-0.00/0.00 to 2.58/0.97; US 35 from County Line to SR 435 and SR 435 from US35 to Rattlesnack Creek Bridge" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119999, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-05-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1147645.56, "Description": "Installation of a sidewalk or multi-modal facilities to provide 4700' of connectivity from the Athens corp limit to the Columbus Road intersection with the Hockhocking Adena bikeway.", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH-COLUMBUS RD-SUP-Phase 1", "Location": "Begin at the enter Athens corp limit." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118887, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-09-30", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 885720.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Fine graded polymer asphalt", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL SR 45 22.14", "Location": "TR 780 to US 62" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 99387, "ProjectType": "New Building/ Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Construction of new outpost building at existing Etna Outpost in Licking County. The project will also include the demolition of the existing outpost building.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "FACD05 LIC Etna OP", "Location": "Intersection of SR 310 and Refugee Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119334, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-01-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-01-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 600000.0, "Description": "D6 preventive maintenance cracksealing project for FY28", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 Crackseal PPM FY29", "Location": "Various routes in District Six" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105490, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 576788.9, "Description": "Bridge rehabilitation on Gue-IR 77-5.17 L/R and on Gue-77-05.99.", "County": "Guernsey", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "GUE IR 77 5.17/5.99", "Location": "GUE-77-5.16: IR 77 over SR 209; GUE-77-5.99: CR 43 over IR 77" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122117, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 600000.0, "Description": "Construction of a sidewalk and shared use path along SR 302 in the City of Wooster.", "County": "Wayne", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "WAY SR 302 0.51 (Safety)", "Location": "Secrest Rd to South St" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123259, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-02-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-03-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "District Wide Systematic Sign Replacement", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 SYSSIGN FY2031", "Location": "Various Routes in District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118628, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-07-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3328975.0, "Description": "District wide chip seal project", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07-CHIP-FY29", "Location": "Various routes within District 7" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120545, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-16", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3606000.0, "Description": "Removal and replacement of Bridge (SFN 3137384) on Winton Road with a culvert.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM CR 239 8.28 Winton Rd", "Location": "150' north and south of the structure" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122320, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2034-02-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2035-10-08", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5800000.0, "Description": "Replace the deck of the Berea Freeway bridge over the ramps for IR-480E to IR-71N and IR-480W to SR 237N and also under IR-480 in the city of Cleveland.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 480 08.02 Deck", "Location": "Cleveland; SR 237 to IR-71" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121190, "ProjectType": "Lighting (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 931000.0, "Description": "Upgrade highway lighting locations across D11 that have passed their useful life and become deficient.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11-LG-FY2031(A)", "Location": "District 11" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121639, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-18", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-17", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1300000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of Fishcreek Rd from Graham Rd to Stow Rd in the City of Stow, Summit County, Ohio. Includes full and partial depth repairs and pavement markings.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM Fishcreek Rd Ph 1 (Stow)", "Location": "Just east of SR 91 to Newcomer Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122741, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-07-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2177280.0, "Description": "Project in City of Toledo to complete full depth reclamation on Glanzman Rd from S Byrne Rd to S Detroit Ave. Project also includes sidewalk improvements, installation of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons at the Birchwood intersection and the Heatherdown", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC MR 4071 0.0 Glanzman Rd", "Location": "Glanzman Rd from S Byrne Rd to S Detroit Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122486, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3320000.0, "Description": "Safety improvements at the intersection of STA SR 93 and Orrville St (CR 348). ", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA SR 0093 15.03", "Location": "STA SR 93 15.03" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 86044, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 9300000.0, "Description": "Replace the deck of the West 14th St bridge over IR-71 in Cleveland. Includes painting the structural steel. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 071 18.29 Deck", "Location": "Cleveland; West 14th over I-71" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110497, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2821749.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of SR 350 in Warren County", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR SR 350 0.00", "Location": "WAR-350: SLM 0.00 -7.90" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114555, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2133472.0, "Description": "Resurface the existing pavement with Fine Graded Polymer Modified Asphalt Concrete", "County": "Clark", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "CLA-675-0.00", "Location": "IR 675, SLM 0.00 to 1.60" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123016, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Guardrail maintenance and repair on various routes throughout District Four.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 GR FY2031 (WO)", "Location": "Districtwide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118668, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1972000.0, "Description": "This project is the district's long line maintenance contract to maintain the center line, edge line, lane line and interchange pavement markings with fast dry paint on those routes in the eastern MQS quadrants of the district.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11-PM-FY2029(B)", "Location": "Various two and four lane state maintained routes throughout District 11" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122404, "ProjectType": "Transport System Mgmt and Ops (TSMO)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-08", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1688000.0, "Description": "D06 Fiber Network Expansion in Franklin countyThe installation of micro duct for fiber optic cable at one location along Interstate I-71 in Franklin County. The work will include adding micro duct on I-71 from the Stringtown Rd interchange, south through ", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-71-3.07 Fiber", "Location": "FRA-71 from 3.079 to 9.526; US 62 interchange to Stringtown Rd Interchange" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95461, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 17000000.0, "Description": "Full depth pavement removal along SR 13 in Perry County, resurfacing of SR 13 and preventative maintenance of bridge structures and rehabilitation of culverts.", "County": "Perry", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "PER SR 13 19.75", "Location": "Per 13: North Corp Limit of New Lexington to South Corp Limit of Somerset" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104097, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-12-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2895646.21, "Description": "Replace the Aurora Road (SR-43) bridge over a branch of Tinkers Creek located east of SR-175 in the City of Solon. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 043 06.04", "Location": "Solon; Over a branch of Tinkers Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116876, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-03-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1300000.0, "Description": "Construct a roundabout at the intersection of CR7 (Plain City-Georgesville Road)/CR30 (Converse Huff Road)/CR 34 (Cemetery Pike).CEAO HSP funds in CONS phase.Local-let by Madison County Engineer's office.", "County": "Madison", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAD-CR7-9.85", "Location": "MAD CR7 at CR30/CR34" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 106018, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 850000.0, "Description": "Concrete deck overlay project. GAL 35 1743 L (SFN 2701413), GAL 35 1768 (SFN 2701448). ", "County": "Gallia", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "GAL US 35 17.43 L", "Location": "Begin" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105464, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-12-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Bridge repair at two locations - FRA-70-7.95 (Wilson over 70), and FAY-35-16.13L over Creek Rd.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-70-7.96, FAY-35-16.13L", "Location": "Wilson Rd over 70, Add'l Location" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113122, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4100000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of US 20 and SR 193 in Ashtabula County. Includes minor rehabilitation to 2 structures.", "County": "Ashtabula", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "ATB US 20/SR 193 14.83/VAR", "Location": "ATB US 20 from 14.83 to 21.71, ATB SR 193 from 22.51 to 25.93 and 27.23 to 28.63" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112718, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Replace deck on Lewis Center over I71 and Powell Road", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "DEL-71-0.00", "Location": "DEL-71-0.00" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121007, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 615500.0, "Description": "Replace existing deteriorating superstructure (SFN 5243076) including substructure rehabilitation if necessary. ", "County": "Medina", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "MED CR 097 02.41 (Greenwich)", "Location": "Greenwich Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112649, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1350781.49, "Description": "To provide a maintenance contract to maintain the highway lighting system for roadway on the state-maintained highway system throughout District 11. This project will also include new highway lighting at the Park-N-Ride near the SR 151/US 250 intersection", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11-LG-FY2026", "Location": "District wide highway lighting and sign lighting maintenance contract" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119959, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4500000.0, "Description": "Project involves widening and reconstruction of Indian Ripple Road between Woodview East and the eastern City Corporation limit. Also includes curb and gutter, storm sewer and an 8' sidewalk along the south side of the roadway.Project also includes widen", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE CR 36 2.95 Indian Ripple Rd", "Location": "Woodview East and eastern City Corporation line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118774, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-14", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-12", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2882246.6, "Description": "Resurfacing project on route 23 in Pike County", "County": "Pike", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "PIK-23-0.00", "Location": "PIK-23-0.00" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122384, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-12-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 107410.0, "Description": "Improvements to the intersection at Mastick Road and Puritas Ave. with pedestrian countdown timers, and signage In Fairview Park, Cuyahoga County.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Mastick Rd/Puritas Ave TLCI", "Location": "Mastick Road and Puritas Avenue " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 106960, "ProjectType": "New Roadway", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-18", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 7200000.0, "Description": "Construct IR 71 NB and IR 71 SB entrance ramps and extend Sunbury Parkway to 3B's & K Rd", "County": "Delaware", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "DEL-71-8.32/Sunbury Pkwy (Ph B)", "Location": "DEL IR71 from new interchange to 3B's & K Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113511, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 496372.25, "Description": "CEAO safety funded (HSIP) project to upgrade existing guardrail on Various Delaware County Roads.Local-let and administered by Delaware County Engineer's office.", "County": "Delaware", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "DEL-VAR CR GR-FY25", "Location": "Berlin Township. DEL-CR10 (S. Old State Road)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120795, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-06-05", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3420540.0, "Description": "Replacement of (SFN 7755058) Glenwood Dr bridge over Tinker's Creek.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM CR 0126 01.14 (Glenwood Dr)", "Location": "Glenwood Dr over Tinker's Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121151, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-11-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3873009.31, "Description": "Microsurfacing", "County": "Allen", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "ALL US 30 1.13", "Location": "From CR 88 to the Structure at SLM 13.28 over the CSX Railroad" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120184, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1666666.67, "Description": "Construct pedestrian improvements", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT-Kingsridge Drive ", "Location": "Kingsridge Drive from State Route 741 to Lyons Ridge Drive in Montgomery County Ohio" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119952, "ProjectType": "Enhanced Crossing", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-12-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 170380.0, "Description": "Project in Bowling Green to install a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon at the intersection of Wooster St. (SR-64) and Maple St.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO SR 64 2.58 Bowling Green PHB", "Location": "Intersection of Wooster St. (SR-64) and Maple St." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108040, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 816000.0, "Description": "Replace Box Beam SuperstructureMED US 0042 09.45", "County": "Medina", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "MED US 0042 09.45", "Location": "MED US 0042 09.45" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114536, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 9300000.0, "Description": "Replace the S-W ramp bridge over I-480 located at the I-71/I-480 interchange in Cleveland. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 071 10.07 SW Super", "Location": "Cleveland; Ramp SW over I-480" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122296, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-11-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-12-10", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3750000.0, "Description": "Replace the Berea Freeway (SR-237) bridge over Kolthoff Dr in the City of Brook Park. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 237 06.03 Replace", "Location": "Brook Park; SR-237 over Kolthoff" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121167, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 300000.0, "Description": "Replace raised pavement marker castings and/or lenses.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 1", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "D01 RPM FY30", "Location": "Various routes throughout District One" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122877, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 12000000.0, "Description": "Construction of trucking parking at SUM-I271 WB and EB rest areas. Development will be completed under PID 122864.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM-IR 271 Rest Areas TP", "Location": "SUM IR 271 WB and EB Rest Areas in Summit County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121434, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2115900.0, "Description": "Two-lane resurfacing project using a chip seal treatment. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 10", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "D10 Chip Seal FY 2030 South", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121346, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Reconstruction & realignment of an existing intersection, replacing its current offset alignment with a roundabout that will directly affectapproximately 2,000 feet of existing roadways. ", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT Peters Pike/Lightner Rd Int", "Location": "City of Union" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117172, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1690309.1, "Description": "MEG-Middleport Streetscape Phase I", "County": "Meigs", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MEG-Middleport Streetscape Ph 1", "Location": "MEG-MR 47 0 TO 0.12, MEG CR 21A-0 TO .46, MEG MR 16-.15 TO .45, MEG CR 21-1.93 TO 1.95" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118153, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 501406.68, "Description": "Slope stabilization and culvert replacement S.R. 644 in Columbiana County", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL SR 644 7.96", "Location": "1.8 miles northwest of S.R. 518." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117347, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 393817.77, "Description": "Repair and replacement of sidewalk and applicable work along Clairmont Avenue (MR 107) between 10th Street to Clark Street.", "County": "Guernsey", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "GUE MR 107 0.00 SRTS", "Location": "Along Clairmont Avenue from 10th Street to Clark Street in city of Cambridge" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114011, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-05-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 127310.3, "Description": "It is proposed, using CEAO Safety Funds, to install new and upgrade existing pavement markings on various county routes within Jackson County. ", "County": "Jackson", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "JAC CR VAR PM FY2025", "Location": "Jackson County Pavement Marking Project" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 77276, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 466979.65, "Description": "RESURFACE THE EXISTING ROADWAY AND OTHER ROADWAY RELATED ITEMS. PHASE 2, PHASE 1 UNDER PID 23192.", "County": "Logan", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "LOG SR 235 17.73", "Location": "ON SR235 FROM SLM 17.73 TO 17.99." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121623, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-07-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 562800.0, "Description": "Project to resurface approximately 7-miles of the Slippery Elm Trail in Wood County. Project includes an asphalt overlay from trails southern terminus at E. Broadway St. in North Baltimore to SR-281. Includes spot pavement planing, spot full depth repairs", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO Slippery Elm Overlay Ph1", "Location": "E. Broadway St. in North Baltimore to SR-582" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121529, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-04-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 355000.0, "Description": "District wide raised pavement markers", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07 RPM FY29", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114260, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-16", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-16", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 9699685.03, "Description": "Complete bridge replacement and realignment of deficient structure over the Tuscarawas River.", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS CR 62 0.70", "Location": "200' west of Tuscarawas Memorial Community Park entrance on CR 62 to 100' southwest of Hooker Dr SE (intersects US 36)." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108777, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3021669.47, "Description": "Bridge replacement on Cos-CR 365-00.08 (SFN 1630016) using CEAO LBR (Local Bridge Replacement) Program Funding", "County": "Coshocton", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "COS CR 365 00.08", "Location": "CR 365 Road over Mohican River" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121303, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-11-03", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "Waterproofing Asphalt overlays on various bridges in D1 using SS856 Bridge Deck Waterproofing Asphalt Surface Course", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 1", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "D01 WPA FY30", "Location": "Various structures throughout District 1." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120604, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1357428.0, "Description": "Minor rehabilitation of Chester Road, including paving and planing, shoulder widening, pavement repairs, castings adjustments, and update of signage and pavement markings. ", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR MR 4313 0.33 Chester Road", "Location": "Chester Road from 200' east of Chester Industrial Parkway to 340' west of American Way. " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122381, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1100000.0, "Description": "Replace bridge carrying SR 39 over Branch of Lake Fork", "County": "Holmes", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HOL SR 39 3.28", "Location": "2.46 miles west of JCT SR 179." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116919, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 165000.0, "Description": "Remove asphalt wearing surface and waterproofing, overlay with Super-plasticized Dense Concrete using hydro demolition, replace deck edges, patch abutments and wingwalls.", "County": "Miami", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MIA SR 41 01.32", "Location": "MIA SR 41 0132" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122496, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-07-23", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1992539.45, "Description": "Resurfacing of 12th St from Norfolk Southern RR tracks to SR 153 in the City of Canton, Stark County, Ohio.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA 12th Street (Canton)", "Location": "Norfolk Southern RR tracks to SR 153" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 91709, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-07-29", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2360398.73, "Description": "Two-Lane resurfacing project using an asphalt overlay treatment. HOC 664 15.88-24.46. Project includes drainage and profile correction at HOC-664-23.19 using PROTECT funds.", "County": "Hocking", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "HOC SR 664 15.880", "Location": "Begin" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112574, "ProjectType": "Noise Wall", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3053500.0, "Description": "Replace and rehabilitate noise wall panels which have been damaged throughout District 8. Perform minor bridge rehab on bridges HAM-126-13.17L (SFN 3105172), HAM-126-13.31R (SFN 3118479), HAM-126-13.31L (SFN 3118460) and HAM-126-13.73N (SFN 3104915) which", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08 Noise Walls FY2026", "Location": "HAM-126, HAM-71, HAM-275, GRE-675, BUT-129" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115130, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2750000.0, "Description": "Construct a roundabout at the intersection of SR 229 & SR 61 to include widening one bridge and lengthening two culverts.", "County": "Morrow", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MRW SR 61-3.26 (at SR 229)", "Location": "MRW Co; SR 61 & SR 229" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120391, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Guardrail repair and maintenance contract for District 5 in FY 2030", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 GR FY2030 (Ding & Dent)", "Location": "District 5" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110392, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 7550000.0, "Description": "Resurface various routes within Darke County with asphalt concrete.US 127, SLM 14.90 to 22.26 - Include Corrective Asphalt Material layer as a test section SR 121 - G117-50SR 571 - G117-50US 127 - G117-50SR 47 - G126-50", "County": "Darke", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "DAR PAVE FY28", "Location": "SR 121, SLM 28.83-29.52; SR 571, SLM 0.65-6.70, US 127, SLM 14.93-22.30 & 28.87-31.19; SR 47, SLM 13.85-18.50" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122861, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-03-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2600000.0, "Description": "Pavement repairs and chip seal at Expo Center and Ohio History Connection", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-FY30 EXPO CENTER/OHC", "Location": "Various locations at the Expo Center and Ohio History Connection" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113775, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-10-14", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-01-09", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2825260.79, "Description": "Provide sidewalks along the south side of Grace St from Orel Ave to the alley west of Roys Ave, the south side of Grace St from Hague Ave to Warren Ave, and the north side of Grace St from Warren to Eureka Ave.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-SRTS Grace St Sidewalks", "Location": "Columbus: Grace St - Orel Ave to Roys Ave; Grace St - Hague Ave to Warren Ave; and Grace St - Warren Ave to Eureka Ave." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121890, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-08", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3600000.0, "Description": "Construct 2.3 mile multipurpose trail between Slater Rd and Marvin Rd (Phase 1.3) in Williamsfield and Andover Townships, Ashtabula County, Ohio.", "County": "Ashtabula", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "ATB Pymatuning Valley Trail 1.3", "Location": "Pymatuning Valley Greenway Trail Phase 1.3 between Slater Rd and Marvin Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96094, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1292544.0, "Description": "Gue-70-0282 scope is to replace bridge deck, paint, new approach slabs, rehab/replace bearings, replace backwalls.", "County": "Guernsey", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "GUE IR 70 02.81", "Location": "Gue-70-0282(SFN#3000907) which is CR143(Shaw Rd) over IR70" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116925, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 449516.09, "Description": "Resurfacing E Barlow Rd in the city of Hudson, Summit County, Ohio. Includes full and partial depth repairs and ADA curb ramps where needed.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM E Barlow Rd (Hudson)", "Location": "Norfolk Southern RR crossing to Stow Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118516, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3426258.47, "Description": "Intersection Improvement: Construction of an RCUT for the CR 56 intersection.", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH US 50 33.58", "Location": "ATH-50-33.58-34.40" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122127, "ProjectType": "New Roadway", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-12-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 26964800.0, "Description": "Connector from Emerald Parkway to Tuller Road including a new structure over IR 270.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA Emerald Connector", "Location": "Emerald Parkway-Tuller Connector over IR 270" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110498, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-06", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-18", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1410690.4, "Description": "Reconstruct and raise profile of roadway. Replace 2 culverts.", "County": "Van Wert", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "VAN SR 81 2.55", "Location": "From 0.4 miles west of TR 35 (Harrison-Willshire Rd) to TR 35." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109308, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2660579.28, "Description": "Widen Lovers Lane to provide 12' lanes, provide new curb, sidewalk and curb ramps.", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF Lovers Lane Widening", "Location": "South of SR 43 to north of Fort Steuben Drive." