ftp.dot.state.oh.us - /pub/contracts/Attach/MIA-103159/Reference Files/Existing Plans/
[To Parent Directory]
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 330715 198910 MIA-C.R. 25A Water Line Extension.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 1321230 199205 Meijer Offsite Improvements.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 517404 200007 MIA-C.R. 25A-7.789 RW.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 1012204 200012 MIA-C.R. 25A-2.73.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 927362 201101 MIA-75-3.95.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 532556 201202 MIA-75-3.95.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 2097037 201403 Resurfacing.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 165614 201407 MIA-C.R. 25A Sanitary Sewer Extension.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM <dir> 39109C0255E
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 962028 FEMA FIRM 39109C0255E.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 3049400 Floral Acres Aerial.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 3049400 Floral Acres Aerial2.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 1561354 Meijer DC800 2 of 2.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM <dir> MIA Tipp City 25A Reconstruction Ph. 1 & 2
3/31/2021 2:08 PM <dir> MIA-75-4.29
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 2971072 Plat - Meijer DC 800 Section Two.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 2101443 Plat 18 144 Northgate Commerce Center_SOUTH.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 1551738 Plat 20 116 Replat of Northgate Commerce Center_SOUTH.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 4512756 Plat 20 137 - Kinna Drive Dedication_SOUTH.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 1269755 Plat 21 178 - Inlot 2392_WEST.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 1801136 Plat 21 52 - Kinna Drive Replat_SOUTH.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 4242187 Plat 22 53 - Northgate Commerce Center Section Two_SOUTH.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 4285057 Plat 22 54 - Northgate Commerce Center Section Three_SOUTH.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 1786453 Plat 22 73 - Northgate Commerce Center Replat_SOUTH.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 4179794 Plat 23 88 - Interstate Crossings Business Park.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 1786742 Plat 25 84 - Northgate Commerce Center_SOUTH.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 1735745 Plat 25 85 - Northgate Commerce Center_SOUTH.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 2261902 Plat 44 1 - Floral Acres Subdivision.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 6629698 Signal Plans_25A-Meijer&KC.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 1379060 Tax Map NW Index.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 1185856 Tax Map NW Plat 46.pdf
3/31/2021 2:08 PM 1044685 Tax Map NW Plat 47.pdf