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117978, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-06-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1205500.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement in Adams County", "County": "Adams", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ADA-TR 29-6.05 Bridge Replace", "Location": "ADA TR 29 0.60 (SFN 0134317)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120063, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Installing electric vehicle charging stations on IR 270.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA IR-270-A-NEVI-RD2", "Location": "IR 270 FRA 3.988 - 8.996" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121941, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1271028.0, "Description": "Reconstruct Southgate Park Blvd from Warrensville Center Rd to Northfield Rd with 7 feet bike lanes and a 3 feet buffer within the existing pavement in the City of Maple Heights in Cuyahoga County. Includes 2 mid-block RRFB crossings, bike racks, bus she", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Southgate Park Blvd TLCI", "Location": "Maple Hts: Warrensville Center Rd to Northfield Rd." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121823, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-04", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1250000.0, "Description": "Resurface Wilson Mills Road (CR-8) section G-L from Heath Rd to Thwing Rd in Munson Township in Geauga County. ", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA Wilson Mills Road (G-L)", "Location": "Munson Twp; Heath Rd to Thwing Rd." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 82836, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 10000000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement May include bridge raising/lengthening to increase flow. ", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK US 020 29.76", "Location": "Madison Twp; Over Arcola Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121419, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2540000.0, "Description": "A project to resurface US-20A in Williams County from SLM 0.00 to 13.82. Perform necessary related work.", "County": "Williams", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WIL US 20A 0.00 Resurfacing", "Location": "US-20A in Williams County from SLM 0.00 to 13.82" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122109, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1128500.0, "Description": "Replacement of bridge (SFN 6434711) in Perry County on Township Road 135 SE. ", "County": "Perry", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "PER TR 135 00.05", "Location": "Bridge located 0.055 miles southeast of SR 668 S and TR 135 SE intersection." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116865, "ProjectType": "Transport System Mgmt and Ops (TSMO)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-11", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 4624193.15, "Description": "Install a new traffic signal at the IR 71 southbound ramps and SR 48 intersection. Extend the northbound SR 48 left turn lane to IR 71 southbound. Widen SR 48 northbound to extend the 3 lane section through the IR 71 southbound ramps and SR 48 intersectio", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR SR 48 9.94", "Location": "the intersection of IR 71 southbound ramps and SR 48" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121669, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-03-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 850000.0, "Description": "FRA IR 670 1.260; replace deck overlay", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-670-1.260", "Location": "FRA IR 670 1.260 over the Scioto River" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117837, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-06-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4000000.0, "Description": "Repair 6 bridge culverts at various locations in Cuyahoga County. Work includes relining 2 interstate structures, paving the invertson 3 others, and various other repairs to all 6. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 071/VAR 02.30/VAR Repair", "Location": "Various routes & sections" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121273, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-11-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1018773.0, "Description": "Replace PSBB super, convert abutments to integral", "County": "Paulding", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PAU SR 114 14.31", "Location": "Structure located just East of Road 123 over Hagerman Creek in Paulding County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117015, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 121487.05, "Description": "Construct sidewalk on the south side of Dutch Colony Drive from Winton Road to Winton Ridge Lane.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM MR 1044 0.00 Dutch Colony", "Location": "Dutch Colony Drive from Winton Road to Winton Ridge Lane" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121083, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-11-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-12-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "FY30 D09 Districtwide Auxiliary Markings (A) project. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09 PM FY2030 (A)", "Location": "D09 Auxiliary Markings (A) FY2030" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117792, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3125093.0, "Description": "Construction of a roundabout at the intersection of SR-117 and SR-501 ", "County": "Allen", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "ALL SR 117 10.776", "Location": "Intersection of SR 117 and SR 501" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121405, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1583390.0, "Description": "Rehabilitation of the Beach Rd Bridge by investigating for grout, voids in ducts, remedial grouting, and various other repairs. Local-let by Franklin County Engineer's office.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-CR150-0.00", "Location": "CR150 (Beach Rd) SFN: 2535882" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115575, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-06-18", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-08-02", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 458995.52, "Description": "To hardline bridge size culvert , GRE-35-1042 (SFN2900639). Additionally, replace the broken backs for GRE-35-0956 (1988781), GRE-35-0960 (1988786), GRE-35-9.65 (1988758), and GRE-35-9.90 (1988788).", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE US 35 10.42", "Location": "GRE-35-1030" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112425, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2584495.68, "Description": "Resurfacing with related work ", "County": "Guernsey", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "GUE SR 209 08.73", "Location": "From Cambridge N Corp Line to 0.72 mi S of IR 70" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111133, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-12-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2739970.09, "Description": "Constructing a roundabout at the intersection of SR 307 and SR 534 in Ashtabula County, includes resurfacing of SR 307 east of the roundabout and culvert replacements.", "County": "Ashtabula", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "ATB SR 0307 03.21", "Location": "Intersection of SR 307 and SR 534, SR 307 from 3.22 to 3.44" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114507, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-11-16", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-05-17", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6860330.0, "Description": "Resurfacing on a portion of IR 275 in Hamilton County", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 275 18.99", "Location": "HAM-275 SLM 18.99 to 21.68" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119052, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "Perform overlay treatment on various structures throughout the district.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 1", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "D01 OL FY26", "Location": "Various structures throughout District 1." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117180, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1322500.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of Everhard Rd (CR 98) from Brunnerdale Ave to Fulton Rd (SR 687) in Jackson Township, Stark County, Ohio. Includes new signing, pavement markings and guardrail where needed.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA CR 0098 02.37 (Everhard Rd)", "Location": "Everhard Rd (CR 98) from Brunnerdale Ave to Fulton Rd (SR 687)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118903, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-09-30", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 614075.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Chip Seal", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS SR 258 7.27", "Location": "CR 3 to GUE Co. Line; GUE-258" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118400, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2467787.0, "Description": "Construct a single lane modern roundabout at the intersection of Oxford Reily Rd (SR-732) and Stillwell Beckett Rd (CR-38) in Butler County.", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT SR 732 6.35", "Location": "intersection of SR-732 and CR-38 (BUT SR 732 6.35)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102543, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2040-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2040-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3490730.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of SR 133 in Clinton County", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI SR 133 2.59", "Location": "CLI SR 133 from 2.59-9.18" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117902, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-12-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1036006.0, "Description": "Installing electric charging stations in Madison County. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MAD-I-70-B-NEVI", "Location": "Clark-Madison 59-79" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110098, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3200000.0, "Description": "A pavement marking maintenance contract; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 2", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "D02 PM FY2025", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102988, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 446237.57, "Description": "Bridge replacement project on GAL 218 5.78, SFN 2702584.", "County": "Gallia", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "GAL SR 218 5.76", "Location": "Begin" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121970, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2725000.0, "Description": "Construct a single lane roundabout at the intersection of SR 235 and SR 67.", "County": "Hardin", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "HAR-67/235-2.59/4.39", "Location": "SR 235 and SR 67 in Hardin County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117201, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-02-16", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-02-17", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1225425.0, "Description": "Installation of approximately 6,000 feet of sidewalks along Greenville Road, Sharpsburg Road, and Flarer Road. Additionally, this project will install ADA compliant curb ramps at intersections and pavement markings for pedestrian crossings.", "County": "Mercer", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MER Ft Recovery Sidewalks SA22", "Location": "sidewalks along Greenville Road, Sharpsburg Road, and Flarer Road in Fort Recovery, Mercer County Ohio" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120814, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2674939.0, "Description": "Culvert Replacement/RehabLocations to be Determined", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 CULVERT FY2030", "Location": "Various culverts throughout District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116835, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3243423.33, "Description": "Centerville Station Road from 600' east of Park East Court to the Centerville East Corp limit. Project will improve roadway geometry, stabilize the hillside along edge of road, and provide drainage improvements and other roadway repairs. The water line wi", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT Centerville Station Rd Imp ", "Location": "Centerville Station Road from SLM 1.073 (Park East Ct) to SLM 1.500 (West of Corp Limit)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 75923, "ProjectType": "New Roadway", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-01-27", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 128588034.98, "Description": "Complete the design for Phase 2, purchase Right-Of-Way, update environmental documentation and construct one lane in each direction of the proposed Chesapeake Bypass (state Route 7) from the interchange of state Route 7 and state Route 527 eastward to a n", "County": "Lawrence", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "LAW-7-2.17 Phase 2", "Location": "From the Interchange of SR7 and SR527 east to it's intersection with SR775." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113007, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2056060.95, "Description": "Replace bridge GRE-72-0771 which carries SR 72 over Caesar Creek in Jamestown, Ohio", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE SR 72 7.71", "Location": "GRE SR 72 7.71" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120459, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-08", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-29", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2629647.0, "Description": "Replace existing bridge. Federal State Exchange project ", "County": "Allen", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "ALL TR 122 0.71 (Adgate Road)", "Location": "Adgate Road over the Ottawa River" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114188, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-03-19", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2094251.8, "Description": "Slope stabilization on S.R. 147 in Belmont County by drilled shaft wall along eastbound lane with associated culvert and pavement repairs. The design for BEL-379-2.26 (PID 114189) is included under this PID.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 147 2.84", "Location": "1.6 miles west of S.R. 800." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113718, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 4701288.03, "Description": "Part 1 - FRA Cleveland Ave (CR 75) from Huy Rd to Cooke Rd. The project includes widening, lane modifications, signal modifications, median and lighting improvements on County Road 75/Cleveland Avenue (between Huy Road and East Cooke Road) in Franklin Co", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-CR75-0.97", "Location": "FRA Cleveland Ave (CR 75) from Huy Rd to Cooke Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119336, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-01-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-01-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Spot paving repairs on priority system FY29", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 SP FY29 Priority", "Location": "Various locations in D6 - to be determined" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107286, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 4430596.74, "Description": "Miscellaneous repairs to 6 interstate and 3 interstate look-a-like bridges throughout the district. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 12", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "D12 BH FY2024 Misc", "Location": "Various routes and sections" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112758, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "District Wide Systematic Sign ReplacementRIC-IR-0071-00.00-12.95", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 SYSSIGN FY2028", "Location": "Various Routes in District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122375, "ProjectType": "Parks", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-11-17", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-06-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 223000.0, "Description": "Ohio Parks & Recreation Association funded project to complete a full-depth replacement of the public parking lot within Ravine Park on Colorado St. between Licking St. and Steel St. ", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC Ravine Park Lot - OPRA", "Location": "Parking lot within Ravine Park on Colorado St. between Licking St. and Steel St. " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116630, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-17", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-07-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Reactive Pavement Maintenance", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 RM FY2028", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120282, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-10-14", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 750955.0, "Description": "Two-lane resurfacing project on WAS CR 375 0.00-2.40. Work also includes a two-lane resurfacing project on Rockland Avenue from Farson Street to Middle Street in the City of Belpre. WAS MR 102 0.00-0.42.", "County": "Washington", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "WAS-CR 375-0.00, WAS-MR 102-0.00", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 100818, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-02-22", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2295577.09, "Description": "Rehabilitate bridge PRE-121-0098 that carries SR 121 over a tributary to East Fork Whitewater River by upgrading the railing, overlaying the bridge and painting the structural steel. Rehabilitate Bridge PRE-121-0207 over East Fork Whitewater Creek by rep", "County": "Preble", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "PRE SR 121 0.98/2.07", "Location": "PRE-121-0098 - PRE-121-0207" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116860, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-29", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2091271.38, "Description": "Signal replacements/upgrades on SR 46 and SR 169 (Main St) in the City of Niles, Trumbull County, Ohio.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU Niles Signals Upgrade", "Location": "Main St (SR 46) from W State St to Robbins Ave and Main St (SR 169) from Robbins Ave to North Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115028, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 275000.0, "Description": "WAY SR 0003 07.15-Culvert ReplacementWAY SR 0301 01.60-Culvert Extension", "County": "Wayne", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "WAY SR 0003/0301 07.15/01.60", "Location": "WAY SR 0003 07.15, WAY SR 0301 01.60" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 91022, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 7500000.0, "Description": "Asphalt Concrete Overlay with repairs.", "County": "Logan", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "LOG US 33 21.52", "Location": "LOG US 33 SLM 21.52 to 25.60" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112734, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 650000.0, "Description": "Overlay and abutment repair to MRW-19-2.57 and MRW-61-25.13Overlay and concrete repairs MAD-161, MAR-19 and MAR-100Bridge railing replacement on 100, 529, 19 and 61Parapet repair on 161", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06-BH-FY2028", "Location": "MRW-19-2.57, MRW-61-25.13, MAD-161-0.79, MAR-529-5.77, and MAR-100-1.45" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121312, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2350000.0, "Description": "Resurface SR-88 from US-422 to SR-528 and US-422 from west of Church St to east of Farmington Rd in Parkman Twp, Geauga County.", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA SR 88/US 422 2.09/16.55", "Location": "Parkman Twp; west of Church St to east of Farmington Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117525, "ProjectType": "Add Through Lane(s)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 76688000.0, "Description": "Phase 8C of the Mill Creek Expressway Project. Project will widen for additional through lanes, rehabilitate existing pavement and bridges. Complete minor improvements to the Paddock Road interchange and tie into the existing SR 126 interchange southern ", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 75 8.91", "Location": "Begin near Regina Grater Way and at the SR126 interchange, 8.91 to 10.30" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102783, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1796675.96, "Description": "Rehabilitate Bridge BUT-4-23.17 over the Great Miami River by patching and strengthening piers with (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) FRP", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT SR 4 23.17", "Location": "BUT US 4 23.17 SFN 0900397" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 79798, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 720000.0, "Description": "Begin project 0.48 mile north of TR 1329 (Valley Rd.) and end project 0.41 mile south of TR169 (Ellisonville Rd.) It is proposed to improve the intersection of state Route 93 & County Route 26 (Pine Grove-Smokey Row Road) by constructing a left turn lane ", "County": "Lawrence", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "LAW-93-6.11", "Location": "Begin project 0.48 mile north of TR1329 (Valley Rd.) and end project 0.41 mile south of TR169 (Ellisonville Rd.)." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118754, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1116679.35, "Description": "Resurfacing project on US Route 68 in Brown County.", "County": "Brown", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "BRO-68-17.68", "Location": "BRO-68-17.68" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109972, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-16", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-05-16", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2077600.0, "Description": "Install by contract traffic signals at various locations in D8 for SFYs 2025/2026. Will include LED replacement for entire district.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08-TSG-FY2025/FY2026", "Location": "Various routes in BUT, CLE, CLI, GRE, HAM, PRE and WAR Counties" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 98226, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 839008.99, "Description": "Project for cracksealing in D05 in FY 2025", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 CS FY2025", "Location": "Coshocton, Muskingum, Guernsey, Knox, Licking, Perry" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122228, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Installing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on I-90", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LOR/CUY IR-90-A-NEVI-RD2B", "Location": "IR-90-A LOR-11.330-23.331 - CUY 0-12.108" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119828, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-06-26", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 9298860.25, "Description": "Construction of a shared-use path on one side of McNaughten Road from East Main Street to Ganse Lane. Installation of rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) crossings at strategic intersections near existing bus stops to provide safe crossings. Sidewalk", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-CR104-0.86 (McNaughten)", "Location": "City of Columbus, McNaughten Road from East Main Street to Ganse Lane" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119823, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 481699.07, "Description": "Superstructure replacement on the SUM Dillman Rd bridge over Wagar Ditch in the City of Hudson, Summit County, Ohio.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM Dillman Rd Bridge (Hudson)", "Location": "SUM T2903-0111 Dillman Rd over Wagar Ditch" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117613, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-10-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-03-03", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 289999.9, "Description": "Superstructure project in Ross County.", "County": "Ross", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ROS-CR 223-2.13 Superstructure", "Location": "ROS CR 223 2.13 (SFN 7146922)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108009, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-11-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 117735.0, "Description": "Lighting Upgrades: MED IR 0071 16.34 & 23.58Lighting Upgrades: ERI SR 0002 20.47 & 21.79School Flasher Upgrades: HUR SR 0060 00.57, CRA SR 0602 13.79, RIC SR 0603 20.99Traffic Signal Maintenance: LOR SR 0082 07.54", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 LG FY2024(A)", "Location": "MED IR 0071 16.34 & 23.58, ERI SR 0002 20.47 & 21.79, HUR SR 0060 00.57, CRA SR 0602 13.79, RIC SR 0603 20.99, LOR SR 0082 07.54" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117850, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2003738.0, "Description": "Project in Lucas County to widen Monclova Rd from Jerome Rd to the Maumee City Limits. Project will add a center two-way left turn lane, paved shoulders marked as bike lanes on each side of the road, and sidewalks on the north side along the entire length", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC CR 95 9.13 Monclova Rd Widen", "Location": "Monclova Road from Jermone Road to Maumee City Limit" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118793, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Bridge RepairsVarious structures throughout District Three", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 BH FY2027 (A)", "Location": "Various structures throughout District Three" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118742, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2100000.0, "Description": "Priority System Minor Rehabilitation; Concrete pavement repairs", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL IR 70 7.64", "Location": "SLM 7.61 to SLM 12.62" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116853, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-11-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-06-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1942537.5, "Description": "Upgrading 14 signals on Market St and 4 signals on Indianola Ave in the City of Youngstown, Mahoning County, Ohio. Includes removing unwarranted signals, signal coordination, new ADA curb ramps where needed and new pedestrian push buttons and pedestrian ", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH US 0062 16.21", "Location": "Market St from Midlothian Ave to Woodland Ave and Indianola from South Ave to Glenwood Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118704, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1200000.0, "Description": "MEG 33-4.45 800 ft rockfall hazard remediation.", "County": "Meigs", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MEG US 33 4.45", "Location": "MEG SR 33 at 4.45mm" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120341, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 10601640.0, "Description": "Rehabilitate Bridge HAM-75-1192R which carries Northbound I-75 over the Mill Creek, A railroad, Benson St. and Shepard Lane. Rehab will repair out-of-plane bending cracks occurring in the structural steel, repair of a fatigue crack in a steel pier cap, an", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 75 10.15", "Location": "HAM IR 75 - Lockland split area. SLM 10.15 - 12.67" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120123, "ProjectType": "Development Activities (Jobs & Commerce)", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 250000.0, "Description": "Detailed design of two roundabouts on Bach Buston Road.", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE TID Bach-Buxton Roundabouts", "Location": "Union Township" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 90465, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-07-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 11654000.0, "Description": "The re-alignment of 11th street to improve geometrics between Market Street to West of Cherry Avenue. The proposed project will also provide streetscape enhancements. This important roadway is the southern boundary for the Hercules Redevelopment Project. ", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA 11th Street / Market St.", "Location": "11th Street / Market Avenue to US-30 Offramp / Railroad" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107217, "ProjectType": "Interchange Expansion", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-02-14", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 40117354.75, "Description": "This project is to replace the existing US 35/Valley Trebein intersection with an interchange of Valley Trebein over US 35. ", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE US 35 5.63", "Location": "0.50 miles west of Valley Trebein to 0.64 miles east of Valley Trebein" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105086, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1188993.93, "Description": "Replace bridge over Hog Creek with new structure", "County": "Hardin", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "HAR SR 81 6.36", "Location": "Bridge Replacement 0.33 miles east of the junction with CR 75" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 94176, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 870000.0, "Description": "Replace existing CMP Pipe Arch structure carrying SR 170 over Branch of North Fork Little Beaver Creek.", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL SR 170 20.03", "Location": "2.57 miles North of SR 14" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120343, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Install electric charging stations along the I-77 corridor in Cuyahoga county.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR-77-B-NEVI-RD2", "Location": "I-77 - 1.717-15.992" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 98288, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-12-11", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1422936.2, "Description": "Rehabilitation of Gue-70-0127 L and R structures.", "County": "Guernsey", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "GUE IR 70 01.26", "Location": "1.57 miles E of the intersection of IR 70 & SR 83 over CR 44" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121930, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-06", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1346833.58, "Description": "Construction of a sidewalk and shared use path along US 250 in the City of Ashland.", "County": "Ashland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "ASD US 0250 16.26", "Location": "City of Ashland, US 250 from Sugarbush Drive (16.26) to Montgomery Road (17.33)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102435, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-06-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-07-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 4692394.6, "Description": "Replace the superstructure (slab) of the IR-90 bridge over Tuttle Creek in Westlake. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 090 03.65 Super", "Location": "Westlake; I-90 over Tuttle Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107317, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-06-27", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2654030.0, "Description": "Guardrail upgrade contract", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 12", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "D12 GR FY2024", "Location": "Various routes & sections" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120675, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-03-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3666100.0, "Description": "Construct a roundabout at the intersection of US-224 and SR 225 in Deerfield Township, Portage County, Ohio.", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "POR US 0224 16.05", "Location": "POR US 224 at SR 225 (SLM 16.09)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118615, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2579220.91, "Description": "FY29 D09 Districtwide Smoothseal pavement treatment project. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09-Smoothseal-FY29", "Location": "D09 Smoothseal FY29" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115506, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2400000.0, "Description": "Resurface Aurora Road (SR-43) from Solon Road to the North Corporation Line (Richmond Road) in the City of Solon. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 043 03.69", "Location": "Solon; Solon Blvd to NCL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115234, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-11-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-02-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 958109.0, "Description": "Sidewalk and pedestrian facilities within the Village of West Union.", "County": "Adams", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ADA-West Union-TAP Grant", "Location": "Village of West Union - SR 41" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122391, "ProjectType": "Transport System Mgmt and Ops (TSMO)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1515000.0, "Description": "Installation of new CCTV (closed-circuit television) cameras at eight locations throughout District 11. Locations include BEL IR 70 & SR 9 interchange, BEL IR 70 & US 40 interchange, BEL IR 70 & SR 331 interchange, JEF US 22 & Veterans Memorial Bridge (VM", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11-ITS-FY2027", "Location": "BEL-70, BEL-70, BEL-70, JEF-22, JEF-22, TUS-250, TUS-77, TUS-77" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112698, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4000000.0, "Description": "Pavement MarkingVarious Routes and Sections throughout District 3", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 PM FY2026", "Location": "Various Routes and Sections throughout District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119360, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1809844.43, "Description": "Complete replacement of the existing East Vine St. bridge over Plum Creek including the abutments, wing-walls, deck, pavement, sidewalk, handrail, guardrail, etc.", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR CR 0502 00.14 E. Vine", "Location": "30' west and east of bridge." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108357, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "EndConstructionDate": "2033-12-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Bridge painting project. MOE 7 19.51 (SFN 5600545), WAS 260 9.69 (SFN 8403902) and WAS 676 5.18 (SFN 8404909).", "County": "Monroe", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MOE SR 7 19.51", "Location": "Begin" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96656, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 9714870.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of IR 71 in Warren County.", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR IR 71 7.20", "Location": "WAR IR 71: SLM 7.20-22.26" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118697, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 301900.0, "Description": "Pavement Markings on various Ashland County Roads", "County": "Ashland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "ASD CR VAR PM FY 2028", "Location": "Various Ashland County Roads" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122492, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 320400.0, "Description": "3\" mill and fill with patching as needed and replacement of two culverts.", "County": "Harrison", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HAS Rabbit Rd Rehabilitation", "Location": "W Main St to Mill St (SR 151)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107790, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2035-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2035-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "FRA-317-8.09 over Blacklick Creek; bridge overlay", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-317-8.09", "Location": "FRA-317-8.09 over Blacklick Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121457, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3324750.0, "Description": "Replace and upgrade signals on Graham Rd between Bailey Rd and Newcomer Rd. Includes new poles, mast arms, controllers, signal heads, signs, preemption, and pedestrian signal upgrades.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM Graham Rd Signals (Stow)", "Location": "Graham Rd from Bailey Rd to Newcomer Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119830, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-16", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-08-16", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2800000.0, "Description": "Construct roundabout at the intersection of FRA US 62 and SR 665", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-62-3.26 (at SR 665)", "Location": "FRA County; US 62 at SR 665" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115202, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4627832.23, "Description": "Hoke Road from Smith Drive to Wenger Road - Widen the roadway from two to three lanes, install streetlights and construct a 10' tree lined multi-use path. A roundabout will be installed at the intersection of Hoke Road and Wenger Road.", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT Hoke Rd Improvements Ph 1", "Location": "Hoke Road from Smith Drive to Wenger Road (TR 27 from 10.81 to 11.09)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111560, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-03-11", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-08-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 3100322.76, "Description": "Urban Resurfacing in the City of Columbus:Urban paving project on SR 710 in Franklin County within COC. The project shall include resurfacing, pavement repairs, curb repair, ADA ramps, bike lanes and other miscellaneous work.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA SR 710 0.000", "Location": "FRA-710-0.00-1.88 (SR-161 to just East of Ambleside Dr)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120161, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-01-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Mill and fill existing pavement with asphalt concreteUrban Paving Program", "County": "Auglaize", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "AUG SR 703 02.23 ", "Location": "SR 703 SLM 02.23 to 02.96" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121514, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5100000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of TRU IR 80.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU IR 0080 04.21", "Location": "4.211 to 8.559" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114881, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3300000.0, "Description": "Resurface portions of SR-66 in Fulton County; US-23 and SR-199 in Wood County and SR-295 in Lucas County; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 2", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "FUL/LUC/WOO 66/295/23/199 Resurf", "Location": "See Work locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116730, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2938700.0, "Description": "CEAO CSTP project to resurface three segments of CR 424, includes striping and berm.", "County": "Henry", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "HEN CR 424 0.0/2.41/12.28 Resrfc", "Location": "HEN CR 424 from DEF Co. line to LUC Co. line, omitting Florida and Napoleon (0.00 to 1.71, 2.41 to 7.10, and 12.28 to 23.23)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120254, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-25", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 352470.49, "Description": "Construct sidewalk, ADA curb ramps, and pedestrian crossings on Hancock Ave (CR-20), Parrish Ave (MR-939), and Hensley Ave (MR-791) in the City of Hamilton to increase connectivity to Crawford Woods Elementary School.", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT Crawford Woods SRTS 2023", "Location": "Hancock Ave (CR-20): from SLM 0.53 (Vista Dr) to SLM 0.99 (Bender Ave)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105259, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 6210000.0, "Description": "General System Major Rehabilitation; Full Depth Reclamation (FDR)", "County": "Carroll", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "CAR SR 39 23.34", "Location": "SR 39 from SR 524 to JEF Co. Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105921, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-06", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2173501.55, "Description": "Replacement of deficient bridge on Lic-TR207 (Ginger Hill Road) ", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC TR 207 00.00", "Location": "Lic-TR207 Bridge Replacement at the 0.50 mile marker" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119496, "ProjectType": "Vegetative Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 555000.0, "Description": "Interchange mowing and litter pickup", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA Litter/Mow FY25", "Location": "Various interstate routes in Franklin County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114678, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 590000.0, "Description": "Replace the box beam superstructure of the Bridge CLE-50-15.89 that carries US 50 over Pleasant Run", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE US 50 15.89", "Location": "CLE US 50 15.89" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115174, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4443393.0, "Description": "Replacement of Bridge No. HAS C0005 06140 (SFN 3431886), which carries CR 5 (Old Hopedale Road) over railroad.", "County": "Harrison", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HAS CR 5 6.12", "Location": "Approximately 100' on each side of the structure to tie into existing roadway (to be verified)." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105195, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 750000.0, "Description": "Pavement rehab on the concrete portion of SR 444 in Greene County near GRE-675.", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE SR 444 7.91", "Location": "GRE SR 444: SLM 7.91+8.37" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114433, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 335000.0, "Description": "Culvert project on state Route 93 in Jackson County.", "County": "Jackson", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "JAC-93-23.49", "Location": "JAC-93-23.419 Culvert" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118858, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1418175.0, "Description": "Resurfacing project on state Route 141 in Lawrence County.", "County": "Lawrence", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "LAW-141-0.98", "Location": "LAW-141-0.98" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 100753, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5646720.0, "Description": "Two-lane resurfacing project using a chip seal treatment. ", "County": "Monroe", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "D10 Chip Seal FY 2028 North", "Location": "Begin at SR 56 intersection." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118258, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1014980.0, "Description": "Project in Wood County to rehabilitate a bridge on Pelton Rd (CR 84B) over the South Branch Portage River, includes widening the clear roadway width, minor approach work, guardrail improvement, and other necessary related work.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO CR 84 1.45 Pelton Rd Bridge", "Location": "bridge on Pelton Rd (CR 84B) over the South Branch Portage River; SFN: 8746672" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118696, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-01-13", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-26", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2381884.62, "Description": "Rehabilitation of the Hawthorn Parkway Bridge over the Cleveland Commercial Railroad (OmniTRAX Railroad) in the South Chagrin Reservation in the Cleveland Metroparks in Cuyahoga County. Municipal Bridge Project; Bridge SFN 1890891. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Hawthorn Pkwy Bridge Rehab", "Location": "Solon: N of Aurora Rd over the RR." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 99698, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2033-05-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Resurface I-77 from the Broadway overpass to north of I-490 in Cleveland. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 077 14.08", "Location": "Cleveland; SR-14 to IR-90" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105416, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-10", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 5541039.4, "Description": "Bridge RepairProject to paint the structural steel and/or reset bearings on various bridges in Miami and Montgomery Counties. Project will also include raising the approach slab, patching backwalls, and structural steel repairs.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07 BP/BH FY24", "Location": "MIA-75-1290L/R, MIA-571-0234, MOT-35-1619C/L, MOT-35-1848, MOT-675-0447, MOT-725-1089, MOT-725-1606" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 77090, "ProjectType": "Flex Fund Transfers", "BeginConstructionDate": "2006-04-17", "EndConstructionDate": "2007-12-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 19319703.0, "Description": "Euclid Corridor project (GCRTA Contract Unit 38-C02) - East Roadway to Innerbelt (Originally PID 77092), Public Square (Originally PID 77091), & East 17th Extension, Also includes Roadway/Pedestrian Enhancement Improvements (Originally PID 77377), and bik", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Euclid Corridor - E 17th Ext", "Location": "CUY - US20 - E. 17th extension" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122458, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 201000.0, "Description": "PROTECT bridge carrying SR 7 over Glenn's Run by placing Rock Channel Protection along both abutments.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 7 23.61", "Location": "1.71 Miles North Of JCT SR 647" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105239, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-20", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-07-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1910000.0, "Description": "Asphalt Concrete Overlay without repairs.", "County": "Shelby", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "SHE SR 119 2.19", "Location": "SHE SR 119 SLM 2.19 to 9.34" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116743, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Perform miscellaneous bridge maintenance activities on various structures. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 1", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "D01 BM FY28", "Location": "Various structures throughout District One." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101362, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 4245544.5, "Description": "Two-lane resurfacing project using an asphalt overlay with repairs treatment. MRG 37 0.00-8.22, MRG 555 23.76-26.73, MRG 669 0.00-2.64 and PER 12.41-13.25.", "County": "Morgan", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MRG SR 37 0.000 and Various", "Location": "Begin at the leave McConnelsville Corp limit." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 97653, "ProjectType": "New Building/ Facility", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-09-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 10000000.0, "Description": "Construct new District 10 HQ Garage. ", "County": "Washington", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "FACD10 WAS D10 HQ Garage", "Location": "New District Garage site." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122131, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-03-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-03-05", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2081777.78, "Description": "Converting the intersection of Williams Rd and Spangler Rd in southeast Franklin County to a roundabout.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA CR 123 3.93 Roundabout", "Location": "Williams Rd from just west of Spangler Rd to just east of Spangler Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119080, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-03-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1739820.0, "Description": "Project to rehabilitate bridges CLE-749-0171 and CLE-749-0240 that carries SR 749 over tributaries of Ten Mile Creek by replacing the wearing surface, repair scour, upgrading the railing, and replacing expansion joints.", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE SR 749 1.71/2.40", "Location": "CLE SR 749: SLM 1.71 and SLM 2.40" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105747, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1400000.0, "Description": "Resurface Mayfield Rd (US-322) from Heath Rd to Ravenna Rd (SR-44). ", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA US 322 04.89", "Location": "Heath to SR-44" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102882, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 730000.0, "Description": "Resurface SR 34 in Williams county between SLM 2.58 and SLM 13.28; perform necessary related work. ", "County": "Williams", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WIL SR 34 2.58 Resurf", "Location": "SR 34 between Indiana NE RR and SR 576." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111362, "ProjectType": "New Building/ Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-07-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 9938918.34, "Description": "Purchase of land for an outpost. Project number F00453 in AA.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "FACD04 SUM Akron Outpost", "Location": "Outpost" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122187, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Installing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on I-71", "County": "Ashland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "ASD IR-71-E-NEVI RD2B", "Location": "IR-71-6.255- begins - IR-71- 9.281 ends" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113513, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 355000.0, "Description": "2\" mill and fill with asphalt concrete.Urban Paving Program", "County": "Darke", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "DAR-49/121-16.36/15.18", "Location": "SR 49 from SR 121 (SLM 16.36) to Washington St. (16.68) SR 121 Greenville corp (SLM 15.18) at Martz St. to SR 49 (SLM 15.50)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122048, "ProjectType": "Add Through Lane(s)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 53360000.0, "Description": "Work includes the reconstruction of Linn Street over mainline 75 using the City of Cincinnati preferred typical section based on their street diet project on Linn Street.  Work also includes Linn street approach work, W Court Street, and Winchell Avenue. ", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 75 1.05", "Location": "HAM-75 between Linn - Findlay" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112182, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-06-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Bridge painting of various structures in POR, STA and SUM Counties.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 BP FY2028 (West)", "Location": "POR, STA and SUM Counties" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117603, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 747000.0, "Description": "Replace culvert type bridge carrying SR 152 over Dry Fork.", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF SR 152 4.90", "Location": "1.22 Miles South of SR 151" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111848, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 18000000.0, "Description": "Taylor Southgate Bridge Painting - KYTC Lead Project", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "Taylor Southgate Bridge - Paint", "Location": "HAM-27-0.00" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101256, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 7500000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing IR-90 from the Lorain County Line to west of Canterbury Rd in the City of Westlake. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 090 00.00", "Location": "Westlake; County Line to Canterbury Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 86067, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-06-17", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 15898833.95, "Description": "Minor rehabilitation of seven bridges on or over IR 270 between SR 16 (Broad St.) and IR 670Consultant PM is Frank Aransky.PE for PID 110368 covered under this PIDPavement Removal and Replacement has been removed due to lack of Major Rehab funding. Pavem", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA IR 270 36.94", "Location": "Gahanna & Columbus; IR 270 between SR 16 (Broad St.) and IR 670" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 97734, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2014-02-26", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Non-let TID project for the widening and resurfacing of GAL CR 45 3.59-4.09. Agreement number 18390.", "County": "Gallia", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "GAL CR 45 3.590 TID", "Location": "Begin at SR 850." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105926, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1743750.0, "Description": "Cleveland Downtown Connector Trail (Phase 1) is a project to construct a shared use path from Fleet Avenue to Pershing Avenue along the west side of IR-77 in the City of Cleveland.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Cle Downtown Connector Trl 1", "Location": "Fleet Ave to Pershing Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120845, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-07-14", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2787480.0, "Description": "Replacement of the existing structure (SFN 3030547) on Guernsey County Road 35 over Leatherwood Creek.", "County": "Guernsey", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "GUE CR 35 09.21", "Location": "0.5 miles south of US 40/Byesville Road intersection" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108019, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-08-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-05-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 320395.0, "Description": "Traffic Signal and Highway Lighting Maintenance - 2 year contract", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 LG TSG RM FY2023", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District Three" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113151, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2819000.0, "Description": "Rehabilitate Snow Road (CR-87) from Ridge Road (SR-3) to State Road (SR-94) in the City of Parma in Cuyahoga County. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Snow Road", "Location": "Parma; SR-3 to SR-94." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116990, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2881114.49, "Description": "Signal upgrades/replacements along SR 59 (Kent Rd) in the City of Stow, Summit County, Ohio", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM SR 0059 09.90 (Signals)", "Location": "Sycamore Dr to Fishcreek Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120493, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1028273.75, "Description": "Construct a new roundabout at the intersection of Main Ave and Tremont Ave and 23rd St in the City of Massillon, Stark County, Ohio.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA Main/Tremont RAB (Massillon)", "Location": "Main Ave/Tremont Avenue/23rd St" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117920, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-06-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1027944.01, "Description": "Install charging stations on I-75 in Hancock or Wood counties.", "County": "Hancock", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "HAN/WOO-I-75-G-NEVI", "Location": "I-75-G HAN, WOO 157-181" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 106215, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-01-20", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 800000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement project. VIN 50 29.79, SFN 8200505.", "County": "Vinton", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "VIN US 50 29.79", "Location": "Begin 0.31 miles E of TR 3." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120122, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Reconstruct CR126 approximately 4 miles from CR 12 north to the Holmes County line.", "County": "Coshocton", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "COS TID County Road 126", "Location": "Millcreek Township" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121331, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3164554.72, "Description": "FRA 16/161/33 Resurfacing Project", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA Pave FY30", "Location": "Various Locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122044, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3729675.0, "Description": "Increase safety and decrease congestion by constructing a roundabout at the intersection SR 61 and SR 521 in Delaware county.", "County": "Delaware", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "DEL-61-5.44", "Location": "Delaware County; Intersection of DEL SR 61 and SR 521" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109767, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-12", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 8053880.35, "Description": "Resurface various routes in Mercer County with asphalt concrete.SR 29 - G117-50SR 49 - G127-50SR 118 - G126-50SR 119 - G126-50SR 707 - G102-60", "County": "Mercer", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MER-PAVE-FY25", "Location": "SR 29, 5.99-10.94; SR 49, 0.00-5.04; SR 118, 17.98-20.86; SR 119, 0.00-1.98; SR 707, 13.09-16.11; SR 49 15.32-21.45; SR 118, 0.00" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121657, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-03-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 250000.0, "Description": "Install concrete overlay.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-70-11.79A", "Location": "FRA-70-11.79A; IR 70 WB ramp over Sullivant Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114671, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-06-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3134000.0, "Description": "Project to replace the wearing surface of bridge HAM-71-0233 that carries a ramp from US 42 to NB I-71 over I-71; bridge HAM-42-0235R which carries US 42 Northbound over I-71 Southbound; and bridge HAM-71-0822R that carries a ramp from Rdige Rd to Southbo", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 71/42 2.33&8.22R/2.35", "Location": "HAM 71/42 2.33/2.35" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 22655, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5548619.0, "Description": "Resurfacing with related work", "County": "Coshocton", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "COS US 36 19.60", "Location": "Coshocton US 36" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96743, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2013-08-29", "EndConstructionDate": "2013-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 100000.0, "Description": "Emergency Type A rock fall landslide repair. WAS 7 39.42.", "County": "Washington", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "WAS SR 7 39.420", "Location": "Begin 0.23 miles N of TR 1403." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115768, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-05-29", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 12615160.46, "Description": "Minor widening and pavement rehab from 2 to 3 lanes on Sancus Blvd from Worthington Woods Blvd to Park Rd. Rehab of Sancus Blvd. from Park Rd. to Lazelle Rd, including multi-use path and sidewalk.New traffic signals, street lighting, and new storm sewer.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-Sancus Blvd Upgrade", "Location": "Columbus. Sancus Blvd from 100' south of Worthington Woods Blvd to 1,000' south Lazelle Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116785, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 9307294.26, "Description": "Construct a dedicated 2.5 mile shared use path along Big Walnut Creek from Turtle Station Way to Mt. Hood Court (Alum Creek Trail).This includes stream crossing, linkage to the west side of Big Walnut Creek to Shady Blossom Lane.MORPC TAP funds.Local-let ", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-Sunbury Rd-Big Walnut Trail", "Location": "Sunbury Road Big Walnut Trail" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112249, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-03-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 600000.0, "Description": "D6 preventive maintenance cracksealing project for FY26", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 Crackseal PPM FY26", "Location": "Various routes in District Six" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122856, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1610000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of Palmyra Rd from the Warren West Corp Limit to Tod Ave and Highland Ave from the Warren South Corp Limit to West Market St, in the City of Warren.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU Palmyra/Highland (Warren)", "Location": "Palmyra Rd from the Warren West Corp Limit to Tod Ave and Highland Ave from the Warren South Corp Limit to West Market St" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117981, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 815828.18, "Description": "Bridge replacement in Scioto County. ", "County": "Scioto", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "SCI-TR 100-1.90 Bridge Replace", "Location": "SCI TR 100 1.90 (SFN 7333021)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119116, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-25", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3579240.0, "Description": "Resurfacing project using an asphalt overlay on GAL 325 0.00-7.26 and GAL 588 0.00-0.76.", "County": "Gallia", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "GAL SR 325 0.00", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119801, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-12-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3240864.44, "Description": "Resurfacing of Cleveland Ave (CR 66) from 12th St to the Canton North Corp Limit, in the City of Canton, Stark County, Ohio. Includes full and partial depth repairs, repairing catch basins, manholes, ADA curb ramps, and new pavement markings.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA Cleveland Ave (Canton)", "Location": "12th St to the Canton North Corp Limit" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107340, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-09", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-07-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 224839.25, "Description": "FY2024 District wide raised pavement markers project.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09-RPM-FY2024", "Location": "FY2024 District wide raised pavement markers." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115232, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-11-18", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-08", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1075057.0, "Description": "Construct multi-use trails in the City of Findlay. The will link to the existing and under design multi-use paths. The Interstate Trail section will begin at the southwest corner of Broad Avenue and Howard Avenue and end at the rear entrance to Walmart an", "County": "Hancock", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "HAN Interstate and FHS Trails ", "Location": "Start at the intersection of Broad Avenue and Howard Street. Ends at Walmart and Foulke Avenue" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116340, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 469897.0, "Description": "Microsurfacing a portion of SR 725 in Greene County", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE MCRO FY2026", "Location": "GRE SR 725: SLM 2.46-7.39" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110682, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-01-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 645300.0, "Description": "Rehabilitate Structure CLE-133-0805, a two span pipe arch that carries SR 133 over a tributary of Indian Creek, by lining the pipes and replacing the outlet headwall.", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE SR 133 8.05", "Location": "CLE-133-0805 - SFN 1303155" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115492, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2021-07-23", "EndConstructionDate": "2021-07-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 55563.87, "Description": "Emergency repairs to the deck of the LAK-20 bridge bridge over the Grand River in Painesville Township. ", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK US 020 17.23 Type A", "Location": "Painesville Township" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113400, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 785673.0, "Description": "Improvement of the SR 204 and Milnor Road intersection by adding a westbound left turn lane.", "County": "Fairfield", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "FAI SR 204 02.28", "Location": "Intersection of SR 204 and Milnor Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121001, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-11-06", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2483540.0, "Description": "Resurfacing on a portion of IR 275 in Hamilton County", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 275 3.98", "Location": "HAM IR 275: SLM 3.98-7.62" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95576, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-28", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4000000.0, "Description": "Bridge Deck ReplacementASD-302-02.44 over ASD-071-13.68", "County": "Ashland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "ASD SR 0302 02.43", "Location": "ASD-302-02.48" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114925, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3300000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of POR SR 14, a portion urban paving in the City of Ravenna.", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "POR SR 0014 10.20", "Location": "POR SR 14 from 10.204 to 17.883" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118690, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 640000.0, "Description": "Excavation of slope and installation of wall to address slope failure along SR 555 and drainage improvements", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS SR 555 02.09", "Location": "0.2 miles south of SR 555/Pletcher Hill Road intersection" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121909, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 602700.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement project. WAS TR 32 2.62 (SFN 8435251).", "County": "Washington", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "WAS TR 32 2.62", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116448, "ProjectType": "Lighting (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-09-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-07-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1800000.0, "Description": "Lighting upgrades/replacements on various routes in District 4.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 LG FY2030 (Systematic)", "Location": "TBD" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95983, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-16", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4570036.0, "Description": "Resurfacing and related roadway work.", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS SR 60 21.77", "Location": "Mus 60: from 0.36 miles S. of TR309 to CR616 Intersection" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112737, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 700000.0, "Description": "Overlay and abutment repair to MRW-288-0.7", "County": "Morrow", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MRW-288-0.07", "Location": "MRW-288-0.7 over Flat Run" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118782, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-11-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 19060500.0, "Description": "FY29-General System AC Overlay with/without Repairs", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 OVERLAY GENERAL FY2029", "Location": "Various Locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114030, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1007400.0, "Description": "Replacement of Hawley Road Bridge #0823 located approximately 0.63 miles north of SR 18. The project will include complete removal of the existing single span pony truss structure. The new structure will be placed on new abutments on the same alignment ", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR TR 0044 08.22 (Hawley Rd)", "Location": "Project termini will be only what is necessary to complete approach work to bridge." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121572, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-06-05", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 860000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of Graybill Rd between Massillon Rd (SR 241) and Mayfair Rd in the City of Green.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM Graybill Rd (Green)", "Location": "Graybill Rd between Massillon Rd (SR 241) and Mayfair Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119903, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Install electric vehicle charging stations on US 30. ", "County": "Wayne", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "WAY US-30-C-NEVI-RD2", "Location": "US 30 WAY 6.980 - 12.988" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116232, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1254672.25, "Description": "FY28 D09 Districtwide Smoothseal pavement treatment project. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09-Smoothseal-FY28", "Location": "D09 Smoothseal FY28" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121573, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-09-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 580500.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of N Fulton St (SR-2) from Elm St to Linfoot St in City of Wauseon, includes spot pavements repairs and pavement markings.", "County": "Fulton", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "FUL SR 2 0.5 N Fulton Urb Pav", "Location": "N Fulton St (SR-2) from Jefferson St to Linfoot St" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121172, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-11-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 850000.0, "Description": "Crack sealing on various routes. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09 CS FY2027", "Location": "D09 Various Routes" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 100665, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4390000.0, "Description": "General System Minor Rehabilitation; Asphalt overlay, including pavement repairs and pavement markings", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL US 40 6.440", "Location": "Morristown. BEL-40 SLM 6.59 to 14.57" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121673, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-03-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "FRA IR 270 42.115; replace deck.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-270-42.115", "Location": "FRA IR 270 42.115 over ramps to IR 70 & US 40" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118771, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 14428990.04, "Description": "Resurfacing project on route 23 in Ross County", "County": "Ross", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ROS-23-10.97", "Location": "ROS-23-10.97" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115275, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2035-06-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 49400000.0, "Description": "Replace the existing pavement on IR-77 from the Cuyahoga River Valley to south of Grant Ave in the village of Cuyahoga Heights. Work includes shoulder widening, median barrier replacement and drainage upgrades. -Plans prepared under PID 21788-constructi", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 077 10.08 Major Rehab", "Location": "Cuyahoga Hts; Valley to S of Grant." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122876, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 14000000.0, "Description": "Construction of trucking parking at ATB-I90 WB and EB vacant rest areas. Development will be completed under PID 122864.", "County": "Ashtabula", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "ATB-IR 90 Vacant Rest Areas TP", "Location": "ATB IR 90 WB and EB vacant Rest Areas in Ashtabula County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119100, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1175000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of TRU SR 193. ", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU SR 0193 00.00", "Location": "TRU SR 193 from 0.00 to 1.968" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114001, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 144200.0, "Description": "Install new/upgrade existing pavement markings on various county roads in Clinton County.", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI VAR Pavement Markings FY 26", "Location": "Various County Roads in Clinton County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96308, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 245000.0, "Description": "Replace concrete culvert DEL-36-21.96 over Prairie RunR/W possible", "County": "Delaware", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "DEL US 36 21.96", "Location": "DEL-36-21.96 over Prairie Run north of SR 37" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113809, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-11-20", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-26", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1417001.0, "Description": "Replacement of an existing structural deficient pony truss on Sandhill Road in Lyme Township, Huron County, Ohio. Other improvements will include minor drainage work, roadway approach, bridge rail and approach guardrail.", "County": "Huron", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "HUR CR 0040 00.15 (Sand Hill Rd)", "Location": "Bridge over Frink Run" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109702, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 11621430.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of SR 32 in Clermont County.", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE SR 32 7.71", "Location": "CLE-32: SLM 7.71-16.44" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112404, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 17751811.69, "Description": "Intersection Safety upgrades, Pedestrian Safety upgrades, streetscape, analyze impacts/benefits to convert Main Street from existing one-way to a two-way traffic flow.", "County": "Richland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "RIC Main St. Upgrade (Mansfield)", "Location": "Main Street in the City of Mansfield from 1st Street to 5th Street" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121163, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-11-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2883987.83, "Description": "Resurface with Asphalt", "County": "Wyandot", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "WYA SR 37 0.51", "Location": "From State Route 53 to the Marion County Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121534, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-04-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 355000.0, "Description": "District wide raised pavement markers", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07 RPM FY30", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105089, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2038-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2038-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1702546.77, "Description": "resurfacing with related work.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 Chip Seal FY2038", "Location": "See Work Locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114189, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 479954.5, "Description": "Landslide repair on S.R. 379 on Belmont County by drilled shaft retaining wall along southbound lane with associated culvert and pavement repairs.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 379 2.23", "Location": "0.2 miles south of T.R. 1 (Pumpkin Ridge Rd.)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114126, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 398021.6, "Description": "Culvert replacement on S.R. 3 in Holmes County.", "County": "Holmes", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HOL SR 3 0.70", "Location": "Project is located 0.72 miles east of the eastern corp limits of Loudonville." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119239, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-10-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-12-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of TRU SR 87.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU SR 0087 08.13", "Location": "TRU SR 87 from 8.13 to 13.38" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116712, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 600000.0, "Description": "D6 preventive maintenance cracksealing project for FY28", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 Crackseal PPM FY28", "Location": "Various routes in District Six" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123199, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-03-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 250000.0, "Description": "Repair piers on structure MRW-529-02.46 (SFN 5903513) over Big Run CreekThis will be an emergency project", "County": "Morrow", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "MRW-529-2.46", "Location": "MRW-529-02.46 over Big Run Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120882, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-03-06", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-27", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2395763.0, "Description": "Replace existing bridge. Federal State Exchange project ", "County": "Wyandot", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "WYA-CR 16-5.99", "Location": "CR 16 over the Sandusky River " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120296, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-11-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-12-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Replacement of LIC-79-32.19 (SFN 4505255)", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC SR 79 32.10", "Location": "0.75 miles east of SR 79/Billman Lane intersection" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117220, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-17", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-21", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1260320.7, "Description": "Installation of sidewalk, ADA compliant curb ramps, and pedestrian crossings on Kemper Rd. Project to also include upgrading existing traffic signals with pedestrian push buttons and signal heads.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM CR 266 14.97 Kemper Rd", "Location": "Baen Rd to Snider Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111184, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2164510.0, "Description": "Replacing 3 bridges and minor work to two bridges.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "POR/TRU SR 305/VAR 0.72/VAR", "Location": "POR-44-21.98, POR SR 305 0.72, TRU SR 5 29.09, TRU SR 45 14.56 and TRU SR 87 03.20" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109575, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 325108.0, "Description": "Culvert replacement on route 765 in Brown County. ", "County": "Brown", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "BRO-756-0.14", "Location": "BRO-756-0.14 CFN# 1803940" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119593, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-26", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 288234.52, "Description": "Phase 3A of 28-mile lakefront multimodal network. This segment will construct an 8' wide sidewalk on north side of US 6 to supplement the existing on-road bike lanes.", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR US 0006 14.12 TLCI Ph. 3A", "Location": "US 6 from Joyce E. Hanks Community Center to Harris Road." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111521, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1280378.0, "Description": "Replace Walker Road Bridge over Yellow Creek.", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH CR 0078 Walker Rd Bridge", "Location": "MAH Walker Road Bridge" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95527, "ProjectType": "Add Through Lane(s)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2016-10-31", "EndConstructionDate": "2017-11-07", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 4689000.0, "Description": "Major widening (2 to 4 lanes) of CR30 (Sunbury Road) from County Line Road to Maxtown Road with additional lanes at County Line Road intersection. Project includes curb and gutter, storm sewer, lighting, recreational path, sidewalk and traffic signal.", "County": "Delaware", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "DEL CR 30 0.00", "Location": "Westerville, Genoa and Blendon Townships. CR30 (Sunbury Road) from County Line Road to Maxtown Road." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 106985, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-29", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 364063.75, "Description": "Resurfacing and related work on Dresden Road (CR 2) from SR 60 to the Zanesville Corp Limit (0.00 to 1.04).", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS CR 2 00.02 (Dresden Rd)", "Location": "SR 60 to Corp Limit (0.00 to 1.04)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119368, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing", "County": "Miami", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MIA CR 25A RSF 04.47", "Location": "County Road 25A from Donn Davis Way to the Troy south corporation limit" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 81481, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2035-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2035-09-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1128000.0, "Description": "Rehabilitate bridge WAR-132-0553 (SFN 8304920). Replace deck.", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR SR 132 5.50", "Location": "From 0.44 to 0.54 miles North of SR 123." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120775, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-06-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 800000.0, "Description": "Place epoxy overlay on bridge deck", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT IR 75 10.44 & 10.78", "Location": "MOT IR 75 10.44, SFN 5707056; MOT IR 75 10.78 SFN 5707080" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122093, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 750000.0, "Description": "Improvement of Pedestrian Facilities along Industrial Drive (MR 57) in the Village of Crooksville.", "County": "Perry", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "PER MR 57 00.00", "Location": "Along Industrial Drive in the Village of Crooksville" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114510, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2039-11-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2040-05-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5288500.0, "Description": "Resurfacing portions of SR 124, SR 134 and SR 729 in Clinton County", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI SR 134/Var 0.00/Var", "Location": "CLI-134 SLM 0 to 7.53 - CLI-729 SLM 0.00 to 6.27 - CLI-124 SLM 0 to 0.94" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101770, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2500000.0, "Description": "Repair twin structures carrying US 250 over Beaver Dam Creek by removing the existing wearing surface and placing a new rigid overlay. Project will also replace the slab edges and upgrade bridge railing.", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS US 250 17.13", "Location": "0.05 miles West of SR 259" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116747, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2970000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of POR US 224, POR SR 14 and POR SR 225. Drainage improvement at Deerfield Circle on Southwest corner.", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "POR US 224/VAR 12.99/VAR", "Location": "POR US 224 from 12.989 to 21.218 and POR SR 14 from 25.413 to 28.773, POR SR 225 from 5.24 to 10.81" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117916, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-06-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 922354.0, "Description": "Install electric charging stations on I-75 in Miami/Montgomery ", "County": "Miami", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT/MIA-I-75-C-NEVI", "Location": "MONT 53-74" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123092, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1100000.0, "Description": "Repair bridge carrying SR 9 over Wheeling Creek.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 9 19.5", "Location": "2.7 Miles North of Saini Clairsville Corp Limit" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120292, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-05-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 125557.5, "Description": "Replacing type 4 guardrail on various county routes throughout Mahoning County.", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH Guardrail CEAO FY2025", "Location": "Various county routes in Mahoning County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114943, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-12-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1400000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing POR SR 14 and POR SR 303 urban paving in the city of Streetsboro.", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "POR SR 0014/SR 0303 05.40/00.00", "Location": "POR SR 14 from 5.40 to 6.63 POR SR 303 from 0.00 to 2.24" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119806, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-03-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4250000.0, "Description": "Construct roundabouts at the intersections of UNI SR 4 at SR 347 and UNI US 31 at SR 347", "County": "Union", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "UNI-4/31-20.35/7.74", "Location": "UNI County; SR 4 at SR 347 and US 31 at SR 347" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121106, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 799510.51, "Description": "Bridge rehabilitation of SFN 7661126 STA 4th St SE bridge over E Branch Nimishillen Creek in the City of Canton. Includes deck replacement, repairing beams and structural steel, concrete patching and sealing.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA 4th St SE Bridge (Canton)", "Location": "4th St SE bridge over E Branch Nimishillen Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113308, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1503133.85, "Description": "Repair and resurface Grant Avenue (CR-283) from East 49th Street (CR-378) to East 71st Street (CR-340) in the Village of Cuyahoga Heights and in the City of Cleveland in Cuyahoga County.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Grant Avenue", "Location": "Cuyahoga Hts/Cleveland; E.49th St. to E.71st St." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109432, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 750538.0, "Description": "Construct a 1.2 mile paved bike path.", "County": "Clark", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "CLA Mad River Trail Phase 1", "Location": "US 68 to Old Mill Road (along former railroad bed)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114655, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1068450.0, "Description": "Project to replace bridge CLI-28-0807 that carries SR 28 over Lytle Creek", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI SR 28 8.07", "Location": "CLI SR 28 8.07" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 100640, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2053163.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of US 22 in Clinton County", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI US 22 0.00", "Location": "CLI US 22: SLM 0.00 to 7.21" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121620, "ProjectType": "Parks", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 397558.15, "Description": "ODNR project to construct full depth flexible pavement for Appalachian Hills WLA road NR1 to proposed visitor center driveway. ", "County": "Morgan", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MRG Appalachian Hills WLA-NR1", "Location": "MRG Appalachian Hills" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110893, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1934000.0, "Description": "1 3/4\" mill and fill using superpave mix.Urban Paving Program", "County": "Miami", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MIA-55-9.05", "Location": "SR 55 SLM 9.050 to SLM 11.020; MIA-MR-1607 00.00-00.08" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116598, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2040-04-16", "EndConstructionDate": "2040-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2268300.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of SR 28 in Clinton County", "County": "Clinton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLI SR 28 0.00", "Location": "CLI SR 28: SLM 0-5.48" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121335, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1191414.95, "Description": "Resurfacing project on state Route 93 in Lawrence County.", "County": "Lawrence", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "LAW-93-7.15", "Location": "LAW-93-7.15" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117175, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3200000.0, "Description": "Resurface Madison Rd (SR-528) from the GAR Highway (US-6) to the Lake County Line in Montville and Thompson Twps. ", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA SR 528 16.50", "Location": "Montville Twp, Thompson Twp; US-6 to County Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116288, "ProjectType": "Fencing", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 750000.0, "Description": "FY 2027-2028 fence installation and repair along various routes throughout District Four.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 FEN FY2027-28", "Location": "Districtwide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116993, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3255000.0, "Description": "TMACOG STBG-funded project in Sylvania to construct a roundabout at Erie St. and Monroe St., add a left turn drop-lane for westbound Monroe St. at Olde Post Road, and resurface Erie Street, with necessary related work including utility relocations and dra", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC CR4 7.22 Erie & Monroe Rndbt", "Location": "Erie St. from east of Centennial Rd. to Highlight View Dr. AND Monroe St. from south of Olde Post Rd. to Erie St." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119897, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 650000.0, "Description": "A project to repair erosion on SR-357 in Ottawa County at SLM 2.30.", "County": "Ottawa", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "OTT SR 357 2.30 Repair", "Location": "SR-357 in Ottawa County near SLM 2.30" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118576, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Project to replace/upgrade guardrail District Wide in District 5 during FY 2029", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 Guardrail FY2029", "Location": "District Wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122308, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-02-16", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 214820.16, "Description": "Install new traffic signal at US 422 and SR 5 westbound off ramp.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU US 0422 8.01", "Location": "SR 5 and US-422 Interchange" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116723, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 300000.0, "Description": "Replace raised pavement marker castings and/or lenses.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 1", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "D01 RPM FY28", "Location": "Various routes throughout District One" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120189, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 879271.88, "Description": "Rehabilitation of East River Road from Chestnut Ridge to Elyria Southern Corp Limit.", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR CR 35 0.00 (East River Rd)", "Location": "Chestnut Ridge to Elyria Southern Corp Limit." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 90442, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2033-05-28", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1017000.0, "Description": "Culvert liner project on NOB 77 0519 (SFN 6100449) and NOB 77 0734 (SFN 6100473).", "County": "Noble", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "NOB IR 77 5.19", "Location": "Begin 0.55 miles S of County Road 40 overpass." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122468, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "Drainage improvements along BUT US 27 to improve existing flooding issues.", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT US 27 4.84", "Location": "BUT US 27: SLM 4.84-5.12" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117921, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-06-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1122475.01, "Description": "Install electric charging stations on I-75 in Wood or Lucas counties.", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO/LUC-I-75-H-NEVI", "Location": "I-75-H WOO, LUC 193-210" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121092, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-02-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-03-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 459212.0, "Description": "Asphalt resurfacing project on SR 3 in Franklin CountyAsphalt overlay with minor pavement repairs and other minor ancillary work.RESURFACE SR3 FROM PARIS BLVD TO HUBER VILLAGE BLVD;", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-3-24.48", "Location": "BLENDON TOWNSHIP, COLUMBUS, WESTERVILLE. FRA-3-24.48 to 26.27; SR3 FROM SR161 TO HUBER VILLAGE BLVD." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 99639, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 960000.0, "Description": "Chip Seal treatment along Plank Rd (SR-86) from Madison Rd (SR-528) to Rock Creek Rd (SR-166) and Rock Creek Rd (SR-166) from Plank Rd to the Ashtabula County Line in Montville and Thompson Twps. ", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA SR 86/166 0.92/4.10", "Location": "Montville, Thompson Twps; Plank Rd and Rock Creek Rd from Madison Rd to Cnty Ln" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112433, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6732941.0, "Description": "Resurfacing and related work on LIC/MUS 146 and 586", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC/MUS SR 146/SR 586 0.00/0.00", "Location": "Lic-586:Muskingum County line to Knox County line, Mus-586: Licking County line to SR146 Intersection" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112979, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-06-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2954830.0, "Description": "Rehabilitate bridge GRE-71-0150 that carries Orchard Grove Rd over I-71 by repairing the backwall and GRE-72-0029 that carries SR 72 over I-71 by replacing the deck and painting the structural steel. Design is under PID 75745 with Palmer.", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE IR 71/72 1.50/0.29", "Location": "GRE IR 71/72 1.50/0.29" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117667, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3630000.0, "Description": "Bridge deck replacement project. Monroe SR 800 15.32, SFN 5603242. ", "County": "Monroe", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MOE SR 800 15.320", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105784, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3000000.0, "Description": "This project is for FY2026 Guardrail upgrade project.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 Guardrail FY2026", "Location": "District Wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115277, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-12-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 15494360.75, "Description": "Installation of fiber optic interconnect cable. Upgrading existing traffic signals to LED technology. Installation of new traffic signal controllers, video detection, and traffic cameras.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM VAR CTCS OTR West End", "Location": "Over-the-Rhine and West End neighborhoods in Cincinnati" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104322, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2900000.0, "Description": "Resurface Mayfield Rd (US-322) from the WCL to the ECL in Gates Mills. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY US 322 14.11", "Location": "Gates Mills; WCL to ECL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117682, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2095000.0, "Description": "Project in City of Toledo to mill and resurface Glendale Ave from Detroit Ave to Charmaine Dr. Includes spot full depth pavement repairs, sidewalk improvements, minor drainage improvements, and curb repairs as needed. ", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC MR4020 2.5 Glendale Resurf", "Location": "Glendale from Charmaine Dr. to Detroit Ave." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114396, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 700000.0, "Description": "Chip Seal w/ Fog Seal on PER SR 155, 216, 595.", "County": "Perry", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "PER SR 155/SR 216/SR 595 VAR", "Location": "Per-155: from SR93 Intersect. to SR13" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112776, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1786000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of POR IR 480 from 0.00 to 1.45. Minor bridge rehab on three structures. ", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "POR IR 0480 00.00", "Location": "0.00 to 1.45" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114427, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1608733.34, "Description": "Upgrade the existing guide, regulatory, and warning signs along mainline and the lead-in signing at the interchanges for SR 7 in Belmont and Jefferson counties. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL/JEF-7-6.11/0.00", "Location": "BEL-7-(6.11-8.68), JEF-7-(0.00-14.76)(19.22-34.55)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120802, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Install median cable barrier on I-74 from the Indiana State Line to I-275. ", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 74 0.00 Cable", "Location": "I-74 from Indiana state line to I-275" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114331, "ProjectType": "Parks", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 865583.05, "Description": "ODNR project in Blue Rock State Forest for resurfacing park roads", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "ODNR Blue Rock State Forest", "Location": "ODNR Blue Rock State Forest" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109738, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-04-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5425000.0, "Description": "Resurface the existing roadway with asphalt concrete.SR 4 - P3-60", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT-4-17.11", "Location": "SR 4, SLM 17.11 to 22.98" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121535, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Replacing SFN 6703844 POR-US 224-08.29 over Branch of Congress Lake Outlet. Scour repairs along embankment of SFN 6704506 POR-SR-303-19.509", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "POR US 224/SR 303 8.29/19.51", "Location": "POR-US 224-08.29 over Branch of Congress Lake Outlet & POR-SR-303-19.509 over Branch of Eagle Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121755, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-31", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1902130.0, "Description": "Construct a segment of the hike/bike trail along Stow (Summit) St to Franklin Ave and the connection to the SR 59 Portage Hike and Bike Trail. Includes replacing the superstructure on SFN 6737498 to accommodate the 8ft side path on the bridge and narrowin", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "POR Summit/Stow St Ped Imp.", "Location": "Stow (Summit) St to Franklin Ave and the connection to the SR 59 Portage Hike and Bike Trail" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96538, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 8004420.0, "Description": "Resurface a portion of IR 75 in Warren County", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR IR 75 9.21", "Location": "WAR IR 75: SLM 9.21-11.60" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113470, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-07-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1084460.0, "Description": "Replace Silica Sand Road truss bridge (SFN 6732860) over Eagle Creek.", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "POR CR 253 Silica Sand Br West", "Location": "Silica Sand Road POR-CR 253-0.07 over Eagle Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118735, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-12-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-01-02", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 316825.0, "Description": "Guardrail on various county routes in Scioto County.", "County": "Scioto", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "SCI-CR VAR-GR FY24", "Location": "SCI CR VAR Guardrail" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122179, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Installing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on I-70/I-77", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "GUR/TUS IR 70/77-A-NEVI-RD2B", "Location": "IR-70 - 15.835 begins - IR-70 - 17.823 ends | IR-77 - 0.00 begins - IR-77 - 7.062 ends" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121010, "ProjectType": "Parks", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1200000.0, "Description": "ODNR project to resurface sections within Ceasar Creek State Park.Resurfacing of campgrounds (Phase I).", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR Ceasar Creek FY2029", "Location": "Ceasar Creek State Park - Camprgrounds Phase I" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119351, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3215000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT Dorothy RSF 08.55", "Location": "Dorothy Lane from South Dixie Highway to Haig Avenue" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118184, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement project. NOB 724 1.10, SFN 6105035.", "County": "Noble", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "NOB SR 724 1.100", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118478, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 990000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing and installation of new sidewalks. Also included is a traffic signal modification.", "County": "Erie", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "ERI CR 0110 1.97 Campbell", "Location": "Campbell Street from Bogart to Bell." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122147, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-05-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 110652.0, "Description": "LOR SR 301 bridge hit in an accident and requires repairs.", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR SR 0301 12.41", "Location": "LOR SR 0301 12.41" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120382, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2034-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2034-09-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Project for performing partial/full depth pavement repairs in D-05 in FY2035", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 Spot Paving FY2035", "Location": "District 5" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122875, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6100000.0, "Description": "Construction of trucking parking at ASD-I71 WB and EB vacant rest areas. Development will be completed under PID 122863.", "County": "Ashland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "ASD-IR 71 Vacant Rest Areas TP", "Location": "ASD IR 71 WB and EB vacant Rest Areas in Ashland County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 13184, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 4861698.83, "Description": "Replace the Union St (SR-14) bridge over Tinkers Creek located south of Broadway Ave in Bedford. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY SR 014 12.12E", "Location": "Bedford; Over Tinkers Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122853, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1358707.75, "Description": "Resurfacing of Park Ave from the Warren North Corp Limit to SR 305.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU N Park Ave (CR-143/CR-263)", "Location": "Park Ave from the Warren North Corp Limit to SR 305" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121979, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-02-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-03-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 921472.0, "Description": "Install sidewalk, curb bump outs and RRFB?s along State Routes 347, 739, and 161 in the Villages of Broadway, Raymond, Irwin, and Milford Center in Union County", "County": "Union", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "UNI SR 161/347/739 Sidewalks", "Location": "Union County; State Routes 347, 739, and 161 in the Villages of Broadway, Raymond, Irwin, and Milford Center" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109998, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-01-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 824421.25, "Description": "Various guardrail maintenance work throughout district 03.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 GR FY2025", "Location": "Various Guardrail locations throughout district 03" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118746, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-07-22", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-08-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 222410.0, "Description": "Replace the signal at US 68 and Liberty Street. Also replace the signal in front of Arlington High School with an RRFB crossing to promote pedestrian safety. ", "County": "Hancock", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "HAN US 68 Arlington Signals", "Location": "US 68 in the Village of Arlington" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122163, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-29", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 764267.0, "Description": "Installation and replacement of sidewalks in the City of Pickerington.", "County": "Fairfield", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "FAI CR 20/MR 841 07.35/0.00", "Location": "Hereford Drive and Lockville Road from Hereford Drive to south corp limit." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116177, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-12-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 804577.5, "Description": "Upgrade existing guardrail on various county roads.", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF VAR GR", "Location": "Various routes" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120685, "ProjectType": "Vegetative Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-11-18", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-03-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1692209.0, "Description": "Tree Cutting on MEG 33 13.96-28.74. ", "County": "Meigs", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MEG US 33 13.96 Tree Cutting", "Location": "Begin" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118465, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-11-09", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 4749238.55, "Description": "ATH 682-6.07 to 6.41, ATH 33-8.88 Includes the EB and WB US 33 Ramp Intersections from controlled stop to modern roundabouts.", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH SR 682 6.07 Roundabout", "Location": "ATH 682 6.07 to 6.41, ATH 33 8.88" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118766, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-03-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1089600.0, "Description": "FY29-Priority system Microsurfacing", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 MICRO PRIORITY FY2029", "Location": "Various routes and sections throughout District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121147, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2434622.49, "Description": "Microsurfacing", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 1", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "VAN/PUT/ALL US 30 Var.", "Location": "Just east of the CR 185 intersection in Van Wert County to the CR 88 intersection in Allen County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122714, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 312000.0, "Description": "Construct a cul-de-sac on CR 8 at SR 15. ", "County": "Hancock", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "HAN SR 15 20.26", "Location": "CR 8 at SR 15 in Hancock County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121119, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 832608.0, "Description": "General System Minor Rehabilitation; Asphalt resurfacing of SR 39, including pavement repairs and pavement markings", "County": "Carroll", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "CAR SR 39 7.29", "Location": "Dellroy ECL to SLM 10.23" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120778, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-06", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 300000.0, "Description": "Bridge and culvert repair", "County": "Miami", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MIA/SHE Bridge/Culvert Repair", "Location": "MIA 201 02.25 SFN 5503752; SHE 48 04.41 SFN 1992047; MIA 185 02.82 SFN 5503493; MIA 36 17.09 SFN 5500281" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119237, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-09", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1133630.4, "Description": "ATH TR 315 0.01 Bridge Replacement (SFN:0540919)", "County": "Athens", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "ATH TR 315 0.01", "Location": "Athens TR 315-0.01" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 106269, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-09-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 59220.0, "Description": "Urban Paving Project within the City of Columbus:AC Overlay without Repairs:FRA-23-10.51-10.72", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA 23 10.51", "Location": "FRA-23-10.51-10.72 (US-23D to US-33D)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121471, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 893450.0, "Description": "GAP project in FY2026 for joints repairs on US 52 in Hamilton County ", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM US 52 35.22", "Location": "HAM US 52: 35.216-40.066" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110053, "ProjectType": "Geotechnical Services", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 525000.0, "Description": "Slide repair on state Route 335 in Pike County.", "County": "Pike", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "PIK-335-16.05 Landslide", "Location": "PIK 335 16.05" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113342, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 200000.0, "Description": "Perform miscellaneous bridge maintenance activities on various structures. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 1", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "D01 BM FY26", "Location": "Various structures throughout District One." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117964, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 625000.0, "Description": "Urban Paving - Mill & Fill 2\"", "County": "Clark", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "CLA SR 41 14.86", "Location": "SR 41 SLM 14.86 (Springfield Corp.) to 16.04 (East Main St.)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120794, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 445000.0, "Description": "Reconstruction of Bloom Rd from Ohio Ave west about 700' past Majestic Dr to improve access to expanding industry.", "County": "Sandusky", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "SAN Bloom Rd Reconstruction", "Location": "Starting at Ohio Ave and moving west about 1,500'" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111899, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2022-10-21", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-12-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 8753990.83, "Description": "Intersection improvement including traffic signals, bike lanes, leisure paths, ramp widening, turn lanes, storm sewers, landscaping, and islands for 2000 feet on US 62 and 3300 feet on side roads and ramps.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-62-30.34", "Location": "CIty of New Albany. US62 from Theisen Rd/Thurston Hall Blvd (30.34) to" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119058, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-03-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3017000.0, "Description": "Project to paint the HAM-71-1530 bridge that carries Zig Zag Rd over I-71 and the HAM-17-1581L/R bridges that carry I-71 over Pfeiffer Rd. Rehab will include other repairs such as patching and sealing.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 71 15.30/15.81", "Location": "HAM IR 71 15.30 and 15.81 L/R" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113337, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "Guardrail repair and maintenance contract for District 5 in FY 2026", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 GR FY2026 (Ding N Dent)", "Location": "District 5" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120090, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-12", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-14", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1251095.85, "Description": "Construct a single-lane roundabout at Dimmick Road and McCauly Road.", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT TR 121 1.03", "Location": "Dimmick Rd and McCauly Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110272, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 436116.0, "Description": "The walking surface, lighting, drainage, amenities, and connectivity of the existing pedestrian path are in need of improvement.", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT-MCD South River Walk", "Location": "Monument Avenue to the west and south, and Main Street to the east." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118059, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2146000.0, "Description": "Project in City of Bowling Green to construct a single-lane roundabout at the intersection of Brim Rd and Bishop Rd with a multi-use path (approx. 2,510 feet) extending from Bishop Rd to Newton Rd, connecting to other planned paths. The project also inclu", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO TR 98 0.0 Brim-Bishop Rnbt", "Location": "Intersection of Brim Rd and Bishop Rd, and Brim Rd from Bishop Rd to Poe Rd." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120359, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Guardrail maintenance and repair on various routes throughout District Four.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 GR FY2030 (WO)", "Location": "Districtwide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122128, "ProjectType": "Noise Wall", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-09", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-02-06", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 350000.0, "Description": "Repair noise barriers at multiple locations on the interstate system throughout Cuyahoga and Lake Counties. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 12", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "D12 Noise Barrier Repair", "Location": "Multiple locations along various routes and sections" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 98314, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 997591.32, "Description": "Flat Sheet sign replacement project in FY2025. Routes and sections in MOE county.", "County": "Monroe", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MOE Sign Flatsheet FY2025", "Location": "Various routes and sections." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121659, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-03-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2500000.0, "Description": "Replace deck on overhead bridge", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-70-3.83", "Location": "FRA-70-3.83; Alton Darby Creek Rd over IR 70" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119717, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1821666.77, "Description": "LOG CR 21 1.00 (SFN 4631838) - Rehabilitation of Historic truss over The Great Miami River.", "County": "Logan", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "LOG CR 21B 00.05", "Location": "LOG CR 21 1.00 (SFN 4631838)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109409, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 3598279.44, "Description": "2025 District wide fast dry pavement marking", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07 FDPM FY25", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114409, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-29", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 14440277.5, "Description": "Widening, adding turn lanes and signal improvements on Chagrin Blvd (US-422/SR-87) from west of Richmond Road to Beachwood ECL in the City of Beachwood in Cuyahoga County; Widening the I-271 NB Exit Ramp to Chagrin Blvd and the I-271 SB Exit Ramp to Chagr", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 271/US 422 07.80/10.77", "Location": "Beachwood: IR-271 Interchange; SR-175 to IR-271." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111368, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-06-24", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2127941.4, "Description": "A project in City of Toledo to mill and resurface the existing asphalt pavement from Stickney Ave to Wallace St, includes spot full depth pavement repairs, minor sidewalk and drainage improvements, curb repairs as needed, and other necessary minor items. ", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC CR 510 2.09 Manhattan Blvd", "Location": "Stickney Ave to Wallace St., excluding RR crossings and ODOT bridges." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95799, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1200000.0, "Description": "A district allocation funded project to resurface SR-281 from CR-82 to SR-199; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO SR 281 15.09 Resurf", "Location": "From CR-82 to SR-199" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121449, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 240812.5, "Description": "Sidewalk Improvements", "County": "Logan", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "LOG Brown Ave. Sidewalk Imp", "Location": "Township Road 183 (Brown Ave.) 0.739 - 1.091 in Logan County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118185, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4600000.0, "Description": "Construct a single-lane roundabout at US-20 and SR-109 in Royalton Township, Fulton County.", "County": "Fulton", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "FUL US 20 19.75 Roundabout", "Location": "Intersection of US-20 and SR-109 in Fulton County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122280, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-11-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-07-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3354310.1, "Description": "Construct a roundabout at the 12th St and Perry Dr intersection in Perry Township, Stark County, Ohio. Includes concrete island, splitter island, lighting and pavement markings.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA CR 240 3.24 (12th/Perry RAB)", "Location": "12th St and Perry Dr intersection" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104981, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 4675501.99, "Description": "Part 1: Bridge rehabilitation at LIC-37-19.18 (SFN 4501810)Part 2: Bridge replacement at LIC-37-19.36 (SFN 4501837)", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC SR 37 19.18", "Location": "150 feet south of rail crossing 151805L" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 99610, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-03-12", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 818020.3, "Description": "Replace existing slab bridge carrying US 40 over Frazier Run with new four-sided box culvert.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL US 40 27.30", "Location": "0.06 Miles West of Bridgeport Corp. line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121074, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 552240.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Chip Seal ", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF SR 213 9.700", "Location": "SR 152 to SR 7" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114346, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1417000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing/Minor Rehabilitation of B&O Trail in Richland County", "County": "Richland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "RIC B&O Trail", "Location": "From start of trail in Butler to Fourth Street in Mansfield (Trail mile marker 0.0 to 17.88)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 98569, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2194984.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of SR 503 in Butler County", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT SR 503 0.00", "Location": "BUT SR 503: SLM 0- 6.05" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109772, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-08-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2075000.0, "Description": "Resurface the existing roadway with asphalt concrete", "County": "Shelby", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "SHE-47/65-3.98/3.87", "Location": "Shelby County - SR 47; SLM 3.98 to SLM 8.63; SR 65 SLM 3.87 to SLM 5.69" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116566, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-07-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 686000.0, "Description": "Rehabilitate bridge HAM-27-0046 which carries US 27 over a boat ramp by replacing the rigid wearing surface and performing other minor repairs", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM US 27 0.46", "Location": "HAM US 27: SLM 0.46" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123021, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-04-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 916630.0, "Description": "HOCKING VALLEY SCENIC SHARED USE PATH PHASE 1 Pedestrian Walk/Bike Trail ending at Logan Middle School.", "County": "Hocking", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "HOC-HVS SUP-PHASE 1", "Location": "Old Town Aqueduct Park, Ending Logan Middle School Parking Lot" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116450, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3000000.0, "Description": "Replace bridge carrying SR 800 over Stillwater Creek. Scour protection will be added, in stream work will be required.", "County": "Harrison", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HAS SR 800 3.26", "Location": "0.56 miles south of JCT SR 342" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 100338, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1481825.27, "Description": "Resurfacing", "County": "Putnam", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PUT SR 65 0.58", "Location": "On SR 65 from the south corp limit of Columbus Grove to the Blanchard River Bridge." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110097, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 453085.9, "Description": "A raised pavement markers maintenance contract; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 2", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "D02 RPM FY2025", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112836, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-12-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 763000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing a portion of ATB US 20. Minor rehabilitation to 1 bridge.", "County": "Ashtabula", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "ATB US 0020 00.00", "Location": "ATB US 20 from 0.00 to 2.00" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120815, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-11-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1337400.0, "Description": "Upgrade to citywide traffic signals in city of Chardon, Geauga County ", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA Chardon TSG upgrade", "Location": "Chardon; citywide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115420, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-02-10", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-02-11", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 960167.12, "Description": "Culvert replacement project. WAS 77 9.58, CFN 1810412.", "County": "Washington", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "WAS IR 77 9.580", "Location": "Begin 0.37 miles N of CR 8 overpass." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 88672, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 8274320.0, "Description": "Resurfacing on a portion of US 27 in Hamilton County. Project includes replacing the asphalt wearing surface on the HAM-27-1849L/R bridges that carry US 27 over Great Miami River.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM US 27 10.20", "Location": "HAM-27: SLM 10.20 -18.59" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107503, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 5176000.0, "Description": "Priority System Minor Rehabilitation; Asphalt resurfacing of SR 7 from the Brilliant to University Boulevard in Steubenville, including pavement repairs and pavement markings", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF SR 7 10.750", "Location": "Brilliant to University Boulevard in Steubenville" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118900, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 983766.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Chip seal", "County": "Holmes", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HOL SR 514 0.00", "Location": "Nashville. Knox Co Line to WAY Co Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114069, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 96150.0, "Description": "Installation of new guardrail on various Wayne County routes.", "County": "Wayne", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "WAY CR VAR GR FY2026", "Location": "Various" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118736, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 140200.0, "Description": "It is proposed, using CEAO Safety Funds, to install new and upgrade existing pavement markings on various county routes within Scioto County. ", "County": "Scioto", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "SCI-CR VAR-PM FY27", "Location": "Scioto County Pavement Marking Project" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115842, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 7000.0, "Description": "Culvert replacement project. Locations TBD.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 10", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "D10 Culverts FY2028", "Location": "TBD" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117973, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 800000.0, "Description": "Slope stabilization project. MOE 78 8.30", "County": "Monroe", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MOE SR 78 8.30", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119064, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-13", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1410877.5, "Description": "Construction of the Great Miami River Trail, to connect the Middletown and Monroe sections. ", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT GMR Trail Middletown-Monroe", "Location": "From the proposed terminus of the Monroe GMR Trail to the Middletown section at SR 73" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112506, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-12-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2341022.0, "Description": "Resurface Bishop/Ridge Rd (SR-84) from 250' north of Johnson Dr to SOM Center Rd (SR-91) in the cities of Wickliffe and Willoughby, Lake County. Includes Earmark, MPO and District funding. ", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK SR 084 01.00", "Location": "250' north of Johnson Dr to SR-91" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119850, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-08", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 6266365.36, "Description": "This project constructs a 5' wide sidewalk on the east side and a 10' multi-use path on the west side of Cassady Ave from 7th Ave to Plaza Properties Blvd. These improvements include the following: upgrading storm sewer, providing BMP facilities, installi", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-Cassady Ave SUP", "Location": "City of Columbus, Cassady Ave from 7th Ave to Plaza Properties Blvd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121747, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-11-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1676500.0, "Description": "Construction of a 4,410 ft multi-modal trail along an abandoned railroad between E Exchange St/Huntington Ave intersection and Brown St/Johnston St intersection in the City of Akron, Summit County, Ohio.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM Rubber City Heritage Tr Ph 3", "Location": "E Exchange/Huntington Ave to Brown St/Johnston St" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116040, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-09-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-12-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1604057.25, "Description": "Resurface three segments of Coy Rd, including expanded shoulders throughout and new sidewalks in some areas. The project will also include signage, pavement markings, ADA curb ramps and related work, as necessary.", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC CR 556 1.83 - Coy Rd Resurf", "Location": "1) Fleitz to Worden, 2) 250' north of Navarre to Starr, and 3) Starr to Seaman. " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105221, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1592747.0, "Description": "Replace the concrete overlays for the two bridges BUT-129-0908/0920 over Beals Run and a Tributary to Indian Creek including other related rehab work.", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT SR 129 9.09/9.20", "Location": "BUT SR 129 9.09/9.20 - SFNs 0900302 - 0900337" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122310, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 11498181.0, "Description": "Resurface Euclid Avenue (US-20) from the Lake County western line to west of Oakridge Drive in the City of Wickliffe in Lake County. Work includes replacement of curb ramps, pavement markings, and existing casting adjustments.", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK US 020 0.04 Wickliffe", "Location": "Wickliffe: Lake County WCL to W of Oakridge Dr." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95581, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 818631.0, "Description": "Bridge ReplacementWAY-094-16.73 over a unnamed stream- Approximately 1200' south of Warwick Road. ", "County": "Wayne", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "WAY SR 0094 16.73", "Location": "WAY-094-16.74" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121709, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-11-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 75000.0, "Description": "Traffic Signal Upgrades. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 TSG FY2029 (M)", "Location": "D03" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121492, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4350000.0, "Description": "Bridge preventive maintenance in ATB, MAH and TRU counties. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 BH FY2030 (East)", "Location": "Various locations in ATB, MAH and TRU counties." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122282, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 490000.0, "Description": "Bridge RepairsVarious structures throughout District Three", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 BH FY2028 (B)", "Location": "Various structures throughout District Three" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112361, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3985142.0, "Description": "5% Repairs, Milling 1 1/2\" and placing 1 1/2\" Item 442 12.5mm Type A Surf. Include all ramps and shoulders.NOTE: All structures and approach pavement need reviewed at plan development for needed ride/settlement corrections.PWL Density 2025 Trial Project (", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS SR 16 06.41", "Location": "Mus-16: Fwd. App. Slab of Mus-16-0641 Structure to 1.29 miles W. of Mus-16-1299 Structure" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118762, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-07-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2013000.0, "Description": "Bridge Maintenance throughout District 11", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11 Bridge Maintenance FY 2029", "Location": "Bridge Preventative Maintenance throughout District 11" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119779, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-09-23", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-12-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 250000.0, "Description": "Bridge repair on state route 62 in Highland County.", "County": "Highland", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "HIG-62-17.10", "Location": "HIG-62-17.10 " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121473, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Repair and reconstruction of approximately 250 ft. of roadway embankment along I-75 southbound between the Hopple Street entrance ramp and Marshall Avenue due to a landslide. ", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 75 3.29", "Location": "HAM IR 75: SLM 3.28" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119022, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 300000.0, "Description": "Replace raised pavement marker castings and/or lenses.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 1", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "D01 RPM FY29", "Location": "Various routes throughout District One" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110405, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4186000.0, "Description": "Priority System Minor Rehabilitation; Asphalt resurfacing, including pavement repairs and pavement markings", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF SR 7 26.490", "Location": "CR 47 to Stratton NCL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122805, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2800000.0, "Description": "Construct an RCUT on US 23 at CR 4 and remove the medians at CR 42 and TR 103. ", "County": "Wyandot", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "WYA-23-17.52", "Location": "US 23 at CR 4, CR 42, and TR 103 in Wyandot County." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112575, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2035-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2035-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 280000.0, "Description": "Replace culvert type structure carrying SR 39 over Branch of Riley Run.", "County": "Carroll", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "CAR SR 39 27.810", "Location": "0.02 miles west of TR 621(Spade Rd)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117202, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 710500.0, "Description": "Add 1,500 feet of new sidewalk (3 segments) along Olive Road & reconstruction of a traffic signal at the SR49/Olive Road in Trotwood, Montgomery County Ohio", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT Trotwood Olive Rd Walks SA22", "Location": "Olive Road between Salem Avenue (SR49) and Shiloh Springs Road." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123076, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-21", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 348710.0, "Description": "Improvements to the intersection of Bilstein Boulevard and Symmes Road that will include a channelizing westbound right turn lane and widening of Bilstein Boulevard north of Symmes Road to accommodate truck traffic.", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT Symmes-Bilstein Intrsctn Imp", "Location": "Intersection of Symmes Road and Bilstein Boulevard" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118508, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 974924.36, "Description": "Slope stabilization in the west bound lanes of MEG 33 7.61-7.73 and 7.87-7.94", "County": "Meigs", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MEG-33-(7.61)(7.87)", "Location": "Begin " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121307, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2805000.0, "Description": "A project to resurface SR-18 in Seneca County from SLM 30.50 to 34.73, SR-18 in Sandusky County from SLM 0.00 to 2.037 and SR-19 in Sandusky County from SLM 0.00 to 5.29. Perform necessary related work.", "County": "Sandusky", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "SAN/SEN SR 18/19 0.00/0.00 Resur", "Location": "SE-18 from SLM 30.50 to 34.73, SAN-18 from SLM 0.00 to 0.86 and SAN-19 from SLM0.00 to 5.29" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 102701, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-12-29", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 10808268.2, "Description": "Reduce East Exchange Street between Broadway Street and Fountain Street to 2 lanes, add bike lanes to existing pavement or dedicated path, install median, install HAWK signal, add additional street parking, signal upgrades and interconnection.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM East Exchange St", "Location": "Broadway St and Fountain St" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119177, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 400000.0, "Description": "A District allocation funded project to maintain/upgrade existing traffic signals district wide; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 2", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "D02 TSG FY2029", "Location": "Various locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 98022, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6868409.34, "Description": "Resurfacing and related roadway work.Curb replacement at various locations inside the City of Lancaster", "County": "Fairfield", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "FAI US 22/SR 37/SR 158 VAR", "Location": "US 22 from US 33 to SR 37; SR 37 from north Corp to US 22; SR 158 from north Corp to US 22" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112872, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5231844.0, "Description": "General System Resurfacing on FRA-40FRA-40-0.00-6.283", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA US 40 0.000", "Location": "FRA-40-0.00-6.283" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112996, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 6900000.0, "Description": "Replace the superstructure of the Chardon Road (US-6) bridge over IR-271 in the City of Willoughby Hills. Work will include pier column replacement. ", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK US 006 02.06 Super", "Location": "Willoughby Hills; US-6 over I-271" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116577, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3457313.0, "Description": "Convert all-way stop-controlled intersection into single-lane roundabout at MED-162-20.06/River Styx Rd and improve the profile of the north and west legs of the intersection.", "County": "Medina", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "MED SR 0162 20.06", "Location": "MED-162-20.06 at River Styx Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122220, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 645292.27, "Description": "Culvert work at two locations in Columbiana County.", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL-11-19.53, COL-45-1.26", "Location": "COL-11-19.53: 4.3 miles north of 154 interchange. COL-45-1.26: 0.7 miles northwest of S.R. 7." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118856, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1679668.46, "Description": "Resurfacing project on state route 32 in Brown County.", "County": "Brown", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "BRO-32-15.29", "Location": "BRO-32-15.29" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105290, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 785000.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Chip Seal", "County": "Carroll", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "CAR/VAR-164-17.81/VAR", "Location": "MT PLEASANT. JEF-150 from US 250 to Mt. Pleasant WCL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120058, "ProjectType": "Parks", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-11-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1200000.0, "Description": "ODNR Division of Parks & Recreation resurfacing project in the SUM Portage Lakes State Park, parking areas and access roads.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM Portage Lakes FY2031", "Location": "SUM Portage Lakes State Park" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119777, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1680000.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement on state Route 73 in Scioto County.", "County": "Scioto", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "SCI-73-(16.93)(17.35)", "Location": "SCI-73-(16.93 & 17.35) (SFN 7302762 & 7302738)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122888, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Construction of trucking parking at GAL-US35 WB & EB rest areas. Development will be completed under PID 122866.", "County": "Gallia", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "GAL-US 35 Rest Areas TP", "Location": "GAL US35 WB & EB Rest Areas in Gallia County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114264, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-08-15", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 771876.25, "Description": "Construction of a shared use path along E. Main Street from Dela Palma to State Route 133.", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE SR 133 20.29 Shared Use Path", "Location": "E. Main Street: from Dela Palma to SR-133" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118864, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 741668.0, "Description": "Resurfacing project on state route 138 in Ross County.", "County": "Ross", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ROS-138-0.26", "Location": "ROS-138-0.26" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120693, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-08-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-29", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3263775.0, "Description": "Construct a roundabout at the intersection of SR 118 and Wren-Landeck Road.", "County": "Van Wert", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "VAN SR 118 5.15", "Location": "SR 118 and Wren-Landeck Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119494, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 768780.0, "Description": "Guardrail ding and dent repair contract (1 year contract for FY 2025)", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 6", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 GR FY25", "Location": "Various locations throughtout District Six" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118806, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-23", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 826500.0, "Description": "Reconstruction of High Street and paving Washington Street and Main Street through the Village of Lafayette with curbs, gutters and sidewalks. ", "County": "Allen", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "ALL Lafayette Improvements", "Location": "Main Street in the Village of Lafayette" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111356, "ProjectType": "Parks", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 830000.0, "Description": "ODNR project to resurface roads in Burr Oak State Park.", "County": "Morgan", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MRG Burr Oak SP FY27", "Location": "Burr Oak State Park" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121861, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-29", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1250000.0, "Description": "Streetscape, pedestrian facilities and related work along Fourth St from Market St to Canal St in the City of Zanesville.", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS MR 270 00.00", "Location": "Fourth St from Market St to Canal St in the City of Zanesville." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121195, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 931000.0, "Description": "Upgrade traffic signal locations across D11 that have passed their useful life and become deficient.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11-TSG-FY2031", "Location": "TUS 250 21.73; COL 62 13.26; COL 62 2.86; COL CR 447 3.39; HOL 39 28.25" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119563, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-04-10", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-09-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 698330.0, "Description": "Install median guardrail along IR-90 from approximately Bishop Road (SR-84) to IR-271 in the Cities of Wickliffe and Willoughby Hills. ", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK IR 090 00.90 Safety", "Location": "Wickliffe, Willoughby Hills; SR-84 to IR-271" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 93173, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-10-17", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 8431695.15, "Description": "Section improvement project to include widening to a 6 lane roadway and including resurfacing, raised medians, drainage, access relocations/closures, improve signal coordination.(Prelim Dev & DD under PID 20878, assoc PID's 76282 & 83018)", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA US 40 7.00", "Location": "Franklin Twp, Columbus. SLM 7.00-7.50 (Just E of Casino entrance to 750' W of Wilson Rd)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115933, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 960000.0, "Description": "Replace culvert type bridge carrying SR 151 over George's Run. In-stream work is required.", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF SR 151 14.27", "Location": "1.78 miles west of SR 7 interchange" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109271, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-28", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 581179.05, "Description": "Replacement of structure (SFN 4501632) located 0.35 miles northwest of SR 37/Jersey Mill Road intersection.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC SR 37 09.63", "Location": "0.35 miles northwest of SR 37/Jersey Mill Road intersection." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112832, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1129645.0, "Description": "General System Minor Rehabilitation; Fine graded polymer asphalt overlay of SR 9, including pavement repairs and pavement markings", "County": "Harrison", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HAS SR 9 1.310", "Location": "New Athens SCL to Cadiz SCL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114652, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-07-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4322750.0, "Description": "Project to replace and raise the pedestrian bridge over SR126 near Sycamore Middle School.", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM SR 126 19.50", "Location": "HAM SR 126 19.50" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114971, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1530328.73, "Description": "Resurfacing", "County": "Putnam", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PUT SR 65 9.59", "Location": "On SR 65 from the NCL of Ottawa to the Henry county line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120250, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4100000.0, "Description": "This project consists of design of improvements to reconfigure the intersections of Roberts Road with Frazell Road and Spindler Road to construct two compact urban roundabouts. This improvement includes the construction of a shared use path from Brookford", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-CR28-5.16 (Roberts/Spindler)", "Location": "City of Columbus, Roberts Rd, Spindler Rd, Frazell Rd " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119090, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-17", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-25", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2446786.0, "Description": "Replacement of E. Schaaf Road (CR-97-02.89) bridge over West Creek in Independence in Cuyahoga County.CEAO LBR Project for FY 2026", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Schaaf Road Bridge Replace", "Location": "Independence; E. Schaaf Rd Bridge over West Creek." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 86461, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-05", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1337717.0, "Description": "Construct a shared use path along Red Bank Road from Hetzel St to the intersection of Old Red Bank and Duck Creek Rd", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM Red Bank Shared Use Path", "Location": "From US 50 to existing IR 71 / Red Bank Road Interchange" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 110151, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2380000.0, "Description": "Paint bridge superstructure on various bridges in Montgomery County. Project also includes repair and spot painting at MOT-35-1607R.", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT BP FY26", "Location": "Various bridges including MOT-35-1607R, MOT-35-1654L, MOT-35-1672N, MOT-35-1690, MOT-35-1704, MOT-35-1827" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122833, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2650000.0, "Description": "Conversion of Sugar Ridge/Bender Road intersection to a roundabout. ", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR MR 4334 0.72 Roundabout", "Location": "Sugar Ridge/Bender Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115712, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1147175.0, "Description": "Replacement of Flat Sheet Signs in Knox County.", "County": "Knox", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "KNO Flat Sheet Signs 2024", "Location": "US and SR in Knox County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121084, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-11-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2800000.0, "Description": "FY29 D09 District Pavement Long Line Markings (B) project. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 9", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "D09 PM FY2029 (B)", "Location": "D09 District Pavement Long Line Markings (B)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113005, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 841030.0, "Description": "Rehabilitate bridge CLE SR 132 12.64 which carries SR 132 over Backbone Creek by replacing the expansion joints, painting the structural steel, overlaying the superstructure, and performing other related rehabilitation items.", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE SR 132 12.64", "Location": "CLE SR 132 12.64" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120199, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-07-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3571329.0, "Description": "Reconstruct a portion of Spring Street and update lighting", "County": "Auglaize", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "AUG Spring St. Reconstruction", "Location": "Spring Street from Main Street to the St. Mary's River in Auglaize County Ohio" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120900, "ProjectType": "Parks", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-26", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 235000.0, "Description": "Paving access road at Old Reid Park and Kirby Nature Preserve", "County": "Clark", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "CLA Old Reid Park Access Road", "Location": "Old Reid Park Access Road in Clark County Ohio" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120440, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2034-02-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2034-03-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Annual project for application of Fast Dry pavement markings in D-05 East in FY 2034", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 5", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "D05 PM FY2034 (A) Fast Dry East", "Location": "District wide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122511, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-07-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Guardrail and attenuator maintenance contract", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT/CLA GR Maint FY30", "Location": "Various routes Montgomery County and Clark County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119861, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1600000.0, "Description": "Slope Repair along SR 66 in Defiance County south of the Auglaize River.", "County": "Defiance", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "DEF SR 66 4.24", "Location": "From just north of Greenler Rd. to the existing retaining wall, south of the Auglaize River." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112702, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 580540.92, "Description": "Upgrade the existing guide, regulatory, and warning signs along mainline and the lead-in signing at the interchanges for US 36 and US 250 in Tuscarawas county.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS-36/250-15.52/12.79", "Location": "TUS-36-(15.52-17.63), TUS-250-(12.79-23.48)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 106540, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-02-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-05", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1466057.26, "Description": "Bridge replacement on County Route 9 (Grassy Fork Road) in Pike County.", "County": "Pike", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "PIK-CR9-5.29", "Location": "PIK CR 9 5.29 (SFN 6630839)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120384, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1812000.0, "Description": "A project to repair a landslide on US-6/20 at SLM 17.66, just East of the Sandusky River.", "County": "Sandusky", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "SAN US 6 17.66 Slide Repair", "Location": "US-6 from SLM 17.66 to SLM 17.88" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122899, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-06-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 456075.44, "Description": "Rehabilitation of the Arlington Blvd covered bridge over the Mahoning River in the Village of Newton Falls, Ohio. Includes painting, fire-retardant coating, installation of walkway eave troughs and eave troughs, replacement of floor planks, curbing and e", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU Newton Falls Covered Bridge", "Location": "Arlington Blvd over the Mahoning River" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115821, "ProjectType": "Pavement Treatments (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-12-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 576960.19, "Description": "Safety project on County Route 377 in Scioto County", "County": "Scioto", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "SCI CR 377 0.7 CEAO Safety", "Location": "SCI CR377 0.70-2.07" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119857, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-08-12", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Repair a slip along MED IR 0271 05.64 South bound on the northern embankment.", "County": "Medina", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "MED IR 0271 05.64", "Location": "MED IR 0271 05.64" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120959, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1650000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of ATB SR 307.", "County": "Ashtabula", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "ATB SR 0307 17.04", "Location": "ATB SR 307 from 17.040 to 20.63" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117540, "ProjectType": "Parks", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-06", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-04", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 173986.97, "Description": "ODNR project in Shawnee State Forest to include a culvert and bridge replacement project in the Scioto County park. SCI-1SF-0235 and SCI-6SF-1244", "County": "Scioto", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "SCI Shawnee SF Bridges FY25", "Location": "Shawnee State Forest, Various Locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96597, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2033-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2033-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1800000.0, "Description": "Repair bridge carrying SR 164 over mill creek.", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL SR 164 24.440", "Location": "0.21 miles North of SR 344" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121527, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-11-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1500000.0, "Description": "Repair and reconstruction of roadway embankment along SR 126 in Clermont County due to a landslide. ", "County": "Clermont", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "CLE SR 126 0.30", "Location": "CLE SR 126: SLM 0.3-0.5" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114159, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-10-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 518000.0, "Description": "Lighting project.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 10", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "D10 Lighting FY2027", "Location": "Various routes and sections in D10." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120720, "ProjectType": "Vegetative Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-10-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-03-01", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 2187709.0, "Description": "Tree clearing for the proposed Chesapeake Bypass (state Route 7) in Lawrence County.", "County": "Lawrence", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "LAW-7-2.17 Tree Clearing", "Location": "LAW-7-2.17 Tree Clearing" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118664, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 280400.0, "Description": "Guardrail on various county routes in Ross County.", "County": "Ross", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "ROS-CR VAR-GR FY28", "Location": "ROS CR VAR Guardrail" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105894, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Resurface River Road (SR-174) from the County Line to the North Corporation Line in the City of Willoughby Hills. ", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK SR 174 00.00", "Location": "Willoughby Hills; Cnty Ln to NCL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116446, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-06-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Systematic 2-lane sign replacements on various routes throughout District 4.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 SIGN FY2028 (Systematic)", "Location": "Districtwide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119414, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-02-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1585500.0, "Description": "Bridge replacement project on CR185-0.71 Cook Road (SFN 3938786) in Huron County.", "County": "Huron", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "HUR CR 0185 00.71 (Cook Rd)", "Location": "Approximately 400' approaches each end of the bridge " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 91607, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2033-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2033-10-31", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 4200000.0, "Description": "Replace bridge deck and paint structural steel of Left & Right structure carrying US 250 over Second St Extension T287. ", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS US 250 22.890", "Location": "0.77 miles east of Jct US 36" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107691, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 425000.0, "Description": "Replace SEN-23-0742 bridge over Branch of Wolf Creek; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Seneca", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "SEN US 23 7.42 Bridge Repl", "Location": "over Branch of Wolf Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111346, "ProjectType": "Parks", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 930000.0, "Description": "Maintenance resurfacing in Punderson State Park in Geauga County including roads, parking lots, and camp grounds. ", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA Punderson State Park", "Location": "Punderson State Park" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118503, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-02-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 600000.0, "Description": "WAS 550-12.17 Culvert Replacement CFN:1986969", "County": "Washington", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "WAS SR 550-12.17 ", "Location": "WAS 550-12.17 Culvert Replacement CFN:1986969" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119485, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-08-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 8000000.0, "Description": "Miscellaneous repairs to multiple structures in D-12. ", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 12", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "D12 BH FY2026 Misc", "Location": "Various routes & sections" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 104323, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4550000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing from east of SR-306 to east of Munson Rd in Mentor. ", "County": "Lake", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "LAK SR 002 07.68", "Location": "Mentor; E of SR-306 to E of Munson" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114906, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-01-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5135223.0, "Description": "Priority System Resurfacing project on I-71 in Franklin and Delaware County.Asphalt Overlay with pavement repairs, guardrail upgrades as needed and other miscellaneous work. Work is also performed on CD lanes.FRA-71-27.74-29.90 and DEL-71-0.00-1.61; IR-7", "County": "Delaware", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA/DEL-71-27.74/0.00", "Location": "Paving project on FRA/DEL-71 from from Shrock Rd to just North of Powell Road overpas" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118855, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1594331.21, "Description": "Resurfacing project on US route 62 in Highland County.", "County": "Highland", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "HIG-62-0.00", "Location": "HIG-62-0.00" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118975, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-18", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-05-17", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5000000.0, "Description": "District wide pavement marking and RPM contract in D8. Locations to be determined.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08-PM/RPM-FY2029", "Location": "Various locations in D8" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115751, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1914090.61, "Description": "FY25 Urban Paving in the City of Middletown on a portion of SR 122 (Roosevelt Blvd)", "County": "Butler", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "BUT SR 122 8.29", "Location": "BUT-122: SLM 8.29-9.64 (between University - Jackson)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107226, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2023-01-24", "EndConstructionDate": "2023-10-31", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 1184392.36, "Description": "Upgrade 6 signals and removal of 2 unwarranted signals on various routes within the Village of Poland. Includes upgrading curb ramps to ADA compliance.", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH Poland Signal Upgrade", "Location": "US 224 from N Main St to Riverside Dr and SR 170 from N Lima Rd to US 224" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121549, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-02-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-03-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2672894.0, "Description": "Priority System Resurfacing project on I-71 in Franklin County.Micro surfacing with pavement repairs, guardrail upgrades as needed and other miscellaneous work. FRA-71-5.29-9.74: IR-71 from SR665 to Stringtown Rd", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA IR 71 5.269", "Location": "FRA-71-5.29-9.74: IR-71 from SR665 to Stringtown Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 89288, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2040-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2040-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 7490152.16, "Description": "Resurfacing with related work.", "County": "Knox", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "KNO SR 205/SR 514 00.26/00.26", "Location": " SR 205: US 62 to SR 3, SR 514: US 62 to Holmes County Line" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117928, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-06-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 912705.98, "Description": "Install electric charging stations on I-77 in Tuscarawas county.", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS-I-77-C-NEVI", "Location": "I-77-C 83-103" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121379, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 785000.0, "Description": "Resurface Alexis Rd (SR 184) from I-75 to Suder Ave.", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC SR 184 9.9 Alexis Urb Pav", "Location": "Alexis Rd (SR 184) from I-75 to Suder Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121059, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-10-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3690000.0, "Description": "Chip Seal various routes within District 7", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 7", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "D07 CHIP FY30", "Location": "Various routes" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119711, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-10-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-03", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4694755.0, "Description": "Construct multi-use recreation trail ", "County": "Shelby", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "SHE Great Miami Riverway Trail", "Location": "Kuther Road following the Sidney Feeder Canal to the Village of Lockington in Shelby County Ohio" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117171, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 8850000.0, "Description": "PM resurfacing of mainline IR-271 from north of Mayfield Road to IR-90 in the Cities of Highland Hts. and Willoughby Hills and the Village of Mayfield.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY/LAK IR 271 13.61/00.00", "Location": "Highland Hts, Mayfield, Willoughby Hils; S of Wilson Mills to IR-90" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112831, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 845595.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Chip seal", "County": "Harrison", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HAS US 250 22.03", "Location": "US 250 from Cadiz ECL to Harrisville WCL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 84550, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1977000.0, "Description": "Two-Lane resurfacing project using an asphalt overlay treatment.", "County": "Monroe", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MOE SR 7 8.650", "Location": "Begin at the S Corp. Limit in Village of Woodsfiled." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115998, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-09-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 269227.63, "Description": "A GSM funded project to stabilize the slope on IR-475 in Wood County near the IR-75 Interchange (SLM 0.39).", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO IR 475 0.39 Slide Repair", "Location": "IR-475 in Wood County near the IR-75 interchange (SLM 0.39)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120125, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Jobs & Commerce)", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "This project is .34 miles in length to correct horizontal and vertical alignment. It will include widening the pavement, concrete curb, and storm drainage.", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL TID CR 430 Reconstruction", "Location": "St. Clair Township" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118871, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Cancelled", "CommittedCost": 791056.0, "Description": "Preventative Maintenance; Chip Seal", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS SR 93 3.45", "Location": "Sugarcreek NCL to US 250" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119874, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-12-30", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-26", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1986000.0, "Description": "Replace the Old Highland Road Bridge over Euclid Creek in the Euclid Creek Reservation in the Cleveland Metroparks in Cuyahoga County. Municipal Bridge Project. SFN 1890956.", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Old Highland Rd Bridge", "Location": "Metroparks: Old Highland Rd Bridge over Euclid Creek" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115646, "ProjectType": "Add Through Lane(s)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-10-20", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-09-24", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 25043422.19, "Description": "Columbus. SR16 (East Broad Street) from Outerbelt Street to Reynoldsburg-New Albany Road. Major widening from four to six lanes including intersection improvements. Work to include signal modifications at four locations, addition/extension of turn lanes a", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA SR 16 9.27", "Location": "Columbus. SR16 (East Broad Street) from Outerbelt Street to Reynoldsburg-New Albany Road." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107933, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 4259762.28, "Description": "Resurfacing with asphalt concrete.", "County": "Paulding", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "VAN/PAU US 127 12.415/0.00", "Location": "On US127 in Paulding County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117258, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-12-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-12-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2748989.32, "Description": "Install wrong way detection on several exit ramps throughout Districts Five and Six", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 Wrong Way Detection", "Location": "Various interchanges throughout District Six and Five" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116582, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3300000.0, "Description": "Replace bridge carrying SR 7 over Narrows Run with new structure. In stream work is required.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 7 4.82", "Location": "2.64 mi North of NCL Powhattan Point" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123322, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 500000.0, "Description": "Conduit repair to at two locations on the interstate system in Cuyahoga County. Correct defects in 15\" conduits located in the shoulder at two ramp locations. Work requires Maintenance of Traffic to close shoulder and lane to provide a safe work zone. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 071/090 18.50/12.31", "Location": "IR-71 under Buhrer Ped Bridge; IR-90 exit to SR-10" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121680, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-08-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 330000.0, "Description": "Replacement of existing sidewalk along Cadiz Rd. from Springdale Ave. to Canton Rd. (SR 43) in the Village of Wintersville. ", "County": "Jefferson", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "JEF Wintersville Sidewalk Improv", "Location": "Springdale Ave. to Canton Rd. (SR 43)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118624, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-10-15", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4020513.0, "Description": "Resurfacing with related work on US 33 in Fairfield County", "County": "Fairfield", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "FAI US 33 07.67", "Location": "Fai-33: Southern abutments to FAI-33-8.07 L/R to 0.71 mile E of CR 35 (Hamburg Rd) overpaass" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114692, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-18", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-05-17", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4900000.0, "Description": "District wide pavement marking and RPM contract in D8. Locations to be determined.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08-PM/RPM-FY2028", "Location": "Various locations in D8" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96574, "ProjectType": "New Building/ Facility", "EndConstructionDate": "2019-04-16", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 17271345.0, "Description": "Construct a new maintenance facility located west of IR-77, just south of Pershing Avenue in the City of Cleveland that will eventually merge Cleveland and Independence yards. Selling as Multi Prime delivery. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "FACD12 Cleveland FSMF", "Location": "N/A" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118737, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-12", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-11-10", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 72989.65, "Description": "It is proposed, using CEAO Safety Funds, to install new raised pavement markings on various county routes within Scioto County. ", "County": "Scioto", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "SCI-CR VAR-RPM FY24", "Location": "Scioto County Raised Pavement Marking Project" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114403, "ProjectType": "Bridge / Culvert Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1889000.0, "Description": "Sealing bridge deck throughout District 11", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 11", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "D11-DS-FY2027", "Location": "Bridge Deck Sealing throughout District 11" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116797, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 700000.0, "Description": "Resurface Ravenna Rd (SR-44) from Mayfield Rd (US-322) to the Chardon SCL in Munson Twp. ", "County": "Geauga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "GEA SR 044 13.17", "Location": "Munson Twp; US-322 to Chardon SCL" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115000, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1000000.0, "Description": "Traffic Signal Upgrades at: ERI 250 & SR 13; SR 113S, HUR 61 & SR 601.", "County": "Erie", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "ERI / HUR TSG FY2026", "Location": "ERI 250 & SR 13; SR 113S, HUR 61 & SR 601" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119958, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-02-08", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-03-15", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1700000.0, "Description": "Widening and partial reconstruction of Beaver Valley Road between Dayton-Xenia Road and Hazel Drive, including curb and storm sewer. Project also includes an 8' wide sidewalk along the east side of the roadway.", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE CR 7 0.00 Beaver Valley Road", "Location": "Beaver Valley Road: from Dayton-Xenia Road to Hazel Drive" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 105274, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2275920.0, "Description": "General System Minor Rehabilitation; Asphalt resurfacing of SR 9 in Harrison County, including pavement repairs and pavement markings", "County": "Harrison", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "HAS SR 9 17.220", "Location": "HAS-9 from SR 151 to SR 646" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108619, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-08-06", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 5538742.88, "Description": "Project to improve the operation and safety of the interchange of Interstate 75 and State Route 725. The preferred alternative will be determined through the design process. The project will also include pedestrian improvements.", "County": "Montgomery", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MOT SR 725 14.41", "Location": "MOT SR 725 SLM 14.41 to 15.00" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112705, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-12-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-05-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 710250.61, "Description": "Line culvert at FRA-70-7.38 carrying Derrer Ditch just east of IR 270 (West).", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FRA-70-7.38", "Location": "FRA-70-7.38 at Derrer Ditch just east of IR 270 (West)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117045, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 9913851.0, "Description": "Major 2 Funded ProjectFull Depth Reclamation RIC SR 0095 04.48 to 11.25 drainage and minor bridge work ", "County": "Richland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "RIC SR 0095 04.84", "Location": "RIC SR 0095 04.48 to 11.25" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114956, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 769176.13, "Description": "MER-49-2289 - Remove existing asphalt wearing surface. Place new waterproofing and new asphalt wearing surface.MER-219-0983 - Remove existing asphalt wearing surface. Place new waterproofing and new asphalt wearing surface. Replace abutment joints. Pier d", "County": "Mercer", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "MER BH FY25", "Location": "MER-219-9.83 - SFN 5403189, MER-716-0.15 - SFN 5404207, MER-49-2289 - SFN 5401003" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120110, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-08-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1802144.0, "Description": "Install restricted crossing U-turn on US Route 32 around the state Route 220 intersection in Pike County across from Shuster Road.Earmark: OH043", "County": "Pike", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "PIK-32-18.58 RCUT", "Location": "PIK-32-18.58" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120288, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 995980.27, "Description": "Removal and replacement of asphalt pavement on Longbrook and Yorktown Road with concrete pavement.", "County": "Lorain", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "LOR MR 0879 0.196 Longbrook", "Location": "Longbrook Road from Yorktown to Kolbe. Yorktown Road from Oak Point to Longbrook Road." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101046, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 5155000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing IR 680 in Mahoning County with minor bridge work to four structures. ", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH IR 0680 12.12", "Location": "MAH IR 680 from 12.12 to 16.43" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118779, "ProjectType": "Geologic Maintenance / Slide Repair", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-06-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 726544.57, "Description": "Slope stabilization project on route 775 in Lawrence County", "County": "Lawrence", "OdotDistrict": 9, "ProjectName": "LAW 775-19.50", "Location": "LAW 775-19.350" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111546, "ProjectType": "Bike Facility", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-19", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-15", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2048942.0, "Description": "Project in City of Toledo to resurface Byrne Rd from Heatherdowns Blvd to Detroit Ave (US 24). Includes spot pavement repairs, associated pedestrian ramp upgrades. The number of traveling lanes will be reduced to 3 and markings for bike lanes will be adde", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC CR 501 0.00 Byrne Bike Lanes", "Location": "Byrne Rd between Heatherdowns Blvd and Detroit Ave (US 24)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113037, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3000001.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of SUM SR 261, urban paving in the cities of Akron and Norton. ", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM SR 261 0.00/6.25", "Location": "SUM SR 261 from 0.00 to 5.64 and 6.25 to 8.11" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122412, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-08-09", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-29", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1684210.53, "Description": "Resurfacing and related work along Eighth Street Road, Wills Creek Valley Drive and Edgeworth Avenue in the City of Cambridge.", "County": "Guernsey", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "GUE CR 33/TR 3644/MR 118 VAR ", "Location": "8th Street to Edgeworth Avenue; Edgeworth Avenue to Old Twenty One Rd; Will Creek Vallley Drive to Deerpath Dr." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 95459, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 12714343.75, "Description": "PART 1 - Resurfacing with related work on SR 208 in Muskingum County and within Village of Dresden (SLM 0.00-3.32). 12\" Full depth reclamation (SLM 3.32-11.05). Replacement of existing guardrail along route.PART 2 - Replacement of three structures (SLM 3.", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS SR 208 00.00", "Location": "Mus 208: From SR 60 intersect. to SR 93 Intersect." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 96559, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-06-02", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-09-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 450000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing SUM SR 261 from 17.09 to 18.41 urban paving in the City of Tallmadge.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM SR 0261 17.09", "Location": "Resurfacing SUM SR 261 from 17.09 to 18.41." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112501, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 4095000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing various routes in Auglaize County with asphalt concrete. SR 66 - G126-50SR 274 - G125-60 (0.00 to 3.17)SR 274 - G126-50Repair settlement on SR 364 - 11.57 - 11.65 using high density polyurethane foam injection.", "County": "Auglaize", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "AUG PAVE FY28", "Location": "SR 66, SLM 13.02 to 22.39; SR 274, SLM 0.00 to 3.170; SR 364 11.57 to 11.65" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114277, "ProjectType": "Vegetative Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-03-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 923740.0, "Description": "District 8 mowing contract. Includes mowing interstates and interstate look-alikes in Butler, Clermont, and Hamilton Counties.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 8", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "D08 Mowing FY2028 (A)", "Location": "District 8" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122347, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 3700000.0, "Description": "Project in City of Northwood to construct a modern roundabout at the existing signalized intersection of Woodville Rd (SR 51) and Lemoyne Rd, including necessary related scope elements.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO SR 51 4.04 Northwood Rbt", "Location": "Intersection of Woodville Rd (SR 51) and Lemoyne Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118731, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2275561.68, "Description": "Replace superstructure of SFN 7839804 S Main Ave bridge over the Mahoning River in the City of Warren.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU S Main Ave (Warren)", "Location": "S Main Ave bridge over the Mahoning River in the City of Warren" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115432, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1300000.0, "Description": "Replacement of superstructure for KNO SR 514 4.97 (SFN 4203119). Replace box beams. Change abutments to the new box beam integral design. Upgrade bridge railing. New approach slabs.", "County": "Knox", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "KNO SR 514 04.92", "Location": "4 miles northeast of Village of Danville" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117949, "ProjectType": "Guardrail / Roadside Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-09-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2000000.0, "Description": "Guardrail maintenance and repair on various routes throughout District Four.", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 4", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "D04 GR FY2029 (WO)", "Location": "Districtwide" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117895, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 859625.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of CR 190 (Applegrove St NW) between Pittsburg Ave (Corp Limit) and N Main St, in the City of North Canton, Stark County, Ohio. Includes full and partial depth repairs, catch basins, manholes, sidewalks, ADA curb ramps, curb and gutter repair", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA Applegrove St (North Canton)", "Location": "Pittsburg Ave (Corp Limit) and N Main St" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117712, "ProjectType": "Interchange Expansion", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-09-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 17900000.0, "Description": "A project to replace current at-grade intersection on US 24 at CR 17D in Henry County with a new diamond interchange. See PID 110866 for feasibility study.", "County": "Henry", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "HEN US 24 0.43 CR-17D Interchng", "Location": "US 24 at the intersection of CR-17D" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117150, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-13", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 911000.0, "Description": "Safety-funded project along SR-51 to add sidewalk and install an enhanced crossing with PHB and refuge median island. Includes minor drainage changes, ADA curb ramps, curbs, raised curb median, and other necessary scope items.", "County": "Wood", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WOO SR51 3.2 Woodvlle Rd Ped Imp", "Location": "SR-51 (Woodville Rd) from SR-579 (Williston Rd) to Mason St." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119383, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-07-02", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6500000.0, "Description": "Replacement of the concrete median barrier on IR-480 from the Lorain County Line to Great Northern Boulevard (SR-252) in the City of North Olmsted. Work includes lighting replacement and drainage repairs. ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY IR 480 00.00 Barrier", "Location": "North Olmsted; Cnty Ln to SR-252" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122137, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-09-06", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-06-06", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 3139812.5, "Description": "Replace Bridge (SFN (2930331) along CR 69 over the Caesars Creek", "County": "Greene", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "GRE CR 69 Bridge replacement", "Location": "various" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111646, "ProjectType": "Roadside / Median Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 313281.0, "Description": "Guardrail upgrade/replacement on various routes.", "County": "Tuscarawas", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "TUS VAR GR Phase 7", "Location": "CR 56 from CR 22 to CR 24; CR 58 from CR 59 to CR 24" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116679, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2355267.23, "Description": "Resurfacing with asphalt concrete", "County": "Paulding", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PAU SR 500 0.00/6.08", "Location": "On SR 500 in Paulding County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117867, "ProjectType": "Lighting (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-11-04", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-30", "Status": "Construction", "CommittedCost": 640437.45, "Description": "To provide highway lighting along SR 170 business corridor in the community of Calcutta in Columbiana County.", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL SR 170 0.13", "Location": "Begin at the intersection of SR 170 and TR 928/CR 424 (SLM 0.19) to the intersection of SR 170 and CR 430 (SLM 1.66)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 82949, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 60000.0, "Description": "Emergency repair to the rehabed West 3rd Street lift bridge", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY West 3rd STREET", "Location": "Cleveland; Over the Cuyahoga River" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 111258, "ProjectType": "Parks", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2692819.55, "Description": "ODNR Division of Parks & Recreation resurfacing project in ATB Geneva State Park parking lot branch ID 29, 34, 64-71 and 105-117 (Part 1) and TRU Mosquito State Park resurfacing Road R01 (Part 2), and F-1 and Marina parking lots (Part 3).", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "ATB/TRU Geneva/Mosquito FY2026", "Location": "ATB Geneva State Park and TRU Mosquito State Park" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112026, "ProjectType": "Roadway Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 23119263.98, "Description": "Reconstruct SR 59 (E Main St) from Willow St to Horning Rd. Includes installing raised median, replacing two signalized intersections with roundabouts, install bus pull-offs, upgrade lighting, replace sidewalks, and install new storm and sanitary sewers ", "County": "Portage", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "POR SR 0059 02.14 (E Main St)", "Location": "Willow St to Horning Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122951, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-30", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2049044.87, "Description": "Type 3 emergency repairs to the Daniel Carter Beard bridge and approach bridges. Work that is not required in order to reopen I 471 SB traffic but is required to repair the structure to condition prior to the fire.Associated with PID 122820 (and DDIR/DSR)", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 471 0.00 Type 3 ER", "Location": "HAM-471-0.00" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119291, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-13", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 820000.0, "Description": "Replace existing structurally deficient bridge (SFN 7032285) on CR146 (Marion Ave Road) over the Clear Fork Mohican River in Richland County. (CEAO Bridge Formula Program)", "County": "Richland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "RIC CR0146 00.04 (Marion Ave Rd)", "Location": "120 feet north and south of the proposed bridge abutments" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114975, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2031-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2031-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1170730.68, "Description": "Resurface with asphalt concrete.", "County": "Defiance", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "DEF SR 111 0.00", "Location": "On SR 111 in Defiance county" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116867, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-12-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1422390.0, "Description": "Replace 280 ft pedestrian bridge over Mahoning River in Packard Park in the City of Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU Packard Park Bridge Repl.", "Location": "Packard Park Bridge over Mahoning River" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 107782, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 5774633.68, "Description": "Resurfacing - Urban Paving City of NorwalkHUR-250-00.75 (N. Corp Limit) to 05.11 (S. Corp Limit)HUR-061-16.96 (S. Corp Limit) to 17.35 (Suspend) HUR-061-18.246(Resume) to 20.56 HUR-061C-00.00 (Begin of US 20)to 00.72 (End at SR 61)", "County": "Huron", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "HUR US 0250/0061 00.75/VAR", "Location": "HUR-250-00.75 to 05.11 / HUR-061-16.96 to 17.35 / HUR-061-18.246 to 20.56 / HUR-061C-00.00 to 00.72" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119207, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 6953572.72, "Description": "Resurfacing project on US 35 and SR 753 in Fayette County.FAY-753-12.782 to 14.45 and FAY-35-7.511 to 11.971Resurfacing project that includes some pavement repairs, guardrail upgrades as needed and other miscellaneous items.", "County": "Fayette", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "FAY-35/753-7.511/12.782", "Location": "FAY-35/753-7.511/12.782 to 11.971/13.11" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 108556, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2035-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2035-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1080000.0, "Description": "Repair twin structures carrying SR 14F over Mid Fork Little Beaver Creek by removing the existing wearing surface and placing a new rigid overlay. Project will also replace slab edges, upgrade bridge railing and encase pier piling.", "County": "Columbiana", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "COL SR 14T 0.540", "Location": "1 mile west of SR 14T & US 62 interchange." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119902, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 900000.0, "Description": "Install electric vehicle charging stations on US 30. ", "County": "Richland", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "RIC US-30-B-NEVI-RD2", "Location": "US 30 RIC 7.011 - 16.036" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114929, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2250000.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of ATB US 20.", "County": "Ashtabula", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "ATB US 0020 06.86/13.05", "Location": "ATB US 20 from 6.860 to 11.069 and 13.049 to 14.883." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118716, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-09-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 411870.0, "Description": "Resurfacing of Hoover Trail in North Canton.", "County": "Stark", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "STA Hoover Trail", "Location": "Hoover Trail between Marquardt Ave and Market Ave" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122162, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 328200.0, "Description": "Installation and replacement of sidewalks and related work in the City of Mount Vernon.", "County": "Knox", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "KNO SR 586 13.48 SRTS", "Location": "SRTS - S Division Street and Martinsburg (SR 586)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119158, "ProjectType": "Pavement Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-12-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2102066.8, "Description": "Microsurfacing on US 24 from SLM 3.47 to 14.79 in Defiance County.", "County": "Defiance", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "DEF US 24 3.47", "Location": "US 24 from SLM 3.47 to 14.79 in Defiance County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121287, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-04-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-11-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2187500.0, "Description": "Install roundabout at the intersection of Killian Rd (CR 135) and Pickle Rd (CR 70) in Springfield Township, Summit County, Ohio. Includes reprofiling the eastern approach to improve sight distance, curb ramps, sidewalks, ADA curb ramps, signage, strippi", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM CR 0135 02.60 (Killian Rd)", "Location": "Intersection of Killian Rd and Pickle Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116868, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-12-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2070000.0, "Description": "Construct 10' wide asphalt pedestrian and bicycle trail between the Springdale Rd and Barlow Rd in the cities of Stow and Hudson.", "County": "Summit", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "SUM Veterans Rails to Trails", "Location": "Springdale Rd to Barlow Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113197, "ProjectType": "Pedestrian Facilities", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2024-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1518722.6, "Description": "Improve pedestrian/passenger access at the Van Aken District (VAD) GCRTA station area by adding pedestrian connections from the station to surrounding neighborhoods and for bus riders to access the rapid transit station all in the City of Shaker Heights i", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Shaker Hts VAD Ped Improve", "Location": "Shaker Hts; Warrensville/Van Aken Rapid Station" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119037, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-30", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 896100.0, "Description": "MOE-TR2214-0.06 Bridge Replacement SFN: 5631114", "County": "Monroe", "OdotDistrict": 10, "ProjectName": "MOE TR 2214 0.06", "Location": "Begins at TR 2214-0.06" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 123198, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-02", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 850000.0, "Description": "Overlay bridge deck", "County": "Clark", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "CLA-68-10.17", "Location": "Clark US 68 10.17 SFN 1202979" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116794, "ProjectType": "Vegetative Maintenance", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 225000.0, "Description": "1 YEAR Mowing contract3 Mowings & 1 mowback per yearMED-071-00.00 - 12.68 / MED-076-00.00 - 11.76 MED-271-00.00 - 06.58 / MED-042-02.78 - 06.91 MED-224-10.45 - 15.97", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 MOW FY2027 (B)", "Location": "1 YEAR Mowing contract Medina County" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 109036, "ProjectType": "Traffic Control (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 441216.0, "Description": "District Wide Systematic Sign ReplacementCRA US 0030 07.28-07.29, 10.01-22.208LOR SR 0057 16.17-19.42RIC US 0030 00.00-4.260RIC IR 0071 10.298 (NB)WAY US 0030 11.744 (WB)", "County": "Multiple Counties in District 3", "OdotDistrict": 3, "ProjectName": "D03 SYSSIGN FY2025", "Location": "Various Routes in District 3" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116701, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-01-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-01-04", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2943048.0, "Description": "Pavement Preventative Maintenance Project in FRA, MAR and PIC counties.Resurfacing project with minor pavement repairs, minor bridge work and upgrade guardrail as needed.", "County": "Franklin", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "D06 PPM FY28", "Location": "Various routes throughout Franklin, Marion and Pickaway counties. " } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119735, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-11-01", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 1945832.0, "Description": "Replacement of the Kingsview Drive bridge (SFN 8360235) in the City of Lebanon.", "County": "Warren", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "WAR Kingsview Dr Bridge Replace", "Location": "Kingsview Drive bridge (SFN 8360235), immediately SW of Turtlecreek Road" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101768, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2033-04-15", "EndConstructionDate": "2033-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1900000.0, "Description": "Replace existing deck slab on bridge carrying SR 39 over Riley Run.", "County": "Carroll", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "CAR SR 39 28.000", "Location": "1.45 miles west of Salienville" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115394, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-05-05", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-08-29", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 622359.05, "Description": "The proposed project will replace the existing structurally deficient concrete beam bridge located on West Court Street between North High Street and North Russell Street In the City of Urbana with a new precast, circular reinforced concrete pipe; surfac", "County": "Champaign", "OdotDistrict": 7, "ProjectName": "CHP Court St. Bridge", "Location": "West Court Street Bridge in Urbana SFN 1160274" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117676, "ProjectType": "Roadway Major Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-05-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-11-05", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 5853855.0, "Description": "Pavement reconstruction and addition of a Cycle Track on Summit St from New York Ave to Manhattan Blvd. Project includes new curbs, drive aprons, and sidewalk. Also included is a road diet from four lanes to three, and the fourth lane would become a Cycle", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC CR1980 10.0 Summit Recon Ph2", "Location": "Summit St from New York Ave to Manhattan Blvd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 120824, "ProjectType": "Intersection Improvement (Safety)", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-08-30", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1293875.0, "Description": "Project in City of Sylvania to convert the signalized, three-leg intersection of Brint Rd & Harroun Rd, to a single-lane modern roundabout. ", "County": "Lucas", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "LUC Brint and Harroun Roundabout", "Location": "Intersection of Brint Rd & Harroun Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101273, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2032-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2032-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1005750.0, "Description": "Resurfacing in Williams County along US 127; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Williams", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "WIL 127 15.05 Resurfacing", "Location": "US127 13.95-20.25" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101716, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-10-16", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 7562357.0, "Description": "Resurfacing with related work.", "County": "Licking", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "LIC/MUS SR 16 23.63/00.00", "Location": "SR 16 from E. Corp. Limit of Newark to W. end of Mus-16-0033 BR" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 101278, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2030-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-07-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 1246000.0, "Description": "Chip seal various routes in District 2; perform necessary related work.", "County": "Seneca", "OdotDistrict": 2, "ProjectName": "D02 CHIP FY2030", "Location": "SEN 101 8.18-14.82" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122968, "ProjectType": "Shared Use Path", "BeginConstructionDate": "2029-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2029-07-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 2064682.0, "Description": "Construct a new shared-use path within the existing tree lawn along Brecksville Road (SR-21) from Miller Rd to Valley Pkwy in the City of Brecksville in Cuyahoga County. Includes construction of a new bus shelter at Valor Acres to provide connectivity to ", "County": "Cuyahoga", "OdotDistrict": 12, "ProjectName": "CUY Brecksville Road Path", "Location": "Brecksville: Miller Rd to Valley Pkwy." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 118948, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-04-07", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-09-26", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2726194.83, "Description": "Resurfacing TRU SR 11with minor bridge work on three structures.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU SR 0011 09.97", "Location": "TRU SR 11 from 9.97 to 12.62" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 112374, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1436000.0, "Description": "Repair existing corrugated metal pipe structure carrying SR 149 over an unnamed tributary of McMahon Creek, with a structural liner.", "County": "Belmont", "OdotDistrict": 11, "ProjectName": "BEL SR 149 2.11", "Location": "0.3 miles East of TR 311 (Patterson Hill Rd)" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 113757, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-07-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2400000.0, "Description": "Bridge deck replacement on SFN 5002109 MAH-422-0313.", "County": "Mahoning", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "MAH US 0422 03.13", "Location": "MAH-422-3.13" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 115927, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2034-04-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2034-11-01", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 600000.0, "Description": "Replacement of MUS US 22 1803 (SFN 6000576)", "County": "Muskingum", "OdotDistrict": 5, "ProjectName": "MUS US 22 18.00", "Location": "600 feet west of US 22/40 and Airport Road intersection" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 116649, "ProjectType": "Bridge Expansion", "BeginConstructionDate": "2024-07-08", "EndConstructionDate": "2030-11-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 2296908011.0, "Description": "The construction of the Brent Spence Bridge Corridor Project?including the companion bridge?from just south of Dixie Highway interchange in Kentucky north to Linn St. in Ohio. Project will be delivered via a progressive design-build procurement led by OD", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "Brent Spence Bridge Corridor", "Location": "South of Dixie Highway interchange in Kentucky north to Linn St. in Ohio" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 117435, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2027-06-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2027-12-01", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 762107.3, "Description": "Resurfacing of Austintown-Warren Rd in Weathersfield and Warren Townships.", "County": "Trumbull", "OdotDistrict": 4, "ProjectName": "TRU CR 67 4.38 Austintown-Warren", "Location": "Salt Springs Rd to Burnett East Rd" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 119866, "ProjectType": "Culvert Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-07-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "In Development", "CommittedCost": 1031258.0, "Description": "Reconstruct and raise profile of roadway. Extend existing 60\" Twin culverts.", "County": "Putnam", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "PUT SR 190 5.71", "Location": "Along SR 190 in Putnam County at Mile Marker 5.72" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 122869, "ProjectType": "Other Building / Facility Work", "BeginConstructionDate": "2026-05-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2026-10-31", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 9800000.0, "Description": "Construction of truck parking at ALL-US 30 EB and WB Rest Areas. Development will be completed under PID 122863.", "County": "Allen", "OdotDistrict": 1, "ProjectName": "ALL-US 30 Rest Areas TP", "Location": "US 30 EB and WB Rest Area in Allen County." } }, { "Project": { "PID": 121262, "ProjectType": "Roadway Minor Rehab", "BeginConstructionDate": "2028-02-03", "EndConstructionDate": "2028-03-03", "Status": "Proposed", "CommittedCost": 678628.0, "Description": "DEL 36 Resurfacing Project", "County": "Delaware", "OdotDistrict": 6, "ProjectName": "DEL US 36 18.22", "Location": "Various Locations" } }, { "Project": { "PID": 114650, "ProjectType": "Bridge Preservation", "BeginConstructionDate": "2025-03-01", "EndConstructionDate": "2025-10-31", "Status": "Pre-Construction", "CommittedCost": 2979934.75, "Description": "Paint bridge HAM-74-0838L/R which carries I-74 over Great Miami River and repair steel for HAM-74-0911L which carries WB I-74 over Wesselman Rd and Taylor Creek", "County": "Hamilton", "OdotDistrict": 8, "ProjectName": "HAM IR 74 8.38/9.11", "Location"